{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, NamedFieldPuns #-} module SoccerFun.Referee.Ivanov where import SoccerFun.Prelude import SoccerFun.Ball import SoccerFun.Geometry import SoccerFun.MatchControl import SoccerFun.Player import System.Random import SoccerFun.Referee import SoccerFun.Team import SoccerFun.Types import Data.List import Control.Monad.Identity import Data.Maybe import SoccerFun.Field chanceOfPenaltySuccess = 0.3 chanceOfSchwalbeSuccess = 0.7 chanceOfTheaterSuccess = 0.8 chanceOfCatchSuccess = 0.5 healthInaccurateFactor = 1.0 -- (is multiplied with 0.5) nearEventRadius = 10.0 replaceDistance = 5.0 ivanovReferee ∷ Field → Team → Team → Referee ivanovReferee field t1 t2 = Referee {rname = "Ivanov", rbrain = Brain {m = mkIvanovLongTermMemory t1 t2, ai = refBrainIvanov field}} -- Memory that is passed around for the referee data IvanovLongTermMemory = IvanovLongTermMemory {lastRoundTackles ∷ [TackleAction], inOffsidePosition ∷ [PlayerID], keeper1HadBall ∷ Bool, -- True iff keeper of Team1 had ball in previous round keeper2HadBall ∷ Bool, -- True iff keeper of Team2 had ball in previous round prevHealthPlayers ∷ AssocList PlayerID Health, -- the health of the players in previous round lastKickedTheBall ∷ Maybe PlayerID, ballIsFor ∷ Maybe ATeam, offsidePossible ∷ FreeKickCountdownForOffside, -- because of a certain type of free kick typeOfKickoff ∷ Maybe RefereeAction, waitingForSideSkipping ∷ (Bool,Int), gameLength ∷ Maybe Float, receivedYellow ∷ [PlayerID], initialTeams ∷ (Team,Team)} -- to restore initial positions after kick-off. type TackleAction = (Victim,Offender,Velocity) type Victim = (PlayerID,Position,Health) -- Victim of a tackle type Offender = (PlayerID,Position,Health) -- Offender of a tackle {- KickForcedByReferee : The next kick should be a kick that is appointed by the referee and therefor can not be offside FreeToKick : The first gain or kick after a free kick; can not be offside OffsidePossible : It is possible that you are standing offside -} data FreeKickCountdownForOffside = OffsidePossible | FreeToKick | KickForcedByReferee instance Eq FreeKickCountdownForOffside where (==) OffsidePossible OffsidePossible = False -- disable offside since it is buggy (==) FreeToKick FreeToKick = True (==) KickForcedByReferee KickForcedByReferee = True (==) _ _ = False lowerOffsideCounter ∷ IvanovLongTermMemory → IvanovLongTermMemory lowerOffsideCounter longMem = longMem {typeOfKickoff = Nothing, offsidePossible = if (offsidePossible longMem) == KickForcedByReferee then FreeToKick else OffsidePossible} -- Memory used within one timeslice. Is discarded every round. data IvanovShortTermMemory = IvanovShortTermMemory {gameStoppedForTackle ∷ Bool, punished ∷ [PunishedPlayer], penalty ∷ [(ATeam,Reason)], thisRoundTackles ∷ [TackleAction], myMood ∷ Mood, offsideAndTouchedBall ∷ Maybe PlayerID, ballKickedOrHeaded ∷ Bool} type PunishedPlayer = (PlayerID,PunishedScore,[Reason]) type PunishedScore = Int -- < 0 points is probably nothing -- 1-2 points is probably warning -- 3-4 points is probably yellow -- > 4 points is probably red -- Reason of punishments data Reason = Rtackle | Roffside | Rtheater | Rschwalbe | Rhands | RdangerousPlay | RillegalBallPossession deriving Eq mkIvanovShortTermMemory ∷ Mood → IvanovShortTermMemory mkIvanovShortTermMemory m = IvanovShortTermMemory {gameStoppedForTackle = False, punished = [], penalty = [], thisRoundTackles = [], myMood = m, offsideAndTouchedBall = Nothing, ballKickedOrHeaded = False} type Mood = Float -- Random factor used to randomly pick action when Ivanov is not sure about what happened mkIvanovLongTermMemory ∷ Team → Team → IvanovLongTermMemory mkIvanovLongTermMemory t1 t2 = IvanovLongTermMemory {lastRoundTackles = [], inOffsidePosition = [], keeper1HadBall = False, keeper2HadBall = False, prevHealthPlayers = [], lastKickedTheBall = Nothing, ballIsFor = Just Team1, offsidePossible = OffsidePossible, typeOfKickoff = Just $ CenterKick Team1, waitingForSideSkipping = (False, zero), gameLength = Nothing, receivedYellow = [], initialTeams = (t1,t2)} -- Has #param2 done something naughty? In other words, is #param2 known in the list provided as #param1? getNaughtyPlayer ∷ [PunishedPlayer] → PlayerID → Maybe PunishedPlayer getNaughtyPlayer punished fbID' = case [pun | pun@(fbID,_,_) ← punished, fbID == fbID'] of (pun:_) → Just pun _ → Nothing -- Punish baller, if he then was else already punished before, punish him more, otherwise just punish him. Do not make duplicates. punishMore ∷ Reason → Player → PunishedScore → IvanovShortTermMemory → IvanovShortTermMemory punishMore reason fb score shortMem = shortMem { punished = newPunished} where newPunished = case break' (\(fbID,_,_) → identifyPlayer fbID fb) (punished shortMem) of (before,[p],after) → unbreak (before,[addPunishScore reason score p],after) (before,[],[]) → before ++ [((playerID fb),score,[reason])] otherwise → error "punishMore: short term memory (punished) contains duplicate entries.\n" -- Give the baller a higher punishscore and add the reason if he then was else not punished before for the same reason addPunishScore ∷ Reason → PunishedScore → PunishedPlayer → PunishedPlayer addPunishScore reason newScore (fbID,score,reasons) = (fbID,score+newScore,nub (reasons ++ [reason])) successfulActions ∷ Team → [PlayerWithEffect] successfulActions players = map (\Player {effect,playerID} → (effect,playerID)) players -- How this referee thinks about the match and come to his conclusions. refBrainIvanov ∷ Field → PlayingTime → TimeUnit → BallState → Half → Team → Team → (IvanovLongTermMemory,StdGen) → ([RefereeAction], (IvanovLongTermMemory,StdGen)) refBrainIvanov field time dt ballState half team1 team2 (longTermMemory,seed) = runIdentity $ do longTermMemory ← return $ if isJust (gameLength longTermMemory) then longTermMemory else longTermMemory { gameLength = Just time} -- filter actions (what mean actions do I notice and what not) (team1Actions,seed) ← return $ filterOutMeanActions allPlayers (successfulActions team1) seed -- filter actions team2 (team2Actions,seed) ← return $ filterOutMeanActions allPlayers (successfulActions team2) seed -- look into the consequences