{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | License      :  GPL
--   Maintainer   :  helium@cs.uu.nl
--   Stability    :  provisional
--   Portability  :  non-portable (requires extensions)

module Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics (applyHeuristics, predicatePath, expandPath) where

import Data.Graph (buildG, scc)
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Tree (flatten)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Basics
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.ClassMonadic
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Heuristic
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Path
import Top.Interface.Qualification hiding (contextReduction)
import Top.Interface.TypeInference
import Top.Solver
import Top.Types 
import Utils (internalError)

type ErrorInfo info = ([EdgeId], info)

applyHeuristics :: HasTypeGraph m info => (Path (EdgeId, info) -> [Heuristic info]) -> m [ErrorInfo info]
applyHeuristics heuristics =
   let rec thePath = 
          case simplifyPath thePath of
             Empty -> internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "applyHeuristics" "unexpected empty path"
             Fail  -> return []
             path  ->
                do err <- evalHeuristics path (heuristics path)
                   let restPath = changeStep (\t@(a,_) -> if a `elem` fst err then Fail else Step t) path
                   errs <- rec restPath
                   return (err : errs)
      do errorPath <- allErrorPaths
         rec (removeSomeDuplicates info2ToEdgeNr errorPath)

-- These functions are used to describe for a change due to a heuristic how it affected the error path
-- showing whether the set of constraints shrunk and if so, whether it has now become a singleton.
tag :: String -> String
tag s = "~" ++ s ++ "~"

shrunkAndFinalMsg :: [a] -> [a] -> String
shrunkAndFinalMsg old new =
  if length new < length old then
    if length new == 1 then
      tag "shrunk" ++ " " ++ tag "final"
      tag "shrunk"
    tag "unmodified"

evalHeuristics :: HasTypeGraph m info => Path (EdgeId, info) -> [Heuristic info] -> m (ErrorInfo info)
evalHeuristics path = rec edgesBegin
   edgesBegin = nubBy eqInfo2 (steps path)
   rec edges [] = 
      case edges of
         (edgeId@(EdgeId _ _ cnr), info) : _ -> 
            do logMsg ("\n*** The selected constraint: " ++ show cnr ++ " ***\n")
               return ([edgeId], info)
         _ -> internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "evalHeuristics" "empty list"
   rec edges (Heuristic heuristic:rest) = 
      case heuristic of

         Filter name f -> 
            do edges' <- f edges
               logMsg (name ++ " (filter) " ++ shrunkAndFinalMsg edges edges')
               logMsg ("   " ++ showSet [ i | (EdgeId _ _ i, _) <- edges' ])
               rec edges' rest

         Voting selectors -> 
            do logMsg ("Voting with "++show (length selectors) ++ " heuristics")
               results <- mapM (evalSelector edges) selectors
               let successList = [ (getSelectorName s, x) | (s, xs) <- zip selectors results, x <- xs ]
                   (thePrio, listWithBest) = foldr op (minBound, []) successList
                   op (selname, (prio, es, info)) best@(i, list) =
                      case compare prio i of
                         LT -> best
                         EQ -> (i, (selname, (head es, info)):list)
                         GT -> (prio, [(selname, (head es, info))])
                   heuristicNames = map fst listWithBest
                   remainingEdges = map snd listWithBest
               case listWithBest of 
                  [] -> do logMsg "Unfortunately, none of the heuristics could be applied"
                           rec edges rest
                  _  -> do logMsg ("Selected heuristics are " ++ unwords heuristicNames ++ ". "
                                   ++ shrunkAndFinalMsg edges remainingEdges)  
                           logMsg ("   selected with priority "++show thePrio++": "++showSet (map fst remainingEdges)++"\n")
                           rec remainingEdges rest

evalSelector :: (MonadWriter LogEntries m, HasTypeGraph m info) => [(EdgeId, info)] -> Selector m info -> m [(Int, [EdgeId], info)]
evalSelector edges selector = 
   case selector of

