# test 7 Same as test6, except needs a change to knitr as of October 2013 (ie. 1.5 is not good enough). [This commit is needed](https://github.com/yihui/knitr/pull/633). This file can be loaded into whatever editor you like to use for knitr. I use [vim-r-plugin](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628), but perhaps ESS or Rstudio can also work. After some set-up in the first block. ghc is called for the second code block. ```{r engine='R'} library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(engine='haskell', engine.path='ghc', engine.opts='-e ":set -XQuasiQuotes" -e "import RlangQQ"') ``` ```{r} let fibs = 0.0:1: zipWith (+) fibs (drop 1 fibs) [r| png('test6_fig1.png') plot(1:20, $(take 20 fibs)) dev.off() |] ``` ```{r} do let x = 1 print(1+x) print(2+x) ``` ![test6 caption here](test6_fig1.png) ## limitations * each block is a separate session. You would have to manually save/load variables defined in the previous chunk to make things work as they do for R. * code is interpreted, not compiled * graphical output from haskell chunks has to be manually included ## raw code See [here](test7.Rmd.html)