#Tournament.hs ![travis build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/clux/tournament.hs.png) Tournament is a pure library for generating tournanaments and handling match scoring and propagation of winners/losers internally. It is currently under development, but a [preliminary version](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/tournament/0.0.1/) is available on hackage. ## Features - `Double | Single` elimination style `Duel` tournaments - Intelligent `FFA` elimination tournament for experimental setups - Round robin scheduling - Group creation - Encapsulated scoring system. ## Installation Install the Haskell platform, then ````bash $ cabal-dev update && cabal-dev install tournament ```` ## Running tests Install development dependencies. Note on older versions of cabal: you may have to install the Test-Suite dependencies manually with `cabal-dev install depName`. ````bash $ cabal-dev update && cabal-dev install --enable-tests ```` Run the tests ````bash $ cabal-dev configure --enable-tests && cabal-dev build && cabal-dev test ```` ## License MIT-Licensed. See LICENSE file for details.