of last round tackles (p,seed) ← return $ random (seed ∷ StdGen) (shortTermMemory, seed) ← return $ analyseTackles (mkIvanovShortTermMemory p) team1Actions team2Actions (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) seed -- analyse the taken actions (shortTermMemory,longTermMemory) ← return $ analyseActions Team1 team1Actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory (shortTermMemory,longTermMemory) ← return $ analyseActions Team2 team2Actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory -- check for other people who are on the ground (for some mysterious reason) shortTermMemory ← return $ analysePeopleOnTheGround (receivedYellow longTermMemory) shortTermMemory team1 team2 -- give end-verdict of this round (conclusions,longTermMemory) ← return $ drawConclusions shortTermMemory longTermMemory return (conclusions,(longTermMemory,seed)) where allPlayers = team1 ++ team2 theBall = getBall ballState allPlayers kickoffDisplacements ∷ IvanovLongTermMemory → Displacements kickoffDisplacements longTermMemory = if half == FirstHalf then kickOffTeam1 ++ kickOffTeam2 else map (\(fbID,pos) → (fbID,mirror field pos)) (kickOffTeam1 ++ kickOffTeam2) where kickOffTeam1 = [(playerID,pos) | Player {playerID,pos} ← fst (initialTeams longTermMemory)] kickOffTeam2 = [(playerID,pos) | Player {playerID,pos} ← snd (initialTeams longTermMemory)] -- though teams are returned, only positions AND directions will be altered by a Displace-action replacePlayers ∷ Team → Team → RefereeAction → Field → Ball → IvanovLongTermMemory → Displacements replacePlayers team1 team2 kickAction field theBall longTermMemory | isForKeeper kickAction Team1 = replaceFielders team1 posi ++ replaceTeam team2 posi | isForKeeper kickAction Team2 = replaceTeam team1 posi ++ replaceFielders team2 posi | isCenterKick kickAction = if ballIsFor longTermMemory == Just Team1 then replacePlayers' (centre field) radiusCentreCircle team2 else replacePlayers' (centre field) radiusCentreCircle team1 -- replacePlayers' ∷ Position → Float → [Player] → Displacements -- kickOffTeam1 = [(playerID,pos) | Player {playerID,pos} ← fst (initialTeams longTermMemory)] -- kickOffTeam2 = [(playerID,pos) | Player {playerID,pos} ← snd (initialTeams longTermMemory)] -- in let ng -- | half == FirstHalf = kickOffTeam1 ++ kickOffTeam2 -- | otherwise = map (\(fbID,pos) → (fbID,mirror field pos)) (kickOffTeam1 ++ kickOffTeam2) -- in ng | isForTeam kickAction Team1 = replaceExceptPlayerCloseToPos team1 posi ++ replaceTeam team2 posi | otherwise = replaceTeam team1 posi ++ replaceExceptPlayerCloseToPos team2 posi where posi = case getKickPos field half kickAction of Just p → p nothing → (pxy (ballPos theBall)) replaceTeam ∷ Team → Position → Displacements replaceTeam team posi = replacePlayers' posi replaceDistance team replaceFielders ∷ Team → Position → Displacements replaceFielders team posi = replacePlayers' posi replaceDistance (filter isFielder team) replaceExceptPlayerCloseToPos ∷ Team → Position → Displacements replaceExceptPlayerCloseToPos team posi = replacePlayers' posi replaceDistance (filter (not . (identifyPlayer (playerID closestPlayer))) team) where closestPlayer = getClosestPlayer team posi (nameOf team) isForKeeper ∷ RefereeAction → ATeam → Bool isForKeeper (GoalKick team) theTeam = team==theTeam isForKeeper _ _ = False isForTeam ∷ RefereeAction → ATeam → Bool isForTeam (DirectFreeKick team1 _) team2 = team1==team2 isForTeam (GoalKick team1) team2 = team1==team2 isForTeam (Corner team1 _) team2 = team1==team2 isForTeam (ThrowIn team1 _) team2 = team1==team2 isForTeam (Penalty team1) team2 = team1==team2 isForTeam (CenterKick team1) team2 = team1==team2 isForTeam _ _ = True getClosestPlayer ∷ [Player] → Position → String → Player getClosestPlayer [] posi err = error ("getClosestPlayer: no player to pick from " ++ err) getClosestPlayer fbs posi error = foldr1 (isCloser posi) fbs where isCloser ∷ Position → Player → Player → Player isCloser posi fb1@Player {pos=pos1} fb2@Player {pos=pos2} | dist posi pos1 <= dist posi pos2 = fb1 | otherwise = fb2 replacePlayers' ∷ Position → Float → [Player] → Displacements replacePlayers' posi radius players = [displace (dist (pos fb) posi) fb | fb ← players, dist (pos fb) posi < radius] where displace dist fb = ((playerID fb),newPos) where newPos = if (dist <= 0.1*radius) then (alterPos (movePoint (scaleVector radius RVector {dx=cos (dist*2.0*pi),dy=sin (dist*2.0*pi)}) posi)) else (alterPos (movePoint (scaleVector radius RVector {dx=cos angle, dy=sin angle}) posi)) angle = atan (((py (pos fb)) - py posi) / ((px (pos fb)) - px posi)) -- corrects when players are placed beyond the borders of the field alterPos ∷ Position → Position alterPos mypos | px mypos >= flength field = alterPos' (Just (flength field - one)) Nothing mypos posi | (px mypos) <= zero = alterPos' (Just one) Nothing mypos posi | (py mypos) >= fwidth field = alterPos' Nothing (Just (fwidth field - one)) mypos posi | (py mypos) <= zero = alterPos' Nothing (Just one) mypos posi | otherwise = mypos where alterPos' ∷ (Maybe XPos) → (Maybe YPos) → Position → Position → Position alterPos' xpos ypos myPos middlePos | isJust xpos && isJust ypos = Position { px = fromJust xpos, py = fromJust ypos } | isJust xpos = let amount = abs (fromJust xpos - px myPos) in Position { px = fromJust xpos , py = if py myPos > py middlePos then (if ((py myPos) < fwidth field - amount) then ((py myPos) + amount) else ((py myPos) - amount - 2.0*distY) ) else (if ((py myPos) > amount) then ((py myPos) - amount) else ((py myPos) + amount + 2.0*distY) ) } | isJust ypos = let amount = abs (fromJust ypos - py myPos) in Position { py = fromJust ypos , px = if ((px myPos) > (px middlePos)) then (if ((px myPos) + amount < flength field) then ((px myPos) + amount) else ((px myPos) - amount - 2.0*distX) ) else (if ((px myPos) > amount) then ((px myPos) - amount) else ((px myPos) + amount + 2.0*distX) ) } | otherwise = myPos where distY = abs ((py myPos) - py middlePos) distX = abs ((px myPos) - px middlePos) analyseTackles ∷ IvanovShortTermMemory → [PlayerWithEffect] → [PlayerWithEffect] → [TackleAction] → StdGen → (IvanovShortTermMemory,StdGen) -- were there any