{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}

-- Module      : Codec.Encryption.Twofish
-- Copyright   : (c) Ron Leisti 2010
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : ron.leisti@gmail.com

-- |Implements the Twofish symmetric block cipher, designed by:
-- Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall,
-- and Niels Ferguson.
-- Implemented from the paper entitled "Twofish: A 128-Bit Block Cipher",
-- <http://www.counterpane.com/twofish.html>
-- with help from the reference C implementation.
-- This module provides two methods for constructiong a Twofish cipher
-- from a 128, 192 or 256 bit key.  The mkCipher function allows you 
-- to customize the number of rounds, while the mkStdCipher function
-- gives you the standard 16 rounds.
module Codec.Encryption.Twofish
   -- * Classes
   -- * Types
   -- * Functions
   -- * Curiosities
   ) where

import Data.Array.Unboxed hiding (index)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Cipher
import Data.LargeWord
import Data.Word
import Prelude hiding (length, drop, reverse, take)
import qualified Prelude as P

-- |A key is a vector of bytes of a certain size (given in bits).
-- Twofish suppports key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits.
class (Bits a, Integral a) => Key a where
    -- |Extracts the nth byte from a key (starting with 0, the least
    -- significant byte).
    -- This particular implementation works around a bug in the
    -- Data.LargeWord module involving right shifts.
    keyByte :: a -> Int -> Word8
    keyByte w n = let w' = (fromIntegral w) :: Integer
                  in fromIntegral $ (w' `shiftR` (8 * n)) .&. 0xff

-- Standard key sizes
instance Key Word128
instance Key Word192
instance Key Word256

-- |A keyed Twofish cipher capable of both encryption and decryption.
data TwofishCipher = C { eb :: Block -> Block, db :: Block -> Block }

-- |Twofish is a 128 bit block cipher.
instance Cipher Word128 TwofishCipher where
    encrypt c = liftCryptor (eb c)
    decrypt c = liftCryptor (db c)

-- |Lift a crytographic transformation of a block into a
-- transformation of a byte vector.
liftCryptor :: (Block -> Block) -> Word128 -> Word128
liftCryptor c = deBlock . c . mkBlock

-- |A 128 bit data block, decomposed into four words
type Block = (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)

-- |Decompose a 128 bit word into 4 32 bit words
-- This particular implementation works around a bug
-- in the Data.LargeWord module involving right shifts.
mkBlock :: Word128 -> Block
mkBlock b = 
    let b' = (fromIntegral b) :: Integer
        w0 = b' .&. 0xffffffff
        w1 = (b' `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xffffffff
        w2 = (b' `shiftR` 64) .&. 0xffffffff
        w3 = (b' `shiftR` 96) .&. 0xffffffff
    in (fromIntegral w0, fromIntegral w1,
        fromIntegral w2, fromIntegral w3)

-- |Compose 4 32 bit words into a 128 bit word
deBlock :: Block -> Word128
deBlock (w0, w1, w2, w3) =
    let w0' = fromIntegral w0
        w1' = fromIntegral w1
        w2' = fromIntegral w2
        w3' = fromIntegral w3
    in w0' .|. (w1' `shiftL` 32) .|. (w2' `shiftL` 64) .|.
       (w3' `shiftL` 96)

-- |Constructs a standard Twofish cipher from the given key
mkStdCipher :: (Key a) => a -> TwofishCipher
mkStdCipher = mkCipher 16

-- |Constructs an encryption/decryption cipher from the given key, and
-- a given number of rounds (standard Twofish uses 16 rounds)
mkCipher :: (Key a) => Int -> a -> TwofishCipher
mkCipher numRounds key =
    let s    = mkS key
        h    = mkfH key
        k    = mkK key numRounds h
        g    = mkG h s
    in C { eb = \(p0, p1, p2, p3) -> 
                     let w = (p0 `xor` k 0, p1 `xor` k 1,
                              p2 `xor` k 2, p3 `xor` k 3)
                         (r0, r1, r2, r3) = encryptRounds g k numRounds w
                         c0 = r2 `xor` k 4
                         c1 = r3 `xor` k 5
                         c2 = r0 `xor` k 6
                         c3 = r1 `xor` k 7
                     in (c0, c1, c2, c3)
           ,db = \(c0, c1, c2, c3) ->
                     let w = (c0 `xor` k 4, c1 `xor` k 5,
                              c2 `xor` k 6, c3 `xor` k 7)
                         (r0, r1, r2, r3) = decryptRounds g k numRounds w
                         p0 = r2 `xor` k 0
                         p1 = r3 `xor` k 1
                         p2 = r0 `xor` k 2
                         p3 = r1 `xor` k 3
                      in (p0, p1, p2, p3) }

