{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, Rank2Types, ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- | This module defines the part of the SoccerFun API that is concerned with the player data types.
module SoccerFun.Player where

--import Data.Maybe
import SoccerFun.Prelude
import SoccerFun.Ball
import SoccerFun.Geometry
import SoccerFun.Types
import Control.Monad.State
import SoccerFun.Field
import Data.List (find)

data Player = m. Player 
	{playerID  PlayerID,         -- ^ must be unique
	 name  String,               -- ^ need not be unique
	 height  Length,             -- ^ should be in range [minHeight..maxHeight]
	 pos  Position,              -- ^ should be on the ball field
	 speed  Speed,               -- ^ absolute direction and velocity with which player is moving
	 nose  Angle,                -- ^ absolute direction in which player is looking
	 skills  MajorSkills,        -- ^ these improve performance of affected actions
	 effect  Maybe PlayerEffect, -- ^ The effect(s) of the previous action
	 stamina  Stamina,           -- ^ current stamina of a player: 1.0 is optimal, 0.0 is worst
	 health  Health,             -- ^ current health of a player: 1.0 is optimal, 0.0 is worst
	 brain  Brain (PlayerAI m) m -- ^ The precious asset: use and update the memory and make decisions

instance Eq Player where f1 == f2 = playerID f1 == playerID f2
instance Show Player where show (Player {playerID = pid}) = show pid

type PlayerAI memory = BrainInput  State memory PlayerAction

data BrainInput = BrainInput
	{referee  [RefereeAction], -- ^ the referee actions
	 ball     BallState,       -- ^ the state of the ball
	 others	 [Player],        -- ^ all other ball players
	 me		 Player           -- ^ the player himself

type PlayerWithAction = (PlayerAction, PlayerID)
type PlayerWithEffect = (Maybe PlayerEffect, PlayerID)

type MajorSkills = (Skill,Skill,Skill)
data Skill
	= Running        -- ^ Faster running without ball in possession
	| Dribbling      -- ^ Faster running with ball in possession
	| Rotating       -- ^ Wider range of rotation
	| Gaining        -- ^ Better ball gaining ability
	| Kicking        -- ^ More accurate and wider ball kicking
	| Heading        -- ^ More accurate and wider ball heading
	| Feinting       -- ^ Wider range of feint manouvre
	| Jumping        -- ^ Further jumping
	| Catching       -- ^ Better catching
	| Tackling       -- ^ More effective tackling
	| Schwalbing     -- ^ Better acting of tackles
	| PlayingTheater -- ^ Better acting of playing theater
	deriving (Eq,Show)

data FeintDirection = FeintLeft | FeintRight deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | actions a player can intend to perform
data PlayerAction
	= Move Speed Angle         -- ^ wish to rotate over given angle, and then move with given speed
	| Feint FeintDirection     -- ^ wish to make feint manouvre
	| KickBall Speed3D         -- ^ wish to kick ball with given speed
	| HeadBall Speed3D         -- ^ wish to head ball with given speed
	| GainBall                 -- ^ wish to gain possession of the ball from other player
	| CatchBall                -- ^ wish to catch the ball with his hands
	| Tackle PlayerID Velocity -- ^ wish to tackle identified player, higher velocity is higher chance of succes AND injury (and foul?)
	| Schwalbe                 -- ^ wish to fall as if he was tackled
	| PlayTheater              -- ^ wish to act as if he was hurt
	deriving (Eq,Show)

data PlayerEffect = Moved Speed Angle  -- ^ player has rotated with given angle, and then ran with given speed
	| Feinted FeintDirection            -- ^ player had feinted
	| KickedBall (Maybe Speed3D)        -- ^ player kicked ball (Just v) with velocity, or didn't (Nothing)
	| HeadedBall (Maybe Speed3D)        -- ^ player headed ball (Just v) with velocity, or didn't (Nothing)
	| GainedBall Success                -- ^ player attempt to gain ball from other player
	| CaughtBall Success                -- ^ player caught the ball with his hands
	| Tackled PlayerID Velocity Success -- ^ player attempt to tackle an opponent
	| Schwalbed                         -- ^ player had performed a schwalbe
	| PlayedTheater                     -- ^ player had started to act hurt
	| OnTheGround FramesToGo            -- ^ tackled by someone else; FramesToGo is the amount of frames that you will be on the ground

