{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-} ------------------------------------------------- -- A Transactional data cache with configurable persitence -- (Something like a little Java Hybernate or Rails for Rubi) -- Author: Alberto Gómez Corona Nov 2006 -- Language: Haskell -- Version: 0.5 -- Terms of use: See LICENSE -- 2008: -- some bugs fixed -- 10/15/2007 : changes -- Default writeResource and delResource for persistence in files -- (only keyResource must be defined by the user if use defaults) -- Coherent Inserts and deletes -- Reduced the number of accesses to the hashtable -- hashtable access put outside of the transaction block (takeBlocks) -- faster re-executions in case of roll-back ------------------------------------------------ module Data.TCache ( IResource(..) -- class interface to be implemented for the object by the user ,Operation (Insert,Delete) -- data definition used to communicate object Inserts and Deletes to the cache ,Cache -- :: IORef (Ht a,Int, Integer) --The cache definition ,getTVars -- :: (IResource a)=> [a] -- the list of resources to be retrieved -- -> IO [Maybe (TVar a)] -- The Transactional variables (See Data.TVar documentation) ,withResourcesID -- :: (IResource a)=> [a]-> --list of resources to be extracted for the user function -- ([Maybe a]->[Operation a]) --user function that get the retrieved resources -- ->IO () --and return a list of objects to be inserted/modified or deleted ,withResources -- :: (IResource a)=> [a] --list of resources to be retrieve -- ->([Maybe a]->[a]) ----function that get the retrieved resources -- ->IO () --and return a list of objects to be inserted/modified ,withResource -- :: (IResource a)=> a --same as withResources , but for one only object -- ->([Maybe a]->a) -- -- ->IO () -- ,getResources -- :: (IResource a)=>[a] --resources [a] are read from cache and returned -- -> IO [Maybe a] ,getResource -- :: :: (IResource a)=>a --to retrieve one object instead of a list -- -> IO [Maybe a] ,deleteResources -- :: (IResource a)=>[a]-> IO() -- delete the list of resources from cache and from persistent storage ,deleteResource -- :: (IResource a)=>a-> IO() -- delete the resource from cache and from persistent storage --cache handling ,refcache -- :: Cache a --the reference to the cache (see data definition below) ,syncCache -- :: (IResource a) =>Cache a -> IO() --force the atomic write of all the cache objects into permanent storage --useful for termination --start the thread that clean and writes on the persistent storage trough syncCache ,clearSyncCacheProc -- :: (IResource a) =>Cache a --The cache reference -- -> Int --number of seconds betwen checks -- -> (Integer->Integer-> Bool) --The user-defined check-for-cleanup-from-cache for each object --(when True, the object is removed from cache) -- -> Int --The max number of objects in the cache, if more, the cleanup start -- -> >IO ThreadId --Identifier of the thread created -- the default check procedure ,defaultCheck -- :: Integer --last access time for a given object -- ->Integer --last cache syncronization (with the persisten storage) -- ->Bool --return true for all the elems not accesed since --half the time between now and the last sync -- auxiliary ,readFileStrict -- :: String -> IO String -- Strict file read, needed for the default file persistence ) where import GHC.Conc import Control.Exception as Exception import Control.Concurrent import Data.HashTable as H import Data.IORef import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import System.IO.Error import System.Time import Data.Maybe(catMaybes,mapMaybe) import Debug.Trace import System.Directory debug1 a b= trace b a type Key= String -- Interface that must be defined for every object being cached -- readResource and writeResource implemented by default as read/write files with its key as filename -- serialize and deserialize are specified just to allow these defaults class IResource a where serialize :: a -> String deserialize :: String -> a keyResource :: a -> String defPath :: a-> String --additional extension for default file paths