-- |This function performs n rounds of the encryption algorithm
encryptRounds :: GFunc -> KIndexor -> Int -> Block -> Block
encryptRounds g k n b = foldl roundT b [0..(n-1)]
    where roundT :: Block -> Int -> Block
          roundT (r0, r1, r2, r3) r =
              let t0  = g r0
                  t1  = g (r1 `rotateL` 8)
                  f0  = t0 + t1 + (k (2 * r + 8))
                  f1  = t0 + 2 * t1 + (k (2 * r + 9))
                  r0' = (r2 `xor` f0) `rotateR` 1
                  r1' = (r3 `rotateL` 1) `xor` f1
                  r2' = r0
                  r3' = r1
              in (r0', r1', r2', r3')

-- |This function performs n rounds of the decryption algorithm
decryptRounds :: GFunc -> KIndexor -> Int -> Block -> Block
decryptRounds g k n b = foldr roundT b [0..(n-1)]
    where roundT :: Int -> Block -> Block
          roundT r (r0, r1, r2, r3) =
              let t0  = g r0
                  t1  = g (r1 `rotateL` 8)
                  f0  = t0 + t1 + (k (2 * r + 8))
                  f1  = t0 + 2 * t1 + (k (2 * r + 9))
                  r0' = (r2 `rotateL` 1) `xor` f0
                  r1' = (r3 `xor` f1) `rotateR` 1
                  r2' = r0
                  r3' = r1
             in (r0', r1', r2', r3')

-- Word vector
type WordVector = UArray Int Word32

-- Several function and vector types used within Twofish;
-- made explicit for clarity.
type HFunc = Word32 -> WordVector -> Word32
type GFunc = Word32 -> Word32
type SVector = WordVector
type KIndexor = Int -> Word32

-- Calculates the k value of a key (a function of the key length)
fK :: (Key a) => a -> Int
fK key = (bitSize key) `div` 64

-- Generates a G function from an H function and an S vector
-- The G function forms the 'heart' of Twofish
mkG :: HFunc -> SVector -> GFunc
mkG h s x = h x s

-- Generates an S vector from a key
-- This vector is combined with the H function to produce the
-- G function.
mkS :: (Key a) => a -> SVector
mkS key = reverse . mkVector $ [s i | i <- [0..(k - 1)]]
    where s :: Int -> Word32
          s i = rs (selectWord (\j -> 8 * i + j) key)
                   (selectWord (\j -> 8 * i + j + 4) key)
          k   = fK key

reverse :: WordVector -> WordVector
reverse = mkVector . P.reverse . elems

mkVector :: [Word32] -> WordVector
mkVector w = listArray (0, (P.length w) - 1) w

-- Generates the expanded key indexor from a key, the number
-- of rounds, and an H function.
-- The number of rounds determines the length of the expanded key
mkK :: (Key a) => a -> Int -> HFunc -> KIndexor
mkK key n fH =
    let me = mkVector $ [m i | i <- [0..(2 * k - 2)], even i]
        mo = mkVector $ [m i | i <- [1..(2 * k - 1)], odd i]
        ks = mkVector $ [getK me mo i | i <- [0..(8 + (n * 2) - 1)]]
    in (ks !)
    where getK :: WordVector -> WordVector -> Int -> Word32
          getK me mo i
              | even i    = (ai me $ ie i) + (bi mo $ ie i)
              | otherwise = ((ai me $ io i) + 2 * (bi mo $ io i)) `rotateL` 9
          ie i = i `div` 2
          io i = (i - 1) `div` 2

