name: Weather version: id: Weather- license: BSD3 copyright: maintainer: stability: homepage: package-url: synopsis: Library for interacting with the Weather Underground JSON API. description: Weather is a simple library for interacting with the Weather Underground JSON API. It is not complete, but it may be useful still. category: Net author: Bryan St. Amour exposed: True exposed-modules: Net.Weather hidden-modules: trusted: False import-dirs: /home/bryan/Projects/hackage/Weather- library-dirs: /home/bryan/Projects/hackage/Weather- hs-libraries: HSWeather- extra-libraries: extra-ghci-libraries: include-dirs: includes: depends: HTTP-4000.2.19-67a9c76f8cd1a3981b6cc909e538976a aeson- base- bytestring- text- unordered-containers- hugs-options: cc-options: ld-options: framework-dirs: frameworks: haddock-interfaces: /home/bryan/Projects/hackage/Weather- haddock-html: /home/bryan/Projects/hackage/Weather-