GPLV3.0 or later copyright contact Copyright 2012. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . This module is KNOWN to be buggy :/
>module Control.Concurrent.StateRecords where
>import Control.Concurrent.ThreadObject
>import Control.Exception
>data RecorderSignal signal = RecorderSignal Bool (Maybe signal) 
>type History a = (Maybe a, [a],[a])
This isn't a very good type name. This is one instance of a set of previous values that a threadObject as had.
>type Record a signal = (History a,(ThreadObject a signal))
>type StateRecords a signal = ThreadObject (Record a signal) ()
>stateRecords :: Exception exception => ThreadObject a signal -> (Record a signal -> exception -> IO (Record a signal)) -> IO (StateRecords a signal)
>stateRecords to exceptionHandler = do
> stateRecordsObject <- threadObject
> objectInit stateRecordsObject (DoNotSync (SeedInitially ((Nothing,[],[]),to))) noSyncOnPut exceptionHandler
> return stateRecordsObject 
>recordState ::  Int -> StateRecords a signal -> a -> IO ()
>recordState n stateRecordsObject value = do
>  updateIO stateRecordsObject 
>    (\((lastStateMaybe,stack1,stack2),to)-> do
print "length" print $ length stack1 print "n" print n
>     if length stack1 >= n
>     then case lastStateMaybe of
>       Just lastState -> do
print 1
>         return ((Just value,lastState:[],stack1), to)
>       Nothing   -> do
print 2
>         return ((Just value,[],stack1), to)
>     else case lastStateMaybe of
>       Just lastState -> do
print 3;
>        return ((Just value,lastState:stack1,stack2), to)
>       Nothing   -> do 
print 4;
>        return ((Just value,stack1,stack2), to))
| This is to undo an action applied the thread object which is used as your "metronome", that thread object, within who's syncOnPut, are the recordState commands.
>undoStateActionOfRecorder :: StateRecords a (RecorderSignal signal) -> IO Bool
>undoStateActionOfRecorder stateRecordsObject = do
> undoStateAction' stateRecordsObject (\to value -> updateWithSignal to (\_->value) (RecorderSignal False Nothing))
>undoStateAction :: StateRecords a signal -> IO Bool
>undoStateAction stateRecordsObject = do
>  undoStateAction' stateRecordsObject (\to value -> update to (\_->value))
>undoStateAction' :: StateRecords a signal -> (ThreadObject a signal -> a -> IO ()) -> IO Bool
>undoStateAction' stateRecordsObject myUpdate = do
>  updateIOReturning stateRecordsObject
>    (\(stacks,to)-> do
>     case stacks of
>       (Just _,value:stack1,stack2) -> do
>           myUpdate to value
print "Jv"
>           return (((Nothing,stack1,stack2),to),True)
>       (Nothing,value:stack1,stack2) -> do
>           myUpdate to value
print "Nv"
>           return (((Nothing,stack1,stack2),to),True)
>       (Just _,[],value:stack2) -> do
>           myUpdate to value
print "J[]"
>           return (((Nothing,stack2,[]),to),True)
>       (Nothing,[],value:stack2) -> do
>           myUpdate to value
print "N[]"
>           return (((Nothing,stack2,[]),to),True)
>       (Just _,[],[])  -> do
print "J[]"
>          return (((Nothing,[],[]),to),False)
>       (Nothing,[],[])  -> do
print "N[]"
>          return (((Nothing,[],[]),to),False))