or key prefixes defPath _ = "" -- get object content from the file -- (NOTE: reads and writes can't collide, so they-- Not really needed since no write is done while read -- must be strict, not lazy ) readResource :: a->IO (Maybe a) readResource x=handleJust Exception.ioErrors (handle x) $ do s::String <- readFileStrict filename --`debug` ("read "++filename) return $ Just $ deserialize s where filename= defPath x++ keyResource x handle :: a -> IOError -> IO (Maybe a) handle x e |isAlreadyInUseError e = readResource x -- maybe is being written. try again. -- Not really needed since no write is done while read | isDoesNotExistError e = return Nothing | isPermissionError e = error $ "no permissions for opening file: "++filename | otherwise= error $ "unspecified error: " ++ show e writeResource:: a->IO() writeResource x= handleJust Exception.ioErrors (handle x) $ writeFile filename (serialize x) --`debug` ("write "++filename) where filename= (defPath x ++ keyResource x) handle :: a -> IOError -> IO () handle x e | isDoesNotExistError e=do createDirectory $ defPath x --maybe the path does not exist writeResource x | isAlreadyInUseError e= writeResource x -- maybe is being read. try again -- Not really needed since no write is done while read | isPermissionError e = error $ "no permissions for writing file: "++ filename delResource:: a->IO() delResource x= handleJust Exception.ioErrors (handle x) $ removeFile $ defPath x ++ keyResource x where handle :: a -> IOError -> IO () handle x e | isDoesNotExistError e= return () | otherwise = error (show e) -- to allow not only inserts but also deletes data Operation b= Insert b | Delete b type AccessTime= Integer type ModifTime = Integer type Block a= (TVar a,AccessTime,ModifTime) type Ht a= HashTable String (Block a) -- contains the hastable, number of items, last sync time type Cache a= IORef (Ht a,Int, Integer) data CheckBlockFlags= AddToHash | NoAddToHash | MaxTime -- the cache holder refcache :: Cache a refcache =unsafePerformIO $ do c <- H.new (==) hashString newIORef (c,0,nowTime 1) getTVars :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> IO [Maybe (TVar a)] getTVars rs= do (cache,_,_) <- readIORef refcache takeBlocks rs cache MaxTime withResourcesID:: (IResource a)=> [a]->([Maybe a]->[Operation a])->IO () withResourcesID rs f= do (cache,_,_) <- readIORef refcache mtrs <- takeBlocks rs cache NoAddToHash idrs <- atomically $ do mrs <- mapM mreadTVar mtrs let idrs= f mrs let ladd= map selectAdd idrs releaseBlocks (catMaybes ladd) cache return idrs let ldel= map selectDelete idrs let ldel1= catMaybes ldel mapM delResource ldel1 delListFromHash cache $ map keyResource ldel1 return () where selectDelete (Insert a)= Nothing selectDelete (Delete a)= Just a selectAdd (Insert a)= Just a selectAdd (Delete a)= Nothing mreadTVar (Just tvar)= do r <-readTVar tvar return $ Just r mreadTVar Nothing = return Nothing withResource:: (IResource a)=> a->(Maybe a->a)->IO () withResource r f= withResources [r] (\[mr]-> [f mr]) withResources:: (IResource a)=> [a]->([Maybe a]->[a])->IO () withResources rs f= do (cache,size,time) <- readIORef refcache mtrs <- takeBlocks rs cache NoAddToHash atomically $ do mrs <- mapM mreadTVar mtrs let rs'= f mrs releaseBlocks rs' cache return () takeBlocks :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> Ht a -> CheckBlockFlags ->IO [Maybe (TVar a)] takeBlocks rs cache addToHash= mapM (checkBlock cache addToHash) rs where checkBlock :: IResource a => Ht a -> CheckBlockFlags -> a-> IO(Maybe (TVar a)) checkBlock cache flags r =do c <- H.lookup cache keyr case c of Nothing -> do mr <- readResource r -- `debug1` ("read "++keyr++ " hash= "++ (show $ H.hashString keyr)) case mr of Nothing -> return Nothing Just r2 -> do tvr <- atomically $ newTVar r2 case flags of NoAddToHash -> return $ Just tvr AddToHash -> do H.update cache keyr (tvr, ti, 0) -- accesed, not modified return $ Just tvr MaxTime -> do H.update cache keyr (tvr, maxtime, maxtime) -- accesed, not modified return $ Just tvr where maxtime= ti + 10000000 Just(tvr,_,_) -> return $ Just tvr where