-- Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Brendan Hickey - http://bhickey.net
-- New BSD License (see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)

module Data.Tree.AVL
(AVLTree, head, tail, singleton, empty, null, fromList, fromAscList, toList, toAscList, insert, delete, lookup, (!!), size) 

import Prelude hiding (head, tail, (!!), lookup, null)
import Data.Maybe

data AVLTree k v =
  | AVLTree !k !v !Int !Int !(AVLTree k v) !(AVLTree k v) deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

-- | /O(1)/. 'singleton' constructs a singleton AVL tree
singleton :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> AVLTree k v
singleton k v = AVLTree k v 1 1 Leaf Leaf

-- | /O(1)/. 'empty' produces an empty tree
empty :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v
empty = Leaf

-- | /O(1)/. 'null' returns True if a tree is empty, otherwise False.
null :: AVLTree k v -> Bool
null Leaf = True
null _    = False

-- | /O(1)/. 'head' returns the head of a tree.
head :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> v
head Leaf = error "took the head of an empty tree"
head (AVLTree _ v _ _ _ _) = v

-- | /O(lg n)/. 'tail' discards the head of the tree and returns a tree.
tail :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> AVLTree k v
tail Leaf = error "took the tail of an empty tree"
tail t@(AVLTree k _ _ _ _ _) = delete k t

-- | /O(1)/. 'size' reports the number of children in a tree
size :: AVLTree k v -> Int
size Leaf = 0
size (AVLTree _ _ s _ _ _) = s

-- | /O(1)/. 'height' reports the maximum distance to a leaf.
height :: AVLTree k v -> Int
height Leaf = 0
height (AVLTree _ _ _ h _ _) = h

findHeight :: AVLTree k v -> AVLTree k v -> Int
findHeight a b = 1 + max (height a) (height b)

findSize :: AVLTree k v -> AVLTree k v -> Int
findSize a b = 1 + size a + size b

balance :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> AVLTree k v
balance Leaf = Leaf
balance t@(AVLTree k v _ _ l r)
  | abs (height l - height r) < 2 = t
  | height l < height r =
    case r of
      Leaf -> error "cannot promote a leaf" -- this should never happen
      (AVLTree k1 v1 _ _ l1 r1) -> 
        let child = (AVLTree k v (findSize l l1) (findHeight l l1) l l1) in
          (AVLTree k1 v1 (findSize child r1) (findHeight child r1) child r1)  
  | otherwise = 
    case l of
      Leaf -> error "cannot promote a leaf"
      (AVLTree k1 v1 _ _ l1 r1) -> 
        let child = (AVLTree k v (findSize r1 r) (findHeight r1 r) r1 r) in
          (AVLTree k1 v1 (findSize l1 child) (findHeight l1 child) l1 child)

(!!) :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> Int -> (k,v)
(!!) Leaf _ = error "index out of bounds"
(!!) (AVLTree k v d _ l r) n
  | n > d = error "index out of bounds"
  | otherwise = 
    let l' = size l in
      if n == l'
      then (k,v)
      else if n <= l'
           then l !! n
           else r !! (n - l' - 1)

-- | /O(lg n)/.
lookup :: (Ord k) => k -> AVLTree k v -> Maybe v
lookup _ Leaf = Nothing
lookup k' (AVLTree k v _ _ l r)
  | k == k' = Just v
  | k' < k = lookup k' l
  | otherwise = lookup k' r

-- | /O(lg n)/.
insert :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> AVLTree k v -> AVLTree k v
insert k v Leaf = singleton k v
insert k v (AVLTree k1 v1 s _ l r) =
  if k <= k1
  then let l' = insert k v l in
    balance (AVLTree k1 v1 (s + 1) (findHeight l' r) l' r)
  else let r' = insert k v r in
    balance (AVLTree k1 v1 (s + 1) (findHeight l r') l r')

-- | /O(lg n)/.
delete :: (Ord k) => k -> AVLTree k v -> AVLTree k v
delete _ Leaf = Leaf
delete k t@(AVLTree k1 _ _ _ Leaf Leaf) = if k == k1 then Leaf else t
delete k t@(AVLTree k1 v1 _ _ l r)
  | k == k1 =
    case t of
      Leaf -> Leaf
      (AVLTree _ _ _ _ Leaf r1) -> 
        case getLeft r1 of
          (Nothing, _) -> Leaf
          (Just (k', v'), r') -> 
            balance (AVLTree k' v' (findSize Leaf r') (findHeight Leaf r') Leaf r')
      (AVLTree _ _ _ _ l1 r1) -> 
        case getRight l1 of
          (Nothing, _) -> Leaf
          (Just (k', v'), l') -> 
            balance (AVLTree k' v' (findSize l' r1) (findHeight l' r1) l' r1)
    | k < k1 =
      let l' = delete k l in
        balance (AVLTree k1 v1 (findSize l' r) (findHeight l' r) l' r)
    | otherwise =
      let r' = delete k r in
        balance (AVLTree k1 v1 (findSize l r') (findHeight l r') l r')

getRight :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> (Maybe (k,v), AVLTree k v)
getRight Leaf = (Nothing, Leaf)
getRight (AVLTree k v _ _ Leaf Leaf) = (Just (k,v), Leaf)
getRight (AVLTree k v _ _ l Leaf) = (Just (k,v), l)
getRight (AVLTree k v _ _ l r) = 
  case getRight r of
    (p, t2) -> (p, balance (AVLTree k v (findSize l t2) (findHeight l t2) l t2))

getLeft :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> (Maybe (k,v), AVLTree k v)
getLeft Leaf = (Nothing, Leaf)
getLeft (AVLTree k v _ _ Leaf Leaf) = (Just (k,v), Leaf)
getLeft (AVLTree k v _ _ Leaf r) = (Just (k,v), r)
getLeft (AVLTree k v _ _ _ r) = 
  case getLeft r of
    (p, t2) -> (p, AVLTree k v (findSize r t2) (findHeight r t2) t2 r)

-- | /O(n lg n)/.
fromList :: (Ord k) => [(k,v)] -> AVLTree k v
fromList [] = Leaf
fromList ((k,v):[]) = singleton k v
fromList ((k,v):tl) = insert k v (fromList tl)

-- | /O(n lg n)/.
fromAscList :: (Ord k) => [(k,v)] -> AVLTree k v
fromAscList = fromList

-- TODO implement an instance of foldable so that this can be concisely defined
-- | /O(n lg n)/.
toAscList :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> [(k,v)]
toAscList Leaf = []
toAscList (AVLTree k v _ _ l r) = toAscList l ++ (k,v) : toAscList r

-- | /O(n lg n)/.
toList :: (Ord k) => AVLTree k v -> [(k,v)]
toList = toAscList