Shellac-0.9: A framework for creating shell envinronmentsContentsIndex
This module defines the Shellac interface for shell backends. A shell backend is required to provide sensible implementations for outputString, flushOutput, getSingleChar, getInput, and getWordBreakChars. All other operations may be noops (however, they must not denote bottom!).
type CompletionFunction = (String, String, String) -> IO (Maybe (String, [String]))
data BackendOutput
= RegularOutput String
| InfoOutput String
| ErrorOutput String
data ShellBackend bst = ShBackend {
initBackend :: (IO bst)
shutdownBackend :: (bst -> IO ())
outputString :: (bst -> BackendOutput -> IO ())
flushOutput :: (bst -> IO ())
getSingleChar :: (bst -> String -> IO (Maybe Char))
getInput :: (bst -> String -> IO (Maybe String))
addHistory :: (bst -> String -> IO ())
setWordBreakChars :: (bst -> String -> IO ())
getWordBreakChars :: (bst -> IO String)
onCancel :: (bst -> IO ())
setAttemptedCompletionFunction :: (bst -> CompletionFunction -> IO ())
setDefaultCompletionFunction :: (bst -> Maybe (String -> IO [String]) -> IO ())
completeFilename :: (bst -> String -> IO [String])
completeUsername :: (bst -> String -> IO [String])
clearHistoryState :: (bst -> IO ())
setMaxHistoryEntries :: (bst -> Int -> IO ())
getMaxHistoryEntries :: (bst -> IO Int)
readHistory :: (bst -> FilePath -> IO ())
writeHistory :: (bst -> FilePath -> IO ())
defaultWordBreakChars :: [Char]
templateBackend :: a -> ShellBackend a
type CompletionFunction = (String, String, String) -> IO (Maybe (String, [String]))
The type of completion functions. The argument is a triple consisting of (before,word,after), where 'word' is a string of non-word-break characters which contains the cursor position. 'before' is all characters on the line before 'word' and 'after' is all characters on the line after word. The return value should be 'Nothing' if no completions can be generated, or 'Just (newWord,completions)' if completions can be generated. 'newWord' is a new string to replace 'word' on the command line and 'completions' is a list of all possible completions of 'word'. To achieve the standard "complete-as-far-as-possible" behavior, 'newWord' should be the longest possible prefix of all words in 'completions'.
data BackendOutput
A datatype representing ouput to be printed. The different categories of output are distinguished to that shell backends can, for example, apply different colors or send output to different places (stderr versus stdout).
RegularOutput StringThe most regular way to produce output
InfoOutput StringAn informative output string, such as command help
ErrorOutput StringAn string generated by an error
data ShellBackend bst
This record type contains all the functions that Shellac allows the pluggable backend to provide. Most of these operations are optional andn relate to advanced features like command completion and history. However, a shell backend is required to provide sensible implementations for outputString, flushOutput, getSingleChar, getInput, and getWordBreakChars.
initBackend :: (IO bst)Provides the backend a way to perform any necessary initilization before the shell starts. This function is called once for each shell instance. The generated value will be passed back in to each call of the other methods in this record.
shutdownBackend :: (bst -> IO ())Called when the shell exits to allow the backend to perform any necessary cleanup actions.
outputString :: (bst -> BackendOutput -> IO ())Causes the string to be sent to the underlying console device.
flushOutput :: (bst -> IO ())Perform any operations necessary to clear any output buffers. After this operation, the user should be able to view any output sent to this backend.
getSingleChar :: (bst -> String -> IO (Maybe Char))Retrive a single character from the user without waiting for carriage return.
getInput :: (bst -> String -> IO (Maybe String))Print the prompt and retrive a line of input from the user.
addHistory :: (bst -> String -> IO ())Add a string to the history list.
setWordBreakChars :: (bst -> String -> IO ())Set the characters which define word boundaries. This is mostly used for defining where completions occur.
getWordBreakChars :: (bst -> IO String)Get the current set of word break characters.
onCancel :: (bst -> IO ())A callback to run whenever evaluation or a command is cancled by the keyboard signal
setAttemptedCompletionFunction :: (bst -> CompletionFunction -> IO ())A completion function that is tried first.
setDefaultCompletionFunction :: (bst -> Maybe (String -> IO [String]) -> IO ())An alternate function to generate completions. The function given takes the word as an argument and generates all possible completions. This function is called (if set) after the attemptedCompletionFunction if it returns 'Nothing'.
completeFilename :: (bst -> String -> IO [String])A backend-provided method to complete filenames.
completeUsername :: (bst -> String -> IO [String])A backend-provided method to complete usernames.
clearHistoryState :: (bst -> IO ())An operation to clear the history buffer.
setMaxHistoryEntries :: (bst -> Int -> IO ())Sets the maximum number of entries managed by the history buffer.
getMaxHistoryEntries :: (bst -> IO Int)Gets the maximum number of entries managed by the history buffer.
readHistory :: (bst -> FilePath -> IO ())Read the history buffer from a file. The file should be formatted as plain-text, with each line in the file representing a single command entered, most recent commands at the bottom. (This format is what readline produces)
writeHistory :: (bst -> FilePath -> IO ())Write the history buffer to a file. The file should be formatted in the same way as in the description for readHistory.
defaultWordBreakChars :: [Char]
Provides a sane default set of characters to use when breaking lines into 'words'. If a backend does not have configuratble word break characters, the getWordBreakCharacters can just return this default set.
templateBackend :: a -> ShellBackend a
This backend template is useful for defining custom backends. The idea is that you will use templateBackend to generate a bare-bones backend implemenation and only fill in the methods that you wish to define using the record update syntax. The parameter to templateBackend becomes the backend state associated with the backend and is passed into to each of the operation methods.
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