#include "SDL.h" #ifdef main #undef main #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.UI.SDL.Joystick -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : lemmih@gmail.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.UI.SDL.Joystick ( countAvailable , tryName , name , tryOpen , open , opened , index , axesAvailable , ballsAvailable , hatsAvailable , buttonsAvailable , update , getAxis , getHat , getButton , getBall , close ) where import Foreign (Int16, Word8, Ptr, FunPtr, Storable(peek), unsafePerformIO, finalizeForeignPtr, toBool, maybePeek, alloca, withForeignPtr, newForeignPtr) import Foreign.C (peekCString, CString) import Graphics.UI.SDL.General (unwrapMaybe) import Graphics.UI.SDL.Utilities (fromBitmask) import Graphics.UI.SDL.Types (Hat, Joystick, JoystickStruct) type JoystickIndex = Int --int SDL_NumJoysticks(void); -- | Counts the number of joysticks attached to the system. foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_NumJoysticks" countAvailable :: IO Int -- const char *SDL_JoystickName(int index); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickName" sdlJoystickName :: JoystickIndex -> IO CString -- | Gets joystick name. Returns @Nothing@ on error. tryName :: JoystickIndex -> IO (Maybe String) tryName idx = sdlJoystickName idx >>= maybePeek peekCString -- | Gets joystick name. Throws an exception on error. name :: JoystickIndex -> IO String name = unwrapMaybe "SDL_JoystickName" . tryName -- SDL_Joystick *SDL_JoystickOpen(int index); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickOpen" sdlJoystickOpen :: JoystickIndex -> IO (Ptr JoystickStruct) -- | Opens a joystick for use. Returns @Nothing@ on error. tryOpen :: JoystickIndex -> IO (Maybe Joystick) tryOpen idx = sdlJoystickOpen idx >>= maybePeek mkFinalizedJoystick -- | Opens a joystick for use. Throws an exception on error. open :: JoystickIndex -> IO Joystick open = unwrapMaybe "SDL_JoystickOpen" . tryOpen -- int SDL_JoystickOpened(int index); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickOpened" sdlJoystickOpened :: JoystickIndex -> IO Int -- | Determines if a joystick has been opened. opened :: JoystickIndex -> IO Bool opened = fmap toBool . sdlJoystickOpened -- int SDL_JoystickIndex(SDL_Joystick *joystick); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickIndex" sdlJoystickIndex :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> JoystickIndex -- | Gets the index of an @Joystick@. index :: Joystick -> JoystickIndex index joystick = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr joystick $ return . sdlJoystickIndex -- int SDL_JoystickNumAxes(SDL_Joystick *joystick); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickNumAxes" sdlJoystickNumAxes :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -- | Gets the number of joystick axes. axesAvailable :: Joystick -> Int axesAvailable joystick = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr joystick $ return . sdlJoystickNumAxes -- int SDL_JoystickNumBalls(SDL_Joystick *joystick); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickNumBalls" sdlJoystickNumBalls :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -- | Gets the number of joystick trackballs. ballsAvailable :: Joystick -> Int ballsAvailable joystick = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr joystick $ return . sdlJoystickNumBalls -- int SDL_JoystickNumHats(SDL_Joystick *joystick); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickNumHats" sdlJoystickNumHats :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -- | Gets the number of joystick hats. hatsAvailable :: Joystick -> Int hatsAvailable joystick = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr joystick $ return . sdlJoystickNumHats -- int SDL_JoystickNumButtons(SDL_Joystick *joystick); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickNumButtons" sdlJoystickNumButtons :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -- | Gets the number of joystick buttons. buttonsAvailable :: Joystick -> Int buttonsAvailable joystick = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr joystick $ return . sdlJoystickNumButtons -- void SDL_JoystickUpdate(void); -- | Updates the state of all joysticks. foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickUpdate" update :: IO () -- Sint16 SDL_JoystickGetAxis(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int axis); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickGetAxis" joystickGetAxis :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -> IO Int16 -- | Gets the current state of an axis. getAxis :: Joystick -> Word8 -> IO Int16 getAxis joystick axis = withForeignPtr joystick $ \ptr -> joystickGetAxis ptr (fromIntegral axis) -- Uint8 SDL_JoystickGetHat(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int hat); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickGetHat" joystickGetHat :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -> IO Word8 -- | Gets the current state of a joystick hat. getHat :: Joystick -> Word8 -> IO [Hat] getHat joystick axis = withForeignPtr joystick $ \ptr -> fmap (fromBitmask.fromIntegral) (joystickGetHat ptr (fromIntegral axis)) -- Uint8 SDL_JoystickGetButton(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int button); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickGetButton" joystickGetButton :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -> IO Word8 -- | Gets the current state of a given button on a given joystick. getButton :: Joystick -> Word8 -> IO Bool getButton joystick button = withForeignPtr joystick $ \ptr -> fmap toBool (joystickGetButton ptr (fromIntegral button)) -- int SDL_JoystickGetBall(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int ball, int *dx, int *dy); foreign import ccall unsafe "SDL_JoystickGetBall" joystickGetBall :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> Int -> Ptr Int -> Ptr Int -> IO Int -- | Gets relative trackball motion. getBall :: Joystick -> Word8 -> IO (Maybe (Int16,Int16)) getBall joystick ball = withForeignPtr joystick $ \ptr -> alloca $ \xrelPtr -> alloca $ \yrelPtr -> do ret <- joystickGetBall ptr (fromIntegral ball) xrelPtr yrelPtr case ret of 0 -> do [xrel,yrel] <- mapM (fmap fromIntegral . peek) [xrelPtr,yrelPtr] return $! Just (xrel,yrel) _ -> return Nothing -- | Force finalization of a previous opened @Joystick@. Only supported with GHC. close :: Joystick -> IO () close = #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) finalizeForeignPtr #else const (return ()) #endif -- void SDL_JoystickClose(SDL_Joystick *joystick); foreign import ccall unsafe "&SDL_JoystickClose" sdlCloseJoystickFinal :: FunPtr (Ptr JoystickStruct -> IO ()) mkFinalizedJoystick :: Ptr JoystickStruct -> IO Joystick mkFinalizedJoystick = newForeignPtr sdlCloseJoystickFinal