type Stamina = Float
type Health = Float

defaultPlayer  PlayerID  Player
defaultPlayer playerID = Player
	{playerID = playerID,
	 name = "default",
	 height = 1.6,
	 pos = zero,
	 speed = zero,
	 nose = zero,
	 skills = (Running, Kicking, Dribbling),
	 effect = Nothing,
	 stamina = maxStamina,
	 health = maxHealth,
	 brain = Brain
	 	{m = error "You need to provide defaultPlayer with a new brain.",
	 	 ai = const $ return $ Move zero zero}}

identifyPlayer  PlayerID  Player  Bool
identifyPlayer id fb = id == (playerID fb)

playerIdentity  Player  PlayerID
playerIdentity fb = (playerID fb)

-- | getBall returns the ball (containing its position and speed-information)
-- | that is either free or gained by a player.
-- | For this reason, the list of players must contain all players, otherwise
-- | this function may fail.
getBall  BallState  [Player]  Ball
getBall (Free ball) _ = ball
getBall (GainedBy playerID) allPlayers = case find (identifyPlayer playerID) allPlayers of
	Nothing  error "getBall: no player found with requested identifier."
	Just (Player {pos=pos,speed=speed})  mkBall pos speed

-- | Returns True if the ball is held by a Keeper in his own penaltyarea
-- | Returns False when the ball is held by a Keeper in open field
-- | Returns False when the ball is not held by a Keeper
-- | Keepers should be numbered with 1.
ballGainedByKeeper  BallState  [Player]  ClubName  Home  Field  Bool
ballGainedByKeeper (Free _) _ _ _ _ = False
ballGainedByKeeper (GainedBy playerID) allPlayers club home field
	= case filter (identifyPlayer playerID) allPlayers of
		[keeper]  playerNo playerID == 1 && inPenaltyArea field (if (clubName playerID==club) then home else (other home)) (pos keeper)
		wrongNumber  error "ballGainedByKeeper: wrong number of keepers found."

clonePlayer  Brain (PlayerAI m) m  Player  Player
clonePlayer brain (Player playerID name height pos speed nose skills effect stamina health _)
	= (Player playerID name height pos speed nose skills effect stamina health brain)

class SameClub a where sameClub  a  a  Bool -- ^ belong to same club

-- TODO: move this to SoccerFun.Geometry
class GetPosition a where getPosition  a  Position

inRadiusOfPlayer  Position  Player  Bool -- ^ True iff position touches/hits player
inRadiusOfPlayer p player = inRadiusOfPosition (zero {pxy=p}) xWidthPlayer yWidthPlayer (height player) (pos player)

skillsAsList  Player  [Skill] -- ^ Skills of the player as a list
skillsAsList fb = (\(a,b,c)[a,b,c]) (skills fb)

isFirstHalf  Half  Bool
isFirstHalf FirstHalf = True
isFirstHalf _ = False

isSecondHalf  Half  Bool
isSecondHalf SecondHalf = True
isSecondHalf _ = False

-- | chest size of player
xWidthPlayer = 0.7/2.0
-- | stomach size of player
yWidthPlayer = 0.4/2.0

getClubName  Player  ClubName
getClubName fb = nameOf (playerID fb)
isKeeper  Player  Bool
isKeeper fb = playerNo (playerID fb) == 1
isFielder  Player  Bool
isFielder fb = not (isKeeper fb)

-- | minimum length of a person. Advantages:  better gainball; better stamina at sprinting; better dribbling; less health damage when fall, better rotating.
minLength	= 1.6	 Float
-- | maximum length of a person. Advantages:	wider  gainball; better stamina at running;   higher headball;  improved catching; harder kicking.
maxLength	= 2.1	 Float
-- | minimum height of a person. Advantages: better gainball; better stamina at sprinting; better dribbling; less health damage when fall, better rotating.
minHeight = 1.6  Float
-- | maximum height of a person. Advantages: wider gainball; better stamina at running; higher headball; improved catching; harder kicking.
maxHeight = 2.1  Float
maxStamina = 1.0  Float
maxHealth = 1.0  Float

