-- | In general, it is not easy to define the whole confusion matrix
-- generically without knowing anything about the source data. For certain
-- elements however, it is possible. These instances are all defined on
-- newtypes in order to not create instances on generic data types like lists.

module Statistics.ConfusionMatrix.Instances where

import Statistics.ConfusionMatrix

-- | The ctor expects the total number of possibilities first, then a list of
-- true positive elements, followed by a list of predicted elements.

newtype (Eq a, Ord a) => ListSimilar a = ListSimilar (Int,[a],[a])

instance (Eq a, Ord a) => MkConfusionMatrix (ListSimilar a) where
  mkConfusionMatrix (ListSimilar (count,tp,pred)) = ConfusionMatrix
    { fn = error "fn undefined"
    , fp = error "fp undefined"
    , tn = error "tn undefined"
    , tp = error "tp undefined"