-- | NLP.WordNet.Prims provides primitive operations over the word net database. -- The general scheme of things is to call 'initializeWordNet' to get a 'WordNetEnv'. -- Once you have this, you can start querying. A query usually looks like (suppose -- we want "Dog" as a Noun: -- -- 'getIndexString' on "Dog". This will give us back a cannonicalized string, in this -- case, still "dog". We then use 'indexLookup' to get back an index for this string. -- Then, we call 'indexToSenseKey' to with the index and the sense number (the Index -- contains the number of senses) to get back a SenseKey. We finally call -- 'getSynsetForSense' on the sense key to get back a Synset. -- -- We can continue to query like this or we can use the offsets provided in the -- various fields of the Synset to query directly on an offset. Given an offset -- and a part of speech, we can use 'readSynset' directly to get a synset (instead -- of going through all this business with indices and sensekeys. module NLP.WordNet.Prims ( initializeWordNet, initializeWordNetWithOptions, closeWordNet, getIndexString, getSynsetForSense, readSynset, indexToSenseKey, indexLookup ) where import System.IO -- hiding (try, catch) import System.Environment import Numeric (readHex, readDec) import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace) import Data.Array import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (when, liftM, mplus) import Data.List (findIndex, find) import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromJust, isJust, fromMaybe) import GHC.IO.Handle -- (openFileEx, BinaryMode(..)) import NLP.WordNet.PrimTypes import NLP.WordNet.Util import NLP.WordNet.Consts -- | initializeWordNet looks for the word net data files in the -- default directories, starting with environment variables WNSEARCHDIR -- and WNHOME, and then falling back to 'defaultPath' as defined in -- NLP.WordNet.Consts. initializeWordNet :: IO WordNetEnv initializeWordNet = initializeWordNetWithOptions Nothing Nothing -- | initializeWordNetWithOptions looks for the word net data files in the -- specified directory. Use this if wordnet is installed in a non-standard -- place on your machine and you don't have the appropriate env vars set up. initializeWordNetWithOptions :: Maybe FilePath -> -- word net data directory Maybe (String -> SomeException -> IO ()) -> -- "warning" function (by default, warnings go to stderr) IO WordNetEnv initializeWordNetWithOptions mSearchdir mWarn = do searchdir <- case mSearchdir of { Nothing -> getDefaultSearchDir ; Just d -> return d } let warn = fromMaybe (\s e -> hPutStrLn stderr (s ++ "\n" ++ show e)) mWarn version <- tryMaybe $ getEnv "WNDBVERSION" dHands <- mapM (\pos -> do idxH <- openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "index." ++ partName pos]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) dataH <- openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "data." ++ partName pos]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) return (idxH, dataH) ) allPOS -- the following are unnecessary sense <- tryMaybeWarn (warn "Warning: initializeWordNet: cannot open file index.sense") $ openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "index.sense"]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) cntlst <- tryMaybeWarn (warn "Warning: initializeWordNet: cannot open file cntlist.rev") $ openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "cntlist.rev"]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) keyidx <- tryMaybeWarn (warn "Warning: initializeWordNet: cannot open file index.key") $ openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "index.key" ]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) rkeyidx <- tryMaybeWarn (warn "Warning: initializeWordNet: cannot open file index.key.rev") $ openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "index.key.rev"]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) vsent <- tryMaybeWarn (warn "Warning: initializeWordNet: cannot open sentence files (sentidx.vrb and sents.vrb)") $ do idx <- openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "sentidx.vrb"]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) snt <- openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, "sents.vrb" ]) (BinaryMode ReadMode) return (idx, snt) mHands <- mapM (\pos -> openFileEx (makePath [searchdir, partName pos ++ ".exc"]) (BinaryMode ReadMode)) allPOS return $ WordNetEnv { dataHandles = listArray (Noun, Adv) dHands, excHandles = listArray (Noun, Adv) mHands, senseHandle = sense, countListHandle = cntlst, keyIndexHandle = keyidx, revKeyIndexHandle = rkeyidx, vSentHandle = vsent, wnReleaseVersion = version, dataDirectory = searchdir, warnAbout = warn } where getDefaultSearchDir = do Just searchdir <- tryMaybe (getEnv "WNSEARCHDIR") >>= \m1 -> tryMaybe (getEnv "WNHOME") >>= \m2 -> return (m1 `mplus` liftM (++dictDir) m2 `mplus` Just defaultPath) return searchdir -- | closeWordNet is not strictly necessary. However, a 'WordNetEnv' tends to -- hog a few Handles, so if you run out of Handles and won't be using -- your WordNetEnv for a while, you can close it and always create a new -- one later. closeWordNet :: WordNetEnv -> IO () closeWordNet wne = do mapM_ (\ (h1,h2) -> hClose h1 >> hClose h2) (elems (dataHandles wne)) mapM_ hClose (elems (excHandles wne)) mapM_ (\x -> when (isJust x) $ hClose (fromJust x)) [senseHandle wne, countListHandle wne, keyIndexHandle wne, revKeyIndexHandle wne, liftM fst (vSentHandle wne), liftM snd (vSentHandle wne)] -- | getIndexString takes a string and a part of speech and tries to find -- that string (or something like it) in the database. It is essentially -- a cannonicalization routine and should be used before querying the -- database, to ensure that your string is in the right form. getIndexString :: WordNetEnv -> String -> POS -> IO (Maybe String) getIndexString wne str partOfSpeech = getIndexString' . cannonWNString $ str where getIndexString' [] = return Nothing getIndexString' (s:ss) = do i <- binarySearch (fst (dataHandles wne ! partOfSpeech)) s if isJust i then return (Just s) else getIndexString' ss -- | getSynsetForSense takes a sensekey and finds the appropriate Synset. SenseKeys can -- be built using indexToSenseKey. getSynsetForSense :: WordNetEnv -> SenseKey -> IO (Maybe Synset) getSynsetForSense wne _ | isNothing (senseHandle wne) = ioError $ userError "no sense dictionary" getSynsetForSense wne key = do l <- binarySearch (fromJust $ senseHandle wne) (senseKeyString key) -- ++ " " ++ charForPOS (senseKeyPOS key)) case l of Nothing -> return Nothing Just l -> do offset <- maybeRead $ takeWhile (not . isSpace) $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (not . isSpace) l ss <- readSynset wne (senseKeyPOS key) offset (senseKeyWord key) return (Just ss) -- | readSynset takes a part of speech, and an offset (the offset can be found -- in another Synset) and (perhaps) a word we're looking for (this is optional) -- and will return its Synset. readSynset :: WordNetEnv -> POS -> Offset -> String -> IO Synset readSynset wne searchPos offset w = do let h = snd (dataHandles wne ! searchPos) hSeek h AbsoluteSeek offset toks <- liftM words $ hGetLine h --print toks (ptrTokS:fnumS:posS:numWordsS:rest1) <- matchN 4 toks hiam <- maybeRead ptrTokS fn <- maybeRead fnumS let ss1 = synset0 { hereIAm = hiam, pos = readEPOS posS, fnum = fn, ssType = if readEPOS posS == Satellite then IndirectAnt else UnknownEPos } let numWords = case readHex numWordsS of (n,_):_ -> n _ -> 0 --read numWordsS let (wrds,ptrCountS:rest2) = splitAt (numWords*2) rest1 -- words and lexids let ptrCount = case readDec ptrCountS of (n,_):_ -> n _ -> 0 -- print (toks, ptrCountS, ptrCount) wrds' <- readWords ss1 wrds let ss2 = ss1 { ssWords = wrds', whichWord = findIndex (==w) wrds } let (ptrs,rest3) = splitAt (ptrCount*4) rest2 let (fp,ss3) = readPtrs (False,ss2) ptrs let ss4 = if fp && searchPos == Adj && ssType ss3 == UnknownEPos then ss3 { ssType = Pertainym } else ss3 let (ss5,rest4) = if searchPos /= Verb then (ss4, rest3) else let (fcountS:rest4) = rest3 (synPtrs, rest5) = splitAt (read fcountS * 3) rest4 in (ss4, rest5) let ss6 = ss5 { defn = unwords $ drop 1 rest4 } return ss6 where readWords ss (w:lid:xs) = do let s = map toLower $ replaceChar ' ' '_' w idx <- indexLookup wne s (fromEPOS $ pos ss) -- print (w,st,idx) let posn = case idx of Nothing -> Nothing Just ix -> findIndex (==hereIAm ss) (indexOffsets ix) rest <- readWords ss xs return ((w, fst $ head $ readHex lid, maybe AllSenses SenseNumber posn) : rest) readWords _ _ = return [] readPtrs (fp,ss) (typ:off:ppos:lexp:xs) = let (fp',ss') = readPtrs (fp,ss) xs this = (getPointerType typ, read off, readEPOS ppos, fst $ head $ readHex (take 2 lexp), fst $ head $ readHex (drop 2 lexp)) in if searchPos == Adj && ssType ss' == UnknownEPos then if getPointerType typ == Antonym then (fp' , ss' { forms = this : forms ss', ssType = DirectAnt }) else (True, ss' { forms = this : forms ss' }) else (fp', ss' { forms = this : forms ss' }) readPtrs (fp,ss) _ = (fp,ss) -- | indexToSenseKey takes an Index (as returned by, ex., indexLookup) and a sense -- number and returns a SenseKey for that sense. indexToSenseKey :: WordNetEnv -> Index -> Int -> IO (Maybe SenseKey) indexToSenseKey wne idx sense = do let cpos = fromEPOS $ indexPOS idx ss1 <- readSynset wne cpos (indexOffsets idx !! (sense-1)) "" ss2 <- followSatellites ss1 --print ss2 case findIndex ((==indexWord idx) . map toLower) (map (\ (w,_,_) -> w) $ ssWords ss2) of Nothing -> return Nothing Just j -> do let skey = if ssType ss2 == Satellite then indexWord idx ++ "%" ++ show (fromEnum Satellite) ++ ":" ++ padTo 2 (show $ fnum ss2) ++ ":" ++ headWord ss2 ++ ":" ++ padTo 2 (show $ headSense ss2) else indexWord idx ++ "%" ++ show (fromEnum $ pos ss2) ++ ":" ++ padTo 2 (show $ fnum ss2) ++ ":" ++ padTo 2 (show $ lexId ss2 j) ++ "::" return (Just $ SenseKey cpos skey (indexWord idx)) where followSatellites ss | ssType ss == Satellite = case find (\ (f,_,_,_,_) -> f == Similar) (forms ss) of Nothing -> return ss Just (f,offset,p,j,k) -> do adjss <- readSynset wne (fromEPOS p) offset "" case ssWords adjss of (hw,_,hs):_ -> return (ss { headWord = map toLower hw, headSense = hs }) _ -> return ss | otherwise = return ss -- indexLookup takes a word and part of speech and gives back its index. indexLookup :: WordNetEnv -> String -> POS -> IO (Maybe Index) indexLookup wne w pos = do ml <- binarySearch (fst (dataHandles wne ! pos)) w case ml of Nothing -> return Nothing Just l -> do (wdS:posS:ccntS:pcntS:rest1) <- matchN 4 (words l) isc <- maybeRead ccntS pc <- maybeRead pcntS let idx1 = index0 { indexWord = wdS, indexPOS = readEPOS posS, indexSenseCount = isc } let (ptrs,rest2) = splitAt pc rest1 let idx2 = idx1 { indexForms = map getPointerType ptrs } (ocntS:tcntS:rest3) <- matchN 2 rest2 itc <- maybeRead tcntS otc <- maybeRead ocntS let idx3 = idx2 { indexTaggedCount = itc } let (offsets,_) = splitAt otc rest3 io <- mapM maybeRead offsets return (Just $ idx3 { indexOffsets = io }) -- do binary search on an index file binarySearch :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe String) binarySearch h s = do hSeek h SeekFromEnd 0 bot <- hTell h binarySearch' 0 bot (bot `div` 2) where binarySearch' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO (Maybe String) binarySearch' top bot mid = do hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (mid-1) when (mid /= 1) readUntilNL eof <- hIsEOF h if eof then if top >= bot-1 then return Nothing else binarySearch' top (bot-1) ((top+bot-1) `div` 2) else do l <- hGetLine h let key = takeWhile (/=' ') l if key == s then return (Just l) else case (bot - top) `div` 2 of 0 -> return Nothing d -> case key `compare` s of LT -> binarySearch' mid bot (mid + d) GT -> binarySearch' top mid (top + d) readUntilNL = do eof <- hIsEOF h if eof then return () else do hGetLine h; return ()