{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -XOverlappingInstances  -XUndecidableInstances  -O2  #-}
-- Module      :  Control.Workflow
-- Copyright   :  Alberto Gómez Corona
-- License     :  see LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :  agocorona@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental

{- |
Transparent support  for interruptable computations. A workflow can be seen as a persistent thread.
The main features are:

          * Transparent state logging  trough  a monad transformer: step ::  m a -> Workflow m a.

          * Resume  the computation state after an accidental o planned program shutdown  (restartWorkflows).

           *Event handling    (waithFor, waitForData).

          * Monitoring of workflows with state change  display and other auxiliary features.

          * Communications with other processes including other workflows trough persistent data objects,
           inspecttion of intermediate workflow results , Queues so that no data is lost due to shutdowns

In this way, a very long computation that may take more time than the average time between
hardware  or software failures, shutdowns etc. The workflow  can be defined transparently in a single monadic procedure.
Besides state logging and recovery, there are a number of communication primitives that are aware
of persistence across reinitiations such are persistent queues, persistent timeouts,  or wait for events
 in the STM monad. These primitives permits inter-woikflow communications and communications with
 external threads.

 This package uses TCache for persistence and event handling.

 It also uses the package Refserialize. This package permits to reduce the workflow state  load,
 since the RefSerialize package permits to serialize and deserialize complex and autoreferenced data structures without
 loosing such references,  this is critical when  big and structured data, such are documents, suffer little
 modifications across a set of workflow steps.  Therefore, it is also recommended to use Refserialize for
 big user-defined objects that have small pieces that suffer little modifications during the workflow. As an
 added bonus,  the history will show such changes with more detail.

The 'step' primitive is the lift operation that converts a result of type  @m a@  to  a type @'Workflow' m a@
with automatic state loggin and recovery. To allow such features, Every @a@  must be instance of
'Typeable' and 'IResource' (defined in the @TCache@ package).

In fact, Workflow can be considered as an instance of a partial monad transformed. defined as such:

            @class 'PMonadTrans'  t m a  where

                   'plift' :: Monad m => m a -> t m a

            instance  (Monad m,MonadIO m, IResource  a, Typeable a)

                  => PMonadTrans (WF Stat)  m a where

                  'plift' = 'step'

It is partial because the lift operation is not defined for every monad @m@ and data type @a@ , but for monads and data
types that meet certain conditions. In this case, to be instances of  @MonadIO@, @IResource@ and @Typeable@ respectively.

to avoid to define the last two interfaces however, 'Read'  and 'Show'' can be used to derive instances of 'IResource'
 for most of the useful cases. This is the set of automatic derivations:

  @(Read a, Show a) =>  'Serialize' a

     Typeable a => 'Indexable' a    (a single key for all values. enough for workflows)

     ('Indexable' a, 'Serialize' a) => IResource a@

Therefore  deriving to be instance of @Read, Show@ is enough for every intermediate data result along the computation

Because 'Data.TCache.Dynamic' from the package 'TCache'  is used for persistence, every data type must be registered
by using 'registerType'

Here is a compkete example: This is a counter that shows a sequence of numbers, one a second:

@module Main where
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
import System.IO (hFlush,stdout)

        count n= do
                    putStr (show n ++ " ") >> hFlush stdout >> threadDelay 1000000
                    count (n+1)

        main= count 0@

This is the same program, with the added feature of remembering the last count after interrupted:

@module Main where
import Control.Workflow
import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay)
import System.IO (hFlush,stdout)

mcount n= do
            'step' $  putStr (show n ++ " ") >> hFlush stdout >> threadDelay 1000000
            mcount (n+1)

main= do
   registerType :: IO ()
   registerType :: IO Int
   let start= 0 :: Int
   startWF  "count"  start   [("count", mcount)] :: IO ()@

This is the execution log:

