module Linguistics.WordAlignment.TwoWay.Global.Bigram where import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.FMList (FMList) import qualified Data.FMList as FM import Data.Sequence (Seq) import Data.Strict.Tuple (Pair (..)) import Data.Text (Text,pack) import Data.Vector.Fusion.Util (Id(..)) import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as SM import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import Text.Printf import qualified Data.Text.Format as TF import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB import ADP.Fusion.Point import Data.PrimitiveArray import DP.Seq.Align.Global.Linear2 import NLP.Scoring.SimpleUnigram import NLP.Text.BTI import Linguistics.WordAlignment.Common import Linguistics.WordAlignment.FastLookups import Linguistics.WordAlignment.Bigram import Linguistics.WordAlignment.Word (FastChars, fastChar, wordToBigramVector) type IMC = BTI type SigT m x r = SigGlobal m x r IMCp IMCp -- | -- -- TODO for general amusement: which of the two tapes @l@ or @u@ belongs to -- the first bigram in this? sScore :: Monad m => SimpleScoring -> Scores -> SigT m Double Double sScore !ss@SimpleScoring{..} !bgm = SigGlobal { delin = \ww (Z:.c :._ ) -> ww + gapScore , indel = \ww (Z:._ :.c ) -> ww + gapScore , align = \ww (Z:.(lp,l):.(up,u)) -> ww + HM.lookupDefault defMismatch (Bigram lp l :!: Bigram up u) bgm , done = const 0 , h = SM.foldl' max (-888888) } {-# INLINE sScore #-} -- | sBacktrackBuilder :: Monad m => FastChars -> FastDoubles -> Int -> SimpleScoring -> Scores -> SigT m (FMList B3) [FMList B3] sBacktrackBuilder !fc !fd !k !ss@SimpleScoring{..} !bgm = SigGlobal { delin = \ww (Z:.(_ ,b):._ ) -> ww `FM.snoc` ( fastChar fc "-" , fastChar fc b , fastDouble fd gapScore ) , indel = \ww (Z:._ :.(_ ,u)) -> ww `FM.snoc` ( fastChar fc u , fastChar fc "-" , fastDouble fd gapScore ) , align = \ww (Z:.(lb,b):.(lu,u)) -> let z = HM.lookupDefault defMismatch (Bigram lb b :!: Bigram lu u) bgm in ww `FM.snoc` ( fastChar fc u , fastChar fc b , fastDouble fd z ) , done = const $ FM.singleton ( fastChar fc "^" , fastChar fc "^" , fastChar fc "-" ) , h = SM.toList } {-# Inline sBacktrackBuilder #-} -- | alignGlobalForward :: SimpleScoring -> Scores -> Vector IMCp -> Vector IMCp -> Z:.TwITbl Id Unboxed (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (Z:.PointL I:.PointL I) Double alignGlobalForward !simpleS !bgm !i1 !i2 = {-# SCC "ali_forw" #-} mutateTablesDefault $ gGlobal (sScore simpleS bgm) (ITbl 0 0 (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (fromAssocs (Z:.PointL 0:.PointL 0) (Z:.PointL n1:.PointL n2) (-999999) []) ) (chr i1) (chr i2) where !n1 = VU.length i1 !n2 = VU.length i2 {-# NoInline alignGlobalForward #-} -- | alignGlobalBacktrackBuilder :: FastChars -> FastDoubles -> Int -> SimpleScoring -> Scores -> Vector IMCp -> Vector IMCp -> TwITbl Id Unboxed (Z:.EmptyOk:.EmptyOk) (Z:.PointL I:.PointL I) Double -> [[B3]] alignGlobalBacktrackBuilder !fc !fd !width !simpleS !bgm !i1 !i2 !t = {-# SCC "AliBtBuilder" #-} FM.toList . unId $ axiom b where (Z:.b) = gGlobal (sScore simpleS bgm <|| sBacktrackBuilder fc fd width simpleS bgm) (toBacktrack t (undefined :: Id a -> Id a)) (chr i1) (chr i2) {-# NoInline alignGlobalBacktrackBuilder #-} -- | alignGlobal :: SimpleScoring -> Scores -> FastChars -> FastDoubles -> Int -> Int -> Vector BTI -> Vector BTI -> (Double,[[B3]]) alignGlobal simpleS bgm fc fd width k i1' i2' = {-# SCC "alignGlobal" #-} (d, take k bs) where i1 = wordToBigramVector i1' ; i2 = wordToBigramVector i2' n1 = VU.length i1 ; n2 = VU.length i2 !(Z:.t) = alignGlobalForward simpleS bgm i1 i2 d = unId $ axiom t bs = alignGlobalBacktrackBuilder fc fd width simpleS bgm i1 i2 t {-# NoInline alignGlobal #-}