{-# OPTIONS  -XDeriveDataTypeable


{- |
A persistent, transactional collection with Queue interface as well as
 indexed access by key.

 Uses default persistence. See "Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence"


module Data.Persistent.Collection (
RefQueue(..), getQRef,
pop,popSTM,pick, flush, flushSTM,
pickAll, pickAllSTM, push,pushSTM,
pickElem, pickElemSTM,  readAll, readAllSTM,
deleteElem, deleteElemSTM,
) where
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Concurrent.STM(STM,atomically, retry)
import Control.Monad
import Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence

import Data.TCache
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.RefSerialize
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import Data.RefSerialize

import Debug.Trace

a !> b= trace b a

instance Indexable (Queue a) where
   key (Queue k  _ _)= queuePrefix ++ k

data Queue a= Queue {name :: String, imp :: [a], out ::  [a]}  deriving (Typeable)

instance Serialize a => Serialize (Queue a) where
  showp (Queue n i o)= showp n >> showp i >> showp o
  readp = return Queue `ap` readp `ap` readp `ap` readp
--    do
--       n <-   readp
--       i <-   readp
--       o <-   readp
--       return $ Queue n i o

queuePrefix= "Queue#"
lenQPrefix= Prelude.length queuePrefix

instance   Serialize a => Serializable (Queue a ) where
  serialize = runW . showp
  deserialize = runR  readp

-- | A queue reference
type RefQueue a= DBRef (Queue a)

unreadSTM :: (Typeable a, Serialize a) => RefQueue a -> a -> STM ()
unreadSTM queue x= do
    r <- readQRef queue
    writeDBRef queue $ doit r
    doit (Queue  n  imp out) =   Queue n  imp ( x : out)

-- | Check if the queue is empty
isEmpty ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a) => RefQueue a -> IO Bool
isEmpty = atomically . isEmptySTM

isEmptySTM :: (Typeable a, Serialize a) => RefQueue a -> STM Bool
isEmptySTM queue= do
   r <- readDBRef queue
   return $ case r of
        Nothing  ->  True
        Just (Queue _ [] []) -> True
        _    ->  False

-- | Get the reference to new or existing queue trough its name
getQRef ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => String -> RefQueue a
getQRef n = getDBRef . key $ Queue n undefined undefined

-- | Empty the queue (factually, it is deleted)
flush ::   (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> IO ()
flush = atomically . flushSTM

-- | Version in the STM monad
flushSTM ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> STM ()
flushSTM tv= delDBRef tv

-- | Read  the first element in the queue and delete it (pop)
      ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a       -- ^ Queue name
      -> IO a              -- ^ the returned elems
pop tv = atomically $ popSTM tv

readQRef :: (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> STM(Queue a)
readQRef tv= do
    mdx <- readDBRef tv
    case mdx of
     Nothing -> do
            let q= Queue ( Prelude.drop lenQPrefix $ keyObjDBRef tv) [] []
            writeDBRef tv q
            return q
     Just dx ->
            return dx

-- | Version in the STM monad
popSTM :: (Typeable a, Serialize a) =>  RefQueue a
              -> STM  a
popSTM tv=do
    dx <- readQRef tv
    doit  dx


    doit (Queue n [x] [])= do
                 writeDBRef tv $  (Queue n  [] [])
                 return   x
    doit (Queue _ [] []) =  retry
    doit (Queue  n imp [])  =  doit  (Queue  n [] $ Prelude.reverse imp)
    doit (Queue n imp  list ) = do
                 writeDBRef tv  (Queue  n imp (Prelude.tail list ))
                 return  $ Prelude.head list

--  | Read the first element in the queue but it does not delete it
      ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a       -- ^ Queue name
      -> IO a              -- ^ the returned elems
pick tv = atomically $ do
    dx <- readQRef tv
    doit dx
    doit (Queue _ [x] [])= return   x
    doit (Queue _ [] []) =  retry
    doit (Queue  n imp [])  =  doit  (Queue  n [] $ Prelude.reverse imp)
    doit (Queue n imp  list ) = return  $ Prelude.head list

-- | Push an element in the queue
push  ::   (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> a -> IO ()
push tv v = atomically $ pushSTM tv v

-- | Version in the STM monad
pushSTM ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> a -> STM ()
pushSTM  tv   v=
      readQRef tv  >>= \ ((Queue n  imp out))  -> writeDBRef tv  $ Queue n  (v : imp) out

-- | Return the list of all elements in the queue. The queue remains unchanged
pickAll ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> IO [a]
pickAll= atomically  . pickAllSTM

-- | Version in the STM monad
pickAllSTM :: (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> STM [a]
pickAllSTM tv= do
     (Queue name imp out) <- readQRef tv
     return $ out ++ Prelude.reverse imp

-- | Return the first element in the queue that has the given key
pickElem ::(Indexable a,Typeable a, Serialize a) => RefQueue a -> String -> IO(Maybe a)
pickElem tv key= atomically $ pickElemSTM tv key

-- | Version in the STM monad
pickElemSTM :: (Indexable a,Typeable a, Serialize a)
                     => RefQueue a -> String -> STM(Maybe a)
pickElemSTM tv key1=  do
     Queue name imp out <- readQRef tv
     let xs= out ++ Prelude.reverse imp
     when (not $ Prelude.null imp) $ writeDBRef tv $ Queue name [] xs
     case  Prelude.filter (\x-> key x == key1) xs of
          []    -> return $ Nothing
          (x:_) -> return $ Just  x

-- | Update the first element of the queue with a new element with the same key
updateElem :: (Indexable a,Typeable a, Serialize a)
                    => RefQueue a  -> a -> IO()
updateElem tv x = atomically $ updateElemSTM tv  x

-- | Version in the STM monad
updateElemSTM :: (Indexable a,Typeable a, Serialize a)
                       => RefQueue a  -> a -> STM()
updateElemSTM tv v= do
     Queue name imp out <- readQRef tv
     let xs= out ++ Prelude.reverse imp
     let xs'= Prelude.map (\x -> if key x == n then v else x) xs
     writeDBRef tv  $ Queue name [] xs'
     n= key v

-- | Return the list of all elements in the queue and empty it
readAll ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a) => RefQueue a -> IO [a]
readAll= atomically  . readAllSTM

-- | A version in the STM monad
readAllSTM ::  (Typeable a, Serialize a)  => RefQueue a -> STM [a]
readAllSTM tv= do
     Queue name imp out <- readQRef tv
     writeDBRef tv  $ Queue name [] []
     return $ out ++ Prelude.reverse imp

-- | Delete all the elements of the queue that has the key of the parameter passed
deleteElem :: (Indexable a,Typeable a, Serialize a) => RefQueue a-> a -> IO ()
deleteElem tv x= atomically $ deleteElemSTM tv x

-- | Verison in the STM monad
deleteElemSTM :: (Typeable a, Serialize a,Indexable a) => RefQueue a-> a -> STM ()
deleteElemSTM tv x= do
     Queue name imp out <- readQRef tv
     let xs= out ++ Prelude.reverse imp
     writeDBRef tv $ Queue name [] $ Prelude.filter (\x-> key x /= k) xs
     k=key x