{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Database.Ferry.Algebra.Render.XML where
Transform a query plan DAG into an XML representation.
import Database.Ferry.Impossible
import Database.Ferry.Algebra.Data.Algebra
import Database.Ferry.Algebra.Data.GraphBuilder
import Database.Ferry.Algebra.Render.XMLUtils
import Control.Monad.Writer

import Text.XML.HaXml.Types
import Text.XML.HaXml.Pretty (document)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Escape (xmlEscape, stdXmlEscaper)

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ

import qualified Data.Map as M

-- Transform a query plan with result type into a pretty doc.
-- The type is used to add meta information to the XML that is used for pretty printing by ferryDB
transform :: (Bool, AlgPlan) -> Doc
transform (isList, p) = let plans = runXML M.empty $ planBuilder (mkProperty isList) p
                            planBundle = mkPlanBundle plans
                         in (document $ mkXMLDocument planBundle)

-- Transform a potentially nested algebraic plan into xml.
-- The first argument is the overall result type property of the query.
planBuilder :: Element () -> AlgPlan -> XML ()
planBuilder prop (nodes, (top, cols, subs)) = buildPlan Nothing (Just prop) (top, cols, subs)
        buildPlan :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Element ()) -> AlgRes -> XML ()
        buildPlan parent props (top', cols', subs') = 
                                        let colProp = cssToProp cols'
                                        let planProp = case props of
                                                        Nothing -> [colProp] `childsOf` xmlElem "properties"
                                                        Just p  -> [colProp, p] `childsOf` xmlElem "properties"
                                        let plan = runXML nodeTable $ serializeAlgebra top' cols'
                                        pId <- mkQueryPlan parent planProp plan
                                        buildSubPlans pId subs'
        buildSubPlans :: Int -> SubPlan -> XML ()
        buildSubPlans parent (SubPlan m) = let subPlans = M.toList m
                                            in mapM_ (\(cId, res) -> buildPlan (Just (parent, cId)) Nothing res) subPlans
        nodeTable = M.fromList $ map (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) $ M.toList nodes

-- Convert columns structure to xml properties for rendering by ferry DB        
cssToProp :: Columns -> Element ()
cssToProp cols = map csToProp cols `childsOf` [attr "name" "cs"] `attrsOf` xmlElem "property"

csToProp :: Column -> Element ()
csToProp (Col i ty) = [[attr "name" "type", attr "value" $ show ty] `attrsOf` xmlElem "property"] `childsOf` [attr "name" "offset", attr "value" $ show i] `attrsOf` xmlElem "property"  
csToProp (NCol x css) = [cssToProp css] `childsOf` [attr "name" "mapping", attr "value" x] `attrsOf` xmlElem "property" 

-- Serialize algebra
serializeAlgebra :: GraphNode -> Columns -> XML XMLNode
serializeAlgebra qGId cols = do
                                    qId <- alg2XML qGId
                                    nilId <- nilNode
                                    xId <- freshId
                                    let contentN = ((:) iterCol $ (:) posCol $ fst $ colsToNodes 1 cols) `childsOf` contentNode
                                    let edgeNil = mkEdge nilId
                                    let edgeQ = mkEdge qId
                                    tell [[contentN, edgeNil, edgeQ] `childsOf` node xId "serialize relation"]
                                    return xId

-- XML defintion of iter column
iterCol :: Element ()
iterCol =  [attr "name" "iter", attr "new" "false", attr "function" "iter"] `attrsOf` xmlElem "column"

-- XML defintion of position column
posCol :: Element ()
posCol = [attr "name" "pos", attr "new" "false", attr "function" "pos"] `attrsOf` xmlElem "column"

-- Transform cs structure into xml columns
colsToNodes :: Int -> Columns -> ([Element ()], Int)
colsToNodes i ((Col n _):cs) = let col = [attr "name" $ "item" ++ (show n), attr "new" "false", attr "function" "item", attr "position" $ show i] `attrsOf` xmlElem "column"
                                   (els, i') = colsToNodes (i+1) cs
                                in (col:els, i') 
colsToNodes i ((NCol _ cs):cs') = let (els, i') = colsToNodes i cs 
                                      (els', i'') = colsToNodes i' cs'
                                   in (els ++ els', i'')
colsToNodes i []                = ([], i)