          ai :: WordVector -> Int -> Word32
          ai me i = fH (2 * (fromIntegral i) * rho) me

          bi :: WordVector -> Int -> Word32
          bi mo i = (fH ((2 * (fromIntegral i) + 1) * rho) mo) `rotateL` 8

          m i = selectWord (\j -> 4 * i + j) key
          k   = fK key

-- Generate an H function from the given key
mkfH :: (Key a) => a -> HFunc
mkfH key = let k   = fK key
               q0  = (q0c !)
               q1  = (q1c !)
               mxX = mkMdsX
               mxY = mkMdsY
           in fHGenerator q0 q1 mxX mxY k

-- Most of the work in the Twofish cipher happens here.
fHGenerator :: (Word8 -> Word8) -> (Word8 -> Word8) -> ByteVector -> ByteVector -> Int -> Word32 -> WordVector -> Word32
fHGenerator q0 q1 mxX mxY k x l = mds mxX mxY (y0, y1, y2, y3)
    where y0 = q1 $ q0 (q0 (yij 2 0) `xor` (lij 1 0)) `xor` (lij 0 0)
          y1 = q0 $ q0 (q1 (yij 2 1) `xor` (lij 1 1)) `xor` (lij 0 1)
          y2 = q1 $ q1 (q0 (yij 2 2) `xor` (lij 1 2)) `xor` (lij 0 2)
          y3 = q0 $ q1 (q1 (yij 2 3) `xor` (lij 1 3)) `xor` (lij 0 3)

          yij :: Int -> Int -> Word8
          yij 3 j
              | k == 4    = let qx = if (j == 0 || j == 3) then q1 else q0
                            in qx (yij 4 j) `xor` (lij 3 j)
              | otherwise = xj j
          yij 2 j 
              | k >= 3    = let qx = if (j == 0 || j == 1) then q1 else q0
                            in qx (yij 3 j) `xor` (lij 2 j)
              | otherwise = xj j
          yij _ j = xj j

          xj :: Int -> Word8
          xj j = byteN x j

          lij :: Int -> Int -> Word8
          lij i j  = byteN (l ! i) j

-- Multiply a vector of bytes by the MDS matrix
mds :: ByteVector -> ByteVector -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) -> Word32
mds mxX mxY (x0, x1, x2, x3) =
    let r0 = x0 `xor` (mxY ! x1) `xor` (mxX ! x2) `xor` (mxX ! x3)
        r1 = (mxX ! x0) `xor` (mxY ! x1) `xor` (mxY ! x2) `xor` x3
        r2 = (mxY ! x0) `xor` (mxX ! x1) `xor` x2 `xor` (mxY ! x3)
        r3 = (mxY ! x0) `xor` x1 `xor` (mxY ! x2) `xor` (mxX ! x3)
    in (fromIntegral r0) .|. ((fromIntegral r1) `shiftL` 8) .|.
       ((fromIntegral r2) `shiftL` 16) .|.  ((fromIntegral r3) `shiftL` 24)

-- A byte mapping used as part of the MDS matrix multiply
mkMdsX :: ByteVector
mkMdsX = mkByteVector $ map f [0..255]
    where f x = x `xor` case (x .&. 0x03) of
                            1 -> (x `shiftR` 2) `xor` 0x5a
                            2 -> (x `shiftR` 2) `xor` 0xb4
                            3 -> (x `shiftR` 2) `xor` 0xee
                            _ -> (x `shiftR` 2)

-- A byte mapping used as part of the MDS matrix multiply
mkMdsY :: ByteVector
mkMdsY = mkByteVector $ map f [0..255]
    where f x = x `xor` (x `shiftR` 2) `xor` case (x .&. 0x03) of
                                                 1 -> (x `shiftR` 1) `xor` 0xee
                                                 2 -> (x `shiftR` 1) `xor` 0xb4
                                                 3 -> (x `shiftR` 1) `xor` 0x5a
                                                 _ -> (x `shiftR` 1)

