{- Copyright (c) 2008, Scott E. Dillard. All rights reserved. -}

{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- {-# HADDOCK_OPTIONS prune #-}

module Data.Vec.Base where

import Data.Vec.Nat

import Prelude hiding (map,zipWith,foldl,foldr,reverse,
import qualified Prelude as P
import Foreign
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | The vector constructor. @(:.)@ for vectors is like @(:)@ for lists, and
-- @()@ takes the place of @[]@. (The list of instances here is not meant to be
-- readable.)

data a :. b = !a :. !b
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Read)

infixr :.

--derived show outputs in prefix notation
instance (Show a, ShowVec v) => Show (a:.v) where
  show (a:.v) = "(" ++ show a ++ "):." ++ showVec v

-- | Helper to keep parentheses at bay. Just use @show@ as usual.
class ShowVec  v where
  showVec :: v -> String

instance ShowVec () where
  showVec = show
  {-# INLINE showVec #-}

instance (Show a, ShowVec v) => ShowVec (a:.v) where
  showVec (a:.v) = "(" ++ show a ++ "):." ++ showVec v
  {-# INLINE showVec #-}

-- * Vector Types
type Vec2  a = a :. a :. ()
type Vec3  a = a :. (Vec2 a)
type Vec4  a = a :. (Vec3 a)
type Vec5  a = a :. (Vec4 a)
type Vec6  a = a :. (Vec5 a)
type Vec7  a = a :. (Vec6 a)
type Vec8  a = a :. (Vec7 a)
type Vec9  a = a :. (Vec8 a)
type Vec10 a = a :. (Vec9 a)
type Vec11 a = a :. (Vec10 a)
type Vec12 a = a :. (Vec11 a)
type Vec13 a = a :. (Vec12 a)
type Vec14 a = a :. (Vec13 a)
type Vec15 a = a :. (Vec14 a)
type Vec16 a = a :. (Vec15 a)
type Vec17 a = a :. (Vec16 a)
type Vec18 a = a :. (Vec17 a)
type Vec19 a = a :. (Vec18 a)

-- | The type constraint @Vec n a v@ infers the vector type @v@ from the
-- length @n@, a type-level natural, and underlying component type @a@.  
-- So @x :: Vec N4 a v => v@ declares @x@ to be a 4-vector of @a@s.

class Vec n a v | n a -> v, v -> n a where
  -- | Make a uniform vector of a given length. @n@ is a type-level natural.
  -- Use `vec` when the length can be inferred.
  mkVec :: n -> a -> v

instance Vec N1 a ( a :. () ) where
  mkVec _ a = a :. ()
  {-# INLINE mkVec #-}

instance Vec (Succ n) a (a':.v) => Vec (Succ (Succ n)) a (a:.a':.v) where
  mkVec _ a = a :. (mkVec undefined a)
  {-# INLINE mkVec #-}

-- | Make a uniform vector. The length is inferred.
vec ::  (Vec n a v) => a -> v
vec = mkVec undefined
{-# INLINE vec #-}

-- | Build a vector from a list, or access vector elements using run-time
-- indicies, numbered from 0.

class VecList a v | v -> a where
  -- | Turn a list into a vector of inferred length. The list must be at least
  -- as long as the vector, but may be longer. Make a mental note of the
  -- distinction between this and 'matFromList', as you might accidentally use
  -- this when you mean that. Because number literals can be converted to
  -- vectors, and matrices are vectors of vectors, the following works
  -- > fromList [1,2,3,4] :: Mat22 Int 
  -- > > ((1):.(1):.()):.((2):.(2):.()):.()
  -- even though we meant to do this
  -- > matFromList [1,2,3,4] :: Mat22 Int 
  -- > > ((1):.(2):.()):.((3):.(4):.()):.()
  fromList :: [a] -> v

  -- | Get a vector element, which one determined at runtime.
  getElem :: Int -> v -> a

  -- | Set a vector element, which one determined at runtime
  setElem :: Int -> a -> v -> v

instance VecList a (a:.()) where
  fromList (a:_)   = a :. ()
  fromList []      = error "fromList: list too short"
  getElem i (a :. _)
    | i == 0    = a
    | otherwise = error "getElem: index out of bounds"
  setElem i a _ 
    | i == 0    = a :. ()
    | otherwise = error "setElem: index out of bounds"
  {-# INLINE setElem #-}
  {-# INLINE getElem #-}
  {-# INLINE fromList #-}

instance VecList a (a':.v) => VecList a (a:.(a':.v)) where
  fromList (a:as)  = a :. fromList as
  fromList []      = error "fromList: list too short"
  getElem i (a :. v)
    | i == 0    = a
    | otherwise = getElem (i-1) v
  setElem i a' (a :. v)
    | i == 0    = a' :. v
    | otherwise = a :. (setElem (i-1) a' v)
  {-# INLINE setElem #-}
  {-# INLINE getElem #-}
  {-# INLINE fromList #-}