-- XML defintion of nil node                                    
nilNode :: XML XMLNode
nilNode = do
            xId <- freshId
            tell [node xId "nil"]
            return xId
-- Transform algebra into XML
-- The outer function determines whether the node was already translated into xml, if so it returns the xml id of that node.
-- if the node was not translated yet the inner function alg2XML' will translated the plan and return the xml id
alg2XML :: GraphNode -> XML XMLNode 
alg2XML gId = do
                def <- isDefined gId
                case def of
                    Just x -> return x
                    Nothing -> do
                                nd <- getNode gId
                                xId <- alg2XML' nd
                                addNodeTrans gId xId
                                return xId
    alg2XML' :: Algebra -> XML XMLNode 
    alg2XML' (LitTable [[v]] [(n, ty)]) = do
                                            xId <- freshId
                                            tell [mkTableNode xId n v ty]
                                            return xId 
    alg2XML' (Attach (n, (ty, val)) cId1) = do
                                                cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                                xId <- freshId
                                                tell [mkAttachNode xId n val ty cxId1]
                                                return xId
    alg2XML' (Proj proj cId1) = do
                                    cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                    xId <- freshId
                                    tell [mkProjNode xId proj cxId1]
                                    return xId
    alg2XML' (EqJoin jc cId1 cId2) = do
                                                cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                                cxId2 <- alg2XML cId2
                                                xId <- freshId
                                                tell [mkEqJoinNode xId jc cxId1 cxId2]
                                                return xId
    alg2XML' (FunBinOp (op, res, lArg, rArg) cId) = do
                                                        cxId1 <- alg2XML cId
                                                        xId <- freshId
                                                        tell [mkBinOpNode xId op res lArg rArg cxId1]
                                                        return xId
    alg2XML' (EmptyTable schema) = do
                                         xId <- freshId
                                         tell [mkEmptyTable xId schema]
                                         return xId
    alg2XML' (DisjUnion cId1 cId2) = do
                                          cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                          cxId2 <- alg2XML cId2
                                          xId <- freshId
                                          tell [mkUnion xId cxId1 cxId2]
                                          return xId
    alg2XML' (Rank (res, sort) cId1) = do
                                            cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                            xId <- freshId
                                            tell [mkRank xId res sort cxId1]
                                            return xId
    alg2XML' (Cross cId1 cId2) = do
                                        cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                        cxId2 <- alg2XML cId2
                                        xId <- freshId
                                        tell [mkCross xId cxId1 cxId2]
                                        return xId
    alg2XML' (TableRef (n, cs, ks)) = do
                                            xId <- freshId
                                            tell [mkTable xId n cs ks]
                                            return xId
    alg2XML' (Sel n cId1) = do
                                cxId <- alg2XML cId1
                                xId <- freshId
                                tell [mkSelect xId n cxId]
                                return xId
    alg2XML' (PosSel (n, sort, part) cId1) = do
                                                  cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                                  xId <- freshId
                                                  tell [mkPosSel xId n sort part cxId1]
                                                  return xId
    alg2XML' (FunBoolNot (res, col) cId1) = do
                                                 cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                                 xId <- freshId
                                                 tell [mkBoolNot xId res col cxId1]
                                                 return xId
    alg2XML' (RowNum (res, sort, part) cId1) = do
                                                    cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                                    xId <- freshId
                                                    tell [mkRowNum xId res sort part cxId1]
                                                    return xId
    alg2XML' (Distinct cId1) = do
                                    cxId <- alg2XML cId1
                                    xId <- freshId
                                    tell [mkDistinct xId cxId]
                                    return xId
    alg2XML' (RowRank (res, sort) cId1) = do
                                              cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                              xId <- freshId
                                              tell [mkRowRank xId res sort cxId1]
                                              return xId
    alg2XML' (Aggr (aggrs, part) cId1)
                            = do
                                cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                xId <- freshId
                                tell [mkAggrs xId aggrs part cxId1]
                                return xId
    alg2XML' (Cast (r, o, t) cId1) = do
                                        cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                        xId <- freshId
                                        tell [mkCast xId o r t cxId1]
                                        return xId
    alg2XML' (Difference cId1 cId2) = do
                                        cxId1 <- alg2XML cId1
                                        cxId2 <- alg2XML cId2
                                        xId <- freshId
                                        tell [mkDifference xId cxId1 cxId2]
                                        return xId
    alg2XML' _ = $impossible

