-- #!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- Can't use "#!" with -cpp; get "invalid preprocessing directive #!" -- This Setup script is for cabal-1.1.4. import Distribution.Setup (InstallUserFlag(..)) import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.Build (build) import Distribution.Simple.Configure (LocalBuildInfo(..)) import Distribution.Simple.Install (install) import Distribution.Simple.Register (register, writeInstalledConfig) import Distribution.PreProcess (PPSuffixHandler, knownSuffixHandlers) import Distribution.PackageDescription (HookedBuildInfo, BuildInfo , emptyHookedBuildInfo, writeHookedBuildInfo, emptyBuildInfo , extraLibs, extraLibDirs, includeDirs) import Distribution.Simple.Configure (findProgram) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo) import Distribution.Setup (ConfigFlags, configVerbose) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( HookedBuildInfo, emptyHookedBuildInfo, PackageDescription , writeHookedBuildInfo, Library(..), library, extraLibs , hasLibs, emptyBuildInfo, extraLibDirs, includeDirs, BuildInfo(..) ) import Distribution.Setup (ConfigFlags, configVerbose , InstallFlags(..), CopyFlags(..), CopyDest(..) -- , emptyRegisterFlags, regUser, regVerbose ) import System.Directory (removeFile, getTemporaryDirectory, canonicalizePath) import System.Process(runProcess, waitForProcess) import System.IO(hClose, openFile, hGetLine, hIsEOF, openTempFile, IOMode(..)) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith) import System.FilePath (splitFileName, combine) import Control.Exception (try, bracket) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, unionBy) main = defaultMainWithHooks defaultUserHooks { preConf=preConf, postConf=postConf, buildHook=buildHook, instHook=installHook } where preConf :: [String] -> ConfigFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo preConf args flags = do try (removeFile "takusen.buildinfo") return emptyHookedBuildInfo postConf :: [String] -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ExitCode postConf args flags _ localbuildinfo = do let verbose = configVerbose flags sqliteBI <- configSqlite3 verbose pgBI <- configPG verbose oraBI <- configOracle verbose odbcBI <- configOdbc verbose let bis = [sqliteBI, pgBI, oraBI, odbcBI] writeHookedBuildInfo "takusen.buildinfo" (concatBuildInfo bis,[]) return ExitSuccess -- We patch in the buildHook so that we can modify the list of exposed -- modules (we remove modules for back-ends that are not installed). buildHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Int -> [PPSuffixHandler] -> IO () buildHook pd lbi mbuh bf = defaultBuildHook (modifyPackageDesc pd) lbi mbuh bf -- also patch the installHook installHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Int -> InstallUserFlag -> IO () installHook pd lbi mbuh insf = defaultInstallHook (modifyPackageDesc pd) lbi mbuh insf modifyPackageDesc pd = let Just (Library modules buildInf) = library pd filteredMods = filterModulesByLibs modules (extraLibs buildInf) in pd { library = Just (Library filteredMods buildInf) } filterModulesByLibs modules libs = removeModulesForAbsentLib "pq" "Database.PostgreSQL" libs . removeModulesForAbsentLib "oci" "Database.Oracle" libs . removeModulesForAbsentLib "sqlite3" "Database.Sqlite" libs . filterODBCModules libs $ modules removeModulesForAbsentLib lib prefix libs modules = if not (elem lib libs) then filter (not . isPrefixOf prefix) modules else modules filterODBCModules libs modules = if not (elem "odbc" libs || elem "odbc32" libs) then filter (not . isPrefixOf "Database.ODBC") modules else modules --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start of code copied verbatim from Distribution.Simple, -- because it's not exported. defaultInstallHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo verbose uInstFlag = do let uInst = case uInstFlag of InstallUserUser -> True InstallUserGlobal -> False --over-rides configure setting -- no flag, check how it was configured: InstallUserNone -> userConf localbuildinfo install pkg_descr localbuildinfo (NoCopyDest, verbose) when (hasLibs pkg_descr) (register pkg_descr localbuildinfo (uInst, False, verbose)) defaultBuildHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags pps = do build pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags pps when (hasLibs