Takusen-0.8: Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC.ContentsIndex
Maintaineroleg@pobox.com, alistair@abayley.org
Session object.
Exceptions and handlers

This is the interface between the middle Enumerator layer and the low-level, Database-specific layer. This file is not exported to the end user.

Only the programmer for a new back-end needs to consult this file.

class ISession sess where
disconnect :: sess -> IO ()
beginTransaction :: sess -> IsolationLevel -> IO ()
commit :: sess -> IO ()
rollback :: sess -> IO ()
newtype ConnectA sess = ConnectA (IO sess)
class ISession sess => Statement stmt sess q | stmt sess -> q where
makeQuery :: sess -> stmt -> IO q
class ISession sess => Command stmt sess where
executeCommand :: sess -> stmt -> IO Int
class ISession sess => EnvInquiry inquirykey sess result | inquirykey sess -> result where
inquire :: inquirykey -> sess -> IO result
newtype PreparationA sess stmt = PreparationA (sess -> IO stmt)
class ISession sess => IPrepared stmt sess bound_stmt bo | stmt -> bound_stmt, stmt -> bo where
bindRun :: sess -> stmt -> [BindA sess stmt bo] -> (bound_stmt -> IO a) -> IO a
destroyStmt :: sess -> stmt -> IO ()
newtype BindA sess stmt bo = BindA (sess -> stmt -> bo)
class ISession sess => DBBind a sess stmt bo | stmt -> bo where
bindP :: a -> BindA sess stmt bo
data IsolationLevel
= ReadUncommitted
| ReadCommitted
| RepeatableRead
| Serialisable
| Serializable
type Position = Int
class ISession sess => IQuery q sess b | q -> sess, q -> b where
fetchOneRow :: q -> IO Bool
currentRowNum :: q -> IO Int
freeBuffer :: q -> b -> IO ()
destroyQuery :: q -> IO ()
class DBType a q b | q -> b where
allocBufferFor :: a -> q -> Position -> IO b
fetchCol :: q -> b -> IO a
throwIfDBNull :: Monad m => m (RowNum, ColNum) -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
data DBException
= DBError SqlState Int String
| DBFatal SqlState Int String
| DBUnexpectedNull RowNum ColNum
| DBNoData
throwDB :: DBException -> a
type ColNum = Int
type RowNum = Int
type SqlState = (SqlStateClass, SqlStateSubClass)
type SqlStateClass = String
type SqlStateSubClass = String
Session object.
class ISession sess where

The ISession class describes a database session to a particular DBMS. Oracle has its own Session object, SQLite has its own session object (which maintains the connection handle to the database engine and other related stuff). Session objects for different databases normally have different types -- yet they all belong to the class ISession so we can do generic operations like commit, execDDL, etc. in a database-independent manner.

Session objects per se are created by database connection/login functions.

The class ISession is thus an interface between low-level (and database-specific) code and the Enumerator, database-independent code. The ISession class is NOT visible to the end user -- neither the class, nor any of its methods.

The ISession class describes the mapping from connection object to the session object. The connection object is created by the end user (and this is how the end user tells which particular back end he wants). The session object is not accessible by the end user in any way. Even the type of the session object should be hidden!

disconnect :: sess -> IO ()
beginTransaction :: sess -> IsolationLevel -> IO ()
commit :: sess -> IO ()
rollback :: sess -> IO ()
show/hide Instances
newtype ConnectA sess
A wrapper around the action to open the database. That wrapper is not exported to the end user. The only reason for the wrapper is to guarantee that the only thing to do with the result of connect function is to pass it out directly to withSession.
ConnectA (IO sess)
show/hide Instances
??? sess => Typeable (ConnectA sess)
class ISession sess => Statement stmt sess q | stmt sess -> q where
Statement defines the API for query objects i.e. which types can be queries.
makeQuery :: sess -> stmt -> IO q
show/hide Instances
Statement BoundStmt Session Query
Statement BoundStmt Session Query
Statement BoundStmt Session Query
Statement BoundStmt Session Query
Statement PreparedStmtObj Session Query
Statement PreparedStmtObj Session Query
Statement PreparedStmtObj Session Query
Statement QueryString Session Query
Statement QueryString Session Query
Statement QueryString Session Query
Statement QueryString Session Query
Statement QueryString Session Query
Statement QueryStringTuned Session Query
Statement QueryStringTuned Session Query
Statement QueryStringTuned Session Query
Statement StmtBind Session Query
Statement StmtBind Session Query
Statement String Session Query
Statement String Session Query
Statement String Session Query
Statement String Session Query
Statement (RefCursor StmtHandle) Session Query
Statement (RefCursor String) Session Query
Statement (NextResultSet mark PreparedStmtObj) Session Query
Statement (NextResultSet mark PreparedStmtObj) Session Query
class ISession sess => Command stmt sess where
Command is not a query: command deletes or updates rows, creates/drops tables, or changes database state. executeCommand returns the number of affected rows (or 0 if DDL i.e. not DML).
executeCommand :: sess -> stmt -> IO Int
show/hide Instances
class ISession sess => EnvInquiry inquirykey sess result | inquirykey sess -> result where
inquire :: inquirykey -> sess -> IO result
show/hide Instances
newtype PreparationA sess stmt

This type is not visible to the end user (cf. ConnectA). It forms a private `communication channel' between Database.Enumerator and a back end.

Why don't we make a user-visible class with a prepare method? Because it means to standardize the preparation method signature across all databases. Some databases need more parameters, some fewer. There may be several statement preparation functions within one database. So, instead of standardizing the signature of the preparation function, we standardize on the _result_ of that function. To be more precise, we standardize on the properties of the result: whatever it is, the eventual prepared statement should be suitable to be passed to bindRun.