-- | get or set a vector element, known at compile
--time. Use the Nat types to access vector components. For instance, @get n0@
--gets the x component, @set n2 44@ sets the z component to 44. 

class Access n a v | v -> a where
  get  :: n -> v -> a
  set  :: n -> a -> v -> v

instance Access N0 a (a :. v) where
  get _ (a :. _) = a
  set _ a (_ :. v) = a :. v
  {-# INLINE set #-}
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Access n a v => Access (Succ n) a (a :. v) where
  get _ (_ :. v) = get (undefined::n) v
  set _ a' (a :. v) = a :. (set (undefined::n) a' v)
  {-# INLINE set #-}
  {-# INLINE get #-}

-- * List-like functions

-- | The first element.

class Head v a | v -> a  where 
  head :: v -> a

instance Head (a :. as) a where 
  head (a :. _) = a
  {-# INLINE head #-}

-- | All but the first element. 

class Tail v v_ | v -> v_ where 
  tail :: v -> v_

instance Tail (a :. as) as where 
  tail (_ :. as) = as
  {-# INLINE tail #-}

-- | Apply a function over each element in a vector. Constraint @Map a b u v@
-- states that @u@ is a vector of @a@s, @v@ is a vector of @b@s with the same
-- length as @u@, and the function is of type @a -> b@.

class Map a b u v | u -> a, v -> b, b u -> v, a v -> u where
  map :: (a -> b) -> u -> v

instance Map a b (a :. ()) (b :. ()) where
  map f (x :. ()) = (f x) :. ()
  {-# INLINE map #-}

instance Map a b (a':.u) (b':.v) => Map a b (a:.a':.u) (b:.b':.v) where
  map f (x:.v) = (f x):.(map f v)
  {-# INLINE map #-}

-- | Combine two vectors using a binary function. The length of the result is
-- the min of the lengths of the arguments. The constraint @ZipWith a b c u v
-- w@ states that @u@ is a vector of @a@s, @v@ is a vector of @b@s, @w@ is a
-- vector of @c@s, and the binary function is of type @a -> b -> c@.

class ZipWith a b c u v w | u->a, v->b, w->c, u v c -> w where
  zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> u -> v -> w

instance ZipWith a b c (a:.()) (b:.()) (c:.()) where
  zipWith f (x:._) (y:._) = f x y :.()
  {-# INLINE zipWith #-}

instance ZipWith a b c (a:.()) (b:.b:.bs) (c:.()) where
  zipWith f (x:._) (y:._) = f x y :.()
  {-# INLINE zipWith #-}

instance ZipWith a b c (a:.a:.as) (b:.()) (c:.()) where
  zipWith f (x:._) (y:._) = f x y :.()
  {-# INLINE zipWith #-}

  ZipWith a b c (a':.u) (b':.v) (c':.w) 
  => ZipWith a b c (a:.a':.u) (b:.b':.v) (c:.c':.w) 
      zipWith f (x:.u) (y:.v) = f x y :. zipWith f u v
      {-# INLINE zipWith #-}

-- | Fold a function over a vector. 

class Fold a v | v -> a where
  fold  :: (a -> a -> a) -> v -> a
  foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> v -> b
  foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> v -> b

instance Fold a (a:.()) where
  fold  f   (a:._) = a 
  foldl f z (a:._) = (f $! z) $! a
  foldr f z (a:._) = (f $! a) $! z
  {-# INLINE fold #-}
  {-# INLINE foldl #-}
  {-# INLINE foldr #-}

instance Fold a (a':.u) => Fold a (a:.a':.u) where
  fold  f   (a:.v) = (f $! a) $! (fold f v)
  foldl f z (a:.v) = (f $! (foldl f z v)) $! a
  foldr f z (a:.v) = (f $! a) $! (foldr f z v)
  {-# INLINE fold #-}
  {-# INLINE foldl #-}
  {-# INLINE foldr #-}

-- | Reverse a vector 
reverse ::  (Reverse' () v v') => v -> v'
reverse v = reverse' () v
{-# INLINE reverse #-}

-- really the type of reverse should b v->v but somehow this makes inference easier

-- | Reverse helper function : accumulates the reversed list in its first argument
class Reverse' p v v' | p v -> v' where
  reverse' :: p -> v -> v'
instance Reverse' p () p where
  reverse' p () = p
  {-# INLINE reverse' #-}

instance Reverse' (a:.p) v v' => Reverse' p (a:.v) v' where
  reverse' p (a:.v) = reverse' (a:.p) v 
  {-# INLINE reverse' #-}

