{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Saturnin.Types
    ( MachineDescription
    , Hostname
    , BuildRequest (..)
    , JobRequest (..)
    , TestType (..)
    , GitSource (..)
    , YBServer
    , YBServerState (..)
    , YBSSharedState
    , fst3
    , TestResult (..)
    , anyEither
    , isPassed
    , JobID (..)
    , JobRequestListenerConnectionHandler
    , logError
    , logInfo
    , logToConnection
    , logToConnection'

import Control.Applicative  hiding (empty)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Text.Lazy hiding (empty)
import Data.Default
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Data.Monoid
import Formatting
import Network.Socket
import System.IO

import Saturnin.Git
import Saturnin.Server.Config

data BuildRequest = GitBuildRequest
    { brUri   :: String
    , brHead  :: String

type MachinesRegister = HashMap MachineDescription Hostname

-- | JobRequest specifies job to be run. This is what client send to the
-- job server.
data JobRequest = TestRequest
    { testType    :: TestType
    , dataSource :: GitSource
    , testMachines   :: [MachineDescription]
    deriving (Show, Read)

data TestType = CabalTest | MakeCheckTest
    deriving (Show, Read)

data YBServerState = YBServerState
    { ybssConfig    :: ConfigServer
    , pState        :: YBServerPersistentState
    , freeMachines  :: MachinesRegister
    , logHandle     :: Handle
    deriving (Show)

instance Default YBServerState where
    def = YBServerState def def empty stderr

type YBSSharedState = TVar YBServerState
type YBServer a = StateT YBSSharedState IO a

logServer :: Text -> YBServer ()
logServer x = do
    liftIO . hPutStr stderr $ unpack x
    ts <- get
    lh <- liftIO . atomically $ logHandle <$> readTVar ts
    liftIO . hPutStr lh $ unpack x

logError :: Text -> YBServer ()
logError = logServer . format ("error: " % text % "\n")

logInfo :: Text -> YBServer ()
logInfo = logServer . format ("info: " % text % "\n")

type JobRequestListenerConnectionHandler a =
    StateT (Socket, SockAddr) (StateT YBSSharedState IO) a

logToConnection :: Text -> JobRequestListenerConnectionHandler ()
logToConnection x = do
    c <- (fst <$> get)
    liftIO $ logToConnection' c x

logToConnection' :: Socket -> Text -> IO ()
logToConnection' c x =
    void . send c $ unpack x <> "\n"

-- | fst for three-tuple
fst3 :: forall t t1 t2.  (t, t1, t2) -> t
fst3 (x, _, _) = x

data TestResult = Passed | Failed | FailedSetup
    deriving (Show, Read)

isPassed :: TestResult -> Bool
isPassed Passed = True
isPassed _ = False

-- | Returns any thing in Either. Be it Left or Right.
anyEither :: Either a a -> a
anyEither (Left  x) = x
anyEither (Right x) = x