{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Saturnin.Jobs
    ( JobRequest (..)
    , CmdResult (..)
    , JobResult (..)
    , Job (..)
    , RemoteJob (..)
    , mkRemoteJob
    , runRemoteJob
    , RemoteJobRunnerState (..)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Formatting
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Data.Text.Lazy hiding (dropWhileEnd)
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process

import Saturnin.Git
import Saturnin.Logging
import Saturnin.Types

-- | Job fully describes a job to be run. This is what JobRequest is
-- translated into for internal representation. This holds data that are
-- needed to actually run the job - that is data derived from the
-- JobRequest, eg.: [Hostname] instead of [MachineDescription]
data Job = Job
         { remoteJobs       :: [RemoteJob]
         , request          :: JobRequest
         , jobID            :: JobID
         } deriving (Show)

-- | RemoteJob describes a job to be run on one machine. RemoteJob
-- is always part of Job.
data RemoteJob = TestJob
         { rJobTestType     :: TestType
         , rJobDataSource   :: GitSource
         , jobMachine       :: MachineDescription
         , jobHost          :: Hostname
         } deriving (Show)

    :: JobRequest
    -> MachineDescription
    -> Hostname
    -> RemoteJob
mkRemoteJob x = TestJob (testType x) (dataSource x)

getJob :: RemoteJobRunner RemoteJob
getJob = rJob <$> get

data RemoteJobRunnerState = RemoteJobRunnerState
                          { rJob :: RemoteJob
                          , rJobLogger :: Logger
                          , cLogger :: Logger
type RemoteJobRunner a = StateT RemoteJobRunnerState IO a

    :: RemoteJobRunnerState
    -> IO JobResult
runRemoteJob x = evalStateT run x
    run :: RemoteJobRunner JobResult
    run =   mkWorkDir
        >>= checkoutDataSource
        >>= prepareEnvironment
        >>= endTestSetup
        >>= runTest
        >>= mkJobResult

    :: Either TestResult a
    -> RemoteJobRunner JobResult
mkJobResult x = do
    j <- getJob
    return $ JobResult (jobMachine j) (getResult x)
    getResult (Left  y) = y
    getResult (Right _) = Passed

rJobLogToConnection :: Text -> RemoteJobRunner ()
rJobLogToConnection x = do
    c <- cLogger <$> get
    liftIO $ c x

logRemoteJob :: Text -> RemoteJobRunner ()
logRemoteJob x = do
    rJobLogToConnection x
    rl <- rJobLogger <$> get
    liftIO $ rl x

-- | Run a command on the remote machine.
-- Log the CmdResult to the job's log file and client connection.
-- And return Right CmdResult on success or Left Failed on error.
exe :: Text -> RemoteJobRunner (Either TestResult CmdResult)
exe x = do
    j <- getJob
    r <- liftIO . remoteCmd x $ jobHost j
    logRemoteJob . pack . show $ anyEither r
    return $ mapLeft (const Failed) r

-- | Returns `Left FailedSetup` iff `Left _`
-- otherwise `Right _`
    :: Either TestResult WorkDir
    -> RemoteJobRunner (Either TestResult WorkDir)
endTestSetup = return . mapLeft (const FailedSetup)

type WorkDir = Text

-- | Returns `Right WorkDir` or `Left Failed`
mkWorkDir :: RemoteJobRunner (Either TestResult WorkDir)
mkWorkDir = (<$>) (strip . cmdResultOut) <$> (exe "mktemp -dt 'ybs.XXXXXX'")

-- | Returns `Right WorkDir` of the data source or `Left Failed`
    :: Either TestResult WorkDir
    -> RemoteJobRunner (Either TestResult WorkDir)
checkoutDataSource (Right p) = do
    j <- getJob
    (<$>) (const repo) <$> (exe . cmd $ rJobDataSource j)
    cmd s = format (
        " git clone         " % text % " " % text %
        " && cd             " % text %
        " && git checkout   " % text
        (uri $ gsUri s) repo
        (revOrRef $ gsRevOrRef s)

    repo = intercalate "/" [p, "repo"]
checkoutDataSource (Left x) = return $ Left x

    :: Either TestResult WorkDir
    -> RemoteJobRunner (Either TestResult WorkDir)
prepareEnvironment (Right p) = do
    j <- getJob
    (<$>) (const p) <$> (exe' $ rJobTestType j)
    exe' CabalTest = exe $ format (
        "cd " % text %
        " && cabal sandbox init && cabal update" %
        " && PATH=\"/root/.cabal/bin:$PATH\" cabal install" %
        " --only-dependencies -j --enable-tests"
        ) p
    exe' MakeCheckTest = return $ Right undefined
prepareEnvironment (Left x) = return $ Left x

    :: Either TestResult WorkDir
    -> RemoteJobRunner (Either TestResult CmdResult)
runTest (Right p) = do
    j <- getJob
    exe . cmd $ rJobTestType j
    cmd CabalTest = format ("cd " % text % " && cabal test") p
    cmd MakeCheckTest = format ("cd " % text % " && make check") p
runTest (Left x) = return $ Left x

data CmdResult = CmdResult
               { cmdResultOut   :: Text
               , cmdResultErr   :: Text
               , cmdResultCmd   :: Text
               , cmdResultCode  :: ExitCode
               } deriving (Show)

data JobResult = JobResult
               { machine :: MachineDescription
               , result :: TestResult
               } deriving (Show)

-- | run command Text on remote Hostname and return `Left CmdResult` on
-- error and `Right CmdResult` on success.
    :: Text
    -> Hostname
    -> IO (Either CmdResult CmdResult)
remoteCmd cmd h = do
    (_, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <- createProcess cp
    ec  <- waitForProcess ph
    out <- pack <$> hGetContents hout
    err <- pack <$> hGetContents herr

    return . either' ec $ CmdResult out err cmd ec
    cp = (proc "ssh" [h, unpack cmd])
        { cwd       = Just "/"
        , std_out   = CreatePipe
        , std_err   = CreatePipe

    either' ExitSuccess     x = Right x
    either' (ExitFailure _) x = Left  x