PreparationA (sess -> IO stmt)
class ISession sess => IPrepared stmt sess bound_stmt bo | stmt -> bound_stmt, stmt -> bo where
bindRun :: sess -> stmt -> [BindA sess stmt bo] -> (bound_stmt -> IO a) -> IO a
destroyStmt :: sess -> stmt -> IO ()
show/hide Instances
IPrepared PreparedStmtObj Session BoundStmt BindObj
IPrepared PreparedStmtObj Session BoundStmt BindObj
IPrepared PreparedStmtObj Session BoundStmt BindObj
IPrepared PreparedStmtObj Session BoundStmt BindObj
newtype BindA sess stmt bo
The binding object (bo) below is very abstract, on purpose. It may be |IO a|, it may be String, it may be a function, etc. The binding object can hold the result of marshalling, or bo can hold the current counter, etc. Different databases do things very differently: compare PostgreSQL and the Stub (which models Oracle).
BindA (sess -> stmt -> bo)
class ISession sess => DBBind a sess stmt bo | stmt -> bo where
The class DBBind is not used by the end-user. It is used to tie up low-level database access and the enumerator. A database-specific library must provide a set of instances for DBBind. The latter are the dual of DBType.
bindP :: a -> BindA sess stmt bo
This is really just a wrapper that lets us write lists of heterogenous bind values e.g. [bindP "string", bindP (0::Int), ...]
show/hide Instances
DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind a Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind a Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind a Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind a Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe CalendarTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe CalendarTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Double) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Double) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Double) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Double) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Float) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Int) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Int) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Int) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Int) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Int64) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe Int64) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe String) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe String) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe String) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe String) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe UTCTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe UTCTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe UTCTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Maybe UTCTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
Show a => DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
Show a => DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
Show a => DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
Show a => DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Out (Maybe Double)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Out (Maybe Int)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Out (Maybe StmtHandle)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Out (Maybe String)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Out (Maybe UTCTime)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
Show a => DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind (Out a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj
data IsolationLevel
Serializablefor alternative spellers
show/hide Instances
type Position = Int
class ISession sess => IQuery q sess b | q -> sess, q -> b where

The class IQuery describes the class of query objects. Each database (that is, each Session object) has its own Query object. We may assume that a Query object includes (at least, conceptually) a (pointer to) a Session object, so a Query object determines the Session object. A back-end provides an instance (or instances) of IQuery. The end user never seens the IQuery class (let alone its methods).

Can a session have several types of query objects? Let's assume that it can: but a statement plus the session uniquely determine the query,

Note that we explicitly use IO monad because we will have to explicitly do FFI.

fetchOneRow :: q -> IO Bool
currentRowNum :: q -> IO Int
freeBuffer :: q -> b -> IO ()
destroyQuery :: q -> IO ()
show/hide Instances
IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer
IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer
IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer
IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer
IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer
class DBType a q b | q -> b where

A 'buffer' means a column buffer: a data structure that points to a block of memory allocated for the values of one particular column. Since a query normally fetches a row of several columns, we typically deal with a list of column buffers. Although the column data are typed (e.g., Integer, CalendarDate, etc), column buffers hide that type. Think of the column buffer as Dynamics. The class DBType below describes marshalling functions, to fetch a typed value out of the 'untyped' columnBuffer.

Different DBMS's (that is, different session objects) have, in general, columnBuffers of different types: the type of Column Buffer is specific to a database. So, ISession (m) uniquely determines the buffer type (b)?? Or, actually, a query uniquely determines the buffer.

The class DBType is not used by the end-user. It is used to tie up low-level database access and the enumerator. A database-specific library must provide a set of instances for DBType.

allocBufferFor :: a -> q -> Position -> IO b
fetchCol :: q -> b -> IO a
show/hide Instances
DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer => DBType a Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer => DBType a Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer => DBType a Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer => DBType a Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer => DBType a Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe CalendarTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe CalendarTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe CalendarTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe CalendarTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Double) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Double) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Double) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Double) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Double) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Float) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int64) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe Int64) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe String) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe String) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe String) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe String) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe String) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe UTCTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe UTCTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe UTCTime) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (Maybe UTCTime) Query ColumnBuffer
(Show a, Read a) => DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer
(Show a, Read a) => DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer
(Show a, Read a) => DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer
(Show a, Read a) => DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer
(Show a, Read a) => DBType (Maybe a) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (RefCursor StmtHandle) Query ColumnBuffer
DBType (RefCursor String) Query ColumnBuffer
throwIfDBNull :: Monad m => m (RowNum, ColNum) -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
Used by instances of DBType to throw an exception when a null (Nothing) is returned. Will work for any type, as you pass the fetch action in the fetcher arg.
Exceptions and handlers
data DBException
DBError SqlState Int StringDBMS error message.
DBFatal SqlState Int String
DBUnexpectedNull RowNum ColNumthe iteratee function used for queries accepts both nullable (Maybe) and non-nullable types. If the query itself returns a null in a column where a non-nullable type was specified, we can't handle it, so DBUnexpectedNull is thrown.
DBNoDataThrown by cursor functions if you try to fetch after the end.
show/hide Instances
throwDB :: DBException -> a
Throw a DBException. It's just a type-specific throwDyn.
type ColNum = Int
type RowNum = Int
type SqlState = (SqlStateClass, SqlStateSubClass)
type SqlStateClass = String
type SqlStateSubClass = String
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