@Worflow-0.5.5\demos>runghc sequence.hs
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sequence.hs: win32ConsoleHandler
sequence.hs: sequence.hs: interrupted
Worflow-0.5.5\demos>runghc sequence.hs
7 8 9 10 11 ....@


module Control.Workflow
    ( Workflow --    a useful type name
    , WorkflowList
    , IResource(..)
    , registerType
    , PMonadTrans (..)
    , Indexable (key)
    , step
    , startWF
    , restartWorkflows
    , getStep
    , getAll
    , logWF
    , getWFKeys
    , getWFHistory  -- return the list of steps results
    , delWFHistory  -- delete the workflow history
    , printHistory    -- print the history
    , unsafeIOtoWF
    , waitFor
    , waitUntil
    , waitUntilSTM
    , syncWrite
    , writeQueue
    , writeQueueSTM
    , readQueue
    , readQueueSTM
    , unreadQueue
    , unreadQueueSTM
    , getTimeSeconds
    , getTimeoutFlag
    , isEmptyQueue
   , isEmptyQueueSTM

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad(when,liftM)
import Control.Exception(Exception, throw)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO,threadDelay, ThreadId)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import GHC.Conc(unsafeIOToSTM)
import GHC.Base (maxInt)
import Data.TCache.Dynamic
import Data.RefSerialize
import Data.List((\\),find,elemIndices, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Typeable
import System.Time
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import System.IO(hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.List(elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe(fromJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Map as M(Map,fromList,elems, insert, lookup)

import System.Mem.StableName


import Debug.Trace
debug a b = trace b a

report :: Exception e =>    IO a -> String  -> e ->   IO a
report  f text e= catch f (\e -> throw $ userError (text++": "++ show e))

freport text f = report f text

data WF  s m l = WF { st :: s -> m (s,l) }

type Workflow m l= WF  Stat  m l  -- not so scary

type WorkflowList m a b= [(String,  a -> Workflow m b) ]

data Stat = RunningWorkflows [String]

                    | Stat{ wfName :: String, state:: Int, index :: Int, recover:: Bool, sync :: Bool
                      , versions ::[IDynamic], timeout :: Maybe (TVar Bool)}
           deriving (Typeable)

stat0 = Stat{ wfName="", state=0, index=0, recover=False, versions = []
                   ,   sync= True, timeout= Nothing}

hasht x=  (hashStableName . unsafePerformIO . makeStableName) x

-- serialization of data is done trough RefSerialize because it permits to store
-- different versions of the same object with minumum memory.

instance Serialize IDynamic where
    showp= tshowp
    readp = treadp

instance  Serialize Stat where
    showp (RunningWorkflows list)= do
      str <- showp list
      return $ "StatWorkflows "++ str

    showp  (Stat wfName state index recover sync versions _)= do
       parsea <- rshowp  versions
       return $ "Stat "++ show wfName ++" "++ show state++" "++show index++" "++show recover++" "
                    ++ show sync ++ parsea

    readp = choice [rStat, rWorkflows] where
        rStat= do
              symbol "Stat"
              wfName <- readp -- stringLiteral
              state      <- readp -- integer
              index     <- readp --integer
              recover  <- readp --bool
              sync       <- readp --bool
              versions <- rreadp

              return $ Stat wfName  state  index recover sync versions   Nothing

        rWorkflows= do
               symbol "StatWorkflows"
               list <- readp
               return $ RunningWorkflows list

--persistence trough TCache   , default persistence in files
workflowsPath= "Workflows/"

instance  IResource  Stat  where
   keyResource  s@Stat{wfName=name}=  "Stat#" ++ name
   keyResource (RunningWorkflows _)= "RunningWorkflows"

   defPath _= workflowsPath   -- directory for Workflow data

   serialize x= runW $ showp x
   deserialize str = runR readp str

{- | Indexablle can be used to derive instances of IResource
 This is the set of automatic derivations:

  *(Read a, Show a) =>  Serialize a

  *Typeable a => Indexable a    (a single key for all values. enough for workflows)

  *(Indexable a, Serialize a) => IResource a
class Indexable a where
    key:: a -> String

instance Typeable a => Indexable a where
    key x=  show $ typeOf x

instance  (Serialize a, Indexable a) => IResource a where
     keyResource x=key x
     tshowp= showp
     treadp=  readp

-- | executes a IO computation inside of the workflow monad whatever the monad encapsulated in the workflow.
-- Warning: this computation is executed whenever
-- the workflow restarts, no matter if it has been already executed previously. This is useful for intializations or debugging.
-- To avoid re-execution when restarting  use:   @'step' $  unsafeIOtoWF...@
-- To perform IO actions in a workflow that encapsulates an IO monad, use step over the IO action directly:
--        @ 'step' $ action @
-- instead   of
--      @  'step' $ unsafeIOtoWF $ action @
unsafeIOtoWF ::   (Monad m) => IO a -> Workflow m a
unsafeIOtoWF x= let y= unsafePerformIO ( x >>= return)  in y `seq` return y