      Selector (name, f) -> 
         do logMsg ("- "++name++" (selector)")
            let op list edge =
                   do x <- f edge
                      case x of
                         Nothing -> return list
                         Just (prio, string, es, info) -> 
                            do logMsg ("     "++string++" (prio="++show prio++") => "++showSet es)
                               return ((prio, es, info) : list)
            foldM op [] edges
      SelectorList (name, f) ->
         do result <- f edges
            logMsg ("- "++name++" (list selector)")
            case result of 
               Nothing -> return []
               Just (i,_,es,info) -> return [(i,es,info)]
showSet :: Show a => [a] -> String
showSet as = "{" ++ f (map show as) ++ "}"
   where f [] = ""
         f xs = foldr1 (\x y -> x++","++y)  (map show xs)

allErrorPaths :: HasTypeGraph m info => m (Path (EdgeId, info))
allErrorPaths = 
   do is      <- getMarkedPossibleErrors     
      cGraph  <- childrenGraph is     
      let toCheck = nub $ concat (is : [ [a,b] | ((a,b),_) <- cGraph ])
      paths1  <- constantClashPaths toCheck
      paths2  <- infiniteTypePaths cGraph  
      let errorPath = reduceNumberOfPaths (simplifyPath (altList (paths1 ++ paths2)))                   
      expandPath errorPath    

-- not simplified: can also contain implied edges
constantClashPaths :: HasTypeGraph m info => [VertexId] -> m [TypeGraphPath info]
constantClashPaths []     = return []
constantClashPaths (first:rest) = 
   do vertices <- verticesInGroupOf first
      let vs    = map fst vertices
          rest' = filter (`notElem` vs) rest
      pathInGroup vertices <++> constantClashPaths rest'     

  pathInGroup :: HasTypeGraph m info => [(VertexId, VertexInfo)] -> m [TypeGraphPath info]
  pathInGroup = errorPath . groupTheConstants . getConstants
  getConstants :: [(VertexId, VertexInfo)] -> [(VertexId, String)]
  getConstants vertices = 
     [ (i, s  ) | (i, (VCon s  , _)) <- vertices ] ++
     [ (i, "@") | (i, (VApp _ _, _)) <- vertices ]
  -- lists of vertex numbers with the same type constant
  -- (all vertices are in the same equivalence group)
  groupTheConstants :: [(VertexId, String)] -> [[VertexId]]
  groupTheConstants =  
     sortBy (compare `on` length)
     .  map (map fst)
     .  groupBy ((==) `on` snd)
     .  sortBy  (compare `on` snd)
  errorPath :: HasTypeGraph m info => [[VertexId]] -> m [TypeGraphPath info]   
  errorPath []        = return []             
  errorPath [_]       = return []
  errorPath (is:iss) = 
     let f i = allPathsList i (concat iss)
     in mapM f is <++> errorPath iss

-- not simplified: can also contain implied edges
infiniteTypePaths :: HasTypeGraph m info => ChildGraph -> m [TypeGraphPath info]
infiniteTypePaths cGraph =        
   do pss <- mapM (makePathForInfiniteGroup . inThisGroup) allGroups
      return (concat pss)
      -- error (unlines $ map (show . inThisGroup) allGroups)
   allGroups :: [[VertexId]]
   allGroups = infiniteGroups (map fst cGraph)
   -- puts the eqgroup with the least childedges to another group in front of the list 
   inThisGroup :: [VertexId] -> ChildGraph
   inThisGroup infGroup =
      let p ((x, y), _) = (x `elem` infGroup) && (y `elem` infGroup)
          f (_, xs) (_, ys) = length xs `compare` length ys
      in sortBy f (filter p cGraph)
   makePathForInfiniteGroup :: HasTypeGraph m info => ChildGraph -> m [TypeGraphPath info]
   makePathForInfiniteGroup groupGraph =
      case groupGraph of
         [] -> return []
         (_, childEdges) : rest ->
            let g (x, y) = allSubPathsList (concatMap snd rest) y [x]
            in mapM g childEdges <++> infiniteTypePaths rest 

