-- |
-- Module    : Graphics.SVG.ReadPath
-- Copyright : (c) 2010 Tillmann Vogt
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Tillmann Vogt <Tillmann.Vogt@rwth-aachen.de>
-- Stability : stable
-- Portability: portable
-- parsing the SVG path command, see <http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData> :

module Graphics.SVG.ReadPath
 ( pathFromString,

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language( javaStyle )

type X = Float
type Y = Float
type F2 = (X,Y)
type Tup = (X,Y)
type X1 = X
type Y1 = Y
type X2 = X
type Y2 = Y
data PathCommand =
  M_abs Tup | M_rel Tup | -- ^establish a new current point (with absolute coords or rel. to the current point)
  Z | -- ^Close current subpath by drawing a straight line from current point to current subpath's initial point
  L_abs Tup | L_rel Tup | -- ^a line from the current point to Tup which becomes the new current point
  H_abs X | H_rel X | -- ^a horizontal line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (x, cpy)
  V_abs Y | V_rel Y | -- ^a vertical line from the current point (cpx, cpy) to (cpx, y)
  C_abs (X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X,Y) | -- ^Draws a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the
  -- ^control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve.
  C_rel (X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X,Y) |
  S_abs (X2,Y2,X,Y) | -- ^Draws a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y). The first control point is
-- assumed to be the reflection of the second control point on the previous command relative to the current point.
-- (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not an C, c, S or s, assume the first control
-- point is coincident with the current point.) (x2,y2) is the second control point (i.e., the control point at
-- the end of the curve).
  S_rel (X2,Y2,X,Y) |
  Q_abs (X1,Y1,X,Y) | -- ^a quadr. Bézier curve from the curr. point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point
  Q_rel (X1,Y1,X,Y) | -- ^nearly the same as cubic, but with one point less
  T_abs Tup | T_rel Tup | -- ^T_Abs = Shorthand/smooth quadratic Bezier curveto
  A_abs | -- ^A = elliptic arc
  A_rel -- ^A = elliptic arc  (not used)
  deriving Show

-- | convert a SVG path string into alist of commands
pathFromString :: String -> IO [PathCommand]
pathFromString str
  = do{ case (parse path "" str) of
           Left err -> do{ putStr "parse error at "
                         ; print err
                         ; return []
           Right x  -> return x

spaces = skipMany space

path :: Parser [PathCommand]
path = do{ whiteSpace
         ; l <- many1 pathElement
         ; eof
         ; return (concat l)

pathElement :: Parser [PathCommand]
pathElement = do{ whiteSpace;
              do{ symbol "M";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> M_abs x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "m";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> M_rel x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "z"; return [Z]; } <|>
              do{ symbol "Z"; return [Z]; } <|>
              do{ symbol "L";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> L_abs x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "l";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> L_rel x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "H";  l <- many1 integer; return (map (\x-> H_abs (fromIntegral x)) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "h";  l <- many1 integer; return (map (\x-> H_rel (fromIntegral x)) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "V";  l <- many1 integer; return (map (\x-> V_abs (fromIntegral x)) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "v";  l <- many1 integer; return (map (\x-> V_rel (fromIntegral x)) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "C";  l <- many1 tupel6; return (map (\x-> C_abs x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "c";  l <- many1 tupel6; return (map (\x-> C_rel x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "S";  l <- many1 tupel4; return (map (\x-> S_abs x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "s";  l <- many1 tupel4; return (map (\x-> S_rel x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "Q";  l <- many1 tupel4; return (map (\x-> Q_abs x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "q";  l <- many1 tupel4; return (map (\x-> Q_rel x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "T";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> T_abs x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "t";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> T_rel x) l) } <|>
              do{ symbol "A";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> A_abs) l) } <|> -- not used
              do{ symbol "a";  l <- many1 tupel2; return (map (\x-> A_rel) l) }     -- not used

tupel2 :: Parser (X,Y)
tupel2 = do{ x <- myfloat; spaces; y <- myfloat; spaces;
           ; return (realToFrac x, realToFrac y)