{- |  PMonadTrans permits |to define a partial monad transformer. They are not defined for all kinds of data
but the ones that have instances of certain classes.That is because in the lift instance code there are some
hidden use of these classes.  This also may permit an accurate control of effects.
An instance of MonadTrans is an instance of PMonadTrans
class PMonadTrans  t m a  where
      plift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a

-- | plift= step
instance  (Monad m,MonadIO m,IResource  a, Typeable a) => PMonadTrans (WF Stat)  m a where
     plift = step

-- |  An instance of MonadTrans is an instance of PMonadTrans
instance (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => PMonadTrans t m a where
    plift= Control.Monad.Trans.lift

instance Monad m => MonadIO (WF Stat  m) where

instance Monad m =>  Monad (WF  s m) where
    return  x = WF (\s ->  return  (s, x))
    WF g >>= f = WF (\s -> do
                (s1, x) <- g s

                let WF fun=  f x
                (s3, x') <- fun s1

                return (s3, x'))

--class (IResource  a, Serialize a,Typeable a) => Workflow_ a where
-- | step lifts a monadic computation  to the WF monad, and provides  transparent state loging and  resume of computation
step :: (Monad m,MonadIO m,IResource  a, Typeable a) =>   m a  ->  Workflow m a
step mx=   WF(\s -> do
        let stat= state s
        let ind= index s
        if recover s && ind < stat
          then  return (s{index=ind +1 },   fromIDyn $ versions s !! (stat - ind-1) )
          else do
              x' <- mx

              let versionss= versions s
              let ver=  toIDyn x': versionss
              let s'= s{recover= False, versions =  ver, state= state s+1}

              liftIO $ do

                withResources ([]::[Stat]) (\_-> [s' ])  --`debug` "update cache"

                when (sync s )  syncCache

                return (s', x') )

-- | start or continue a workflow.
    :: (Monad m,MonadIO m,IResource  a, Typeable a, IResource  b, Typeable b)
    => String                           -- ^ name of workflow in the workflow list
    -> a                                  -- ^ initial value (even use the initial value even to restart the workflow)
    -> WorkflowList m a b     -- ^  workflow list. t is an assoc-list of (workflow name string,Workflow methods)
    -> m  b                             -- ^  result of the computation

startWF namewf v wfs=   do
          liftIO  (registerType  :: IO Stat)
          liftIO  (registerType  :: IO Control.Workflow.Queue)
          liftIO  (registerType  :: IO String)
          liftIO  (registerType :: IO Integer)

          case lookup namewf wfs of
               Nothing -> error $ "startWF: workflow name not found in workflow list: "++namewf;
               Just f -> do
                    let name= namewf ++ "#" ++ keyResource v
                    let stat1= stat0{wfName= name , versions= [toIDyn v]}
                    mst <- liftIO $ getResource stat1

                    let (vn, stat,create)= case mst of
                          Nothing -> (v, stat1, True)
                          Just s->  (v,s{index=0,recover=True},False)  -- the last value

                           addwf [wf ]  =  resources{ toAdd=[  toIDyn $ RunningWorkflows (name:xs) ]
                                                                             ++ [ toIDyn stat]}
                                where  xs= case wf of Nothing -> []; Just dyn  -> xs where  RunningWorkflows xs = fromIDyn dyn

                    when create $ liftIO  .  atomically $ withDSTMResources  [toIDyn $ RunningWorkflows undefined ] addwf

                    runWF name f vn stat  -- `debug` (serialize stat)

runWF :: (Monad m,MonadIO m,IResource  a,Typeable a, IResource  b, Typeable b)
                =>  String -> ( a -> Workflow m b) ->  a -> Stat  -> m  b
runWF name f v s=do
           when (sync s) $ liftIO $ syncCache
           (s', v')  <-  st (f v) $ s                           --`debug` "runWF********"

           let  delWF Nothing = error $ "runWF: Workflow list not found: "
                delWF  (Just  (RunningWorkflows xs ))=
                   let name= name++ "#" ++ keyResource v
                   in case elem name xs of
                        False -> error $"runWF: not found state for workflow: "++ name
                        True  ->  RunningWorkflows (xs \\ [name])

           liftIO $ withResource   (RunningWorkflows undefined)  delWF
           when (sync s) $ liftIO $ syncCache
           return v'