keyr= keyResource r ti= t where TOD t _=unsafePerformIO getClockTime releaseTVars :: (IResource a)=> [a]-> IO() releaseTVars rs=do (cache,_,_) <- readIORef refcache atomically $ releaseBlocks rs cache releaseBlocks :: (IResource a)=> [a] -> Ht a ->STM () releaseBlocks rs cache = mapM_ checkBlock rs where checkBlock r =do c <- unsafeIOToSTM $ H.lookup cache keyr case c of Nothing -> do tvr <- newTVar r unsafeIOToSTM $ H.update cache keyr (tvr, ti, ti ) -- accesed and modified XXX Just(tvr,_,tm) ->do writeTVar tvr r unsafeIOToSTM $ H.update cache keyr (tvr ,ti,ti) where keyr= keyResource r ti= t where TOD t _=unsafePerformIO getClockTime getResource r= do{mr<-getResources [r];return $! head mr} getResources:: (IResource a)=>[a]-> IO [Maybe a] getResources rs= do (cache,_,_) <- readIORef refcache mtrs <- takeBlocks rs cache AddToHash atomically $ mapM mreadTVar mtrs deleteResource r= deleteResources [r] deleteResources rs=do (cache,_,time) <- readIORef refcache atomically $! do unsafeIOToSTM $ mapM delResource rs unsafeIOToSTM $ delListFromHash cache $ map keyResource rs where ntime= nowTime 1 delListFromHash hash l= do{mapM (delete hash) l; return()} updateListToHash hash kv= do{mapM (update1 hash) kv; return()}where update1 h (k,v)= update h k v -----------------------clear, sync cache------------- clearSyncCacheProc ::(IResource a)=> Cache a->Int->(Integer->Integer->Bool)->Int->IO ThreadId clearSyncCacheProc refcache time check sizeObjects= forkIO $ clear refcache time check sizeObjects where clear :: (IResource a) => Cache a->Int->(Integer->Integer->Bool)->Int->IO () clear refcache time check sizeObjects= do threadDelay $ (fromIntegral$ time * 1000000) clearSyncCache refcache time check sizeObjects clear refcache time check sizeObjects syncCache refcache = do (cache,_,_) <- readIORef refcache list <- toList cache atomically $ save list 0 --print $ "write to persistent storage finised: "++ show (length list)++ " objects" -- - saves the unsaved elems of the cache -- - delete some elems of the cache when the number of elems > sizeObjects -- - The deletion depends on the check criteria. defaultCheck is the one implemented clearSyncCache ::(IResource a) => Cache a-> Int -> (Integer->Integer-> Bool)-> Int -> IO () clearSyncCache refcache time check sizeObjects=do (cache,size,last) <- readIORef refcache handle (\e->do{print e;return ()})$ do (nsize,ntime) <- atomically $ clearCache cache size last check sizeObjects writeIORef refcache (cache,size, ntime) save:: (IResource a) => [(String, Block a)]-> Integer-> STM () save list lastSave= mapM_ save1 list where save1 :: IResource a =>(String, Block a) -> STM() save1(_, (tvr,_,modTime))= do if modTime > lastSave then do r<- readTVar tvr unsafeIOToSTM $! writeResource r --`debug1` ("saved " ++ keyResource r) else return() nowTime x = t where TOD t _=unsafePerformIO getClockTime clearCache:: (IResource a) =>Ht a->Int->Integer-> (Integer->Integer-> Bool)->Int -> STM (Int,Integer) clearCache cache size lastSync check sizeObjects= do elems <- unsafeIOToSTM $ toList cache let size=length elems save elems lastSync if size > sizeObjects then filtercache lastSync elems else return (size,lastSync) where -- delete elems from the cache according with the check criteria filtercache lastSync elems= do n <- unsafeIOToSTM $ mapM filter elems return(size - sum n,nowTime 1) where check1 (_,lastAccess,_)=check lastAccess lastSync filter ::(String,Block a)->IO Int filter (k,e)= if check1 e then do{H.delete cache k;return 1} else return 0 --to drop from the cache all the elems not accesed since half the time between now and the last sync defaultCheck:: Integer->Integer->Bool defaultCheck lastAccess lastSync | lastAccess > halftime = False | otherwise = True where halftime= now- (now-lastSync) `div` 2 now= nowTime 1 readFileStrict f = do h <- openFile f ReadMode s <- hFileSize h let n= fromIntegral s str <- readn h n hClose h return str where -- read n bytes from handle h readn h 0= return "" readn h n=do str <- hGetContents h -- force to read n elements if (str !! (n-1))== '\x00' then return str else return str