type ChildGraph = [((VertexId, VertexId), [(VertexId, VertexId)])]
childrenGraph :: HasTypeGraph m info => [VertexId] -> m ChildGraph
childrenGraph = rec [] 
      rec as []     = return as
      rec as (i:is) = 
         do vertices <- verticesInGroupOf i
            ri       <- representativeInGroupOf i           
            if ri `elem` map (fst . fst) as
              then rec as is
              else do let cs = concat [ [(n, l), (n, r)] | (n, (VApp l r, _)) <- vertices ]
                      cs' <- let f t = do r <- representativeInGroupOf (snd t)
                                          return (r, t)
                             in mapM f cs
                      let children = map (\((a,b):xs) -> (a,b:map snd xs))
                                   . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
                                   . sortBy  (compare `on` fst)
                                   $ cs'
                      rec ([ ((ri, rc), xs) | (rc, xs) <- children ] ++ as) (map fst children ++ is)      

infiniteGroups :: [(VertexId, VertexId)] -> [[VertexId]]
infiniteGroups xs = 
   let representatives = nub (map fst xs ++ map snd xs)
       map1 = M.fromList (zip representatives [0..])
       f1 i = M.findWithDefault (internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "infiniteGroups" "error in lookup1 of makeMap") i map1
       map2 = M.fromList (zip [0..] representatives)
       f2 i = M.findWithDefault (internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "infiniteGroups" "error in lookup2 of makeMap") i map2
       edgeList = [ (f1 i, f1 c) | (i, c) <- xs ]
       graph    = buildG (0, length representatives - 1) edgeList
       groups   = map flatten (scc graph)
       selfRecursive = [ f1 i | (i, j) <- xs, i == j ]
       recursive = let p [i] = i `elem` selfRecursive
                       p is  = length is > 1
                   in map (map f2) (filter p groups)
   in recursive

allSubPathsList :: HasTypeGraph m info => [(VertexId, VertexId)] -> VertexId -> [VertexId] -> m (TypeGraphPath info) 
allSubPathsList childList vertex targets = rec S.empty vertex
   rec :: HasTypeGraph m info => S.Set VertexId -> VertexId -> m (TypeGraphPath info)
   rec without start =  
      do vs <- verticesInGroupOf start
         if any (`elem` map fst vs) targets
            then sameGroup 
            else otherGroup vs
      -- targets are in the same group as the source
      sameGroup = do
         directPath <- allPathsListWithout without start targets
         return (simplifyPath directPath)
      -- go down to another equivalence group  
      otherGroup vs = do 
         extendedPaths <- mapM (recDown vs) (targetPairs vs)
         return (altList extendedPaths)    

      recDown vs (newStart, childTargets) = do
         let newWithout = without `S.union` S.fromList (map fst vs){- don't return to this equivalence group -}
             f ct = let set = S.fromList [ t | t <- childTargets, t /= ct ]
                    in rec (set `S.union` newWithout) ct
         path     <- allPathsListWithout without start [newStart]
         newPaths <- mapM f childTargets
         return (path :+: altList newPaths)
      targetPairs :: [(VertexId, (VertexKind, Maybe Tp))] -> [(VertexId, [VertexId])]
      targetPairs vs =
         let p (i, j) =  i `elem` map fst vs
                         && not (i `S.member` without || j `S.member` without)
         in map (\((i,j):rest) -> (i, j:map snd rest))
            . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
            . sortBy  (compare `on` fst)
            $ filter p childList    
expandPath :: HasTypeGraph m info => TypeGraphPath info -> m (Path (EdgeId, info))
expandPath Fail = return Fail
expandPath p =
   do expandTable <- 
         let impliedEdges = nub [ intPair (v1, v2) | (_, Implied _ (VertexId v1) (VertexId v2)) <- steps p ]
         in impliedEdgeTable impliedEdges
      let convert history path = 
             case path of 
                Empty -> Empty
                Fail  -> Fail
                p1 :+: p2 -> convert history p1 :+: convert history p2
                p1 :|: p2 -> convert history p1 :|: convert history p2
                Step (edge, edgeInfo) -> 
                   case edgeInfo of
                      Initial info -> Step (edge, info)
                      Child _ -> Empty
                      Implied _ (VertexId v1) (VertexId v2)
                         | pair `S.member` history -> Empty
                         | otherwise -> 
                              convert (S.insert pair history) (lookupPair expandTable pair)
                        pair = intPair (v1, v2)