-- | Append two vectors 

class Append v1 v2 v3 | v1 v2 -> v3, v1 v3 -> v2 where 
  append :: v1 -> v2 -> v3

instance Append () v v where
  append _ = id
  {-# INLINE append #-}

instance Append (a:.()) v (a:.v) where
  append (a:.()) v = a:.v
  {-# INLINE append #-}

instance (Append (a':.v1) v2 v3) => Append (a:.a':.v1) v2 (a:.v3) where
  append (a:.u) v  =  a:.(append u v)
  {-# INLINE append #-}

-- | @take n v@ constructs a vector from the first @n@ elements of @v@. @n@ is a
-- type-level natural. For example @take n3 v@ makes a 3-vector of the first
-- three elements of @v@.

class Take n v v' | n v -> v' where
  take :: n -> v -> v'

instance Take N0 v () where
  take _ _ = ()
  {-# INLINE take #-}

instance Take n v v' 
         => Take (Succ n) (a:.v) (a:.v') where
  take _ (a:.v) = a:.(take (undefined::n) v)
  {-# INLINE take #-}

-- | @drop n v@ strips the first @n@ elements from @v@. @n@ is a type-level
-- natural. For example @drop n2 v@ drops the first two elements.

class Drop n v v' | n v -> v' where
  drop :: n -> v -> v'
instance Drop N0 v v where
  drop _ = id
  {-# INLINE drop #-}

instance (Drop n (a:.v) v') 
          => Drop (Succ n) (a:.a:.v) v' where
  drop _ (a:.v) = drop (undefined::n) v
  {-# INLINE drop #-}

-- | Get the last element, usually significant for some reason (quaternions,
-- homogenous coordinates, whatever)
class Last v a | v -> a where
  last :: v -> a

instance Last (a:.()) a where 
  last (a:._) = a
  {-# INLINE last #-}

instance Last (a':.v) a => Last (a:.a':.v) a where
  last (a:.v) = last v
  {-# INLINE last #-}

-- | @snoc v a@ appends the element a to the end of v. 
class Snoc v a v' | v a -> v', v' -> v a, v -> a where 
  snoc :: v -> a -> v'

instance Snoc () a (a:.()) where
  snoc _ a = (a:.())
  {-# INLINE snoc #-}

instance Snoc v a (a:.v) => Snoc (a:.v) a (a:.a:.v) where
  snoc (b:.v) a = b:.(snoc v a)
  {-# INLINE snoc #-}

-- | The length of a vector
class Length v n | v -> n where
  length :: v -> Int

instance Length () N0 where
  length _ = 0

instance (Length v n) => Length (a:.v) (Succ n) where
  length (_:.v) = 1+length v

-- | sum of vector elements
sum ::  (Fold a v, Num a) => v -> a
sum x     = fold (+) x
{-# INLINE sum #-}

-- | product of vector elements
product ::  (Fold a v, Num a) => v -> a
product x = fold (*) x
{-# INLINE product #-}

-- | maximum vector element
maximum ::  (Fold a v, Ord a) => v -> a
maximum x = fold max x
{-# INLINE maximum #-}

-- | minimum vector element
minimum ::  (Fold a v, Ord a) => v -> a
minimum x = fold min x
{-# INLINE minimum #-}

toList ::  (Fold a v) => v -> [a]
toList = foldr (:) [] 
{-# INLINE toList #-}

-- * Matrix Types

type Mat22 a = Vec2 (Vec2 a)
type Mat23 a = Vec2 (Vec3 a)
type Mat24 a = Vec2 (Vec4 a)

type Mat32 a = Vec3 (Vec2 a)
type Mat33 a = Vec3 (Vec3 a)
type Mat34 a = Vec3 (Vec4 a)
type Mat35 a = Vec3 (Vec5 a)
type Mat36 a = Vec3 (Vec6 a)

type Mat42 a = Vec4 (Vec2 a)
type Mat43 a = Vec4 (Vec3 a)
type Mat44 a = Vec4 (Vec4 a)
type Mat45 a = Vec4 (Vec5 a)
type Mat46 a = Vec4 (Vec6 a)
type Mat47 a = Vec4 (Vec7 a)
type Mat48 a = Vec4 (Vec8 a)

-- | convert a matrix to a list-of-lists
matToLists ::  (Fold a v, Fold v m) => m -> [[a]]
matToLists   = (P.map toList) . toList
{-# INLINE matToLists   #-}

-- | convert a matrix to a list in row-major order
matToList  ::  (Fold a v, Fold v m) => m -> [a]
matToList    = concat . matToLists
{-# INLINE matToList    #-}