tupel4 :: Parser (X,Y,X,Y)
tupel4 = do{ x1 <- myfloat; spaces; y1 <- myfloat; spaces; x <- myfloat; spaces; y <- myfloat; spaces;
           ; return (realToFrac x1, realToFrac y1, realToFrac x, realToFrac y)

tupel6 :: Parser (X,Y,X,Y,X,Y)
tupel6 = do{ x1 <- myfloat; spaces; y1 <- myfloat; spaces;
             x2 <- myfloat; spaces; y2 <- myfloat; spaces; x <- myfloat; spaces; y <- myfloat; spaces;
           ; return (realToFrac x1, realToFrac y1, realToFrac x2, realToFrac y2, realToFrac x, realToFrac y)

myfloat = try (do{ symbol "-"; n <- float; return (negate n) }) <|>
          try float <|> -- 0 is not recognized as a float, so recognize it as an integer and then convert it to float
              do { i<-integer; return(fromIntegral i) } 

lexer = P.makeTokenParser oDef
oDef  = javaStyle

whiteSpace      = P.whiteSpace lexer    
symbol          = P.symbol lexer    
integer         = P.integer lexer    
float           = P.float lexer

-- | convert path-commands to outline points
commandsToPoints :: [PathCommand] -> F2 -> [[F2]]
commandsToPoints commands (dx, dy) | length result == 0 = []
                                   | otherwise = result
 where result = ctp commands [(0,0)] (0,0) False 255 (dx,dy)

ctp :: [PathCommand] -> [F2] -> F2 -> Bool -> Int -> F2 -> [[F2]]
ctp [] _ _ _ _ _ = []
ctp (c:commands) points lastContr useTex n (dx, dy) -- dx, dy is the size of a pixel, used for rasterisation
            | (length nextPoints) == 0 = [tail points] ++ ( ctp commands nextPoints (contr c) useTex (if n>0 then n-1 else 0) (dx,dy) )
            | otherwise                = ctp commands (points ++ nextPoints) (contr c) useTex (if n>0 then n-1 else 0) (dx,dy)
 where nextPoints = (go c)
       contr ( C_abs (x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) ) = (   (x+x-x2)/dx,    (y+y-y2)/dy ) -- control point of bezier curve
       contr ( C_rel (x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) ) = (x0+(x+x-x2)/dx, y0+(y+y-y2)/dy )
       contr ( S_abs (x2,y2,x,y) )       = (   (x+x-x2)/dx,    (y+y-y2)/dy )
       contr ( S_rel (x2,y2,x,y) )       = (x0+(x+x-x2)/dx, y0+(y+y-y2)/dy )
       contr ( Q_abs (x1,y1,x,y) ) = (   (x+x-x1)/dx,    (y+y-y1)/dy )
       contr ( Q_rel (x1,y1,x,y) ) = (x0+(x+x-x1)/dx, y0+(y+y-y1)/dy )
       contr ( T_abs (x,y) )       = (   (x+x)/dx-cx,    (y+y)/dy - cy )
       contr ( T_rel (x,y) )       = ( 2*(x0+x/dx)-cx, 2*(y0+y/dy)-cy ) -- absolute coordinates
       contr ( L_abs (x,y) ) = (     x/dx,      y/dy)
       contr ( L_rel (x,y) ) = (x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)
       contr ( M_abs (x,y) ) = (     x/dx,      y/dy)
       contr ( M_rel (x,y) ) = (x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)
       contr ( H_abs x ) = (     x/dx, y0 )
       contr ( H_rel x ) = (x0 + x/dx, y0 )
       contr ( V_abs y ) = (x0,      y/dy )
       contr ( V_rel y ) = (x0, y0 + y/dy )
       go ( L_abs (x,y) ) = bsub [(x0,y0), (x/dx, y/dy)]
       go ( L_rel (x,y) ) = bsub [(x0,y0), (x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)]
       go ( M_abs (x,y) ) = [(x/dx, y/dy)]
       go ( M_rel (x,y) ) = [(x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)]
       go ( H_abs x) = bsub [(x0,y0), (x/dx, y0)]
       go ( H_rel x) = bsub [(x0,y0), (x0 + x/dx, y0)]
       go ( V_abs y) = bsub [(x0,y0), (x0, y/dy)]
       go ( V_rel y) = bsub [(x0,y0), (x0, y0 + y/dy)]
       go ( C_abs (x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) ) = bsub [(x0, y0), (x1/dx, y1/dy), (x2/dx, y2/dy), (x/dx, y/dy)]
       go ( C_rel (x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) ) = bsub [(x0, y0), (x0+x1/dx, y0+y1/dy), (x0+x2/dx,y0+y2/dy), (x0+x/dx,y0+y/dy)]
       go ( S_abs (      x2,y2,x,y) ) = bsub [(x0, y0), (cx, cy), (x2/dx, y2/dy), (x/dx, y/dy) ]
       go ( S_rel (      x2,y2,x,y) ) = bsub [(x0, y0), (cx, cy), (x0 + x2/dx, y0 + y2/dy), (x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)]
       go ( Q_abs (x1,y1,x,y) ) = bsub [(x0, y0), (x1/dx, y1/dy), (x/dx, y/dy)]
       go ( Q_rel (x1,y1,x,y) ) = bsub [(x0, y0), (x0 + x1/dx, y0 + y1/dy), (x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)]
       go ( T_abs (x,y) ) = bsub [(x0,y0), (cx, cy), (x/dx, y/dy)     ]
       go ( T_rel (x,y) ) = bsub [(x0,y0), (cx, cy), (x0 + x/dx, y0 + y/dy)]
       go ( Z ) = []
       x0 = fst (last points)
       y0 = snd (last points)
       cx = (fst lastContr) -- last control point is always in absolute coordinates
       cy = (snd lastContr)

