Takusen-0.8: Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC.

Maintaineroleg@pobox.com, alistair@abayley.org



Oracle OCI implementation of Database.Enumerator.



data Session Source


Typeable Session 
ISession Session 
Command String Session 
Command BoundStmt Session 
Command CommandBind Session 
Command QueryString Session 
IQuery Query Session ColumnBuffer 
Statement String Session Query 
Statement QueryStringTuned Session Query 
Statement BoundStmt Session Query 
Statement PreparedStmtObj Session Query 
Statement QueryString Session Query 
DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind a Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
IPrepared PreparedStmtObj Session BoundStmt BindObj 
Statement (RefCursor StmtHandle) Session Query 
DBBind (Maybe Double) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Maybe Int) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Maybe String) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
Show a => DBBind (Maybe a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Maybe CalendarTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Maybe UTCTime) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind (Out a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe Double)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe Int)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe String)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
Show a => DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe UTCTime)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe StmtHandle)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
Statement (NextResultSet mark PreparedStmtObj) Session Query 

prepareStmt :: QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObjSource

preparePrefetch :: Int -> QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObjSource

prepareQuery :: QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObjSource

prepareLargeQuery :: Int -> QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObjSource

prepareCommand :: QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObjSource

prepareLargeCommand :: Int -> QueryString -> PreparationA Session PreparedStmtObjSource

Seems like an odd alternative to prepareCommand (what is a large command?) but is actually useful for when the outer query it a procedure call that returns one or more cursors. The prefetch count for the inner cursors is inherited from the outer statement, which in this case is a command, rather than a select. Normally prefetch would be irrelevant (and indeed it is for the outer command), but we also save it in the statement so that it can be reused for the child cursors.

sql :: String -> QueryStringSource

sqlbind :: String -> [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj] -> QueryStringTunedSource

prefetch :: Int -> String -> [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj] -> QueryStringTunedSource

cmdbind :: String -> [BindA Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj] -> CommandBindSource

newtype Out a Source


Out a 


DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj => DBBind (Out a) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe Double)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe Int)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe String)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
Show a => DBBind (Out (Maybe a)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe UTCTime)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj 
DBBind (Out (Maybe StmtHandle)) Session PreparedStmtObj BindObj