module Layout.Postscript where

import Data.Hardware.Internal
import Layout.Floorplan

type Color = (Float, Float, Float)
  -- (R,G,B), each number between 0 and 1.

black, white, grey, red, green, blue :: Color

black = (0,0,0)
white = (1,1,1)
grey  = (0.5,0.5,0.5)
red   = (1,0,0)
green = (0,1,0)
blue  = (0,0,1)

type Postscript = ShowS

class Show a => PSShow a
    psShow :: a -> Postscript

instance PSShow Length
    psShow = shows . unLength

instance PSShow String
    psShow a = "(" .+ showString a .+ ")"

instance PSShow Orientation
    psShow (flipped,dir) = shows (f + d)
        f = if flipped then 4 else 0

        d = case dir of
          Rightwards -> 3
          Leftwards  -> 1
          Upwards    -> 0
          Downwards  -> 2

absToPS :: AbsFloorplan s b -> Postscript
absToPS []                 = ""
absToPS (pos_bl : pos_bls) = absPS pos_bl .+ absToPS pos_bls
    absPS (pos, Box sz ori nm _) = blockLine pos sz ori nm
    absPS _                      = id

    blockLine (x,y) (w,h) ori nm
        | min w h > Length 0 = unwordS
          [ psShow x
          , psShow y
          , psShow w
          , psShow h
          , psShow ori
          , psShow nm
          , "block\n"

        | otherwise = ""

floorplanToPS :: Floorplan s b -> (Postscript, Size)
floorplanToPS fp = (absToPS afp, sz)
    (afp,sz) = absolutize fp

linesToPS :: [([(Position,Position)], Color)] -> Postscript
linesToPS lcs = unlineS [toPS col lines | (lines,col) <- lcs]
    toPS _ [] = ""
    toPS col@(r,g,b) (line:lines)
         = unwordS
             [ psShow x1, psShow y1
             , psShow x2, psShow y2
             , "{" .+ unwordS (map shows [r,g,b]) .+ "}"
             , "wire\n"
        .+ toPS col lines
        ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = line

    :: Length
    -> Name
    -> Floorplan s b
    -> [([(Position,Position)], Color)]
    -> IO ()

renderFloorplan_ lnScale title fp lines = writeFile (title ++ ".ps")
     $ "%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n"
    .+ "%%Title: " .+ showString title .+ "\n"
    .+ ps1
    .+ lnScLine
    .+ ps2
    .+ setPicSize sz
    .+ ps3
    .+ ps
    -- .+ "\nshowpage\n"
      -- XXX This should make a first page without wires, but it doesn't seem to
      --     work.
    .+ "\nwireWidth setlinewidth\n\n"
    .+ linesToPS lines
     $ "showpage\n"
    (ps,sz) = floorplanToPS fp

         = lnsc
        .+ showString (replicate (6 - length (lnsc "")) ' ')
        .+ "% Scale for lines and names\n"
        lnsc = psShow lnScale

    setPicSize (x,y) = unlineS
        [ "/picW " .+ psShow x .+ " def"
        , "/picH " .+ psShow y .+ " def"
        , "  % Width/heigth of picture (in floorplan units)"
        , ""

  -- The first parameter is the scale for lines and names.

renderFloorplan :: Name -> Floorplan s b -> IO ()
renderFloorplan title fp = renderFloorplan_ (Length 1) title fp []

ps1 :: Postscript
ps1 =
  "%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica                                                \n\
  \%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842                                                \n\
  \%%EndComments                                                             \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \% The picture is scaled to fit on an A4 paper (see bounding box above).   \n\
  \% In order to zoom in on a particular area, just adjust the bounding box  \n\
  \% and/or the scale.                                                       \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \%%% Setup                                                                 \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \true  % Print block names?                                                \n\
  \2     % Vertical margin in [mm]                                           \n\
  \2     % Horizontal margin in [mm]                                         \n\
  \15    % Height of block names (~floorplan units)                          \n\
  \2     % Width of wire lines (in floorplan units)                          \n\
  \2.5   % Radius of box corners (in floorplan units)                        \n\
  \2.5   % Line width of primitive blocks (in floorplan units)               \n\
  \1     % Overall scale                                                     \n"