-- |     re-start the non finished workflows started for all  initial values that are listed in the workflow list
       ::(IResource  a, Typeable a, IResource  b,  Typeable b)
       =>  WorkflowList IO a b      -- the list of workflows that implement the module
       -> IO ()                              -- Only workflows in the IO monad can be restarted with restartWorkflows
restartWorkflows map = do
          liftIO  (registerType  :: IO Stat)
          liftIO  (registerType  :: IO Control.Workflow.Queue)
          liftIO  (registerType  :: IO String)
          liftIO  (registerType :: IO Integer)

          mw <- liftIO $ getResource ((RunningWorkflows undefined ) )  -- :: IO (Maybe(Stat a))
          case mw of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just (RunningWorkflows all) ->  mapM_ start all

            start key1= do

              let key= case  elemIndex '#' key1 of
                              Just n -> take n key1
                              Nothing -> key1

              let mf= lookup key map
              if isNothing  mf then  return ()
                  else do
                  let f= fromJust  mf
                  let st0= stat0{wfName = key1}
                  mst <- liftIO $ getResource st0
                  case mst of
                           Nothing -> error $ "restartWorkflows: not found "++ keyResource st0
                           Just st-> do
                             liftIO  .  forkIO $ runWF key f (fromIDyn . last $ versions st ) st{index=0,recover=True} >> return ()
                             return ()

-- |  change the logging policy  (default is syncronous)
-- Workflow uses the package TCache for logging
-- for very fast workflow steps or when TCache is used also for other purposes , asyncronous is a better option
syncWrite::  (Monad m, MonadIO m)
      => Bool                        -- ^True means syncronoys: changes are inmediately saved after each step
      -> Int                         -- ^ number of seconds between saves when asyncronous
      ->  Int                        -- ^ size of the cache when async
      ->  WF  Stat  m ()      -- ^ in the workflow monad
syncWrite bool time maxsize= WF(\s -> do
                when (bool== False) $ do
                    liftIO  $ clearSyncCacheProc  time defaultCheck maxsize
                    return ()
                return (s{ sync= bool},()))

      :: (IResource a, Typeable a,  Monad m)
      => Int                                       -- ^ the step number. If negative, count from the current state backwards
      -> Workflow m a                        -- ^ return the n-tn intermediate step result
getStep i=  WF(\s -> do
                let  stat= state s
                return (s, if i > 0 && i <= stat then fromIDyn $ versions s !! (stat - i)
                           else if i < 0 && i >= -stat then fromIDyn $ versions s !! (stat +i)
                           else error "getStep: wrong index")

-- | return all the intermediate results. it is supposed that all the intermediate result have
-- the same type.
getAll :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Monad m) => WF  Stat m [a]
getAll =  WF(\s -> return (s, map fromIDyn . take (state s+1) $ versions s))

-- | log a message in the workflow history. I can be printed out with 'printWFhistory'
logWF :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => String -> Workflow m  ()
logWF str= WF (\s -> do
        time <-  liftIO $ getClockTime >>=  toCalendarTime >>= return . calendarTimeToString
        let str2 = time ++ ": "++ str
        let    (state1, index1, versions1)=
                   let stat= state s ; ind= index s in
                   if recover s && ind < stat
                                     then   (stat,ind +1, versions s)
                                     else    (stat +1, ind, toIDyn str2 : versions s)
        return (s{versions= versions1, state= state1, index= index1}, ())     )

-- | return the list of object keys that are running
getWFKeys :: String -> IO [String]
getWFKeys wfname= do
      mwfs <- getResource $ RunningWorkflows undefined
      case mwfs of
       Nothing   -> return  []
       Just (RunningWorkflows wfs)   -> return $ map (tail  .  dropWhile (/= '#')) $ filter (isPrefixOf wfname) wfs

-- | return the current state of the computation, in the IO monad
getWFHistory :: (IResource a) => String -> a -> IO (Maybe Stat)
getWFHistory wfname x=  getResource stat0{wfName=  wfname ++ "#" ++ keyResource x}