tackles in the last round?? NO analyseTackles shortTermMemory _ _ [] seed = (shortTermMemory,seed) -- YES: there were tackles last round, whistle for that and ignore all other irrelative events analyseTackles shortTermMemory team1Actions team2Actions (((victim@PlayerID {playerNo=vNmbr},victimPos,victimHealth), (offender@PlayerID {clubName=oCn,playerNo=oNmbr},offenderPos,offenderHealth), velo) : _) seed = runIdentity $ do -- PA: hmmm, tl of tackles are ignored here. offendersTeam ← return $ if nameOf team1 == oCn then Team1 else Team2 Just victimNow ← return $ find (identifyPlayer victim) allPlayers Just offenderNow ← return $ find (identifyPlayer offender) allPlayers shortTermMemory ← return $ shortTermMemory { gameStoppedForTackle = True} -- was the ball near the tackle event(s) punishScore ← return $ if dist (pxy (ballPos theBall)) offenderPos <= 6.0 then 2 else 1 -- ball was near tackle event(s) + if vNmbr==1 then 5 else (if velo >= 6.0 then 3 else 2) -- penalty for keeper victim is highest -- victim is playing theater? actionOfVictim ← return $ case concat [maybeToList fa | (fa,fbId) ← if offendersTeam==Team1 then team2Actions else team1Actions, identifyPlayer fbId victimNow] of (fa:_) → Just fa _ → Nothing -- what is the damage to the victim? healthDrop ← return $ victimHealth - health victimNow + (p-0.5)* healthInaccurateFactor -- is the victim making theater? victimPunishScore ← return $ if isJust actionOfVictim then if isPlayedTheater (fromJust actionOfVictim) then 3 else 0 else 0 -- victim is not playing theater? punishScore ← return $ if (victimPunishScore == 0) then (definePunishmentOnHealthDrop healthDrop punishScore) else punishScore -- was the ball on 20% part of the field to the offender's own goal? ballWasNearGoal ← return $ half == FirstHalf && oCn == nameOf team1 && ((px (pxy (ballPos theBall))) >= 0.8 * flength field || (px (pxy (ballPos theBall))) <= 0.2 * flength field) || half == SecondHalf && oCn == nameOf team2 && ((px (pxy (ballPos theBall))) >= 0.8 * flength field || (px (pxy (ballPos theBall))) <= 0.2 * flength field) ballWasInPenaltyArea ← return $ oCn == nameOf team1 && inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome Team2 half) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) || oCn == nameOf team2 && inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome Team1 half) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) punishScore ← return $ punishScore + if ballWasNearGoal then 1 else 0 shortTermMemory ← return $ if ballWasInPenaltyArea then shortTermMemory {penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(offendersTeam,Rtackle)]} else shortTermMemory offenderFromSMemory ← return $ getNaughtyPlayer (punished shortTermMemory) offender victimFromSMemory ← return $ getNaughtyPlayer (punished shortTermMemory) victim offenderVerdict ← return $ if (isJust offenderFromSMemory) then (addPunishScore Rtackle punishScore (fromJust offenderFromSMemory)) else (offender,punishScore,[Rtackle]) victimVerdict ← return $ if (isJust victimFromSMemory) then (addPunishScore Rtheater victimPunishScore (fromJust victimFromSMemory)) else (victim,victimPunishScore,[Rtheater]) return $ if (snd3 offenderVerdict == 0) then if (snd3 victimVerdict == 0) then (shortTermMemory,seed1) else (shortTermMemory { punished = punished shortTermMemory ++ [victimVerdict]},seed1) else if (snd3 victimVerdict == 0) then (shortTermMemory { punished = punished shortTermMemory ++ [offenderVerdict]},seed1) else (shortTermMemory { punished = punished shortTermMemory ++ [offenderVerdict,victimVerdict]},seed1) where (p,seed1) = random seed definePunishmentOnHealthDrop ∷ Float → Int → Int definePunishmentOnHealthDrop healthDrop punishScore | healthDrop < 0.5 = punishScore | 0.5 <= healthDrop && healthDrop <= 1.5 = punishScore + 1 | 1.5 < healthDrop && healthDrop <= 3.5 = punishScore + 2 | otherwise = punishScore + 3 analyseActions ∷ ATeam → [PlayerWithEffect] → IvanovShortTermMemory → IvanovLongTermMemory → (IvanovShortTermMemory,IvanovLongTermMemory) analyseActions team [] shortTermMemory longTermMemory = (shortTermMemory,longTermMemory { lastRoundTackles = []}) analyseActions team (action@(fa,PlayerID {clubName=cn,playerNo=nmbr}):actions) shortTermMemory longTermMemory -- Am I in the pause between the first and the second half (long enough to allow switching of sides) | fst (waitingForSideSkipping longTermMemory) = runIdentity $ do let ng | snd (waitingForSideSkipping longTermMemory) <= zero = (shortTermMemory,longTermMemory { waitingForSideSkipping = (False,zero)}) | otherwise = (shortTermMemory,longTermMemory { waitingForSideSkipping = (True,snd (waitingForSideSkipping longTermMemory)-one)}) return ng -- did I stop the game because of tackle-actions? | (gameStoppedForTackle shortTermMemory) = runIdentity $ do let ng -- No more analysing game, but still look at mean actions with a connection to the tackle(s) | perhaps isSchwalbed fa = let ng | isTackleVictim (playerID taf) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- was he victim || isTackleOffender (playerID tef) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- or offender || nearLastRoundTackle (pos fb) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- or near a tackle? = let ng | inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pos fb) -- was it in penaltyarea? = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rschwalbe)]} longTermMemory | otherwise -- punish him or punish him more = analyseActions team actions (punishMore Rschwalbe tef 1 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory in ng | otherwise -- otherwise ignore = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction in ng | perhaps isPlayedTheater fa = let ng | isTackleOffender (playerID tef) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- was he offender || nearLastRoundTackle (pos fb) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- or near a tackle && not (isTackleVictim (playerID taf) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory))-- and is not a victim = let ng | inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pos fb) -- was it in penaltyarea? = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rtheater)]} longTermMemory | otherwise = analyseActions team actions (punishMore Rtheater tef 1 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory in ng -- victims are already scanned during tackle analyses to see if it then was else worth to check the health of the victim | otherwise -- otherwise ignore = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction in ng | perhaps isTackled fa = let ng | isTackleVictim (playerID taf) ((lastRoundTackles longTermMemory)) -- was he victim || isTackleOffender (playerID tef) ((lastRoundTackles longTermMemory)) -- or offender || nearLastRoundTackle (pos fb) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- or near a tackle? = let ng | inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pos fb) -- was it in penaltyarea? = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rschwalbe)]} longTermMemory | otherwise -- punish him or punish him more = analyseActions team actions (punishMore Rtackle tef 2 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory in ng --otherwise ignore -- Usually ignore, but: a tackle is something serious... when I'm in a bad mood, I will not ignore this one | (myMood shortTermMemory) > 0.8 = let ng | inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pos fb) -- was it in penaltyarea? = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rschwalbe)]} longTermMemory | otherwise = analyseActions team actions (punishMore Rtackle tef 3 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory in ng | otherwise -- player was lucky... = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction in ng | perhaps isCaughtBall fa = let ng | isKeeper tef && inKeeperSpot tef team1Name currHome field -- is he a keeper? = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction | isTackleVictim (playerID taf) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- was he victim || isTackleOffender (playerID tef) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- or offender || nearLastRoundTackle (pos fb) (lastRoundTackles longTermMemory) -- or near a tackle? = let ng | inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pos fb) -- was it in penaltyarea? = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rschwalbe)]} longTermMemory | otherwise -- punish him or punish him more = analyseActions team actions (punishMore Rhands tef 2 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory in ng | otherwise -- otheriwse ignore = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction in ng -- All other kind of actions are ignored | otherwise = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction return ng -- There were no tackle-actions last round → Ivanov needs to keep thinking -- Everyone is free to move over the field | perhaps isMoved fa || perhaps isFeinted fa = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction -- Gainball is illegal when in offside position -- A legal gainBall causes no one to be in offside position (until a kick- or headball event) | perhaps isGainedBall fa = runIdentity $ do -- He was not allowed to get the ball (because of referee-action in the previous round) if not (wasAllowedToGetBall (ballIsFor longTermMemory) (nameOf team1) (nameOf team2) cn) then return $ analyseActions team actions (punishMore RillegalBallPossession tef 1 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory else do longTermMemory ← return $ longTermMemory { ballIsFor = Nothing} -- He was in offside position return $ if elem (playerID tef) (inOffsidePosition longTermMemory) && (offsidePossible longTermMemory) == OffsidePossible -- Detect offside for wistle then analyseActions team actions (punishMore Roffside tef 0 shortTermMemory) { offsideAndTouchedBall=Just (playerID tef)} longTermMemory else analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory { inOffsidePosition = []} -- {Kick/Head}Ball is illegal when in offside position (ball was not gained) | perhaps isKickedBall fa || perhaps isHeadedBall fa = runIdentity $ do shortTermMemory ← return $ shortTermMemory { ballKickedOrHeaded = True} -- He was not allowed to get the ball return $ if not (wasAllowedToGetBall (ballIsFor longTermMemory) (nameOf team1) (nameOf team2) cn) then analyseActions team actions (punishMore RillegalBallPossession tef 1 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory else runIdentity $ do longTermMemory ← return $ longTermMemory { ballIsFor = Nothing} return $ if elem (playerID tef) (inOffsidePosition longTermMemory) && (offsidePossible longTermMemory) == OffsidePossible -- detect offside for wistle then analyseActions team actions (punishMore Roffside tef 0 shortTermMemory) { offsideAndTouchedBall=Just (playerID tef)} longTermMemory else runIdentity $ do -- A legal {Kick/Head}Ball may be illegal/dangerous play when ball was gained by keeper (team1Name,currHome) ← return $ if half == FirstHalf then (nameOf team1, West) else (nameOf team1,East) keeper1HadBall ← return $ let keepers = filter isKeeper team1 keeper = head keepers in not (null keepers) && ballIsGainedBy (playerID keeper) ballState && inKeeperSpot keeper team1Name currHome field && (keeper1HadBall longTermMemory) keeper2HadBall ← return $ let keepers = filter isKeeper team2 keeper = head keepers in not (null keepers) && ballIsGainedBy (playerID keeper) ballState && inKeeperSpot keeper team1Name currHome field && (keeper2HadBall longTermMemory) if keeper1HadBall && nmbr/=1 || keeper2HadBall && nmbr/=1 then return $ analyseActions team actions (punishMore RdangerousPlay tef 5 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory else do -- A legal {Kick/Head}Ball may put people in a potential offside position longTermMemory ← return $ longTermMemory { lastKickedTheBall = Just (playerID tef)} (homeOfTeam1,homeOfTeam2) ← return $ if half == FirstHalf then (West,East) else (East,West) if team == Team1 then do closestDefenderTeam2Xpos ← return $ offsideline field homeOfTeam2 theBall team2 inOffsidePos ← return $ getOffsidePlayers field homeOfTeam1 closestDefenderTeam2Xpos (removeMember tef team1) return $ analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory { inOffsidePosition = inOffsidePos} else do closestDefenderTeam1Xpos ← return $ offsideline field homeOfTeam1 theBall team1 inOffsidePos ← return $ getOffsidePlayers field homeOfTeam2 closestDefenderTeam1Xpos (removeMember tef team2) return $ analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory { inOffsidePosition = inOffsidePos} | perhaps isTackled fa = runIdentity $ do -- Store him, so we can look next round at the damage of the victim (victimID,ve) ← return $ case fromJust fa of (Tackled victimID ve _) → (victimID,ve) moreTackles ← return $ case filter (identifyPlayer victimID) (team1++team2) of (fb:_) → [(((playerID fb),(pos fb),(health fb)),((playerID tef),(pos tef),(health tef)),ve)] none → [] shortTermMemory ← return $ shortTermMemory { thisRoundTackles = thisRoundTackles shortTermMemory ++ moreTackles} return $ analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory | perhaps isSchwalbed fa = runIdentity $ do opponents ← return $ if team == Team1 then team2 else team1 opponentNear ← return $ not (null [posi | Player {pos=posi} ← opponents, dist (pos fb) posi <= 5.0]) ballNear ← return $ dist zero { pxy=pos fb} (ballPos theBall) <= 10.0 shortTermMemory ← return $ if (inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pos fb)) -- In penaltyarea? then shortTermMemory { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rschwalbe)]} else (if (opponentNear && ballNear) -- Was an opponent near and was the ball near? Then punish else 4 then (punishMore Rschwalbe tef 4 shortTermMemory) else (if ballNear -- Was the ball near? Then punish else 2 then (punishMore Rschwalbe tef 2 shortTermMemory) else (if opponentNear -- Was an opponent near? Then punish else 3 then (punishMore Rschwalbe tef 3 shortTermMemory) else (punishMore Rschwalbe tef 1 shortTermMemory) ))) return $ analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory | perhaps isCaughtBall fa = runIdentity $ do return $ if isKeeper tef && inKeeperSpot tef team1Name currHome field -- is he a keeper (todo: and located in his penaltyarea (for everything, gaining ball, etc.) then analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction else runIdentity $ do shortTermMemory ← return $ if (inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) (pxy (ballPos theBall))) then (punishMore Rhands tef 2 shortTermMemory) { penalty = penalty shortTermMemory ++ [(team,Rhands)]} else (punishMore Rhands tef 4 shortTermMemory) return $ analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory -- theater, but no tackle or schwalbe was seen, so theater will be punished lightly | perhaps isPlayedTheater fa = analyseActions team actions (punishMore Rtheater tef 1 shortTermMemory) longTermMemory -- unknown action | otherwise = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory--ignoreThisAction where (team1Name,currHome) = if half==FirstHalf then (nameOf team1,West) else (nameOf team1,East) Just tef = find (identifyPlayer PlayerID {clubName=cn,playerNo=nmbr}) allPlayers taf = tef fb = taf ignoreThisAction = analyseActions team actions shortTermMemory longTermMemory wasAllowedToGetBall ∷ (Maybe ATeam) → ClubName → ClubName → ClubName → Bool wasAllowedToGetBall Nothing _ _ _ = True wasAllowedToGetBall (Just team) team1 team2 myTeam | team == Team1 = team1 == myTeam | otherwise = team2 == myTeam analysePeopleOnTheGround ∷ [PlayerID] → IvanovShortTermMemory → Team → Team → IvanovShortTermMemory analysePeopleOnTheGround receivedYellow shortMem team1 team2 | (gameStoppedForTackle shortMem) = shortMem -- have I stopped the game already for a tackle | otherwise = analysePeopleOnTheGround' receivedYellow shortMem [fb | fb ← team1 ++ team2, lastEventIsOnTheGround (effect fb)] where lastEventIsOnTheGround ∷ (Maybe PlayerEffect) → Bool lastEventIsOnTheGround es = isJust es && isOnTheGround (fromJust es) analysePeopleOnTheGround' ∷ [PlayerID] → IvanovShortTermMemory → [Player] → IvanovShortTermMemory analysePeopleOnTheGround' _ shortMem [] = shortMem analysePeopleOnTheGround' receivedYellow shortMem (fb@Player {playerID=PlayerID {clubName=cn}}:tefls) = runIdentity $ do -- how many opponents could have tackled him suspects ← return $ [s | s ← team1 ++ team2, dist (pos fb) (pos s) <= maxTackleReach s] healthDrop ← return $ case lookup (playerID fb) (prevHealthPlayers longTermMemory) of Just prevHealth → (health fb) - prevHealth none → zero motive4Schwalbe ← return $ ballDirectionIsTowardsGoal && ballNear goodMotive4Schwalbe ← return $ motive4Schwalbe && ballWasInPenaltyAreaOpponent schwalbeThreshold ← return $ if motive4Schwalbe then if goodMotive4Schwalbe then if victimReprimandedBefore then (0.5,0.4) else (0.3,0.25) else if victimReprimandedBefore then (0.2,0.17) else (0.1,0.08) else if victimReprimandedBefore then (0.1,0.08) else (-999.0,-999.0) schwalbeThreshold ← return $ if length suspects > 1 then (fst schwalbeThreshold * 0.5, snd schwalbeThreshold * 0.5) else schwalbeThreshold if not (null suspects) -- tackle or schwalbe?? then do primarySuspect ← return $ suspects !! ((length suspects * round ((myMood shortMem) * 10.0)) `mod` (length suspects) ) isNoOtherDefenderLeft ← return $ if (cn == nameOf team1 && half==FirstHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half==SecondHalf) then (null [fb | fb ← filter isFielder team2, (px (pos fb)) > (px (pos primarySuspect))]) else if (cn == nameOf team1 && half==SecondHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half==FirstHalf) then (null [fb | fb ← filter isFielder team2, (px (pos fb)) < px (pos primarySuspect)]) else (error "primary suspect of possible tackle does not play in one of the teams") opponentReprimandedBefore ← return $ elem (playerID primarySuspect) receivedYellow -- not (null (reprimands (events primarySuspect))) || (gotYellow (events primarySuspect)) motive4Tackle ← return $ ballDirectionIsTowardsGoal && ballNear || ballGoingTowardsVictim goodMotive4Tackle ← return $ motive4Tackle && (isNoOtherDefenderLeft || goalVeryNear) tackleThreshold ← return $ if motive4Tackle then if goodMotive4Tackle then if opponentReprimandedBefore then (0.5,0.6) else (0.7,0.75) else if opponentReprimandedBefore then (0.8,0.83) else (0.9,0.92) else if opponentReprimandedBefore then (0.9,0.92) else (999.0,999.0) shortMem ← return $ if ((myMood shortMem) >= fst tackleThreshold && (myMood shortMem) < snd tackleThreshold && healthDrop > 0.1) -- Give yellow for tackle then (punishMore Rtackle primarySuspect 3 shortMem) else (if ((myMood shortMem) >= fst tackleThreshold) -- Warn for tackle then (punishMore Rtheater primarySuspect 1 shortMem) else (if ((myMood shortMem) <= fst schwalbeThreshold && (myMood shortMem) > snd schwalbeThreshold && healthDrop > 0.1)-- then Give else yellow for schwalbe then (punishMore Rschwalbe fb 3 shortMem) else (if ((myMood shortMem) <= fst schwalbeThreshold) -- Warn for schwalbe then (punishMore Rschwalbe fb 1 shortMem) else shortMem ))) return $ analysePeopleOnTheGround' receivedYellow shortMem tefls else do shortMem ← return $ if ((myMood shortMem) <= fst schwalbeThreshold && (myMood shortMem) > snd schwalbeThreshold && healthDrop > 0.1) -- Warn good for schwalbe then (punishMore Rschwalbe fb 2 shortMem) else (if ((myMood shortMem) <= fst schwalbeThreshold) -- Warn for schwalbe then (punishMore Rschwalbe fb 1 shortMem) else shortMem ) return $ analysePeopleOnTheGround' receivedYellow shortMem tefls where goalVeryNear = if (cn == nameOf team1 && half == FirstHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half == SecondHalf) then (dist (pos fb) Position {px=flength field,py=fwidth field/2.0} <= 20.0) -- east goal else (if (cn == nameOf team1 && half == SecondHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half == FirstHalf) then (dist (pos fb) Position {px=zero,py=fwidth field/2.0} <= 20.0) -- west goal else (error "fallen player is not from one of the teams")) ballNear = dist zero { pxy=pos fb} (ballPos theBall) <= 8.0 victimReprimandedBefore = elem (playerID fb) receivedYellow ballWasInPenaltyAreaOpponent = cn == nameOf team1 && inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome Team1 half) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) || cn == nameOf team2 && inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome Team2 half) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) ballWasInPenaltyAreaSelf = cn == nameOf team1 && inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome Team2 half) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) || cn == nameOf team2 && inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome Team1 half) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) ballDirectionIsTowardsGoal = if (cn == nameOf team1 && half == FirstHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half == SecondHalf) then ((direction (vxy (ballSpeed theBall))) > 0.5*pi && (direction (vxy (ballSpeed theBall))) < 1.5*pi) -- to east .. else (if (cn == nameOf team1 && half == SecondHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half == FirstHalf) then ((direction (vxy (ballSpeed theBall))) < 0.5*pi || (direction (vxy (ballSpeed theBall))) > 1.5*pi) -- to west .. PA: odd, why use ..||.. here and ..&&.. immediately above? else (error "fallen player is not from one of the teams")) ballGoingTowardsVictim = nextBallPos (ballPos theBall) (ballSpeed theBall) ((pos fb),5.0,(height fb)) drawConclusions ∷ IvanovShortTermMemory → IvanovLongTermMemory → ([RefereeAction],IvanovLongTermMemory) drawConclusions shortMem longMem = runIdentity $ do longMem ← return $ longMem { keeper1HadBall = ballIsGainedBy PlayerID {playerNo=1,clubName=nameOf team1} ballState--all hasBall (filter isKeeper team1) , keeper2HadBall = ballIsGainedBy PlayerID {playerNo=1,clubName=nameOf team2} ballState--all hasBall (filter isKeeper team2) , prevHealthPlayers = map (\fb → ((playerID fb), (health fb))) (team1 ++ team2) } teamPenalty ← return $ firstPenalty (penalty shortMem) offencePenalty ← return $ getMostImportantKickAction basicActions (kickAction,longMem) ← return $ if isJust teamPenalty then let t = fromJust teamPenalty in (Just (Penalty t), longMem { ballIsFor = Just t, typeOfKickoff = Just (Penalty t)}) else if isJust offencePenalty then let p = fromJust offencePenalty in (offencePenalty, longMem { ballIsFor = Just (actionForWhichTeam p), typeOfKickoff = offencePenalty}) else (Nothing,longMem) noticedActions ← return $ map fst basicActions longMem ← return $ if isJust kickAction then longMem { offsidePossible = KickForcedByReferee} else (if ballKickedOrHeaded shortMem then (lowerOffsideCounter longMem) else longMem ) if not (gameStoppedForTackle shortMem) -- We haven't analysed tackles this round, it was a normal round then do let refActions = if isJust (ballIsFor longMem) then case typeOfKickoff longMem of Just kick → noticedActions ++ [DisplacePlayers (replacePlayers team1 team2 kick field theBall longMem)] Nothing → noticedActions else noticedActions let ng | time <= fromJust (gameLength longMem)/2.0 && half == FirstHalf = runIdentity $ do-- is it time to change half? longMem ← return $ longMem { waitingForSideSkipping = (True,150)} centerKick ← return $ CenterKick Team2 let ds = kickoffDisplacements longMem return (refActions ++ [ContinueGame] ++ [EndHalf,centerKick,DisplacePlayers ds],longMem { ballIsFor = Just Team2, typeOfKickoff = Just centerKick}) | time <= zero = (refActions ++ [GameOver],longMem) -- is it time to stop the game? -- Is the ball out of the lines and do we have: a goal, a corner, a goal kick, or a throw in | otherwise = runIdentity $ do (behindLineActions,longMem) ← return $ getBehindLinesActions half theBall field longMem -- No matter what happened, ball behind the line is ball behind the line if length behindLineActions > zero then do displacements ← return $ replacePlayers team1 team2 (last behindLineActions) field theBall longMem refActions ← return $ refActions ++ [DisplacePlayers displacements] return (refActions ++ [ContinueGame] ++ behindLineActions,longMem { offsidePossible = KickForcedByReferee}) else do longMem ← return $ longMem { lastRoundTackles = thisRoundTackles shortMem} -- We have no new tackles for the next round let ng | null (thisRoundTackles shortMem) = runIdentity $ do let ng | isJust kickAction = runIdentity $ do kick ← return $ fromJust kickAction goalArea ← return $ kickActionIsFreeKickInPenaltyArea kick if isJust goalArea then do displacements ← return $ replacePlayers team1 team2 (fromJust goalArea) field theBall