ps2 :: Postscript
ps2 =
  "                                                                          \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \/lnSc          exch def          %%                                       \n\
  \/sc            exch def          %%                                       \n\
  \/boxLineWidth  exch lnSc mul def %%                                       \n\
  \/boxCornerRad  exch lnSc mul def %%                                       \n\
  \/wireWidth     exch lnSc mul def %%                                       \n\
  \/namesFontSize exch lnSc mul def %%                                       \n\
  \/margH         exch def          %%                                       \n\
  \/margV         exch def          %%                                       \n\
  \/prNames       exch def          %%                                       \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \  % Bindings in reversed order                                            \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/ratio {72 25.4 div} def                                                  \n\
  \  % Units/mm                                                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/totW 210 def                                                             \n\
  \/totH 297 def                                                             \n\
  \  % Width/height of A4 in [mm]                                            \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/totWU {totW ratio mul} def                                               \n\
  \/totHU {totH ratio mul} def                                               \n\
  \  % Unit width/height of A4                                               \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/margHU {margH ratio mul} def                                             \n\
  \/margVU {margV ratio mul} def                                             \n\
  \  % Horizontal/vertical margin units                                      \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/picWU {totWU margHU 2 mul sub} def                                       \n\
  \/picHU {totHU margVU 2 mul sub} def                                       \n\
  \  % Unit width/height of the picture                                      \n\
  \                                                                          \n"

