module Data.Set.StringSet (
            ) where
import Data.Set.StringSet.Internal
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Control.Monad

-- | Inserts a new 'String' element into a tree.
insert :: String -> StringSet -> StringSet
insert xss@(_:_)  End              = singleton xss
insert xss@(_:_)  (Null rest)      = Null $ insert xss rest
insert []         End              = Null End
insert []         (Node ele l e h) = Node ele (insert [] l) e h
insert []         (Null rest)      = Null rest
insert xss@(x:xs) (Node ele l e h) =
    case compare x ele of
        LT -> Node ele (insert xss l) e h
        EQ -> Node ele l (insert xs e) h
        GT -> Node ele l e (insert xss h)

-- | Quickly build an initial tree.
singleton :: String -> StringSet
singleton (x:xs) = Node x End (singleton xs) End
singleton []     = Null End

-- | Returns true if the string is in the StringSet
member :: String -> StringSet -> Bool
member         _   End             = False
member         [] (Null _)         = True
member         [] (Node _ l _ _)   = member [] l
member xss@(_:_)  (Null rest)      = member xss rest
member xss@(x:xs) (Node ele l e h) = 
    case compare x ele of
        LT -> member xss l
        EQ -> member  xs e
        GT -> member xss h

-- | Counts how many entries there are in the tree.
size :: StringSet -> Int
size End = 0
size (Null rest) = 1 + size rest
size (Node _ l e h) = size l + size e + size h

-- | Creates a new tree from a list of 'Strings'
fromList :: [String] -> StringSet
fromList = foldl (flip insert) empty

-- | Returns a (sorted) list of all strings inserted into the set.
-- > (elems . fromList) xs == (nub . sort) xs
elems :: StringSet -> [String]
elems End = []
elems (Null rest) = []:elems rest
elems (Node ele l e g) = elems l ++ (map (ele:) (elems e) ++ elems g)

-- | An empty set.
empty :: StringSet
empty = End

-- | Returns true if the set is empty.
null :: StringSet -> Bool
null End = True
null _   = False

-- | A rather long Binary instance, that uses binary numbers to indicate
-- where Ends are efficiently.
instance Binary StringSet where
    put (Node ch End End End)   = putWord8 0 >> put ch
    put (Node ch End End h)     = putWord8 1 >> put ch >> put h
    put (Node ch End e End)     = putWord8 2 >> put ch >> put e
    put (Node ch End e h)       = putWord8 3 >> put ch >> put e >> put h
    put (Node ch l End End)     = putWord8 4 >> put ch >> put l
    put (Node ch l End h)       = putWord8 5 >> put ch >> put l >> put h
    put (Node ch l e End)       = putWord8 6 >> put ch >> put l >> put e
    put (Node ch l e h)         = putWord8 7 >> put ch >> put l >> put e >> put h
    put (Null End)              = putWord8 8
    put (Null rest)             = putWord8 9 >> put rest
    put End = putWord8 10
    get = do
        tag <- getWord8
        case tag of
            _ | tag < 8 -> do
                ch <- get
                l <- if tag `testBit` 2 then get else return End
                e <- if tag `testBit` 1 then get else return End
                h <- if tag `testBit` 0 then get else return End
                return (Node ch l e h)
            8 -> return (Null End)
            9 -> liftM Null get
            10 -> return End
            _ -> error ("Invalid data in binary stream. tag: " ++ show tag)