{-| Player attribute dependent abilities:
		use these functions to make your player correctly dependent of abilities.
maxGainReach  Player  Metre
maxGainReach fb = (if (elem Gaining (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.5 else 0.3) * (height fb)

-- | vertical jumping
maxJumpReach  Player  Metre
maxJumpReach fb = (if (elem Jumping (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.6 else 0.4) * (height fb)

maxGainVelocityDifference  Player  Metre  Velocity
maxGainVelocityDifference fb dPlayerBall = (if (elem Gaining (skillsAsList fb)) then 15.0 else 10.0) - distanceDifficulty where
	distanceDifficulty = max zero (((0.8*(height fb))**4.0)*(dPlayerBall/(height fb)))

maxCatchVelocityDifference  Player  Metre  Velocity
maxCatchVelocityDifference fb dPlayerBall = (if (elem Gaining (skillsAsList fb)) then 20.0 else 17.0) - distanceDifficulty where
	distanceDifficulty = max zero (((0.8*(height fb))**4.0) * (dPlayerBall/(height fb)))

maxKickReach  Player  Metre
maxKickReach fb = (if (elem Kicking (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.6 else 0.4) * (height fb)

maxHeadReach  Player  Metre
maxHeadReach fb = (if (elem Heading (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.4 else 0.2) * (height fb)

-- | includes horizontal jumping
maxCatchReach  Player  Metre
maxCatchReach fb = (if (elem Catching (skillsAsList fb)) then 1.8 else 1.5) * (height fb)

maxTackleReach  Player  Metre
maxTackleReach fb = (if (elem Tackling (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.33 else 0.25) * (height fb)

maxVelocityBallKick  Player  Velocity
maxVelocityBallKick fb = (if (elem Kicking (skillsAsList fb)) then 27.0 else 25.0 + (height fb)/2.0) * (0.2*fatHealth+0.8) where
	fatHealth = getHealthStaminaFactor (health fb) (stamina fb)

maxVelocityBallHead  Player  Velocity  Velocity
maxVelocityBallHead fb ballSpeed = 0.7*ballSpeed + (if (elem Heading (skillsAsList fb)) then 7.0 else 5.0)*(0.1*fatHealth+0.9) where
	fatHealth = getHealthStaminaFactor (health fb) (stamina fb)

maxKickingDeviation  Player  Angle
maxKickingDeviation skills = pi/2.0-- if (elem Kicking skills) (pi/18.0) (pi/2.0)

maxHeadingDeviation  Player  Angle
maxHeadingDeviation skills = pi/4.0-- if (elem Heading skills) (pi/16.0) (pi/5.0)

-- | maximum angle with which player can rotate
maxRotateAngle  Player  Angle
maxRotateAngle fb = pi/18.0*((5.0/(velocity $ speed fb))*(height fb/2.0))

-- | maximum side step of player for feint manouvre
maxFeintStep  Player  Metre
maxFeintStep fb = if (elem Feinting (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.75 else 0.5

-- | combination of stamina and health
type HealthStaminaFactor = Float

getHealthStaminaFactor  Health  Stamina  HealthStaminaFactor
getHealthStaminaFactor health stamina
	| stamina <= health = stamina
	| otherwise = (stamina + health) / 2

teamHome  ATeam  Half  Home
teamHome team half
	| team == Team1 && half == FirstHalf || team == Team2 && half == SecondHalf
											= West
	| otherwise = East

opponentHome  ATeam  Half  Home
opponentHome team half
	| team == Team2 && half == FirstHalf || team == Team1 && half == SecondHalf
											= West
	| otherwise = East

isMove  PlayerAction  Bool
isMove (Move _ _) = True
isMove _ = False

isGainBall  PlayerAction  Bool
isGainBall GainBall = True
isGainBall _ = False

isCatchBall  PlayerAction  Bool
isCatchBall CatchBall = True
isCatchBall _ = False

