-- |
-- Module      :  STM32.STLinkUSB.CortexM
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marc Fontaine 2017
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Marc.Fontaine@gmx.de
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC-only
-- Starting and stopping the attached CPU

module STM32.STLinkUSB.CortexM

import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad

import STM32.STLinkUSB.Commands
import STM32.STLinkUSB.Dongle
import STM32.STLinkUSB.Env
import STM32.STLinkUSB.USBXfer
import STM32.STLinkUSB.MemRW
halt :: STL ()
halt = do
  debugSTL Info "halting CPU"
  api <- asksDongleAPI              
  case api of
     APIV2 -> writeDebugReg _DCB_DHCSR (_DBGKEY .|. _C_HALT .|. _C_DEBUGEN)
     APIV1 -> void $ xfer (DEBUG_COMMAND FORCEDEBUG)

{-- TODO: does this work ?
-- The intended application is to use the micro controller as an IO extension
-- board and write to the hardware register over the SWD interface.
-- It is essential that the micro controller cpu does not interfere,
-- i.e. it is halted.
-- (fancy stuff could be possible by running a custom micro controller firmware)
resetHalt :: STL ()
resetHalt = halt >> reset

run :: STL ()
run = do
  debugSTL Info "starting CPU"
  api <- asksDongleAPI              
  case api of
     APIV2 -> writeDebugReg _DCB_DHCSR (_DBGKEY .|. _C_DEBUGEN)
     APIV1 -> void $ xfer (DEBUG_COMMAND RUNCORE)

readCpuID :: STL BS.ByteString
readCpuID = do
  debugSTL Info ("trying to read CPU ID")
  cpuID <- readMem32 _CPUID 4
  debugSTL Info ("CPU ID : " ++ (show $ BS.unpack cpuID))
  return cpuID

_CPUID :: Word32
_CPUID = 0xE000ED00

_DCB_DHCSR :: Word32
_DCB_DCRSR :: Word32
_DCB_DCRDR :: Word32
_DCB_DEMCR :: Word32


_DBGKEY :: Word32
_DBGKEY = 0xA05F0000

_C_DEBUGEN :: Word32
_C_HALT :: Word32
_C_HALT = 2