{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Web.Spock.Internal.Wire where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,0)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class ()
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Hashable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (ResponseHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.Directory
import Web.Routing.Router
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import qualified Data.ByteString.SuperBuffer as SB
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as V
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Parse as P

newtype HttpMethod
    = HttpMethod { unHttpMethod :: StdMethod }
    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable HttpMethod where
    hashWithSalt = hashUsing (fromEnum . unHttpMethod)

-- | The 'SpockMethod' allows safe use of http verbs via the 'MethodStandard' constructor and 'StdMethod',
-- and custom verbs via the 'MethodCustom' constructor.
data SpockMethod
   -- | Standard HTTP Verbs from 'StdMethod'
   = MethodStandard !HttpMethod
   -- | Custom HTTP Verbs using 'T.Text'
   | MethodCustom !T.Text
     deriving (Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable SpockMethod

data UploadedFile
   = UploadedFile
   { uf_name :: !T.Text
   , uf_contentType :: !T.Text
   , uf_tempLocation :: !FilePath
   } deriving Show

data VaultIf
   = VaultIf
   { vi_modifyVault :: (V.Vault -> V.Vault) -> IO ()
   , vi_lookupKey :: forall a. V.Key a -> IO (Maybe a)

data CacheVar v
    = forall r. CacheVar
    { cv_lock :: !(MVar ())
    , cv_makeVal :: !(IO r)
    , cv_value :: !(IORef (Maybe r))
    , cv_read :: r -> v

instance Functor CacheVar where
    fmap f (CacheVar lock makeVal valRef readV) =
        { cv_lock = lock
        , cv_makeVal = makeVal
        , cv_value = valRef
        , cv_read = f . readV

newCacheVar :: IO v -> IO (CacheVar v)
newCacheVar makeVal =
    do lock <- newEmptyMVar
       valueR <- newIORef Nothing
       return (CacheVar lock makeVal valueR id)

loadCacheVarOpt :: CacheVar v -> IO (Maybe v)
loadCacheVarOpt (CacheVar lock _ valRef readV) =
    bracket_ (putMVar lock ()) (takeMVar lock) $
    fmap readV <$> readIORef valRef

loadCacheVar :: CacheVar v -> IO v
loadCacheVar (CacheVar lock makeVal valRef readV) =
    bracket_ (putMVar lock ()) (takeMVar lock) $
    do val <- readIORef valRef
       case val of
         Just v -> return (readV v)
         Nothing ->
             do v <- makeVal
                writeIORef valRef (Just v)
                return (readV v)

data RequestBody
    = RequestBody
    { rb_value :: CacheVar BS.ByteString
    , rb_postParams :: CacheVar [(T.Text, T.Text)]
    , rb_files :: CacheVar (HM.HashMap T.Text UploadedFile)

data RequestInfo ctx
   = RequestInfo
   { ri_method :: !SpockMethod
   , ri_request :: !Wai.Request
   , ri_getParams :: ![(T.Text, T.Text)]
   , ri_reqBody :: !RequestBody
   , ri_vaultIf :: !VaultIf
   , ri_context :: !ctx

newtype ResponseBody = ResponseBody (Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Wai.Response)

data MultiHeader
   = MultiHeaderCacheControl
   | MultiHeaderConnection
   | MultiHeaderContentEncoding
   | MultiHeaderContentLanguage
   | MultiHeaderPragma
   | MultiHeaderProxyAuthenticate
   | MultiHeaderTrailer
   | MultiHeaderTransferEncoding
   | MultiHeaderUpgrade
   | MultiHeaderVia
   | MultiHeaderWarning
   | MultiHeaderWWWAuth
   | MultiHeaderSetCookie
     deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

instance Hashable MultiHeader

multiHeaderCI :: MultiHeader -> CI.CI BS.ByteString
multiHeaderCI mh =
    case mh of
      MultiHeaderCacheControl -> "Cache-Control"
      MultiHeaderConnection -> "Connection"
      MultiHeaderContentEncoding -> "Content-Encoding"
      MultiHeaderContentLanguage -> "Content-Language"
      MultiHeaderPragma -> "Pragma"
      MultiHeaderProxyAuthenticate -> "Proxy-Authenticate"
      MultiHeaderTrailer -> "Trailer"
      MultiHeaderTransferEncoding -> "Transfer-Encoding"
      MultiHeaderUpgrade -> "Upgrade"
      MultiHeaderVia -> "Via"
      MultiHeaderWarning -> "Warning"
      MultiHeaderWWWAuth -> "WWW-Authenticate"
      MultiHeaderSetCookie -> "Set-Cookie"

