name: WL500gPControl version: 0.3.4 cabal-version: >= 1.2 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Vasyl Pasternak maintainer: Vasyl Pasternak category: Network, UI synopsis: A simple command line tools to control the Asus WL500gP router description: The package consists of two command-line utilities to manage the /Asus WL500g Premium/ router without logging to its admin page. . The main utility is @WL500gPControl@ is used to ask the status of the connection (@Connected@/@Disconnected@), connection parameters (@DNS servers@, @Local IP@, @Foreign IP@ etc, log), and perform connection, disconnection and reconnection. . Other utility - @WL500gPStatus@ created only to ease integration into and return only @Connected@ or @Disconnected@ string, enclosed into format tags (when option @-c@ is given). . The last argument of these two utilities is a credentials file. It has simple format: . @ user: \ password: \ host: \ @ . The password should be in plain text, so it is recommended to protect this file from reading for everyone except you. . If credentials file is not given, than programs will try to use default credential file, which should be located: . * on Linux: @$HOME\/.WL500gPControl\/credentials@ . * on Windows: @C\:\\Documents And Settings\\user\\Application Data\\WL500gPControl\\credentials@ . Sometimes paths could be different. To determine the read path to the default credentials file run @WL500gPControl -s@ and look at the error string, where will be sayed where it searches credentials file. build-type: Simple extra-source-files: README executable WL500gPStatus main-is: Status/Main.hs build-depends: base < 4, WL500gPLib >= 0.3 hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Common executable WL500gPControl main-is: Control/Main.hs if !os(windows) build-depends: base < 4, filepath, directory, WL500gPLib >= 0.3, mtl, unix extensions: CPP cpp-options: -DUNIX else build-depends: base < 4, filepath, directory, WL500gPLib >= 0.3, mtl, Win32 extensions: CPP cpp-options: -DWIN32 hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Common