module Main where -- -- Asynchronously downloads the Sydney weather forecast from the Australian -- Bureau of Meterology FTP site (using a worker thread) and displays the -- result. A progress indicator is displayed during the download. -- import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Monad import System.IO import Foreign.Salsa import Bindings main :: IO () main = withCLR $ do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- Make an MVar to hold the result of the download when it has completed done <- newEmptyMVar -- Create a delegate that accepts a single argument and puts it into the -- MVar when called finished <- delegate _ParameterizedThreadStart (putMVar done) -- Instantiate a WebClient for downloading the weather forecast, and set -- the DownloadStringCompleted event to the @downloaded@ function. client <- new _WebClient () set client [ _DownloadStringCompleted :+> delegate _DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler downloaded ] -- Download the weather forecast asynchronously, using the @finished@ -- delegate as user state for the handler. uri <- new _Uri ("") client # _downloadStringAsync (uri, cast finished :: Obj Object_) putStr "Downloading... |" -- Display an animated progress indicator until the MVar is filled let wait (c:cs) = do putStr ('\b':[c]) _Thread # _sleep (250 :: Int32) isNotDone <- isEmptyMVar done when isNotDone $ wait (cs ++ [c]) putStr "\b \n" wait "/-\\|" -- Display the result from the MVar s <- takeMVar done s # _toString () >>= putStrLn downloaded :: Obj Object_ -> Obj DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs_ -> IO () downloaded _ e = do -- Get the result object (it will be a .NET string instance), and the -- finished object delegate (it will be a .NET delegate instance) result <- get e _Result finished <- get e _UserState -- Invoke the finished delegate, passing it the result (cast $ finished :: Obj ParameterizedThreadStart_) # _invoke result -- vim:set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab: