{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, TemplateHaskell #-}
module SoccerFun.MatchControl where

import Prelude.Unicode
import SoccerFun.Prelude
import SoccerFun.Geometry
import System.Random
import SoccerFun.Types
import SoccerFun.Referee
import SoccerFun.Random
import SoccerFun.Team
import SoccerFun.Ball
import SoccerFun.Player
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State (State, runState)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import SoccerFun.Field

data Match = Match
	{team1        Team,         -- ^ team1
	 team2        Team,         -- ^ team2
	 theBall      BallState,    -- ^ the whereabouts of the ball
	 theField     Field,        -- ^ the ball field
	 theReferee   Referee,      -- ^ the referee
	 playingHalf  Half,         -- ^ first half or second half team1 plays West at first half and East at second half
	 playingTime  PlayingTime,  -- ^ todo: add a boolean gameOver, playingtime will not walk back to (zero) and its up to the referee at which time he is to end the game
	 score        Score,        -- ^ the score
	 seed         StdGen,       -- ^ random seed for generating pseudo random values
	 unittime     TimeUnit     -- ^ the time unit of a single simulation step
	} deriving Show

type Score			= (NrOfGoals,NrOfGoals)			-- ^ (goals by Team1, goals by Team2)
type NrOfGoals		= Int								-- ^ (zero) <= nr of goals

lookupPlayer  PlayerID  Match  Maybe Player
lookupPlayer pid Match {team1 = t1, team2 = t2} = find ((==) pid  playerID) (t1  t2)

setMatchStart  Team  Team  Field  Referee  PlayingTime  StdGen  Match
setMatchStart fstTeam sndTeam field referee time rs
	= Match { team1						= validateTeam fstTeam
	  , team2						= validateTeam sndTeam
	  , theBall						= Free (ballAtCenter field)
	  , theField					= field
	  , theReferee					= referee
	  , playingHalf					= FirstHalf
	  , playingTime					= time
	  , unittime					= 0.05
	  , score						= (0,0)
	  , seed						= rs

type Step = (([RefereeAction],[PlayerWithAction]),Match)

stepMatch  Match  Step
stepMatch match = runIdentity $ do
	(refereeActions,  match)		 return $ refereeTurn match
	match							 return $ performRefereeActions refereeActions match
	(intendedActions, match)		 return $ playersTurn   refereeActions  match
	(succeededActions,match)		 return $ selectActions intendedActions match
	match							 return $ performPlayerActions intendedActions succeededActions match
	match							 return $ advanceTime match
	return $ ((refereeActions,succeededActions),match)
	-- lets every player player conjure an initiative
	playersTurn  [RefereeAction]  Match  ([PlayerWithAction],Match)
	playersTurn refereeActions match= (intendedActions,newMatch)
		actionsOfTeam1				= map (think refereeActions (theBall match) (team2 match)) (singleOutElems (team1 match))
		actionsOfTeam2				= map (think refereeActions (theBall match) (team1 match)) (singleOutElems (team2 match))
		newMatch					= match { team1 = map snd actionsOfTeam1,team2 = map snd actionsOfTeam2}
		intendedActions				= [(action,playerID) | (action,Player{playerID=playerID}) <- actionsOfTeam1 ++ actionsOfTeam2]

		think  [RefereeAction]  BallState  [Player]  (Player,[Player])  (PlayerAction,Player)
		think refereeActions ballstate opponents (me@Player{  effect=effect,brain=brain@Brain{ai=ai,m=m}},ownTeam)
			| isNothing effect		= (action,newMe)
			| otherwise				= checkIfNotOnGround (fromJust effect) action newMe
			(action,newM)			= runState (ai $ BrainInput{referee=refereeActions,ball=ballstate,others=ownTeam ++ opponents,me=me}) m
			newMe = clonePlayer (brain{ai=ai,m=newM}) me {  effect=effect}

			checkIfNotOnGround  PlayerEffect  PlayerAction  Player  (PlayerAction,Player)
			checkIfNotOnGround (OnTheGround i) action fb
				| i <= 0			= (action,              fb { effect = Nothing})
				| otherwise			= (allowOnlyPlayTheater,fb { effect = Just (OnTheGround (i-1))
									                            , stamina= alterStamina ballstate fb (zero) (zero)})
				allowOnlyPlayTheater= case action of
										PlayTheater	 action
										_			 Move (zero) { direction = (direction (speed fb))} (zero) -- Run (zero) { direction = (direction (speed fb))}
			checkIfNotOnGround _ action fb
									= (action,fb)

{-	selectActions actions match
		removes all failing actions, and returns the list of remaining succeeding actions.
		It updates the random stream in match, and neutralizes actions of tackled players.
-}	selectActions  [PlayerWithAction]  Match  ([PlayerWithAction],Match)
	selectActions actions match@Match{seed=seed} = runIdentity $ do
		(seed,succeededActions)				 return $ validActions match seed actions
		((successTackles,failedTackles),seed)	 return $ analyseTackleActions match succeededActions seed
		succeededActions						 return $ filter (isNoTackleVictim successTackles) (removeMembers succeededActions failedTackles)
		return $ (succeededActions,match { seed=seed})
	{-	actions that are always valid: {Move, Run, Rotate, Feint, Schwalbe, PlayTheater}
		actions that may have success: {Tackle} (looked at later at performactions)
		actions where at most (fromIntegral 1) can succeed: {GainBall, KickBall, HeadBall, Catch}
	-}	validActions  Match  StdGen  [PlayerWithAction]  (StdGen,[PlayerWithAction])
		validActions match seed []			= (seed,[])
		validActions match seed actions
			| isJust ballAction			= (seed1,(fromJust ballAction:otherActions))
			| otherwise						= (seed1,otherActions)
			allPlayers					= (team1 match) ++ (team2 match)
			(ballActions,otherActions)	= spanfilter (isActionOnBall  fst) actions
			(seed1,ballAction)				= selectBallAction (theBall match) allPlayers seed ballActions

			selectBallAction  BallState  [Player]  StdGen  [PlayerWithAction]  (StdGen,Maybe PlayerWithAction)
			selectBallAction ballstate allPlayers seed desiredActions = runIdentity $ do
				(ps,seed)					 return $ iterateStn (length desiredActions) random seed
				odds						 return $ [ (successOfAction ballstate allPlayers action (if (p==fromIntegral 1) then p else (makeRandomRealistic p)),action)
											  | (action,p) <- zip desiredActions ps
				okOdds					 return $ filter (\(p,a)  p > (zero)) odds
				if null okOdds			then return $ (seed,Nothing) else do
					maxOddProb				 return $ maximum (map fst okOdds)
					bestActions				 return $ [a | (p,a) <- okOdds, p >= maxOddProb]
					(p,seed)					 return $ random seed
					if p==fromIntegral 1					then return $ (seed,Just (head bestActions)) else do
						let l = fromIntegral $ length bestActions  Float
						let m = p * l
						let idx = floor m
						return (seed,Just (bestActions !! idx))
				successOfAction  BallState  [Player]  PlayerWithAction  Float  Float
				successOfAction ballstate allPlayers (action,who) p
											= myFatigue * myHealth * p * successOfAction
					successOfAction		= if (isGainBall  action && ballGainable  && ballAtGainSpeed) then  successGaining else
											 (if (isCatchBall action && ballCatchable && ballAtCatchSpeed) then successCatching else
											 (if (isKickBall  action && ballKickable) then                      successKicking else
											 (if (isHeadBall  action && ballHeadable) then                      successHeading else
					Just me						= find (identifyPlayer who) allPlayers
					myFatigue 				= (stamina me)
					myHealth				= (health me)
					mySkills 				= skillsAsList me
					myLength 				= (height me)
					iGainWell				= elem Gaining  mySkills
					iKickWell				= elem Kicking  mySkills
					iHeadWell				= elem Heading  mySkills
					iCatchWell				= elem Catching mySkills

					ballGainable			= dPlayerBall <= maxGainReach  me
					ballKickable			= dPlayerBall <= maxKickReach  me
					ballHeadable			= dPlayerBall <= maxHeadReach  me
					ballCatchable			= dPlayerBall <= maxCatchReach me
					ballAtGainSpeed			= dVelocity    <= maxGainVelocityDifference  me dPlayerBall
					ballAtCatchSpeed		= dVelocity    <= maxCatchVelocityDifference me dPlayerBall
					dSpeed 				= (zero) { dxy = scaleVector (velocity (speed me)) (toRVector (direction (speed me)))}
											  RVector3D {       dxy = scaleVector (velocity (vxy (ballSpeed theBall))) (toRVector (direction (vxy (ballSpeed theBall))))
											  ,       dz  = (vz (ballSpeed theBall))
					dVelocity 				= sizeVector3D dSpeed

					theBall 				= getBall ballstate allPlayers
					dPlayerBall 			= dist (toPosition3D (pos me)) (ballPos theBall)

					othersWithBall		= [fb | fb <- allPlayers, ballIsGainedBy (playerID fb) ballstate && not (identifyPlayer who fb)]
					otherHasBall			= not (null othersWithBall)
					otherDribblesWell		= elem Dribbling (skillsAsList (head othersWithBall))

					successGaining			= if (ballIsFree ballstate) then (lengthPenalty * if iGainWell then 0.95 else 0.8) else
											 (if  otherHasBall        then (lengthPenalty * if iGainWell then 0.75 else 0.3 * if otherDribblesWell then 0.6 else 1.0)
												                        else 1.0)
					successKicking			= if (ballIsFree ballstate) then (lengthBonus * if iKickWell then 0.95 else 0.85) else
											 (if  otherHasBall        then (lengthBonus * if iKickWell then 0.80 else 0.70 * if otherDribblesWell then 0.7 else 1.0)
												                        else 1.0)
					successHeading			= if iHeadWell then  0.95 else 0.9
					successCatching		= if iCatchWell then 1.0 else  0.95
					lengthBonus				= (myLength-1.2) ** 0.15
					lengthPenalty			= (2.6-myLength) ** 0.1

		analyseTackleActions  Match  [PlayerWithAction]  StdGen  (([PlayerWithAction],[PlayerWithAction]),StdGen)
		analyseTackleActions match performedActions seed
			= spanfilterSt (isPossibleTackle match) [action | action <- performedActions, isPlayerTackle (fst action)] seed
			isPossibleTackle  Match  PlayerWithAction  StdGen  (Bool,StdGen)
			isPossibleTackle match@Match{team1=team1,team2=team2} (Tackle victimID _,playerID) seed
				| dMeVictim > maxTackleReach offender								--  victim is out of reach
								= (False,seed)
				| otherwise		= (((p + chanceOfSuccess) / 2) > 0.5,seed')				-- victim is within reach, but tackle may fail
				(p,seed')		= random seed
				allPlayers		= team1 ++ team2
				Just offender		= find (identifyPlayer playerID) allPlayers
				Just victim			= find (identifyPlayer victimID) allPlayers
				dMeVictim		= dist (pos offender) (pos victim)
				chanceOfSuccess	= (1.0 - dMeVictim + if (elem Tackling (skillsAsList offender)) then 0.9 else 0.7) /2

		isNoTackleVictim  [PlayerWithAction]  PlayerWithAction  Bool
		isNoTackleVictim tackles (action,playerID)
								= isSchwalbe    action
								  isPlayTheater action
								  null [victim | (Tackle victim _,_) <- tackles, victim==playerID]

{-	refereeTurn match
		determines whether the rules of soccer are adhered to and yields a list of referee actions.
-}	refereeTurn  Match  ([RefereeAction],Match)
	refereeTurn match@Match{theReferee=referee@Referee{  rbrain=brain@Brain{ai=ai,m=m}},theBall=theBall,playingHalf=playingHalf,team1=team1,team2=team2,playingTime=playingTime,unittime=unittime,seed=seed}
											= (refereeActions,match { theReferee=newReferee,seed=newSeed})
		(refereeActions,(newM,newSeed))	= ai playingTime unittime theBall playingHalf team1 team2 (m,seed)
		newReferee							= cloneReferee (Brain{ai=ai,m=newM}) referee

{-	performRefereeActions refereeActions match
		performs for each ball player in match his succeededAction, informs them about the referee actions, and moves the ball.
-}	performRefereeActions  [RefereeAction]  Match  Match
	performRefereeActions refActions match	= foldl doRefereeEvent match refActions
		doRefereeEvent  Match  RefereeAction  Match
		doRefereeEvent theMatch@Match{playingHalf=playingHalf,theField=theField,team1=team1,team2=team2} refereeAction
			| isAlterMatchBallAndTeams		= theMatch { theBall=Free (mkBall pos (zero))}
			| isGameProgressEvent			= gameProgress theMatch
			| isDisplaceTeamsEvent			= theMatch { team1=map (displacePlayer ds) team1,team2=map (displacePlayer ds) team2}
			| isReprimandEvent				= let (team1',team2')		= reprimandPlayer (nameOf team1) tef repr (team1,team2) in theMatch { team1=team1',team2=team2'}
			| otherwise						= theMatch
			(isAlterMatchBallAndTeams,pos)	= case refereeAction of
												DirectFreeKick _ pos	 (True,pos)
												ThrowIn        _ pos	 (True,pos)
												Corner         _ _		 (True,fromJust (getKickPos theField playingHalf refereeAction))
												GoalKick       _		 (True,fromJust (getKickPos theField playingHalf refereeAction))
												Penalty        _		 (True,fromJust (getKickPos theField playingHalf refereeAction))
												CenterKick     _		 (True,fromJust (getKickPos theField playingHalf refereeAction))
												otherwise				 (False,error "UNDEF pos")
											= case refereeAction of
												GameOver				 (True,\m                 m { playingTime=(zero)})
												AddTime t				 (True,\m                 m { playingTime=(playingTime m+)t})
												EndHalf					 (True,\m                         m { playingHalf=SecondHalf})
												Goal    t				 (True,\m@Match{score=(w,e)}          m { score=if (t==Team1) then (w+1,e) else (w,e+1)})
												otherwise				 (False,error "UNDEF gameProgress")
			(isDisplaceTeamsEvent,ds)		= case refereeAction of
												DisplacePlayers ds		 (True, ds)
												otherwise				 (False,error "UNDEF ds")
			(isReprimandEvent,(tef,repr))	= case refereeAction of
												ReprimandPlayer p r		 (True, (p,r))
												otherwise				 (False,(error "UNDEF tef", error "UNDEF repr"))

			displacePlayer  Displacements  Player  Player
			displacePlayer displacements fb
				= case lookup (playerID fb) displacements of
					Just pos				 fb { pos=pos}
					nothing					 fb

			reprimandPlayer  ClubName  PlayerID  Reprimand  ([Player],[Player])  ([Player],[Player])
			reprimandPlayer club1 playerID RedCard (team1,team2)
				= splitAt (nrPlayers1 - if ((clubName playerID) == club1) then 1 else 0) (uneq1++uneq2)
				(uneq1,_,uneq2)				= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1++team2)
				nrPlayers1				= length team1
			reprimandPlayer _ _ _ teams		= teams

{-	performPlayerActions actions succeededActions match
		performs for each ball player in match his succeededAction and moves the ball.
-}	performPlayerActions  [PlayerWithAction]  [PlayerWithAction]  Match  Match
	performPlayerActions actions succeededActions match@Match{theField=theField,theBall=theBall,team1=team1,team2=team2,seed=seed,unittime=unittime} = runIdentity $ do
						 return $ foldl (flip (performAction succeededActions)) (seed,theBall,team1,team2) actions
		(ball,seed)	 return $ moveBall theField (newPlayers1++newPlayers2) (ball,seed)
		match			  return $ match { team1=newPlayers1, team2=newPlayers2, theBall=ball, seed=seed }
		return $ match
		performAction  [PlayerWithAction]  PlayerWithAction  (StdGen,BallState,[Player],[Player])
		performAction succeededActions initiative (seed,ball,allPlayers1,allPlayers2)
			| elem initiative succeededActions				-- plan has succeeded
				= performAction' initiative (seed,ball,allPlayers1,allPlayers2)
			| otherwise											-- plan has failed
				= (seed,ball,map (failThisPlayerAction initiative) allPlayers1,map (failThisPlayerAction initiative) allPlayers2)
			failThisPlayerAction  PlayerWithAction  Player  Player
			failThisPlayerAction (idea,playerID) fb
				| identifyPlayer playerID fb
									= fb { effect=Just (failPlayerAction idea)}
				| otherwise			= fb

			performAction'  PlayerWithAction  (StdGen,BallState,[Player],[Player])

			performAction' (Move sp angle,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return (seed1,ball,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				curNose			= (nose fb)
				curSpeed			= (speed fb)
				skills				= skillsAsList fb
				playerHasBall		= ballIsGainedBy playerID ball
				(p,seed1)			= random seed
				feasibleAngle		= ((signum angle)) * (abs angle `boundedBy` (0, maxRotateAngle fb))
				newNose			= curNose + feasibleAngle
				angleDifficulty 	= angleHowFarFromPi ((direction sp)-newNose)
				angleDifference		= angleHowFarFromAngle (direction sp) newNose
				newStamina			= alterStamina ball fb   angleDifficulty angleDifference
				newHealth			= alterHealth  ball fb p angleDifficulty angleDifference
				healthFat			= getHealthStaminaFactor newHealth newStamina
				newVel				= healthFat * (velocity sp `boundedBy` (0, maxVelocity fb angleDifficulty angleDifference))
				newSpeed			= sp { velocity=newVel}
				newPosition'		= movePoint (scaleVector (unittime * newVel) (toRVector (direction newSpeed))) (pos fb)
				newPosition		= pointToRectangle ((zero),Position{px=(flength theField),py=(fwidth theField)}) newPosition'
				newFb				= fb { stamina = newStamina
									      , health  = newHealth
									      , speed   = newSpeed
									      , pos     = newPosition
									      , nose    = newNose
									      , effect  = Just (Moved newSpeed feasibleAngle)

		{-	Run has become deprecated.
			Rules for running:
			(1) you can't run through another player
			(2) you can't run faster than maximum velocity for a player (depends on Running and Dribbling skill)
			(3) you can't leave field
			(4) running fast lowers your stamina
			(5) running slow increases your stamina and health
			(6) poor health or poor stamina lowers your maximum velocity
			performAction' (Run speed,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2)
				| null bumpedInto	= runIdentity $ do -- no collision with other player
					newFb		← fb { pos     = newPosition
									      , speed   = newSpeed
									      , stamina = newStamina
									      , effect  = Just (Ran eventSpeed { direction = (direction eventSpeed) - (direction (speed fb))})
					(team1,team2)	← splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
					return $ (seed2,ball,team1,team2)
				| otherwise		= runIdentity $ do		-- collission with other player
					playerSpeed	← (speed fb) { direction=(direction newSpeed), velocity=(velocity 0.3*newSpeed)}
					newFb		← fb { speed   = playerSpeed
									      , stamina = newStamina
									      , effect  = Just (Ran (speed fb) { velocity=(velocity 0.3*newSpeed)})
					(team1,team2)	← splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
					(p3,seed3)	← random seed2
									← moveBumpedPlayers newSpeed { velocity=(velocity 0.3*newSpeed), direction = (direction 0.4*p3*newSpeed)}
										bumpedInto (seed3,team1,team2)
					return $ (seed4,ball,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				(p1,seed1)			= random seed
				(p2,seed2)			= random seed1
				angleDifficulty 	= angleHowFarFromPi (direction speed)
				angleDifference		= if (isNothing (effect fb)) then (zero) else (case fromJust (effect fb) of
																	      Ran s	→ angleHowFarFromAngle (direction speed) (direction s)
																	      _		→ (zero))
				playerHasBall		= ballIsGainedBy playerID ball
				newStamina			= alterStamina ball fb    angleDifficulty angleDifference
				newHealth			= alterHealth  ball fb p1 angleDifficulty angleDifference
				healthFat			= getHealthStaminaFactor newHealth newStamina
				newVel				= healthFat * (velocity speed `boundedBy` (0, maxVelocity fb angleDifficulty angleDifference))
				newSpeed			= (speed fb) { velocity=newVel}
				newAngle			= if (p2 == (fromIntegral 1)) then ((direction (speed fb)) + (direction speed)) else
									 (if (p2 > 0.5) then  ((direction (speed fb)) + (0.85 + 0.15 * healthFat) * pi - pi + (direction speed)) else
									                 ((direction (speed fb)) + (1.15 - 0.15 * healthFat) * pi - pi + (direction speed)))
				eventSpeed			= (speed fb) { velocity=newVel, direction=newAngle}
				newPosition'		= movePoint (scaleVector (unittime * newVel) (toRVector newAngle)) (pos fb)
				newPosition		= pointToRectangle ((zero),{px=(flength theField),py=(fwidth theField)}) newPosition'
				bumpedInto			= (playerID [fb) | fb <- uneq1++uneq2 | inRadiusOfPlayer newPosition fb]
		{- Rotate has become deprecated:
			Rules for rotating:
			(1) Rotating with slow velocity increases your stamina and health
			(2) Rotating with high velocity lowers your stamina and health
			(3) poor health or poor stamina lowers your maximum velocity
			(4) poor health or poor stamina lowers your precision with turning
			(5) you can't leave field
			(6) you can't run faster than your maximum velocity
			(7) you can't run through another player
			performAction' (Rotate speed,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2)
				| not (null bumpedInto) = runIdentity $ do
					playerSpeed			← (speed fb) { direction=newAngle, velocity=(velocity 0.3*newSpeed)}
					newFb				← fb { speed   = playerSpeed
											      , stamina = newStamina
											      , effect  = Just (Rotated {direction=newAngle,velocity=(velocity 0.3*newSpeed)})
					(team1,team2)			← splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
					(p2,seed2)			← random seed1
					(seed3,team1,team2)	← moveBumpedPlayers newSpeed { velocity=(velocity 0.3*newSpeed), direction = (direction 0.4*p2*newSpeed)}
												bumpedInto (seed2,team1,team2)
					return $ (seed3,ball,team1,team2)
				| otherwise = runIdentity $ do
					newFb				← fb { pos     = newPosition
											      , speed   = newSpeed
											      , stamina = newStamina
											      , effect  = Just (Rotated newSpeed)
					(newTeam1,newTeam2)	← splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
					return $ (seed1,ball,newTeam1,newTeam2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				(p1,seed1)			= random seed
				newV'				= healthFat * (setbetween (velocity speed) (zero) (maxVelocity fb (zero) (zero)))
				newV				= if (newAngle >= maxRotateAngle fb { speed=(speed fb) { velocity=newV'}}) then (max (newV' - 0.5) (zero)) else newV'
				newAngle			= let lengthFactor	= if (elem Rotating skills) then ((height fb)-0.2) else (height fb)
									      healthFactor	= (healthFat/((direction 0.75*lengthFactor))*speed)
									   in if ((direction speed) > (zero)) then (min (  maxRotateAngle fb)  healthFactor) else
									                                  (max (~(maxRotateAngle fb)) healthFactor)
				skills				= skillsAsList fb
				playerHasBall		= ballIsGainedBy playerID ball
				newStamina			= alterStamina ball fb    (zero) (zero)
				newHealth			= alterHealth  ball fb p1 (zero) (zero)
				healthFat			= getHealthStaminaFactor newHealth newStamina
				newDirection		= (direction (speed fb)) + newAngle
				newSpeed			= (speed fb) { direction=newDirection, velocity=newV}
				newPosition'		= movePoint (scaleVector (unittime * newV) (toRVector newDirection)) (pos fb)
				newPosition		= pointToRectangle ((zero),{px=(flength theField),py=(fwidth theField)}) newPosition'
				bumpedInto			= (playerID [fb) | fb <- uneq1++uneq2 | inRadiusOfPlayer newPosition fb]
		{-	Rules for gaining ball:
			(1) ball obtains position and surface speed of obtaining player
		-}	performAction' (GainBall,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed,GainedBy playerID,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				newFb				= fb { effect = Just (GainedBall Success)}

		{-	Rules for kicking ball:
			(1) kicking decreases stamina
			(2) kicking is more effective towards your direction, and least effective in opposite direction
			(3) being taller, you can kick harder
			(4) a low stamina/health lower your max kickspeed
			(5) todo: kicking a ball held/gained by a keeper, may damage the keeper
		-}	performAction' (KickBall (Speed3D{vxy=Speed{velocity=v,direction=d},vz=vz}),playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed2,Free newBall,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				(p1,seed1)			= random seed
				(p2,seed2)			= random   seed1
				newFb				= fb { stamina=newStamina,effect=Just (KickedBall (Just newSpeed))}
				theBall				= getBall ball (team1 ++ team2)
				skills				= skillsAsList fb
				fatHealth			= getHealthStaminaFactor (health fb) (stamina fb)
				maxV				= maxVelocityBallKick fb
				newV				= speedFactor * (v `boundedBy` (0,maxV))
				newVz				= speedFactor * (vz `boundedBy` (0, maxV))
				newSpeed			= Speed3D{vxy=Speed{velocity=newV,direction=newDirection},vz=newVz}
				newStamina			= kickingPenalty fb newV * (stamina fb)
				speedFactor		= oppositeKickPenalty fb d
				newBall			= theBall { ballSpeed=newSpeed}
				newDirection = runIdentity $ do
					if p2 == (fromIntegral 1)		then return d else do
						failure		 return $ (fromIntegral 1) - if (elem Kicking skills) then (makeRandomRealisticSkilled p2) else (makeRandomRealistic p2)
						if p1 `mod` (2::Int)  0 then do
								newD		 return $ d - failure * maxKickingDeviation fb
								return $ if (newD < (zero)) then (newD + 2.0*pi) else newD
							else do
								newD		 return $ d + failure * maxKickingDeviation fb
								return $ if (newD > 2.0*pi) then (newD - 2.0*pi) else newD

		{-	Rules for heading ball:
			(1) heading decreases stamina, but less than kicking
			(2) kicking is more effective towards your direction, and least effective in opposite direction
			(3) a low stamina/health lower your max headspeed, but less than kicking
			(4) heading is less harder than kicking, but is not effected by your length
			(5) todo: heading a ball held/gained by a keeper, may damage the keeper (less than with kicking)
		-}	performAction' (HeadBall (Speed3D{vxy=Speed{velocity=v,direction=d},vz=vz}),playerID) (seed,ballstate,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed2,Free newBall,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				(p1,seed1)			= random seed
				(p2,seed2)			= random   seed1
				skills				= skillsAsList fb
				fatHealth			= getHealthStaminaFactor (health fb) (stamina fb)
				ball				= getBall ballstate (team1 ++ team2)
				ballSpeed'			= (velocity (vxy (ballSpeed ball)))
				maxV				= maxVelocityBallHead fb ballSpeed'
				newV				= v `boundedBy` (zero, maxV)
				newVz				= 0.25 * (vz `boundedBy` (0, maxV))
				newDirection		 = runIdentity $ do
					if p2 == (fromIntegral 1)	 then return d else do
						failure		 return $ (fromIntegral 1) - if (elem Heading skills) then makeRandomRealisticSkilled p2 else makeRandomRealistic p2
						if p1 `mod` (2::Int)  0 then do
								newD		 return $ d - failure * maxHeadingDeviation fb
								return $ if (newD < (zero)) then (newD + 2.0*pi) else newD
							else do
								newD		 return $ d + failure * maxHeadingDeviation fb
								return $ if (newD > 2.0*pi) then (newD - 2.0*pi) else newD
				newSpeed			= Speed3D{vxy=Speed{velocity=newV,direction=newDirection},vz=newVz}
				newStamina			= headingPenalty fb newV ballSpeed' * (stamina fb)
				newFb				= fb { stamina=newStamina,effect=Just (HeadedBall (Just newSpeed))}
				newBall			= ball { ballSpeed=newSpeed}

		{-	Rules for feinting:
			(1) you must have velocity in order to feint manouvre.
			(2) a feint manouvre changes your position, and decreases your velocity (depends on Feinting skill)
		-}	performAction' (Feint d,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed,ball,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				playerHasBall		= ballIsGainedBy playerID ball
				newStamina			= maxFatigueLossAtFeint fb * (stamina fb)
				fatHealth			= getHealthStaminaFactor (health fb) (stamina fb)
				newVelocity		= fatHealth * (velocity (speed fb)) * maxVelocityLossAtFeint fb
				newSpeed			= (speed fb) { velocity=newVelocity}
				(leftv,rightv)		= orthogonal (direction (speed fb))
				sidestep			= case d of FeintLeft  leftv; _  rightv
				newPosition'		= movePoint ((scaleVector (maxFeintStep fb) (toRVector sidestep))
				                                  (scaleVector (unittime * newVelocity) (toRVector (direction (speed fb))))
				                                 ) (pos fb)
				newPosition		= pointToRectangle ((zero),Position{px=(flength theField),py=(fwidth theField)}) newPosition'
				newFb				= fb { pos=newPosition,speed=newSpeed,stamina=newStamina,effect=Just (Feinted d)}

		{- Rules for Tackling
			(1) tackling may lower the health of the victim but increases his stamina (last is because he lies on the ground the next rounds)
			(2) tackling costs stamina
		-}	performAction' (Tackle victimID ve,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				return $ (seed1,newBall,team1T,team2T)
				nrPlayersTeam1		= length team1
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				(team1N,team2N)		= splitAt nrPlayersTeam1 (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				(uneq1T,fbT,uneq2T)	= break1 (identifyPlayer victimID) (team1N ++ team2N)
				(team1T,team2T)		= splitAt nrPlayersTeam1 (unbreak1 (uneq1T,newTarget,uneq2T))
				newStaminaSelf	= maxFatigueLossAtTackle fb * (stamina fb)
				fatHealthSelf		= getHealthStaminaFactor (health fb) (stamina fb)
				newFb				= fb { stamina = newStaminaSelf, effect = Just (Tackled victimID ve Success)}
				targetHasBall		= ballIsGainedBy victimID ball
				(p,seed1)			= random seed
				newV'				= min maxTackleVelocity ve
				maxTackleVelocity	= 10.0
				newV				= newV'/10.0
				healthDamageTarget	= newV * fatHealthSelf * (0.5*p + 0.1) + ((height fbT)-minLength)/2.0
				newHealthTarget	= max 0.0 (health fbT) - healthDamageTarget
				newTarget			= fbT { health = newHealthTarget, effect = Just (OnTheGround 3) }
				newBall			= if targetHasBall then (Free (mkBall (pos fbT) (speed fbT))) else ball

		{- Rules for Schwalbe
			(1) Schwalbe cures stamina
			(2) Performing a Schwalbe when ball was gained causes to lose ball
		-}	performAction' (Schwalbe,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed,ball,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				newFb				= fb { effect = Just (OnTheGround 1)}

		{- Rules for catching
			(1) ball optains speed and distance of player
		-}	performAction' (CatchBall,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed,GainedBy playerID,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				newFb				= fb { effect=Just (CaughtBall Success)}

		{- Rules for playing theater
			(1) playingTheater costs stamina
			(2) Performing a Schwalbe when ball was gained causes to lose ball
		-}	performAction' (PlayTheater,playerID) (seed,ball,team1,team2) = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed,ball,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				e				= (effect fb)
				wasOnTheGround		= if (isNothing e) then False else (isOnTheGround (fromJust e))
				newEvent			= if (isOnTheGround (fromJust e)) then (fromJust e) else PlayedTheater
				newFb				= fb { effect = Just newEvent}

		moveBumpedPlayers  Speed  [PlayerID]  (StdGen,[Player],[Player])
		moveBumpedPlayers newSpeed bumpedInto (seed,team1,team2)
			= foldl (moveBumpedPlayer newSpeed) (seed,team1,team2) bumpedInto
			moveBumpedPlayer  Speed  (StdGen,[Player],[Player])  PlayerID
			moveBumpedPlayer newSpeed (seed,team1,team2) playerID = runIdentity $ do
				(team1,team2)		 return $ splitAt (length team1) (unbreak1 (uneq1,newFb,uneq2))
				return $ (seed1,team1,team2)
				(uneq1,fb,uneq2)	= break1 (identifyPlayer playerID) (team1 ++ team2)
				(p,seed1)			= random seed
				newPos				= let a = p*2.0*pi in movePoint RVector {dx=0.5*cos a,dy=0.5*sin a} (pos fb)
				newFb				= fb { speed=newSpeed, pos=newPos}

	{-	moveBall moves the ball (fromIntegral 1) unit, taking into account the surface and air resistance.
	-}	moveBall  Field  [Player]  (BallState,StdGen)  (BallState,StdGen)
		moveBall _ _ gained@(GainedBy playerID,seed)
			= gained
		moveBall field allPlayers (Free ball@Ball{ballSpeed=Speed3D{vxy=Speed{velocity=v,direction=d},vz=vz},ballPos=ballPos},seed)
			= (Free ball { ballSpeed=newSpeed,ballPos=newBallpos},seed1)
			inTheAir				= (pz ballPos) > (zero)
			resistance				= if inTheAir then airResistance else surfaceResistance
			surfaceMovement		= scaleVector (unittime * v) (toRVector d)
			newSpeed2D				= let newV = resistance*v in Speed{direction = d, velocity = if (newV <= 0.05) then (zero) else newV}
--			newVz'					= if inTheAir then (vz - unittime*accellerationSec) else (zero)
			newVz'					= vz - unittime*accellerationSec
			newHeight'				= (pz ballPos) + vz
			(newHeight,newVz)		= if (newHeight' < (zero)) then (0.5*(abs newHeight'),let newV = 0.33*(abs newVz') in if (newV <= 0.8) then (zero) else newV) else	-- ball bounces, loss of velocity
			newSpeed'				= Speed3D{vxy=newSpeed2D, vz=newVz}
			newBallpos				= Position3D{pxy=movePoint surfaceMovement (pxy ballPos),pz=newHeight}
			fieldDimensions		= ((zero),Position{px=(flength field),py=(fwidth field)})
			(newSpeed,seed1)		= ballBouncesAgainst field newBallpos newSpeed' allPlayers seed

			-- if the then ball else bounces against something, velocity will be reduced again and the direction will be changed.
			ballBouncesAgainst  Field  Position3D  Speed3D  [Player]  StdGen  (Speed3D,StdGen)
			ballBouncesAgainst field newBallpos newSpeed@Speed3D{vxy=Speed{velocity=v,direction=d},vz=s3d} allPlayers seed
				-- the ball may hit (fromIntegral 1) of the poles of (fromIntegral 1) of the goal or (fromIntegral 1) of the players and bounce away
				-- ball hits (fromIntegral 1) of the goal poles
				| againstGoalWestNorthPole || againstGoalWestSouthPole || againstGoalEastNorthPole || againstGoalEastSouthPole
					-- 50% bounce left, 50% bounce right
					= (newSpeed { vxy = (vxy newSpeed) { direction = if (p1<=0.5) then (d-p2*pi) else (d+p2*pi), velocity = resistance*v}},seed2)
				-- ball hits the top of (fromIntegral 1) of the goals
				| againstGoalWestPoleUpper || againstGoalEastPoleUpper = runIdentity $ do
					forwardOrBack	 return $ if (p1<=0.5) then Forward else Back
					upOrDown		 return $ if ((pz newBallpos) < goalHeight+(goalPoleWidth/2.0)) then Down else Up
					return $ bounceBall upOrDown (bounceBall forwardOrBack (newSpeed,seed2))
				-- ball hits (fromIntegral 1) of the players
				| any (\fb  inRadiusOfPlayer (pxy newBallpos) fb && (height fb) >= (pz newBallpos)) allPlayers
					-- bounces pure at random (player might get ported)
					= (newSpeed { vxy = (vxy newSpeed) { direction = p2*2.0*pi, velocity = resistance*v}, vz=p1*s3d},seed2)
				-- ball hits nothing
				| otherwise
					= (newSpeed,seed2)
				(p1,seed1)					= random seed
				(p2,seed2)					= random seed1
				(northPole,southPole)		= goalPoles field
				againstGoalWestNorthPole 	= inCircleRadiusOfPosition newBallpos (goalPoleWidth/2.0) goalHeight Position {px=0.0,          py=northPole - goalPoleWidth/2.0}
				againstGoalWestSouthPole	= inCircleRadiusOfPosition newBallpos (goalPoleWidth/2.0) goalHeight Position {px=0.0,          py=southPole + goalPoleWidth/2.0}
				againstGoalEastNorthPole	= inCircleRadiusOfPosition newBallpos (goalPoleWidth/2.0) goalHeight Position {px=(flength field),py=northPole - goalPoleWidth/2.0}
				againstGoalEastSouthPole	= inCircleRadiusOfPosition newBallpos (goalPoleWidth/2.0) goalHeight Position {px=(flength field),py=southPole + goalPoleWidth/2.0}
				againstGoalWestPoleUpper	= (isbetween (py (pxy newBallpos)) (northPole-goalPoleWidth/2.0) (southPole+goalPoleWidth/2.0))
											  (isbetween (pz newBallpos) goalHeight (goalHeight+goalPoleWidth))
											  ((px (pxy newBallpos)) <= (zero))
				againstGoalEastPoleUpper	= (isbetween (py (pxy newBallpos)) (northPole-goalPoleWidth/2.0) (southPole+goalPoleWidth/2.0))
											  (isbetween (pz newBallpos) goalHeight (goalHeight+goalPoleWidth))
											  ((px (pxy newBallpos)) >= (flength field))

	advanceTime  Match  Match
	advanceTime match@Match{playingTime=playingTime, unittime=unittime}
		= match { playingTime = max (zero) ((playingTime*160.0 - unittime)/160.0)}

{-|	Attribute altering functions depending on angles:
		Angle ∷ between (zero) and pi, how much the player is running backwards (pi is backwards).
		Angle ∷ between (zero) and pi, the difference between the desired angle and the angle the player previously ran to.
alterStamina  BallState  Player  Angle  Angle  Stamina
alterStamina ballState fb angleDifficulty angleDifference
	| v <= rfv											-- increase stamina
		= if s < minimumFatigue	then minimumFatigue else s**0.8
	| otherwise													-- lower stamina
		= if s > maximumFatigue	then maximumFatigue * ((fromIntegral 1) - angleDifficulty/(4.0*pi)) else fv * ((fromIntegral 1) - angleDifficulty/(4.0*pi))
	v						= (velocity (speed fb))
	h							= (height fb)
	s							= (stamina fb)
	rfv								= restoreStaminaVelocity ballState fb angleDifficulty angleDifference
	diff							= v-rfv
	fv								= if (diff >= 6.0) then (s**(s**(1.6 + 2.0*h/100.0))) else
									 (if (diff >= 4.0) then (s**(1.5 + h/100.0)) else
									 (if (diff >= 2.0) then (s**(1.4 - h/100.0)) else
									                   (s**(1.3 - 2.0*h/100.0))))

alterHealth  BallState  Player  Float  Angle  Angle  Health
alterHealth ballState fb p angleDifficulty angleDifference
	| (velocity (speed fb)) <= rfv		= min (h+p/10.0) 1.0	-- increase health
	| otherwise						= h
	h							= (health fb)
	rfv								= restoreStaminaVelocity ballState fb angleDifficulty angleDifference

restoreStaminaVelocity  BallState  Player  Angle  Angle  Velocity
restoreStaminaVelocity ballState fb angleDifficulty angleDifference
	| ballIsGainedBy (playerID fb) ballState
									= maxV / (if (elem Running   skills) then 1.6 else 2.6)
	| elem Running skills		= maxV / (if (elem Dribbling skills) then 2.0 else 3.0) * 1.22
	| otherwise						= maxV / (if (elem Dribbling skills) then 2.0 else 3.0)
	skills							= skillsAsList fb
	maxV							= maxVelocity fb angleDifficulty angleDifference

maxVelocity  Player  Angle  Angle  Velocity
maxVelocity fb angleDifficulty angleDifference
	= dribblingPenalty * runningPenalty * baseVelocity
	skills							= skillsAsList fb
	baseVelocity					= 10.0
	dribblingPenalty				= if (elem Dribbling skills) then 0.95 else 0.85
	runningPenalty					= if (elem Running   skills) then 1.0 else  0.85

minimumFatigue						= 0.05
maximumFatigue						= 0.985

{-|	The functions below defines the penalty factor: values between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the loss of an attribute of an action.
type PenaltyFactor = Float			-- a value between 0.0 and 1.0

kickingPenalty  Player  Velocity  PenaltyFactor
kickingPenalty fb newV				= 1.0 - (if (elem Kicking (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.3 else 0.6) * (newV/maxV)**2.0
	maxV							= maxVelocityBallKick fb

headingPenalty  Player  Velocity  Velocity  PenaltyFactor
headingPenalty fb newV ballV		= 1.0 - (if (elem Heading (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.08 else 0.13) * (newV/maxV)**2.0
	maxV							= maxVelocityBallHead fb ballV

maxFatigueLossAtTackle  Player  PenaltyFactor
maxFatigueLossAtTackle fb			= if (elem Tackling (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.99 else 0.9

maxFatigueLossAtFeint  Player  PenaltyFactor
maxFatigueLossAtFeint fb			= if (elem Feinting (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.92 else 0.77

maxVelocityLossAtFeint  Player  PenaltyFactor
maxVelocityLossAtFeint fb			= if (elem Feinting (skillsAsList fb)) then 0.99 else 0.75

oppositeKickPenalty  Player  Angle  PenaltyFactor
oppositeKickPenalty fb kickTo		= 1.0 - skillPenaltyFactor * (angleHowFarFromPi angle)/pi
	angle							= abs ((nose fb) - kickTo)
	skills							= skillsAsList fb
	skillPenaltyFactor				= if (all (`elem` skills) [Rotating,Kicking]) then 0.3
									 else (if (any (`elem` skills) [Rotating,Kicking]) then 0.5
									 else                                             0.9)