pkg_descr) $ writeInstalledConfig pkg_descr localbuildinfo allSuffixHandlers :: Maybe UserHooks -> [PPSuffixHandler] allSuffixHandlers hooks = maybe knownSuffixHandlers (\h -> overridesPP (hookedPreProcessors h) knownSuffixHandlers) hooks where overridesPP :: [PPSuffixHandler] -> [PPSuffixHandler] -> [PPSuffixHandler] overridesPP = unionBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) -- End of code copied verbatim from Distribution.Simple. --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- dropLastElementFromPath path = reverse . dropWhile (\c -> c /= '\\' && c /= '/') . reverse $ path joinPaths path item = let lastChar = last path in if lastChar == '\\' || lastChar == '/' then path ++ item else path ++ "/" ++ item sameFolder path = return (dropLastElementFromPath path) parentFolder path = canonicalizePath (dropLastElementFromPath (dropLastElementFromPath path)) -} joinPaths = combine sameFolder path = return (fst (splitFileName path)) parentFolder path = canonicalizePath (fst (splitFileName path) ++ "/..") makeConfig path libName libDir includeDir = do libDirs <- canonicalizePath (joinPaths path libDir) includeDirs <- canonicalizePath (joinPaths path includeDir) return (Just emptyBuildInfo { extraLibs = [libName] , extraLibDirs = [libDirs] , includeDirs = [includeDirs] } ) message s = putStrLn ("configure: takusen: " ++ s) createConfigByFindingExe desc exe relativeFolder libName libDir includeDir = do mb_location <- findProgram exe Nothing case mb_location of Nothing -> message ("No " ++ desc ++ " (" ++ libName ++ ") library found") >> return Nothing Just location -> do path <- relativeFolder location message ("Using " ++ libName ++ ": " ++ path) makeConfig path libName libDir includeDir configSqlite3 verbose = createConfigByFindingExe "Sqlite" "sqlite3" sameFolder "sqlite3" "" "" configOracle verbose = createConfigByFindingExe "Oracle" "sqlplus" parentFolder "oci" "bin" "oci/include" -- On Windows the ODBC stuff is in c:\windows\system32, which is always in the PATH. -- So I think we only need to pass -lodbc32. -- The include files are already in the ghc/include/mingw folder. -- FIXME: I don't know how this should look for unixODBC. #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS configOdbc verbose = do message ("Using odbc: lib already in PATH>") return ( Just emptyBuildInfo { extraLibs = ["odbc32"] }) #else configOdbc verbose = createConfigByFindingExe "ODBC" "sqlplus" parentFolder "odbc" "" "" #endif configPG :: Int -> IO (Maybe BuildInfo) configPG verbose = do mb_pq_config_path <- findProgram "pg_config" Nothing case mb_pq_config_path of Nothing -> message ("No PostgreSQL (pq) library found") >> return Nothing Just pq_config_path -> do message ("Using pq: " ++ pq_config_path) res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose pq_config_path ["--libdir"] let lib_dirs = words res res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose pq_config_path ["--includedir"] let inc_dirs = words res res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose pq_config_path ["--includedir-server"] let inc_dirs_server = words res return ( Just emptyBuildInfo { extraLibs = ["pq"] , extraLibDirs = lib_dirs , includeDirs = inc_dirs ++ inc_dirs_server }) concatBuildInfo = foldr1 combineBuildInfo combineBuildInfo mbi Nothing = mbi combineBuildInfo Nothing mbi = mbi combineBuildInfo (Just bi1) (Just bi2) = Just bi1 { extraLibs = extraLibs bi1 ++ extraLibs bi2 , extraLibDirs = extraLibDirs bi1 ++ extraLibDirs bi2 , includeDirs = includeDirs bi1 ++ includeDirs bi2 } rawSystemGrabOutput :: Int -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO String rawSystemGrabOutput verbose path args = do when (verbose > 0) . putStrLn . unwords $ path:args tmp_dir <- getTemporaryDirectory (outf,outh) <- openTempFile tmp_dir "out.dat" -- process' stderr goes to our stderr pid <- runProcess path args Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just outh) Nothing exitCode <- waitForProcess pid when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $ exitWith exitCode file_to_contents outf -- properly, this time, with no lazy IO file_to_contents fname = bracket (openFile fname ReadMode) (\h -> hClose h >> removeFile fname) (reader []) where reader acc h = do eof <- hIsEOF h if eof then return . concat $ reverse acc else do l <- hGetLine h reader (" ":l:acc) h