-- Multiply a vector of bytes by the RS matrix
rs :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
rs k0 k1 =
   rsRem4 ((rsRem4 k1) `xor` k0)
   where rsRem4  = rsRem . rsRem . rsRem .rsRem

rsRem :: Word32 -> Word32
rsRem x = let b  = x `shiftR` 24
              g2 = case b .&. 0x80 of
                       0 -> (b `shiftL` 1) .&. 0xff
                       _ -> ((b `shiftL` 1) `xor` 0x14d) .&. 0xff
              g3 = case b .&. 1 of
                       0 -> ((b `shiftR` 1) .&. 0x7f) `xor` g2
                       _ -> ((b `shiftR` 1) .&. 0x7f) `xor` (0x14d `shiftR` 1) `xor` g2
          in (x `shiftL` 8) `xor` (g3 `shiftL` 24) `xor` (g2 `shiftL` 16) `xor`
             (g3 `shiftL` 8) `xor` b

-- The rho constant has the property that i * rho is
-- a word consisting of four equal bytes, each equal to i.
-- (where 0 <= i <= 255)
rho :: Word32
rho = 0x1010101

-- Extract 4 specific bytes from a byte vector in order to
-- assemble a 32 bit word.  A selector function is used to
-- translate the indicies [0, 1, 2, 3] into the actual
-- indicies of bytes within the vector for selection.
selectWord :: (Key a) => (Int -> Int) -> a -> Word32
selectWord f b = let b0 = select $ f 0
                     b1 = select $ f 1
                     b2 = select $ f 2
                     b3 = select $ f 3
                 in b0 .|. (b1 `shiftL` 8) .|. (b2 `shiftL` 16) .|.
                    (b3 `shiftL` 24)
    where select i = fromIntegral $ keyByte b i

-- Extracts the n'th byte from a word
byteN :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Int -> Word8
byteN w n = let s = fromIntegral $ (n `shiftL` 3)
            in fromIntegral $ (w .&. (0xff `shiftL` s)) `shiftR` s

type ByteVector = UArray Word8 Word8

mkByteVector :: [Word8] -> ByteVector
mkByteVector = listArray (0, 255)

q0c :: ByteVector
q0c = mkByteVector [169,103,179,232,4,253,163,118,154,146,128,120,228,221,209,56,13,198,53,152,24,247,236,108,67,117,55,38,250,19,148,72,242,208,139,48,132,84,223,35,25,91,61,89,243,174,162,130,99,1,131,46,217,81,155,124,166,235,165,190,22,12,227,97,192,140,58,245,115,44,37,11,187,78,137,107,83,106,180,241,225,230,189,69,226,244,182,102,204,149,3,86,212,28,30,215,251,195,142,181,233,207,191,186,234,119,57,175,51,201,98,113,129,121,9,173,36,205,249,216,229,197,185,77,68,8,134,231,161,29,170,237,6,112,178,210,65,123,160,17,49,194,39,144,32,246,96,255,150,92,177,171,158,156,82,27,95,147,10,239,145,133,73,238,45,79,143,59,71,135,109,70,214,62,105,100,42,206,203,47,252,151,5,122,172,127,213,26,75,14,167,90,40,20,63,41,136,60,76,2,184,218,176,23,85,31,138,125,87,199,141,116,183,196,159,114,126,21,34,18,88,7,153,52,110,80,222,104,101,188,219,248,200,168,43,64,220,254,50,164,202,16,33,240,211,93,15,0,111,157,54,66,74,94,193,224]

