{- Copyright (c) Sebastiaan Visser 2008 All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of his contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators #-} module Network.Protocol.Cookie ( -- | For more information: -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265 -- * Cookie datatype. Cookie (Cookie) , emptyShort , empty , cookie , setCookie , CookieShort (CookieShort) , toShort -- * Accessing cookies. , name , value , comment , commentURL , discard , domain , maxAge , expires , path , port , secure , version -- * Collection of cookies. , Cookies , unCookies , gather , pickCookie ) where import Prelude hiding ((.), id) import Control.Category import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Label import qualified Data.Label.Abstract as A import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.Monoid import Safe import Data.List import Network.Protocol.Uri.Query import qualified Data.Map as M -- | The `Cookie` data type containg one key/value pair with all the -- (potentially optional) meta-data. data Cookie = Cookie { _name :: String , _value :: String , _comment :: Maybe String , _commentURL :: Maybe String , _discard :: Maybe String , _domain :: Maybe String , _maxAge :: Maybe Int , _expires :: Maybe String , _path :: Maybe String , _port :: [Int] , _secure :: Bool , _version :: Int } deriving(Show, Read, Eq) $(mkLabels [''Cookie]) -- | Short notation for cookies data CookieShort = CookieShort { _s_name :: String , _s_value :: String } deriving (Show, Eq) $(mkLabels [''CookieShort]) -- | Convert Cookie to CookieShort toShort :: Cookie -> CookieShort toShort c = CookieShort (get name c) (get value c) emptyShort :: CookieShort emptyShort = CookieShort "" "" -- | Create an empty cookie. empty :: Cookie empty = Cookie "" "" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] False 0 -- | Show a semicolon separated list of attribute/value pairs. Only meta pairs -- with significant values will be pretty printed. showSetCookie :: Cookie -> ShowS showSetCookie c = pair (get name c) (get value c) . opt "comment" (get comment c) . opt "commentURL" (get commentURL c) . opt "discard" (get discard c) . opt "domain" (get domain c) . opt "maxAge" (fmap show $ get maxAge c) . opt "expires" (get expires c) . opt "path" (get path c) . lst "port" (map show $ get port c) . bool "secure" (get secure c) . opt "version" (optval $ get version c) where attr a = showString a val v = showString ("=" ++ v) end = showString "; " single a = attr a . end pair a v = attr a . val v . end opt a = maybe id (pair a) lst _ [] = id lst a xs = pair a $ intercalate "," xs bool _ False = id bool a True = single a optval 0 = Nothing optval i = Just (show i) (!$) a b = b $ a infixr 0 !$ parseSetCookie :: String -> Cookie parseSetCookie s = let p = fw (keyValues ";" "=") s in Cookie { _name = p !$ headMay >>> fmap fst >>> fromMaybe "" , _value = p !$ headMay >>> fmap snd >>> fromMaybe "" , _comment = p !$ lookup "comment" , _commentURL = p !$ lookup "commentURL" , _discard = p !$ lookup "discard" , _domain = p !$ lookup "domain" , _maxAge = p !$ lookup "maxAge" >>> fmap readMay >>> join , _expires = p !$ lookup "expires" , _path = p !$ lookup "path" , _port = p !$ lookup "port" >>> maybe [] (readDef [-1]) , _secure = p !$ lookup "secure" >>> maybe False (const True) , _version = p !$ lookup "version" >>> maybe 1 (readDef 1) } showCookie :: CookieShort -> String showCookie c = _s_name c ++ "=" ++ _s_value c parseCookie :: String -> CookieShort parseCookie s = let p = fw (values "=") s in emptyShort { _s_name = atDef "" p 0 , _s_value = atDef "" p 1 } -- | Cookie parser and pretty printer as a lens. To be used in combination with -- the /Set-Cookie/ header field. setCookie :: Bijection (->) String Cookie setCookie = Bij parseSetCookie (flip showSetCookie "") -- cookieShort :: Bijection (->) String [CookieShort] -- cookieShort = Bij parseCookie showCookie -- | Cookie parser and pretty printer as a lens. To be used in combination with -- the /Cookie/ header field. cookie :: Bijection (->) String [CookieShort] cookie = (A.liftBij $ Bij parseCookie showCookie) . values ";" -- | A collection of multiple cookies. These can all be set in one single HTTP -- /Set-Cookie/ header field. data Cookies = Cookies { _unCookies :: M.Map String Cookie } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) emptyC = Cookies M.empty instance Monoid Cookies where mempty = emptyC mappend (Cookies a) (Cookies b) = Cookies (a`mappend`b) $(mkLabels [''Cookies]) -- | Case-insensitive way of getting a cookie out of a collection by name. pickCookie :: String -> Cookies :-> Maybe Cookie pickCookie n = lookupL (map toLower n) . unCookies where lookupL k = lens (M.lookup k) (flip M.alter k . const) -- | Convert a list to a cookies collection. fromList :: [Cookie] -> Cookies fromList = Cookies . M.fromList . map (\a -> (map toLower $ get name a, a)) -- | Get the cookies as a list. toList :: Cookies -> [Cookie] toList = map snd . M.toList . get unCookies -- | Converts to/from cookie collection using a list gather :: Bijection (->) [Cookie] Cookies gather = Bij fromList toList