mkDifference :: XMLNode -> XMLNode -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkDifference xId cxId1 cxId2 = [mkEdge cxId1, mkEdge cxId2]`childsOf` node xId "difference" 

mkCast :: XMLNode -> AttrName -> AttrName -> ATy -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkCast xId o r t c = [[column r True, column o False, typeN t] `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge c] `childsOf` node xId "cast"

mkAggrs :: XMLNode -> [(AggrType, ResAttrName, Maybe AttrName)] -> Maybe PartAttrName -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkAggrs xId aggrs part cId = let partCol = case part of
                                            Nothing -> []
                                            Just x  -> [[attr "function" "partition"] `attrsOf` column x False]
                                 aggr = map mkAggr aggrs 
                              in [(partCol ++ aggr) `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cId] `childsOf` node xId "aggr"  
        mkAggr :: (AggrType, ResAttrName, Maybe AttrName) -> Element ()
        mkAggr (aggr, res, arg) = let argCol = case arg of
                                                    Just arg' -> [[attr "function" "item"] `attrsOf` column arg' False]
                                                    Nothing -> [] 
                                   in ((column res True):argCol) `childsOf` [attr "kind" $ show aggr] `attrsOf` xmlElem "aggregate"

mkPosSel :: XMLNode -> Int -> SortInf -> Maybe PartAttrName -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkPosSel xId n sort part cId = let sortCols = map mkSortColumn $ zip sort [1..]
                                   partCol = case part of
                                                   Nothing -> []
                                                   Just x  -> [[attr "function" "partition"] `attrsOf` column x False]
                                   posNode = n `dataChildOf` xmlElem "position" 
                                in [((posNode:sortCols) ++ partCol) `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cId] `childsOf` node xId "pos_select" 

-- Create an xml rank element node. 
mkRowRank :: XMLNode -> ResAttrName -> SortInf -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkRowRank xId res sort cId = let sortCols = map mkSortColumn $ zip sort [1..]
                              in [(column res True : sortCols) `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cId] `childsOf` node xId "rowrank"

-- | Create an xml distinct node
mkDistinct :: XMLNode -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkDistinct xId cxId = [mkEdge cxId] `childsOf` node xId "distinct" 

-- | Create an xml rownum node                                                    
mkRowNum :: XMLNode -> ResAttrName -> SortInf -> Maybe PartAttrName -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkRowNum xId res sort part cxId = let sortCols = map mkSortColumn $ zip sort [1..]
                                      partCol = case part of
                                                    Nothing -> []
                                                    Just x  -> [[attr "function" "partition"] `attrsOf` column x False]
                                   in [(column res True:(sortCols ++ partCol)) `childsOf` contentNode , mkEdge cxId] `childsOf` node xId "rownum"

-- | Create an xml boolean not node           
mkBoolNot :: XMLNode -> String -> String -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkBoolNot xId res arg cxId = [[column res True, column arg False] `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cxId] `childsOf` node xId "not"

-- | Create an xml select node
mkSelect :: XMLNode -> String -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkSelect xId n cxId = [[column n False] `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cxId] `childsOf` node xId "select"

-- | Create an xml table binding node
mkTable :: XMLNode -> String -> TableAttrInf -> KeyInfos -> Element ()
mkTable xId n descr keys = [[mkKeys keys] `childsOf` xmlElem "properties", [mkTableDescr n descr] `childsOf` contentNode] `childsOf` node xId "ref_tbl"
-- | Create an xml table description node
mkTableDescr :: String -> TableAttrInf -> Element ()
mkTableDescr n descr = map (\d -> toTableCol d ) descr `childsOf` [attr "name" n] `attrsOf` xmlElem "table"
     toTableCol :: (AttrName, AttrName, ATy) -> Element ()
     toTableCol (cn, xn, t) = [attr "name" xn, attr "tname" cn, attr "type" $ show t] `attrsOf` xmlElem "column"

