-- setup configure -fodbc -foracle -fpostgres -fsqlite -- setup build -- setup install -- -- setup configure -fbuildtests -- setup build -- setup install Name: Takusen Version: 0.8.5 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Alistair Bayley, Oleg Kiselyov Copyright: 2003-2009, Alistair Bayley, Oleg Kiselyov Maintainer: alistair@abayley.org, oleg@pobox.com Stability: experimental Homepage: http://darcs.haskell.org/takusen Package-url: http://darcs.haskell.org/takusen Category: Database Build-type: Custom Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Synopsis: Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC. Description: Takusen is a DBMS access library. Like HSQL and HDBC, we support arbitrary SQL statements (currently strings, extensible to anything that can be converted to a string). . Takusen's unique selling point is safety and efficiency. We statically ensure all acquired database resources - such as cursors, connections, and statement handles - are released, exactly once, at predictable times. Takusen can avoid loading the whole result set in memory, and so can handle queries returning millions of rows in constant space. Takusen also supports automatic marshalling and unmarshalling of results and query parameters. These benefits come from the design of query result processing around a left-fold enumerator. . Currently we fully support ODBC, Oracle, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL. Extra-tmp-files: Database/Oracle/OCIFunctions_stub.c Database/Oracle/OCIFunctions_stub.h Database/PostgreSQL/PGFunctions_stub.c Database/PostgreSQL/PGFunctions_stub.h Extra-source-files: README.txt Flag odbc Description: ODBC backend Default: False Flag oracle Description: Oracle OCI backend Default: False Flag postgres Description: PostgreSQL backend Default: False Flag sqlite Description: SQLite3 backend Default: False Flag buildtests Description: Build test executables Default: False Executable takusen_tests If !flag(buildtests) Buildable: False else -- If we want to build test exe, then it needs Takusen installed. Build-Depends: Takusen Main-Is: Main.lhs Other-modules: Database.Enumerator , Database.InternalEnumerator , Database.Util , Database.Test.Enumerator , Database.Test.Util , Database.Test.Performance , Database.ODBC.Enumerator , Database.ODBC.OdbcFunctions , Database.ODBC.Test.Enumerator , Database.ODBC.Test.OdbcFunctions , Database.Oracle.Enumerator , Database.Oracle.OCIConstants , Database.Oracle.OCIFunctions , Database.Oracle.Test.Enumerator , Database.Oracle.Test.OCIFunctions , Database.PostgreSQL.Enumerator , Database.PostgreSQL.PGFunctions , Database.PostgreSQL.Test.Enumerator , Database.PostgreSQL.Test.PGFunctions , Database.Sqlite.Enumerator , Database.Sqlite.SqliteFunctions , Database.Sqlite.Test.Enumerator , Database.Sqlite.Test.SqliteFunctions , Control.Exception.MonadIO , Control.Exception.Extensible , Foreign.C.UTF8 , Foreign.C.Test.UTF8 , Test.MiniUnit Build-Depends: base, mtl, time, QuickCheck -- ghc-6.6 has System.Time in base. -- Later versions has it in a separate package. if impl(ghc >= 6.8) Build-Depends: old-time Extensions: CPP DeriveDataTypeable ScopedTypeVariables if impl(ghc>=6.9) cpp-options: -DUSE_NEW_EXCEPTIONS build-depends: base>=4&&<5 else build-depends: base<4 Executable miniunit_tests If !flag(buildtests) Buildable: False Main-Is: Test/Main.hs Other-modules: Control.Exception.MonadIO , Control.Exception.Extensible , Test.MiniUnit , Test.MiniUnitTest Build-Depends: base, mtl Extensions: CPP DeriveDataTypeable ScopedTypeVariables if impl(ghc>=6.9) cpp-options: -DUSE_NEW_EXCEPTIONS build-depends: base>=4&&<5 else build-depends: base<4 Library If flag(buildtests) Buildable: False Exposed-modules: Database.Enumerator , Database.Util --, Database.Stub.Enumerator , Control.Exception.MonadIO , Foreign.C.UTF8 If flag(odbc) Exposed-modules: Database.ODBC.Enumerator , Database.ODBC.OdbcFunctions If os(windows) extra-libraries: odbc32 ld-options: --enable-stdcall-fixup Else If os(darwin) extra-libraries: iodbc Else extra-libraries: odbc If flag(oracle) Exposed-modules: Database.Oracle.Enumerator , Database.Oracle.OCIConstants , Database.Oracle.OCIFunctions Build-Tools: sqlplus If os(windows) Extra-Libraries: oci Else Extra-Libraries: clntsh If flag(postgres) Exposed-modules: Database.PostgreSQL.Enumerator , Database.PostgreSQL.PGFunctions Build-Tools: pg_config Extra-Libraries: pq If flag(sqlite) Exposed-modules: Database.Sqlite.Enumerator , Database.Sqlite.SqliteFunctions If os(windows) Build-Tools: sqlite3 else PkgConfig-Depends: sqlite3 Build-Tools: sqlite3 Extra-Libraries: sqlite3 Build-Depends: base, mtl, time -- ghc-6.6 has System.Time in base. -- Later versions has it in a separate package. if impl(ghc >= 6.8) Build-Depends: old-time -- Many modules use CPP to switch between new and old exceptions. -- DeriveDataTypeable is because we can't switch it on/off with #define; -- for ghc-6.6 it is rendered as -fglasgow-exts anyway. Extensions: CPP DeriveDataTypeable -- We need the USE_NEW_EXCEPTIONS flag as this is used in -- Control.Exception.Extensible is choose between defining our own -- extensible exceptions, or re-exporting what's in base-4. if impl(ghc>=6.9) cpp-options: -DUSE_NEW_EXCEPTIONS build-depends: base>=4&&<5 else build-depends: base<4 if impl(ghc >= 6.10) -- doesn't work with Data.Time on older ghcs, due to some missing header file Ghc-Options: -O2 Other-modules: Database.InternalEnumerator , Control.Exception.Extensible -- Modules in Other-modules are passed to Haddock with --hide=. Ghc-Prof-Options: -prof -auto-all