q1c :: ByteVector
q1c = mkByteVector [117,243,198,244,219,123,251,200,74,211,230,107,69,125,232,75,214,50,216,253,55,113,241,225,48,15,248,27,135,250,6,63,94,186,174,91,138,0,188,157,109,193,177,14,128,93,210,213,160,132,7,20,181,144,44,163,178,115,76,84,146,116,54,81,56,176,189,90,252,96,98,150,108,66,247,16,124,40,39,140,19,149,156,199,36,70,59,112,202,227,133,203,17,208,147,184,166,131,32,255,159,119,195,204,3,111,8,191,64,231,43,226,121,12,170,130,65,58,234,185,228,154,164,151,126,218,122,23,102,148,161,29,61,240,222,179,11,114,167,28,239,209,83,62,143,51,38,95,236,118,42,73,129,136,238,33,196,26,235,217,197,57,153,205,173,49,139,1,24,35,221,31,78,45,249,72,79,242,101,142,120,92,88,25,141,229,152,87,103,127,5,100,175,99,182,254,245,183,60,165,206,233,104,68,224,77,67,105,41,46,172,21,89,168,10,158,110,71,223,52,53,106,207,220,34,201,192,155,137,212,237,171,18,162,13,82,187,2,47,169,215,97,30,180,80,4,246,194,22,37,134,86,85,9,190,145]
-- The following code is for pedagogical purposes only; the Q0 and Q1
-- values are precomputed into q0c and q1c

-- |Generates the 'q0' byte vector using the algorithm specified in
-- the Twofish paper.  This function isn't used by the cipher; instead
-- the pre-computed array is contained in the code.
q0o :: Word8 -> Word8
q0o = let t0 = mkByteVector [0x8, 0x1, 0x7, 0xD, 0x6, 0xF, 0x3, 0x2,
                             0x0, 0xB, 0x5, 0x9, 0xE, 0xC, 0xA, 0x4]
          t1 = mkByteVector [0xE, 0xC, 0xB, 0x8, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x5,
                             0xF, 0x4, 0xA, 0x6, 0x7, 0x0, 0x9, 0xD]
          t2 = mkByteVector [0xB, 0xA, 0x5, 0xE, 0x6, 0xD, 0x9, 0x0,
                             0xC, 0x8, 0xF, 0x3, 0x2, 0x4, 0x7, 0x1]
          t3 = mkByteVector [0xD, 0x7, 0xF, 0x4, 0x1, 0x2, 0x6, 0xE,
                             0x9, 0xB, 0x3, 0x0, 0x8, 0x5, 0xC, 0xA]
      in q t0 t1 t2 t3

-- |Generates the 'q1' byte vector using the algorithm specified in
-- the Twofish paper.  This function isn't used by the cipher; instead
-- the pre-computed array is contained in the code.
q1o :: Word8 -> Word8
q1o = let t0 = mkByteVector [0x2, 0x8, 0xB, 0xD, 0xF, 0x7, 0x6, 0xE,
                             0x3, 0x1, 0x9, 0x4, 0x0, 0xA, 0xC, 0x5]
          t1 = mkByteVector [0x1, 0xE, 0x2, 0xB, 0x4, 0xC, 0x3, 0x7,
                             0x6, 0xD, 0xA, 0x5, 0xF, 0x9, 0x0, 0x8]
          t2 = mkByteVector [0x4, 0xC, 0x7, 0x5, 0x1, 0x6, 0x9, 0xA,
                             0x0, 0xE, 0xD, 0x8, 0x2, 0xB, 0x3, 0xF]
          t3 = mkByteVector [0xB, 0x9, 0x5, 0x1, 0xC, 0x3, 0xD, 0xE,
                             0x6, 0x4, 0x7, 0xF, 0x2, 0x0, 0x8, 0xA]
      in q t0 t1 t2 t3

-- Generates a 'q' transformation from 4 input vectors.
-- Each vector consists of 26 bytes.
q :: ByteVector -> ByteVector -> ByteVector -> ByteVector -> Word8 -> Word8
q t0 t1 t2 t3 x = 16 * b4 + a4
    where a0 = x `div` 16
          b0 = x `mod` 16
          a1 = a0 `xor` b0
          b1 = a0 `xor` (ror4 b0 1) `xor` (8 * a0) `mod` 16
          a2 = t0 ! a1
          b2 = t1 ! b1
          a3 = a2 `xor` b2
          b3 = a2 `xor` (ror4 b2 1) `xor` (8 * a2) `mod` 16
          a4 = t2 ! a3
          b4 = t3 ! b3

-- Rotates a nibble (least significant 4 bits of the given byte)
ror4 :: Word8 -> Int -> Word8
ror4 x n = ((x .&. 0xf) `shiftR` n) .|. ((x .&. 1) `shiftL` 3)