-- © 2001, 2002 Peter Thiemann
module WASH.Mail.MIME where
-- RFC 2045
-- RFC 2046

import Char
import IO
import Monad
import Random

import qualified WASH.Utility.Base64 as Base64
import qualified WASH.Mail.ContentDisposition as CD
import qualified WASH.Utility.QuotedPrintable as QuotedPrintable
import WASH.Mail.HeaderField
import qualified WASH.Utility.RFC2279 as RFC2279	    -- UTF-8

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

textDOC subty docLines =
  DOC {	mediatype= "text",
	subtype= subty,
	textLines= docLines,
	parameters= [],
	filename= "",					    -- obsolete
	contentDisposition = CD.Inline [],

binaryDOC ty subty bindata =
  DOC {	mediatype= ty,
	subtype= subty,
	messageData= bindata,
	textLines= [],
	parameters= [],
	filename= "",					    -- obsolete
	contentDisposition = CD.Attachment [],
multipartDOC subty subdocs =
  DOC {	mediatype= "multipart",
	subtype= subty,
	messageData= "",
	textLines= [],
	parameters= [],
	filename= "",					    -- obsolete
	contentDisposition = CD.None,
	parts= subdocs

data DOC =
     DOC {
	mediatype :: String,			    -- type
	subtype :: String,			    -- subtype
	parameters  :: [KV],			    -- ^ parameters of the media type
	filename :: String,			    -- ^ suggested filename, OBSOLETE
	contentDisposition :: CD.ContentDisposition,   -- ^ sets Content-Disposition, e.g. for suggesting a filename
	-- depending on mediatype only one of the following is relevant:
	messageData :: String,			    -- ^ data, only relevant for binary data
	textLines :: [String],			    -- ^ lines, only relevant for text mediatypes
	parts :: [DOC]				    -- ^ data, only relevant for multipart mediatypes

recommend_cte h doc = 
  case mediatype doc of
    "text" -> 
       case sendMode h of
         SevenBit -> "quoted-printable"
	 EightBit -> "8bit"
    "multipart" -> "7bit"
    _ ->
      case sendMode h of 
	SevenBit -> "base64"
	EightBit -> "8bit"

inventBoundary =
  inventKey 10 (init Base64.alphabet_list)
    inventKey len chars =
      do g <- getStdGen
	 let candidate = take len $ map (chars !!) $ randomRs (0, length chars - 1) g
	 return ("=_" ++ candidate ++ "=_")
	 -- see RFC 2045, 6.7 for reasoning about this choice of boundary string

data SendMode =
  EightBit | SevenBit
data SendControl = 
  SendControl {
    sendH :: Handle,
    sendMode :: SendMode

smtpSendControl = 
  SendControl { sendH = stdout, sendMode = SevenBit }

httpSendControl =
  SendControl { sendH = stdout, sendMode = EightBit }

instance Send DOC where
  hSend h doc =
    let cte = recommend_cte h doc in
    do boundary <- inventBoundary
       let extraParameter 
	     | mediatype doc == "multipart"  = [KV ("boundary", '\"':boundary++"\"")]
	     | mediatype doc == "text" = [KV ("charset", "utf-8")]
	     | otherwise = []
       hSend h (makeContentType (mediatype doc)
       			     (subtype doc) 
       			     (extraParameter ++ parameters doc))
       hSend h (makeContentTransferEncoding cte)
       when (CD.hasContentDisposition $ contentDisposition doc) $
	 hSend h (makeContentDisposition (CD.toString (contentDisposition doc)))
       -- hSend h (makeContentDisposition (filename doc))
       hSend h CRLF
       case mediatype doc of 
	 "text" -> hSendText h doc
	 "multipart" -> hSendMultipart h boundary doc
	 _ -> hSendBinary h doc

hSendText h doc =
  case sendMode h of
    EightBit -> 
      hPutStr hdl str
    SevenBit ->
      hPutStr hdl (QuotedPrintable.encode str)
  where hdl = sendH h
	str = RFC2279.encode $ flat (textLines doc)
	flat [] = []
	flat (xs:xss) = xs ++ "\r\n" ++ flat xss

hSendBinary h doc =
  case sendMode h of
    SevenBit ->
      hPutStr (sendH h) (Base64.encode (messageData doc))
    EightBit ->
      hPutStr (sendH h) (messageData doc)

hSendMultipart h boundary doc =
  do -- may send a preamble for non-MIME-able MUAs at this point
     sendParts (parts doc)
  where hdl = sendH h
	sendParts [] = 
	  do hPutStr hdl "--"
	     hPutStr hdl boundary
	     hPutStr hdl "--"
	     hSend h CRLF
	sendParts (doc:docs) =
	  do hPutStr hdl "--"
	     hPutStr hdl boundary
	     hSend h CRLF
	     hSend h doc
	     sendParts docs

data CRLF = CRLF

instance Send CRLF where
  hSend h CRLF = hPutStr (sendH h) "\n"

data Mail =
     Mail {
	to :: [String],
	subject :: String,
	cc :: [String],
	bcc :: [String],
	headers :: [Header],
	contents :: DOC

simpleMail recipients subj doc =
  Mail { to= recipients, subject= subj, cc=[], bcc=[], headers=[], contents=doc }

class Send m where
  send :: m -> IO ()
  hSend :: SendControl -> m -> IO ()
  send = hSend smtpSendControl

instance Send Header where
  hSend h header = hPutStr (sendH h) (show header)

instance Send Mail where
  hSend h mail =
    do hSend h (makeTO (to mail))
       hSend h (makeSubject (subject mail))
       hSend h (makeCC (cc mail))
       hSend h (makeBCC (bcc mail))
       hSend h mimeHeader
       hSend h identHeader
       sequence (map (hSend h) (headers mail))
       hSend h (contents mail)