# Villefort Villefort is a time managment system written in Haskell. ## What's new in version Villefort- - Sqlite database now saves events using localtime. - Days until due is now calculated using localtime. - Tracks when you update working time on todo instead of just when you finish your task. # Home screen ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chrisr850/Villefort/master/data/screen.png) # Add new todos ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chrisr850/Villefort/master/data/screen01.png) # Stats page ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chrisr850/Villefort/master/data/screen02.png) # To install 1. Install cabal (https://www.haskell.org/platform/) 2. In terminal or command prompt run `cabal install Villefort`. 3. and then `cabal run Villefort`. 4. You will be able to see the homescreen by typing localhost:3002 into your favorite browser.