Shpadoinkle-disembodied: Shpadoinkle as a static site.

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Static site backed SPA applications.

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Dependencies base (>=4.12.0 && <4.16), directory, filepath, servant, Shpadoinkle, Shpadoinkle-backend-static, Shpadoinkle-html, Shpadoinkle-router, text (>=1.2.3 && <1.3), unliftio [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Isaac Shapira
Category Web
Uploaded by fresheyeball at 2021-01-06T20:48:52Z
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Shpadoinkle Disembodied

Goldwater Haddock BSD-3 built with nix Hackage Hackage Deps Hackage CI

This module provides static site generation tools for Html.


Lets say you have the following API routes for you SPA application:

type Pages m
  = "about" :> View m Int
  :<|> View m ()

And you have a view for each. You can now produce a SiteSpec mapping these routes to the views.

site :: SiteSpec () (Pages m)
site = about 0 :<|> const home

Which can be written to static pages with writeSite. Each route will become a directory, and each View will become an index.html file in that directory.