multiHeaderMap :: HM.HashMap (CI.CI BS.ByteString) MultiHeader
multiHeaderMap =
    HM.fromList $ flip map allHeaders $ \mh ->
    (multiHeaderCI mh, mh)
      -- this is a nasty hack until we know more about the origin of
      -- uncaught exception: ErrorCall (toEnum{MultiHeader}: tag (-12565) is outside of enumeration's range (0,12))
      -- see: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10792 and https://github.com/agrafix/Spock/issues/44
      allHeaders =
          [ MultiHeaderCacheControl
          , MultiHeaderConnection
          , MultiHeaderContentEncoding
          , MultiHeaderContentLanguage
          , MultiHeaderPragma
          , MultiHeaderProxyAuthenticate
          , MultiHeaderTrailer
          , MultiHeaderTransferEncoding
          , MultiHeaderUpgrade
          , MultiHeaderVia
          , MultiHeaderWarning
          , MultiHeaderWWWAuth
          , MultiHeaderSetCookie

data ResponseVal
    = ResponseValState !ResponseState
    | ResponseHandler !(IO Wai.Application)

data ResponseState
   = ResponseState
   { rs_responseHeaders :: !(HM.HashMap (CI.CI BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString)
   , rs_multiResponseHeaders :: !(HM.HashMap MultiHeader [BS.ByteString])
   , rs_status :: !Status
   , rs_responseBody :: !ResponseBody

data ActionInterupt
    = ActionRedirect !T.Text
    | ActionTryNext
    | ActionError String
    | ActionDone
    | ActionMiddlewarePass
    | ActionMiddleware !(IO Wai.Middleware)
    | ActionApplication !(IO Wai.Application)
    deriving Typeable

instance Monoid ActionInterupt where
    mempty = ActionDone
    mappend _ a = a

#if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,0)
type ErrorT = ExceptT
runErrorT :: ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runErrorT = runExceptT
instance Error ActionInterupt where
    noMsg = ActionError "Unkown Internal Action Error"
    strMsg = ActionError

type ActionT = ActionCtxT ()

newtype ActionCtxT ctx m a
    = ActionCtxT
    { runActionCtxT :: ErrorT ActionInterupt (RWST (RequestInfo ctx) () ResponseState m) a }
      deriving ( Monad, Functor, Applicative, Alternative, MonadIO
               , MonadReader (RequestInfo ctx), MonadState ResponseState
               , MonadError ActionInterupt

instance MonadTrans (ActionCtxT ctx) where
    lift = ActionCtxT . lift . lift

data SpockConfigInternal
    = SpockConfigInternal
    { sci_maxRequestSize :: Maybe Word64
    , sci_errorHandler :: Status -> IO Wai.Application

defaultSpockConfigInternal :: SpockConfigInternal
defaultSpockConfigInternal = SpockConfigInternal Nothing defaultErrorHandler
    defaultErrorHandler status = return $ \_ respond -> do
      let errorMessage = "Error handler failed with status code " ++ (show $ statusCode status)
      respond $ Wai.responseLBS status500 [] $ BSLC.pack errorMessage

respStateToResponse :: ResponseVal -> Wai.Response
respStateToResponse (ResponseValState (ResponseState headers multiHeaders status (ResponseBody body))) =
    let mkMultiHeader (k, vals) =
            let kCi = multiHeaderCI k
            in map (\v -> (kCi, v)) vals
        outHeaders =
            HM.toList headers
            ++ (concatMap mkMultiHeader $ HM.toList multiHeaders)
    in body status outHeaders
respStateToResponse _ = error "ResponseState expected"

errorResponse :: Status -> BSL.ByteString -> ResponseVal
errorResponse s e =
    ResponseValState $
    { rs_responseHeaders =
          HM.singleton "Content-Type" "text/html"
    , rs_multiResponseHeaders =
    , rs_status = s
    , rs_responseBody = ResponseBody $ \status headers ->
        Wai.responseLBS status headers $
        BSL.concat [ "<html><head><title>"
                   , e
                   , "</title></head><body><h1>"
                   , e
                   , "</h1></body></html>"

defResponse :: ResponseState
defResponse =
    { rs_responseHeaders =
    , rs_multiResponseHeaders =
    , rs_status = status200
    , rs_responseBody = ResponseBody $ \status headers ->
        Wai.responseLBS status headers $