-- | Create an xml table key node
mkKey :: KeyInfo -> Element ()
mkKey k = let bd = map (\(k', p) -> [attr "name" k', attr "position" $ show p] `attrsOf` xmlElem "column") $ zip k [1..]
           in bd `childsOf` xmlElem "key" 

-- | Create an xml node containing multiple table keys           
mkKeys :: KeyInfos -> Element ()
mkKeys ks = map mkKey ks `childsOf` xmlElem "keys"
-- Create an xml rank element node. 
mkRank :: XMLNode -> ResAttrName -> SortInf -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkRank xId res sort cId = let sortCols = map mkSortColumn $ zip sort [1..]
                              resCol = column res True
                           in [resCol:sortCols `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cId] `childsOf` node xId "rank" 

-- Create an xml sort column node for use in the rank node.    
mkSortColumn :: ((SortAttrName, SortDir), Int) -> Element ()
mkSortColumn ((n, d), p) = [attr "function" "sort", attr "position" $ show p, attr "direction" $ show d] `attrsOf` column n False

-- Create an xml cross node
mkCross :: XMLNode -> XMLNode -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkCross xId cxId1 cxId2 = [mkEdge cxId1, mkEdge cxId2]`childsOf` node xId "cross"

-- Create an xml union node                                          
mkUnion :: XMLNode -> XMLNode -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkUnion xId cxId1 cxId2 = [mkEdge cxId1, mkEdge cxId2]`childsOf` node xId "union" 

-- Create an empty table node, table needs to contain type information
mkEmptyTable :: XMLNode -> SchemaInfos -> Element ()
mkEmptyTable xId schema = [map mkColumn schema `childsOf` contentNode] `childsOf` node xId "empty_tbl"

-- Create an xml column node
mkColumn :: (AttrName, ATy) -> Element ()
mkColumn (n, t) = [attr "type" $ show t] `attrsOf` column n True

-- Create an xml binary operator node.
-- Three sort of binary operators exist:
--  1. Arithmatic operators, represented in xml as function nodes
--  2. Relational operators, represented in xml as relational function nodes
--  3. Operators that can be expressed in terms of other operators                                                            
mkBinOpNode :: XMLNode -> String -> ResAttrName -> LeftAttrName -> RightAttrName -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkBinOpNode xId op res lArg rArg cId | elem op ["+", "-", "*", "%", "/"] = mkFnNode xId (arOptoFn op) res lArg rArg cId
                                     | elem op [">", "==", "and", "or", "&&", "||"] = mkRelFnNode xId (relOptoFn op) res lArg rArg cId
                                     | elem op ["<" ] = mkBinOpNode xId ">" res rArg lArg cId
                                     | otherwise = $impossible
            arOptoFn :: String -> String
            arOptoFn "+" = "add"
            arOptoFn "-" = "subtract"
            arOptoFn "/" = "divide"
            arOptoFn "*" = "multiply"
            arOptoFn "%" = "modulo"
            arOptoFn _ = $impossible
            relOptoFn :: String -> String
            relOptoFn ">" = "gt"
            relOptoFn "==" = "eq"
            relOptoFn "and" = "and"
            relOptoFn "or" = "or"
            relOptoFn "&&" = "and"
            relOptoFn "||" = "or"
            relOptoFn _ = $impossible

-- Create an XML relational function node
mkRelFnNode :: XMLNode -> String -> ResAttrName -> LeftAttrName -> RightAttrName -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkRelFnNode xId fn res lArg rArg cId = let content = [column res True,
                                                      [attr "position" "1"] `attrsOf` column lArg False,
                                                      [attr "position" "2"] `attrsOf` column rArg False] `childsOf` contentNode
                                        in [content, mkEdge cId] `childsOf` node xId fn