longMem return (refActions ++ [ContinueGame,DisplacePlayers displacements,fromJust goalArea],longMem) else return (refActions ++ [ContinueGame,kick],longMem) | otherwise = (refActions ++ [ContinueGame],longMem) return ng -- We have new tackles for the next round | otherwise = (refActions ++ [PauseGame,AddTime (1.0/30.0)],longMem) return ng return ng -- We have analysed tackles this round else -- We have a position to restart the game from if isJust kickAction then do kick ← return $ fromJust kickAction goalArea ← return $ kickActionIsFreeKickInPenaltyArea kick if isJust goalArea then do displacements ← return $ replacePlayers team1 team2 (fromJust goalArea) field theBall longMem return ([ContinueGame] ++ noticedActions ++ [DisplacePlayers displacements,fromJust goalArea],longMem) else do displacements ← return $ replacePlayers team1 team2 kick field theBall longMem return ([ContinueGame] ++ noticedActions ++ [DisplacePlayers displacements,kick],longMem) -- I still have to think about a new place to restart the game from else error "should have a position to restart the game from" where basicActions = getAllBasicActions (receivedYellow longMem) shortMem mirrorTeams ∷ Displacements → Displacements mirrorTeams ds = map (\(fbID,pos) → (fbID,mirror field pos)) ds kickActionIsFreeKickInPenaltyArea ∷ RefereeAction → Maybe RefereeAction kickActionIsFreeKickInPenaltyArea (DirectFreeKick team pos) | inPenaltyArea field (opponentHome team half) pos = Just (Penalty team) | inPenaltyArea field (teamHome team half) pos = Just (GoalKick team) | otherwise = Nothing kickActionIsFreeKickInPenaltyArea _ = Nothing getBehindLinesActions ∷ Half → Ball → Field → IvanovLongTermMemory → ([RefereeAction],IvanovLongTermMemory) getBehindLinesActions half theBall field longMem@IvanovLongTermMemory {lastKickedTheBall} | (pxy (ballPos theBall)) == p = ([],longMem) -- ball is not behind (see definition of pointToRectangle) | isNothing lastKickedTheBall = ([CenterKick Team1, DisplacePlayers $ kickoffDisplacements longMem],longMem {ballIsFor = Just Team1, typeOfKickoff = Just $ CenterKick Team1}) -- the ball got behind by unknown forces | (px (pxy (ballPos theBall))) < zero = runIdentity $ do -- behind line West? (team,homeTeamWest) ← return $ if half == FirstHalf then (Team1, nameOf team1) else (Team2,nameOf team2) -- first half? let ng | isbetween (py (pxy (ballPos theBall))) ((fwidth field)/2.0 - goalWidth/2.0) ((fwidth field)/2.0 + goalWidth/2.0) -- goal? && (pz (ballPos theBall)) < goalHeight = if (team==Team1) then ([Goal Team2,CenterKick Team1, DisplacePlayers $ kickoffDisplacements longMem],longMem { ballIsFor=Just Team1, typeOfKickoff = Just $ CenterKick Team1}) else ([Goal Team1,CenterKick Team2, DisplacePlayers $ kickoffDisplacements longMem],longMem { ballIsFor=Just Team2, typeOfKickoff = Just $ CenterKick Team2}) | clubName (fromJust lastKickedTheBall) == homeTeamWest = runIdentity $ do -- lastPlayerKicked Team1? corner ← return $ if (py (pxy (ballPos theBall))) > (fwidth field)/2.0 then South else North return ([Corner (other team) corner],longMem { ballIsFor = Just (other team), typeOfKickoff = Just $ Corner (other team) corner}) | otherwise = ([GoalKick team],longMem { ballIsFor = Just team, typeOfKickoff = Just (GoalKick team)}) -- opponent team → goalkick return ng | (px (pxy (ballPos theBall))) > (flength field)= runIdentity $ do -- behind line East? (team,homeTeamEast) ← return $ if half == FirstHalf then (Team2, nameOf team2) else (Team1,nameOf team1) let ng | isbetween (py (pxy (ballPos theBall))) ((fwidth field)/2.0 - goalWidth/2.0) ((fwidth field)/2.0 + goalWidth/2.0) -- goal? && (pz (ballPos theBall)) < goalHeight = if (team==Team1) then ([Goal Team2,CenterKick Team1, DisplacePlayers $ kickoffDisplacements longMem],longMem { ballIsFor=Just Team1, typeOfKickoff = Just $ CenterKick Team1}) else ([Goal Team1,CenterKick Team2, DisplacePlayers $ kickoffDisplacements longMem],longMem { ballIsFor=Just Team2, typeOfKickoff = Just $ CenterKick Team2}) | clubName (fromJust lastKickedTheBall) == homeTeamEast = runIdentity $ do -- lastPlayerKicked Team1? corner ← return $ if (py (pxy (ballPos theBall))) > (fwidth field)/2.0 then South else North return ([Corner (other team) corner],longMem { ballIsFor = Just (other team), typeOfKickoff = Just $ Corner (other team) corner}) | otherwise = ([GoalKick team],longMem { ballIsFor = Just team, typeOfKickoff = Just $ GoalKick team}) return ng | otherwise = runIdentity $ do throwin ← return $ if clubName (fromJust lastKickedTheBall) == nameOf team1 then Team2 else Team1 return ([ThrowIn throwin p],longMem { ballIsFor = Just throwin, typeOfKickoff = Just $ ThrowIn throwin p}) where p = pointToRectangle (zero,Position {px=flength field,py=fwidth field}) (pxy (ballPos theBall)) {- Most important (in given order): Tackle, OwnBallIllegally, Offside, DangerousPlay, Hands. Even: the rest -} getMostImportantKickAction ∷ [(RefereeAction,RefereeAction)] → Maybe RefereeAction getMostImportantKickAction actions = if null actions then Nothing else Just resumeAction where (_,resumeAction) = minimumBy (\(a1,r1) (a2,r2) → priority a1 `compare` priority a2) actions priority action | isTackleDetected action = 5 | isOwnBallIllegally action = 4 | isOffside action = 3 | isDangerousPlay action = 2 | isHands action = 1 | otherwise = 0 actionForWhichTeam ∷ RefereeAction → ATeam actionForWhichTeam (DirectFreeKick t _) = t actionForWhichTeam (GoalKick t) = t actionForWhichTeam (Corner t _) = t actionForWhichTeam (ThrowIn t _) = t actionForWhichTeam (Penalty t) = t actionForWhichTeam (CenterKick t) = t actionForWhichTeam _ = error "actionForWhichTeam: kick action expected" getAllBasicActions ∷ [PlayerID] → IvanovShortTermMemory → [(RefereeAction,RefereeAction)] getAllBasicActions receivedYellow shortMem = getAllBasicPunishActions receivedYellow (punished shortMem) where -- PA: this should really be programmed as a map→ getAllBasicPunishActions ∷ [PlayerID] → [PunishedPlayer] → [(RefereeAction,RefereeAction)] getAllBasicPunishActions _ [] = [] getAllBasicPunishActions receivedYellow ((fbID@PlayerID{clubName=cn},punish,[]):pals) | punish > 4 = ((ReprimandPlayer fbID