       bsub xs = bSubCurve useTex (dx,dy) xs

-- bezier-curves
linearInterp t ((x0,y0), (x1,y1)) = ( (1-t)*x0 + t*x1, (1-t)*y0 + t*y1)

tuplesOfTwo (bi:bj:[]) = [(bi,bj)]
tuplesOfTwo (bi:bj:bs) = (bi,bj) : tuplesOfTwo (bj:bs)

eval t bs = map (linearInterp t) (tuplesOfTwo bs)

deCas2 t (bi:[]) = [bi]
deCas2 t bs = [head bs] ++ (deCas2 t e) ++ [last bs]
 where e = eval t bs

-- | bSubcurve uses bezier subdivision. (inspired by Hersch, Font Rasterization: the State of the Art (freely available))
-- It divides an arc into two arcs recursively until the arc is either completely
-- between two vertical raster lines or completely between two horizontal raster lines or the line is at most 1 pixel long.
-- This function computes outline points (tex==False) as well as border points for rasterisation (tex==True) by using
-- an x-, y-resoultion raster. dx, dy is the width and height of a pixel of this raster.
bSubCurve :: Bool -> (X,Y) -> [F2] -> [F2]
bSubCurve useTex (dx,dy) bs | ((abs (p1x-p0x)) < dx && (abs (p1y-p0y)) < dy && (not useTex)) || -- line that is at most one pixel long
                              ((abs (p1x-p0x)) < 1 && (abs (p1y-p0y)) < 1 && useTex) ||
                              ((abs (p1x-p0x)) < 1 && p0x_int == p1x_int && useTex) || -- vertical line
                              ((abs (p1y-p0y)) < 1 && p0y_int == p1y_int && useTex) || -- horizontal line
                              (useTex == False && (dx == 0 || dy == 0))
                                    = [ (p0x, p0y), (p1x, p1y) ]
                            | otherwise = firstArc ++ secondArc -- tail secondArc -- subdivide

 where firstArc =  bSubCurve useTex (dx,dy) (take l twoArcs)
       secondArc = bSubCurve useTex (dx,dy) (drop (l-1) twoArcs)
       twoArcs = deCas2 0.5 bs
       l = (length twoArcs) `div` 2 + 1

       (p0x, p0y) = head bs
       (p1x, p1y) = last bs
       (p0x_int, p0y_int) | p0y < p1y = (truncate p0x, truncate p0y)
                          | otherwise = (truncate p1x, truncate p1y)
       (p1x_int, p1y_int) | p0y < p1y = (truncate p1x, truncate p1y)
                          | otherwise = (truncate p0x, truncate p0y)