# Shpadoinkle Core [![Goldwater](https://gitlab.com/fresheyeball/Shpadoinkle/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/fresheyeball/Shpadoinkle) [![Haddock](https://img.shields.io/badge/haddock-master-informational)](https://shpadoinkle.org/core) [![BSD-3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) [![built with nix](https://img.shields.io/badge/built%20with-nix-41439a)](https://builtwithnix.org) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/Shpadoinkle.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Shpadoinkle) [![Hackage Deps](https://img.shields.io/hackage-deps/v/Shpadoinkle.svg)](http://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/Shpadoinkle) [![Hackage CI](https://matrix.hackage.haskell.org/api/v2/packages/Shpadoinkle/badge)](https://matrix.hackage.haskell.org/#/package/Shpadoinkle) Shpadoinkle is a programming model for UI development, oriented around simplicity, performance, and ergonomics. ## The core concept Is to model the user interface as a pure function from some model `a` to Html. This is not a new idea in the slightest. Declaratively describing the view in terms of the model through a data structure is the dominant approach in UI today. And for good reason. If all we need is to render something based on some `a` we can have `Html` be a simple data structure where `Html :: Type`: ```haskell view :: a -> Html ``` This might look something like: ```haskell view :: Text -> Html view username = H "div" [ ("class", "greeting") ] [ Text $ "Hi there!" <> username ] ``` ## Events and effects Which is all well and good, and something we might expect from a static renderer, like Heist, or Blaze. Shpadoinkle handles this by allowing for `Html` to have two type variables associated with events, `Html :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type`. The first is typically some Monad you want to use in response to events `m`, and the second is the payload of those events, typically the model for your view `a`. These variables in `Html m a` are strickly about event listeners, so any view that doesn't have event listeners should be parametic in both `m` and `a`. look at a toggle as an example: ```haskell toggle :: Applicative m => Bool -> Html m Bool toggle b = h "div" [] [ text $ "Currently it's " <> if b then "ON" else "OFF" , h "button" [ listen "click" (not b) ] [ text "Toggle" ] ] ``` That's it, we have a stateful view. When the user click's on the "Toggle" button the state will switch. Because we do a pure state transition in this function, `m` need only be `Applicative`. We could put `Identity` here if we wanted to, but keeping `m` general helps our views compose. But what if we need to do _more_? Well we can update our `m` to have more functionality. We can add some logging to the console: ```haskell toggle :: Bool -> Html IO Bool toggle b = h "div" [] [ text $ "Currently it's " <> if b then "ON" else "OFF" , h "button" [ listen' "click" $ do putStrLn "We toggled!" return $ not b ] [ text "Toggle" ] ] ``` What if we want to access some record of capabilities? Or update some concurrent memory thing? Let's say we have an enterprise grade Monad: ```haskell newtype App a = App { runApp :: RIO (TVar Metrics) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (TVar Metrics), MonadIO, MonadJSM) toggle :: Bool -> Html App Bool toggle b = h "div" [] [ text $ "Currently it's " <> if b then "ON" else "OFF" , h "button" [ listen' "click" $ do metrics <- ask liftIO $ do atomically . modifyTVar metrics $ \m -> m { toggleCount = toggleCount m + 1 } putStrLn "We toggled!" return $ not b ] [ text "Toggle" ] ] ``` ## Composing views In Shpadoinkle we can compose views without impedance if the types match, or are parametric. For example: ```haskell hero :: Html m a hero = h "h1" [] [ text "Online String Reverse" ] input :: Html m Text input = h "input" [ onInput id ] [] view :: Text -> Html m Text view s = h "div" [] [ hero -- no impedance, this Html is fully generic , input -- no impedance, this Html has matching types `(Text ~ Text)` , text $ "Reversed: \"" <> reverse s <> "\"" ] ``` If you have nesting, with different types, we can resolve the mismatch using 'fmap' like so: ```haskell input :: Html m Text input = h "input" [ onInput id ] [] view :: (Int, Text) -> Html m (Int, Text) view (i,t) = h "div" [] -- here we update the `Text` side of the model -- with the value produced by `input`, and we -- increment the `Int` as well. [ (\t_ -> (i + 1, t_)) <$> input , text $ "Reversed: \"" <> reverse t <> "\"" , text $ "you have reversed " <> pack (show i) <> " strings" ] ``` ## The primitive The Shpadoinkle programming model core primitive is the `shpadoinkle` function. ```haskell shpadoinkle :: (Shpadoinkle b m a, Territory t, Eq a) => => (m ~> JSM) -> (t a -> b m ~> m) -- How to render -> a -> t a -- What is our model -> (a -> Html (b m) a) -- What to render -> b m RawNode -> JSM () -- Actually render ``` This is the machine that runs a Shpadoinkle view. To run we need the following ingredients: ### `m ~> JSM` We need a _Natural Transformation_ from our `m` to `JSM`, so that we can perform the needed JavaScript effects in JSM from the `m` you provide. ### `t a -> b m ~> m` This a function that takes a state container of some kind `t`, and returns a _Natural Transformation_ from our Shpadoinkle backend `b`, to our monad `m`. Backends kind of works like Monad Transformers, where `b` wraps our Monad `m`, and needs to be unwrappable. ### `a` This is the initial value of our model. This will be passed to our view for the first render. ### `t a` This is the state container `t` that will drive the view. When the state changes, we should re-render the view. The semantic behind determing when to do this, is upto you via the `Territory` type class. Typically this is just a `TVar` as that is the provided cannonical implimentation. ### `a -> Html (b m) a` This is the view function, you actual application to render. It takes the model and returns the html to render, such that it's events produce the same model. ### `b m RawNode` This is the raw node we that will wrap our view. If you want the Shpadoinkle view to be the entire page, then you want to pass `document.body` as this node. You could use this to embed a Shpadoinkle application into another application, (such a Reflex-dom or Miso).