type SpockAllT n m a = RegistryT (ActionT n) () Wai.Middleware SpockMethod m a

middlewareToApp :: Wai.Middleware
                -> Wai.Application
middlewareToApp mw =
    mw fallbackApp
      fallbackApp :: Wai.Application
      fallbackApp _ respond = respond notFound
      notFound = respStateToResponse $ errorResponse status404 "404 - File not found"

makeActionEnvironment :: InternalState -> SpockMethod -> Wai.Request -> IO (RequestInfo (), TVar V.Vault, IO ())
makeActionEnvironment st stdMethod req =
    do vaultVar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (Wai.vault req)
       let vaultIf =
               { vi_modifyVault = atomically . modifyTVar' vaultVar
               , vi_lookupKey = \k -> V.lookup k <$> atomically (readTVar vaultVar)
           getParams =
               map (\(k, mV) -> (T.decodeUtf8 k, T.decodeUtf8 $ fromMaybe BS.empty mV)) $ Wai.queryString req
       rbValue <-
           newCacheVar $
           do let parseBody = Wai.requestBody req
                  bodyLength = Wai.requestBodyLength req
                  buffStart =
                      case bodyLength of
                        Wai.ChunkedBody -> 1024
                        Wai.KnownLength x -> fromIntegral x
              SB.withBuffer buffStart $ \sb ->
                  do let loop =
                             do b <- parseBody
                                if BS.null b then pure () else (SB.appendBuffer sb b >> loop)
       bodyTuple <-
           newCacheVar $
           case P.getRequestBodyType req of
             Nothing -> return ([], HM.empty)
             Just rbt ->
                 do bodyBs <- loadCacheVar rbValue
                    bodyRef <- newIORef (Just bodyBs)
                    let loader =
                            do mb <- readIORef bodyRef
                               case mb of
                                 Just b -> writeIORef bodyRef Nothing >> pure b
                                 Nothing -> pure BS.empty
                    (bodyParams, bodyFiles) <-
                        P.sinkRequestBody (P.tempFileBackEnd st) rbt loader
                    let uploadedFiles =
                            HM.fromList $
                            flip map bodyFiles $ \(k, fileInfo) ->
                            ( T.decodeUtf8 k
                            , UploadedFile (T.decodeUtf8 $ P.fileName fileInfo)
                                (T.decodeUtf8 $ P.fileContentType fileInfo) (P.fileContent fileInfo)
                        postParams =
                            map (T.decodeUtf8 *** T.decodeUtf8) bodyParams
                    return (postParams, uploadedFiles)
       let reqBody =
               { rb_value = rbValue
               , rb_files = fmap snd bodyTuple
               , rb_postParams = fmap fst bodyTuple
       return ( RequestInfo
                { ri_method = stdMethod
                , ri_request = req
                , ri_getParams = getParams
                , ri_reqBody = reqBody
                , ri_vaultIf = vaultIf
                , ri_context = ()
              , vaultVar
              , removeUploadedFiles (rb_files reqBody)

removeUploadedFiles :: CacheVar (HM.HashMap k UploadedFile) -> IO ()
removeUploadedFiles uploadedFilesRef =
    do cvals <- loadCacheVarOpt uploadedFilesRef
       case cvals of
         Nothing -> return ()
         Just uploadedFiles ->
             forM_ (HM.elems uploadedFiles) $ \uploadedFile ->
             do stillThere <- doesFileExist (uf_tempLocation uploadedFile)
                when stillThere $ liftIO $ removeFile (uf_tempLocation uploadedFile)

applyAction :: MonadIO m
            => SpockConfigInternal
            -> Wai.Request
            -> RequestInfo ()
            -> [ActionT m ()]
            -> m (Maybe ResponseVal)
applyAction config _ _ [] =
    return $ Just $ getErrorHandler config status404
applyAction config req env (selectedAction : xs) =
    do (r, respState, _) <-
           runRWST (runErrorT $ runActionCtxT selectedAction) env defResponse
       case r of
         Left (ActionRedirect loc) ->
             return $ Just $
             ResponseValState $
             { rs_status = status302
             , rs_responseBody =
                     ResponseBody $ \status headers ->
                     Wai.responseLBS status (("Location", T.encodeUtf8 loc) : headers) BSL.empty
         Left ActionTryNext ->
             applyAction config req env xs
         Left (ActionError errorMsg) ->
             do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Spock Error while handling "
                             ++ show (Wai.pathInfo req) ++ ": " ++ errorMsg
                return $ Just $ getErrorHandler config status500
         Left ActionDone ->
             return $ Just (ResponseValState respState)
         Left ActionMiddlewarePass ->
             return Nothing
         Left (ActionApplication app) ->
             return $ Just (ResponseHandler app)
         Left (ActionMiddleware getMiddleware) ->
             return $ Just $ ResponseHandler $
                do errHandler <- sci_errorHandler config status404
                   mw <- getMiddleware
                   return $ mw errHandler
         Right () ->
             return $ Just (ResponseValState respState)