      return (convert S.empty p)                 

impliedEdgeTable :: HasTypeGraph m info => [IntPair] -> m (PathMap info)
impliedEdgeTable = insertPairs M.empty
   insertPairs fm [] = return fm
   insertPairs fm (pair:rest)
      | pair `M.member` fm = insertPairs fm rest
      | otherwise =
           do path <- let (i1, i2) = tupleFromIntPair pair
                      in allPaths (VertexId i1) (VertexId i2)
              let new = nub [ intPair (v1, v2) | (_, Implied _ (VertexId v1) (VertexId v2)) <- steps path ]
              insertPairs (M.insert pair path fm) (rest `union` new)


newtype IntPair = HiddenIP { tupleFromIntPair :: (Int, Int) }

intPair :: (Int, Int) -> IntPair
intPair (x, y)
   | x <= y    = HiddenIP (x, y)
   | otherwise = HiddenIP (y, x)
instance Show IntPair where
   show (HiddenIP pair) = show pair
instance Eq IntPair where
   HiddenIP pair1 == HiddenIP pair2 = 
      pair1 == pair2

instance Ord IntPair where
   HiddenIP pair1 `compare` HiddenIP pair2 = 
      pair1 `compare` pair2

type PathMap info = M.Map IntPair (Path (EdgeId, PathStep info))

lookupPair :: PathMap info -> IntPair -> Path (EdgeId, PathStep info)
lookupPair fm pair = 
   let err = internalError "Top.TypeGraph.ApplyHeuristics" "lookupPair" "could not find implied edge while expanding"
   in M.findWithDefault err pair fm

-- move to another module
predicatePath :: (HasQual m info, HasTypeGraph m info) => m (Path (EdgeId, PathStep info))
predicatePath =
   do ps       <- allQualifiers
      simples  <- simplePredicates ps
      makeList S.empty Empty simples

  simplePredicates ps =
     do classEnv <- getClassEnvironment
        syns     <- getTypeSynonyms
        let reduced = fst (contextReduction syns classEnv ps)
        return [ (s, VertexId i) | Predicate s (TVar i) <- reduced ]
  makeList history path pairs = 
     do xs <- mapM (make history path) pairs
        return (altList xs)
  make history path (pClass, i)
     | i `S.member` history = return Fail
     | otherwise = 
          do classEnv <- getClassEnvironment
             syns     <- getTypeSynonyms
             vertices <- verticesInGroupOf i
             -- vertices to inspect
             let constants  = [ (vid, TCon s) | (vid, (VCon s, _)) <- vertices ]
             applys <- let f i' = do tp <- typeFromTermGraph i'
                                     return (i', tp)
                       in mapM f [ i' | (i', (VApp _ _, _)) <- vertices ]
             let f (vid, tp)
                    | null errs = -- everything is okay: recursive call
                         do let -- don't visit these vertices
                                donts = S.fromList [ VertexId j | j <- ftv (map snd applys), j `notElem` ftv tp ]
                            path'   <- allPathsListWithout history i [vid]
                            simples <- simplePredicates reduced
                            makeList (donts `S.union` newHistory) (path :+: path') simples
                    | otherwise = -- this is an error path
                         do path' <- allPathsListWithout history i [vid]
                            return (path :+: path')
                  where (reduced, errs) = contextReduction syns classEnv [Predicate pClass tp]
                        newHistory      = S.fromList (map fst vertices) `S.union` history
             xs <- mapM f (constants ++ applys)
             return (altList xs)