-- | convert a list-of-lists into a matrix
matFromLists :: (Vec j a v, Vec i v m, VecList a v, VecList v m) => [[a]] -> m
matFromLists = fromList . (P.map fromList)
{-# INLINE matFromLists #-}

-- | convert a list into a matrix. (row-major order)
matFromList :: forall i j v m a. (Vec i v m, Vec j a v, Nat i, VecList a v, VecList v m) => [a] -> m
matFromList  = matFromLists . groupsOf (nat(undefined::i))
  where groupsOf n xs = let (a,b) = splitAt n xs in a:(groupsOf n b)
{-# INLINE matFromList  #-}

-- Storable instances. 

instance Storable a => Storable (a:.()) where
  sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined::a)
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined::a)
  peek p = peek (castPtr p) >>= \a -> return (a:.())
  peekByteOff p o = peek (p`plusPtr`o)
  peekElemOff p i = peek (p`plusPtr`(i*sizeOf(undefined::a)))
  poke p (a:._) = poke (castPtr p) a
  pokeByteOff p o x = poke (p`plusPtr`o) x
  pokeElemOff p i x = poke (p`plusPtr`(i*sizeOf(undefined::a))) x
  {-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
  {-# INLINE alignment #-}
  {-# INLINE peek #-}
  {-# INLINE peekByteOff #-}
  {-# INLINE peekElemOff #-}
  {-# INLINE poke #-}
  {-# INLINE pokeByteOff #-}
  {-# INLINE pokeElemOff #-}

instance (Vec (Succ (Succ n)) a (a:.a:.v), Storable a, Storable (a:.v)) 
  => Storable (a:.a:.v) 
  sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined::a) + sizeOf (undefined::(a:.v))
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined::a)
  peek p = 
    peek (castPtr p) >>= \a -> 
    peek (castPtr (p`plusPtr`sizeOf(undefined::a))) >>= \v -> 
    return (a:.v)
  peekByteOff p o = peek (p`plusPtr`o)
  peekElemOff p i = peek (p`plusPtr`(i*sizeOf(undefined::(a:.a:.v))))
  poke p (a:.v) = 
    poke (castPtr p) a >> 
    poke (castPtr (p`plusPtr`sizeOf(undefined::a))) v
  pokeByteOff p o x = poke (p`plusPtr`o) x
  pokeElemOff p i x = poke (p`plusPtr`(i*sizeOf(undefined::(a:.a:.v)))) x
  {-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
  {-# INLINE alignment #-}
  {-# INLINE peek #-}
  {-# INLINE peekByteOff #-}
  {-# INLINE peekElemOff #-}
  {-# INLINE poke #-}
  {-# INLINE pokeByteOff #-}
  {-# INLINE pokeElemOff #-}

-- Num and Fractional instances : All arithmetic is done component-wise and
-- literals construct uniform vectors and matrices. 
-- The rule is : 
--    If the method is unary, it's a map.  
--    If it's binary, it's a zipWith.

    (Eq (a:.u)
    ,Show (a:.u)
    ,Num a
    ,Map a a (a:.u) (a:.u) 
    ,ZipWith a a a (a:.u) (a:.u) (a:.u)
    ,Vec (Succ l) a (a:.u)
    => Num (a:.u) 
    (+) u v = zipWith (+) u v 
    (-) u v = zipWith (-) u v
    (*) u v = zipWith (*) u v
    abs u = map abs u
    signum u = map signum u
    fromInteger i = vec (fromInteger i)
    {-# INLINE (+) #-}
    {-# INLINE (-) #-}
    {-# INLINE (*) #-}
    {-# INLINE abs #-}
    {-# INLINE signum #-}
    {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}

    (Fractional a
    ,Ord (a:.u)
    ,ZipWith a a a (a:.u) (a:.u) (a:.u)
    ,Map a a (a:.u) (a:.u)
    ,Vec (Succ l) a (a:.u)
    ,Show (a:.u)
    => Fractional (a:.u) 
    (/) u v = zipWith (/) u v
    recip u = map recip u
    fromRational r = vec (fromRational r)
    {-# INLINE (/) #-}
    {-# INLINE recip #-}
    {-# INLINE fromRational #-}

-- Arbitrary instances

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (a:.()) where
  arbitrary = arbitrary >>= return . (:.())
  coarbitrary (a:._) = variant 0 . coarbitrary a

instance (Length (a:.v) (Succ n), Arbitrary a', Arbitrary (a:.v)) => Arbitrary (a':.a:.v) where
  arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \a -> 
              arbitrary >>= \v -> return (a:.v);
  coarbitrary (a:.v) = variant (length v) . coarbitrary a . coarbitrary v