    :: MonadIO m
    => SpockConfigInternal
    -> SpockMethod
    -> (forall a. m a -> IO a)
    -> [ActionT m ()]
    -> InternalState
    -> Wai.Application -> Wai.Application
handleRequest config stdMethod registryLift allActions st coreApp req respond =
    do reqGo <-
           case sci_maxRequestSize config of
             Nothing -> return req
             Just lim -> requestSizeCheck lim req
       handleRequest' config stdMethod registryLift allActions st coreApp reqGo respond

handleRequest' ::
    MonadIO m
    => SpockConfigInternal
    -> SpockMethod
    -> (forall a. m a -> IO a)
    -> [ActionT m ()]
    -> InternalState
    -> Wai.Application -> Wai.Application
handleRequest' config stdMethod registryLift allActions st coreApp req respond =
    do actEnv <-
           (Left <$> makeActionEnvironment st stdMethod req)
           `catch` \(_ :: SizeException) ->
               return (Right $ getErrorHandler config status413)
       case actEnv of
         Left (mkEnv, vaultVar, cleanUp) ->
             do mRespState <-
                    registryLift (applyAction config req mkEnv allActions) `catches`
                      [ Handler $ \(_ :: SizeException) ->
                          return (Just $ getErrorHandler config status413)
                      , Handler $ \(e :: SomeException) ->
                        do putStrLn $ "Spock Error while handling " ++ show (Wai.pathInfo req) ++ ": " ++ show e
                           return $ Just $ getErrorHandler config status500
                case mRespState of
                  Just (ResponseHandler responseHandler) ->
                      responseHandler >>= \app -> app req respond
                  Just respState ->
                      respond $ respStateToResponse respState
                  Nothing ->
                      do newVault <- atomically $ readTVar vaultVar
                         let req' = req { Wai.vault = V.union newVault (Wai.vault req) }
                         coreApp req' respond
         Right respState ->
             respond $ respStateToResponse respState

getErrorHandler :: SpockConfigInternal -> Status -> ResponseVal
getErrorHandler config = ResponseHandler . sci_errorHandler config

data SizeException
    = SizeException
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception SizeException

requestSizeCheck :: Word64 -> Wai.Request -> IO Wai.Request
requestSizeCheck maxSize req =
    do currentSize <- newIORef 0
       return $ req
                  { Wai.requestBody =
                        do bs <- Wai.requestBody req
                           total <-
                               atomicModifyIORef currentSize $ \sz ->
                               let !nextSize = sz + fromIntegral (BS.length bs)
                               in (nextSize, nextSize)
                           if total > maxSize
                           then throwIO SizeException
                           else return bs

buildMiddleware :: forall m. (MonadIO m)
         => SpockConfigInternal
         -> (forall a. m a -> IO a)
         -> SpockAllT m m ()
         -> IO Wai.Middleware
buildMiddleware config registryLift spockActions =
    do (_, getMatchingRoutes, middlewares) <-
           registryLift $ runRegistry spockActions
       let spockMiddleware = foldl (.) id middlewares
           app :: Wai.Application -> Wai.Application
           app coreApp req respond =
            withSpockMethod (Wai.requestMethod req) $
                \method ->
                do let allActions = getMatchingRoutes method (Wai.pathInfo req)
                   runResourceT $ withInternalState $ \st ->
                       handleRequest config method registryLift allActions st coreApp req respond
       return $ spockMiddleware . app

withSpockMethod :: forall t. Method -> (SpockMethod -> t) -> t
withSpockMethod method cnt =
    case parseMethod method of
      Left _ ->
        cnt (MethodCustom $ T.decodeUtf8 method)
      Right stdMethod ->
        cnt (MethodStandard $ HttpMethod stdMethod)