isKickBall  PlayerAction  Bool
isKickBall (KickBall _) = True
isKickBall _ = False

isHeadBall  PlayerAction  Bool
isHeadBall (HeadBall _) = True
isHeadBall _ = False

isFeint  PlayerAction  Bool
isFeint (Feint _) = True
isFeint _ = False

isPlayerTackle  PlayerAction  Bool
isPlayerTackle (Tackle _ _) = True
isPlayerTackle _ = False

isSchwalbe  PlayerAction  Bool
isSchwalbe Schwalbe = True
isSchwalbe _ = False

isPlayTheater  PlayerAction  Bool
isPlayTheater PlayTheater = True
isPlayTheater _ = False

isSkillOfAction  Skill  PlayerAction  Bool
isSkillOfAction Running (Move _ _) = True
isSkillOfAction Rotating (Move _ _) = True
isSkillOfAction Gaining GainBall = True
isSkillOfAction Kicking (KickBall _) = True
isSkillOfAction Heading (HeadBall _) = True
isSkillOfAction Feinting (Feint _) = True
isSkillOfAction Tackling (Tackle _ _) = True
isSkillOfAction Schwalbing Schwalbe = True
isSkillOfAction Catching CatchBall = True
isSkillOfAction PlayingTheater PlayTheater = True
isSkillOfAction _ _ = False

isActionOnBall  PlayerAction  Bool
isActionOnBall GainBall = True
isActionOnBall CatchBall = True
isActionOnBall (KickBall _) = True
isActionOnBall (HeadBall _) = True
isActionOnBall _ = False

isMoved  PlayerEffect  Bool
isMoved (Moved _ _) = True
isMoved _ = False

isGainedBall  PlayerEffect  Bool
isGainedBall (GainedBall _) = True
isGainedBall _ = False

isKickedBall  PlayerEffect  Bool
isKickedBall (KickedBall _) = True
isKickedBall _ = False

isHeadedBall  PlayerEffect  Bool
isHeadedBall (HeadedBall _) = True
isHeadedBall _ = False

isFeinted  PlayerEffect  Bool
isFeinted (Feinted _) = True
isFeinted _ = False

isTackled  PlayerEffect  Bool
isTackled (Tackled _ _ _) = True
isTackled _ = False

isSchwalbed  PlayerEffect  Bool
isSchwalbed Schwalbed = True
isSchwalbed _ = False

isCaughtBall  PlayerEffect  Bool
isCaughtBall (CaughtBall _) = True
isCaughtBall _ = False

isPlayedTheater  PlayerEffect  Bool
isPlayedTheater PlayedTheater = True
isPlayedTheater _ = False

isOnTheGround  PlayerEffect  Bool
isOnTheGround (OnTheGround _) = True
isOnTheGround _ = False

failPlayerAction  PlayerAction  PlayerEffect
failPlayerAction (Move s a) = Moved s a
failPlayerAction GainBall = GainedBall Fail
failPlayerAction CatchBall = CaughtBall Fail
failPlayerAction (KickBall v) = KickedBall Nothing
failPlayerAction (HeadBall v) = HeadedBall Nothing
failPlayerAction (Feint d) = Feinted d
failPlayerAction (Tackle p v) = Tackled p v Fail
failPlayerAction Schwalbe = Schwalbed
failPlayerAction PlayTheater = PlayedTheater
--failPlayerAction _ = error "failPlayerAction: unknown action failed"

instance GetPosition Player where getPosition fb = (pos fb)
instance NameOf Player where nameOf fb = name fb
instance NameOf PlayerID where nameOf f = clubName f
instance SameClub PlayerID where sameClub id1 id2 = nameOf id1 == nameOf id2
instance SameClub Player where sameClub fb1 fb2 = sameClub (playerID fb1) (playerID fb2)

{- Player attribute dependent abilities:

{-isReprimanded ∷ PlayerEffect → Bool
isReprimanded (Reprimanded _) = True
isReprimanded _ = False

isScoredGoal ∷ PlayerEffect → Bool
isScoredGoal (ScoredGoal _) = True
isScoredGoal _ = False-}