ps3 :: Postscript
ps3 =
  "/scH {picWU picW div} def                                                 \n\
  \/scV {picHU picH div} def                                                 \n\
  \scH scV gt {/scHV scV def} {/scHV scH def} ifelse                         \n\
  \  % Scale necessary to fit picture in the page                            \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \margHU margVU translate                                                   \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \sc scHV mul dup scale                                                     \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/Helvetica findfont                                                       \n\
  \namesFontSize scalefont                                                   \n\
  \setfont                                                                   \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \%%% Helper functions                                                      \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/rectWH {                                                                 \n\
  \  2 dict begin                                                            \n\
  \  /h exch def                                                             \n\
  \  /w exch def                                                             \n\
  \  w 0 rlineto                                                             \n\
  \  0 h rlineto                                                             \n\
  \  w neg 0 rlineto                                                         \n\
  \  closepath                                                               \n\
  \  end                                                                     \n\
  \} def                                                                     \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/rectWH_round {                                                           \n\
  \  10 dict begin                                                           \n\
  \  /r exch def                                                             \n\
  \  /h exch def                                                             \n\
  \  /w exch def                                                             \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  h boxCornerRad 2 mul lt                                                 \n\
  \  w boxCornerRad 2 mul lt or                                              \n\
  \  {w h rectWH}                                                            \n\
  \  { /wr  {w r sub r sub} def                                              \n\
  \    /hr  {h r sub r sub} def                                              \n\
  \    /r2  {r 2 div}       def                                              \n\
  \    /rn  {r neg}         def                                              \n\
  \    /r2n {r2 neg}        def                                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    currentpoint                                                          \n\
  \    /y exch def                                                           \n\
  \    /x exch def                                                           \n\
  \    newpath                                                               \n\
  \    x r add y moveto                                                      \n\
  \      % Start new path since we cannot start from the lower left corner   \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    wr 0 rlineto                                                          \n\
  \    r2 0 r r2 r r rcurveto                                                \n\
  \    0 hr rlineto                                                          \n\
  \    0 r2 r2n r rn r rcurveto                                              \n\
  \    wr neg 0 rlineto                                                      \n\
  \    r2n 0 rn r2n rn rn rcurveto                                           \n\
  \    0 hr neg rlineto                                                      \n\
  \    0 r2n r2 rn r rn rcurveto                                             \n\
  \    closepath                                                             \n\
  \  } ifelse                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  end                                                                     \n\
  \} def                                                                     \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/block {                                                                  \n\
  \  9 dict begin                                                            \n\
  \  /name exch def  % Block name                                            \n\
  \  /ori  exch def  % Orientation (0=N,1=W,2=S,3=E,4=FN,5=FW,6=FS,7=FE)     \n\
  \  /h    exch def  % Height                                                \n\
  \  /w    exch def  % Width                                                 \n\
  \  /py   exch def  % Y position                                            \n\
  \  /px   exch def  % X position                                            \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  /c1 0.4 def                                                             \n\
  \  /c2 8   def                                                             \n\
  \  /c3 6 def                                                               \n\
  \    % Constants for the orientation triangle                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  gsave                                                                   \n\
  \  px py translate                                                         \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    newpath                                                               \n\
  \    0 0 moveto                                                            \n\
  \    w h boxCornerRad rectWH_round                                         \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    gsave                                                                 \n\
  \      0.75 setgray                                                        \n\
  \      fill                                                                \n\
  \    grestore                                                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    gsave                                                                 \n\
  \      newpath                                                             \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 0 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { boxLineWidth c1 mul dup moveto                                    \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 mul 0 rlineto                                     \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c3 neg mul boxLineWidth c2 mul rlineto               \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 1 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { w 0 moveto                                                        \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c1 neg mul boxLineWidth c1 mul rmoveto               \n\
  \        0 boxLineWidth c2 mul rlineto                                     \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 neg mul boxLineWidth c3 neg mul rlineto           \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 2 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { w h moveto                                                        \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c1 neg mul dup rmoveto                               \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 neg mul 0 rlineto                                 \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c3 mul boxLineWidth c2 neg mul rlineto               \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 3 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { 0 h moveto                                                        \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c1 mul boxLineWidth c1 neg mul rmoveto               \n\
  \        0 boxLineWidth c2 neg mul rlineto                                 \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 mul boxLineWidth c3 mul rlineto                   \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 4 eq                                                            \n\
  \      {  w 0 moveto                                                       \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c1 neg mul boxLineWidth c1 mul rmoveto               \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 neg mul 0 rlineto                                 \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c3 mul boxLineWidth c2 mul rlineto                   \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 5 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { boxLineWidth c1 mul dup moveto                                    \n\
  \        0 boxLineWidth c2 mul rlineto                                     \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 mul boxLineWidth c3 neg mul rlineto               \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 6 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { 0 h moveto                                                        \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c1 mul boxLineWidth c1 neg mul rmoveto               \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 mul 0 rlineto                                     \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c3 neg mul boxLineWidth c2 neg mul rlineto           \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      ori 7 eq                                                            \n\
  \      { w h moveto                                                        \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c1 neg mul dup rmoveto                               \n\
  \        0 boxLineWidth c2 neg mul rlineto                                 \n\
  \        boxLineWidth c2 neg mul boxLineWidth c3 mul rlineto               \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      closepath                                                           \n\
  \      0.45 0.45 0.3 setrgbcolor                                           \n\
  \      fill                                                                \n\
  \    grestore                                                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    gsave                                                                 \n\
  \      closepath                                                           \n\
  \      clip                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \      prNames {                                                           \n\
  \        newpath                                                           \n\
  \        0 0 moveto                                                        \n\
  \        boxLineWidth 2 mul boxLineWidth 4 mul rmoveto                     \n\
  \        name show                                                         \n\
  \        stroke                                                            \n\
  \      } if                                                                \n\
  \    grestore                                                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \    gsave                                                                 \n\
  \      0.25 setgray                                                        \n\
  \      boxLineWidth setlinewidth                                           \n\
  \      stroke                                                              \n\
  \    grestore                                                              \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  grestore                                                                \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  end                                                                     \n\
  \} def                                                                     \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \/wire {                                                                   \n\
  \  5 dict begin                                                            \n\
  \  /col exch def                                                           \n\
  \  /y2  exch def                                                           \n\
  \  /x2  exch def                                                           \n\
  \  /y1  exch def                                                           \n\
  \  /x1  exch def                                                           \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \  gsave                                                                   \n\
  \    newpath                                                               \n\
  \    col setrgbcolor                                                       \n\
  \    x1 y1 moveto                                                          \n\
  \    x2 y2 lineto                                                          \n\
  \    closepath                                                             \n\
  \    stroke                                                                \n\
  \    newpath                                                               \n\
  \    x1 y1 wireWidth 0 360 arc                                             \n\
  \    closepath                                                             \n\
  \    fill                                                                  \n\
  \    newpath                                                               \n\
  \    x2 y2 wireWidth 0 360 arc                                             \n\
  \    closepath                                                             \n\
  \    fill                                                                  \n\
  \  grestore                                                                \n\
  \  end                                                                     \n\
  \} def                                                                     \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \                                                                          \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \%%% Draw floorplan                                                        \n\
  \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                                       \n\
  \                                                                          \n"