RedCard,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest) | punish >= 3 = runIdentity $ do yellow ← return $ (ReprimandPlayer fbID YellowCard,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) red ← return $ (ReprimandPlayer fbID RedCard, DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) let ng | elem fbID receivedYellow = yellow : red : rest | otherwise = yellow : rest return ng | punish >= 1 = (ReprimandPlayer fbID Warning,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | otherwise = rest where kickPosHome = if cn == nameOf team1 && half == FirstHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half == SecondHalf then East else West kickPosTeam = if cn == nameOf team1 then team2 else team1 kickPos = posForFreeKick kickPosHome (pxy (ballPos theBall)) kickPosTeam otherTeam = if cn == nameOf team1 then Team2 else Team1 rest = getAllBasicPunishActions receivedYellow pals getAllBasicPunishActions receivedYellow ((fbID@PlayerID{clubName=cn},punish,(r:rls)):pals) | r == Rtackle = (TackleDetected fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | r == Roffside && isJust (offsideAndTouchedBall shortMem) = let ng | fromJust (offsideAndTouchedBall shortMem) == fbID = (Offside fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | otherwise = rest in ng | r == Rtheater = (TheaterDetected fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | r == Rschwalbe = (SchwalbeDetected fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | r == Rhands = (Hands fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | r == RdangerousPlay = (DangerousPlay fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | r == RillegalBallPossession = (OwnBallIllegally fbID,DirectFreeKick otherTeam kickPos) : rest | otherwise = error "getAllBasicPunishActions: unknown reason of RefereeAction." where kickPosHome = if cn == nameOf team1 && half == FirstHalf || cn == nameOf team2 && half == SecondHalf then East else West kickPosTeam = if cn == nameOf team1 then team2 else team1 kickPos = posForFreeKick kickPosHome (pxy (ballPos theBall)) kickPosTeam otherTeam = if cn == nameOf team1 then Team2 else Team1 rest = getAllBasicPunishActions receivedYellow ((fbID,punish,rls):pals) firstPenalty ∷ [(ATeam,Reason)] → Maybe ATeam firstPenalty [] = Nothing firstPenalty ((t,_):_) = Just (other t) isTackleVictim ∷ PlayerID → [TackleAction] → Bool isTackleVictim fbID tackleEvents = any (\((fbID',_,_),_,_) → fbID == fbID') tackleEvents isTackleOffender ∷ PlayerID → [TackleAction] → Bool isTackleOffender fbID tackleEvents = any (\(_,(fbID',_,_),_) → fbID == fbID') tackleEvents nearLastRoundTackle ∷ Position → [TackleAction] → Bool nearLastRoundTackle pos tackleEvents = all near tackleEvents where near ((_,vpos,_),(_,opos,_),_) = dist pos vpos > nearEventRadius && dist pos opos > nearEventRadius -- Used for offside, so we only look at the xposition offsideline ∷ Field → Home → Ball → [Player] → Metre offsideline field home ball fbs = case sortBy cmp ((px (pxy (ballPos ball))) : [(px (pos fb)) | fb ← fbs]) of [] → edge [x] → x [_,x] → x (_:_:x:_) → x where (cmp,edge) = if (home == West) then (compare,zero) else (\x y → compare y x,(flength field)) getOffsidePlayers ∷ Field → Home → XPos → [Player] → [PlayerID] getOffsidePlayers field home line fbs = map playerIdentity (filter (\fb@Player{pos=Position{px=posx}} -> atOtherHalf posx && (cmp (px (pos fb)) line)) fbs) where (cmp,atOtherHalf) = if home == West then ((>),(<) fieldhalf) else ((<),(>) fieldhalf) fieldhalf = flength field / 2.0 -- A referee can not see everything correct. filterOutMeanActions ∷ [Player] → [PlayerWithEffect] → StdGen → ([PlayerWithEffect],StdGen) filterOutMeanActions allPlayers allActions seed = ([action | (p,action) ← zip ps allActions, noticeAction action p],seed1) where (ps,seed1) = iterateStn (length allActions) random seed noticeAction ∷ PlayerWithEffect → Float → Bool noticeAction (fa,playerID) p | foul = avg [p,1.0 - pa + if elem skill (skillsAsList fb) then 0.1 else 0.0] <= 0.5 | otherwise = True where Just fb = find (identifyPlayer playerID) allPlayers (foul,pa,skill) = if perhaps isTackled fa then (True,chanceOfPenaltySuccess, Tackling) else (if perhaps isSchwalbed fa then (True,chanceOfSchwalbeSuccess,Schwalbing) else (if perhaps isPlayedTheater fa then (True,chanceOfTheaterSuccess, PlayingTheater) else (if perhaps isCaughtBall fa then (True,chanceOfCatchSuccess, Catching) else (False,error "ASNTD",error "ISAONE") ))) nextBallPos ∷ Position3D → Speed3D → (Position,XRadius,ZRadius) → Bool nextBallPos item dir (target,radius,height) = isGettingToPos (iterate (nextPos dir) item) where targetAtGround = zero { pxy=target} targetInAir = Position3D {pxy=target, pz=height} nextPos ∷ Speed3D → Position3D → Position3D nextPos speed currentPosition = movePoint3D RVector3D {dxy=RVector{dx=cos (direction (vxy speed))*newV,dy=sin (direction (vxy speed))*newV},dz=newV3} currentPosition where resistance = if (pz currentPosition) > zero then airResistance else surfaceResistance newV = resistance * velocity (vxy speed) newV3 = vz speed - 0.1*accellerationSec isGettingToPos ∷ [Position3D] → Bool isGettingToPos [] = False isGettingToPos [x] = False isGettingToPos (x:y:xs) | dist x targetAtGround < radius || dist x targetInAir < radius = True | avg [dist x targetAtGround,dist x targetInAir] < avg [dist y targetAtGround,dist y targetInAir] = False -- object is moving away | otherwise = isGettingToPos (y:xs) -- object is coming closer -- Freekicks are granted from the pos of the player that is the most closest to the ball but not a position more forward to the goal posForFreeKick ∷ Home → Position {-→ Position-} → [Player] → Position posForFreeKick home ballPos {-victimPos-} [] = ballPos--victimPos posForFreeKick home ballPos {-victimPos-} team = case [fb | fb ← team, (dist (pos fb) ballPos) <= 15.0 ] of [] → ballPos close → pos (foldr1 closer2ball close) where closer2ball ∷ Player → Player → Player closer2ball fb1 fb2 | dist (pos fb1) ballPos < dist (pos fb2) ballPos = fb1 | otherwise = fb2 inKeeperSpot ∷ Player → ClubName → Home → Field → Bool inKeeperSpot fb clubName home field = inPenaltyArea field (if getClubName fb == clubName then home else (other home)) (pos fb)