-- Create an XML function node            
mkFnNode :: XMLNode -> String -> ResAttrName -> LeftAttrName -> RightAttrName -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkFnNode xId fn res lArg rArg cId = let cont = [[attr "name" fn] `attrsOf` xmlElem "kind",
                                                column res True,
                                                [attr "position" "1"] `attrsOf` column lArg False, 
                                                [attr "position" "2"] `attrsOf` column rArg False] `childsOf` contentNode
                                     in [cont, mkEdge cId] `childsOf` node xId "fun"

-- Create an XML eq-join node.             
mkEqJoinNode :: XMLNode -> (LeftAttrName,RightAttrName) -> XMLNode -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkEqJoinNode xId (lN, rN) cxId1 cxId2 = let contNode = [[attr "position" "1"] `attrsOf` column lN False,
                                                        [attr "position" "2"] `attrsOf` column rN False] `childsOf` contentNode
                                         in [contNode, mkEdge cxId1, mkEdge cxId2]`childsOf` node xId "eqjoin"
-- Create an XML projection node
mkProjNode :: XMLNode -> [(NewAttrName, OldAttrName)] -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkProjNode xId mapping cxId = [map mkProjColumn mapping `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cxId] `childsOf` node xId "project"
      mkProjColumn :: (NewAttrName, OldAttrName) -> Element ()
      mkProjColumn (n, o) = [attr "old_name" o] `attrsOf` column n True

-- Create an xml attach column node 
mkAttachNode :: XMLNode -> ColName -> AVal -> ATy -> XMLNode -> Element ()
mkAttachNode xId n val ty cxId = let valNode = val `dataChildOf` [attr "type" $ show ty] `attrsOf` xmlElem "value"  
                                     colNode = [xmlEscape stdXmlEscaper valNode] `childsOf` column n True
                                  in [[colNode] `childsOf` contentNode, mkEdge cxId]`childsOf` node xId "attach"

-- Create an xml table node with one value in it
mkTableNode :: XMLNode -> ColName -> AVal -> ATy -> Element ()
mkTableNode xId n val ty = let valNode = val `dataChildOf` [attr "type" $ show ty] `attrsOf` xmlElem "value"
                               colNode = [xmlEscape stdXmlEscaper valNode] `childsOf` column n True
                               conNode =  [colNode] `childsOf` contentNode
                            in [conNode] `childsOf` node xId "table"

-- Create an xml edge to point to the given xml node id.
mkEdge :: XMLNode -> Element ()
mkEdge n = [attr "to" $ show n] `attrsOf` xmlElem "edge"

-- Transform the given plan nodes into an xml query plan.
-- The first argument can contain additional property node information
mkQueryPlan :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> Element () -> [Element ()] -> XML Int
mkQueryPlan parent props els = let logicalPlan = els `childsOf` [attr "unique_names" "true"] `attrsOf` xmlElem "logical_query_plan"
                         in do
                             planId <- freshId
                             let attrs = case parent of
                                            Nothing -> [attr "id" $ show planId]
                                            Just (p, c) -> [attr "id" $ show planId, attr "idref" $ show p, attr "colref" $ show c]
                             tell [[props, logicalPlan] `childsOf` attrs `attrsOf` xmlElem "query_plan"]
                             return planId
-- Create a plan bundle out of the given query plans
mkPlanBundle :: [Element ()] -> Element ()
mkPlanBundle plans = plans `childsOf` xmlElem "query_plan_bundle"

-- Create an xml document out of the given root tag.
mkXMLDocument :: Element () -> Document ()
mkXMLDocument el = let xmlDecl = XMLDecl "1.0" (Just $ EncodingDecl "UTF-8") Nothing
                       prol = Prolog (Just xmlDecl) [] Nothing []
                    in Document prol emptyST el []

-- Create an xml property node so that ferryDB knows more or less how to print the result
mkProperty :: Bool -> Element ()
mkProperty isList = [attr "name" "overallResultType", attr "value" result] `attrsOf` xmlElem "property"
        result = case isList of
                    True  -> "LIST"
                    False -> "TUPLE"