-- | delete the workflow. Make sure that the workdlow is not running
delWFHistory :: IResource a => String -> a -> IO ()
delWFHistory wfname1 x=do
    let wfname= wfname1 ++ "#" ++ keyResource x
          doit [Just (RunningWorkflows wfs)] =
                     resources{ toAdd    = [RunningWorkflows (wfs \\  [wfname])]
                                    , toDelete= [stat0{wfName= wfname}] }
          doit _ =  error "delWFHistory: list of running workflows not found"
    atomically $ withSTMResources[RunningWorkflows undefined] doit

-- | print the state changes along the workflow, that is, all the intermediate results
printHistory :: Stat -> IO ()
printHistory stat= do
       putStrLn . runW $ showp $ Pretty stat
       putStrLn "-----------------------------------"

 mapM_ f  .  zip [1..] . reverse $ versions stat where
   f :: (Int,IDynamic) -> IO()
   f (n, ( IDynamic x))= do
       putStr "Step "
       putStr $ show n
       putStr "    "
       putStrLn $ serialize  x

data Pretty = Pretty Stat
instance Serialize Pretty where

     showp (Pretty (Stat wfName state index recover sync versions  _))= do
            name <- showp wfName
            vers  <-  showElem  (zip ( reverse $ take (length versions)[1..] ) versions ) ""
            return $  "Workflow name= " ++ name ++ "\n" ++ vers

            showElem [] str= return  $ str ++ "\n"
            showElem ((n, IDynamic e):es) str= do
                 etext <- tshowp e
                 showElem es   $ "Step "  ++ show n ++ ": " ++ etext ++ "\n"  ++ str

     readp = undefined

--------- event handling--------------
reference :: IDynamic -> STM (TVar IDynamic)
reference x=do
             mv <-  getTVars [ x ]
             case mv of
               [Nothing] -> do
                       insertResources [x]
                       reference x

               [Just cl] -> return cl
            insertResources xs=  withDSTMResources [] $ const resources{toAdd= [x]}

-- |wait until a TCache object (with a certaing key) meet a certain condition (useful to check external actions )
-- NOTE if anoter process delete the object from te cache, then waitForData will no longuer work
-- inside the wokflow, it can be used by lifting it :
--          do
--                x <- step $ ..
--                y <- step $ waitForData ...
--                   ..

waitForData ::  (IResource a,  Typeable a,IResource b, Typeable b)
                      =>  (b -> Bool)                   -- ^ The condition that the retrieved object must meet
                      -> a                                  -- ^ a partially defined object for which keyResource can be extracted
                      -> IO b                             -- ^ return the retrieved object that meet the condition and has the given key
waitForData  filter x= atomically $ waitForDataSTM  filter x

waitForDataSTM ::  (IResource a,  Typeable a,IResource b, Typeable b)
                      =>  (b -> Bool)                   -- ^ The condition that the retrieved object must meet
                      -> a                                  -- ^ a partially defined object for which keyResource can be extracted
                      -> STM b                             -- ^ return the retrieved object that meet the condition and has the given key
waitForDataSTM  filter x=  do
        tv <- reference $ toIDyn x
                dyn  <- readTVar tv
                case  safeFromIDyn dyn of
                  Nothing -> retry
                  Just x ->
                    case filter x of
                        False -> retry
                        True  -> return x

      ::   (IResource a,  Typeable a, IResource b, Typeable b)
      =>  (b -> Bool)                    -- ^ The condition that the retrieved object must meet
      -> String                           -- ^ The workflow name
      -> a                                   -- ^  the INITIAL value used in the workflow to start it
      -> IO b                              -- ^  The first event that meet the condition
waitFor  filter wfname x= atomically $ waitForSTM  filter wfname x

      ::   (IResource a,  Typeable a, IResource b, Typeable b)
      =>  (b -> Bool)                    -- ^ The condition that the retrieved object must meet
      -> String                           -- ^ The workflow name
      -> a                                   -- ^  the INITIAL value used in the workflow to start it
      -> STM b                              -- ^  The first event that meet the condition
waitForSTM  filter wfname x=  do
    mtv <-  getTVars  [toIDyn  stat0{wfName=wfname ++ "#" ++ keyResource x}]       -- `debug` "**waitFor***"
    case mtv of
      [Nothing] -> error $ "workflow "++ wfname ++"  not initialized for data " ++ keyResource x
      [Just tv] ->
                dyn  <- readTVar tv
                let  Stat{ versions= d: _}= fromIDyn dyn
                case safeFromIDyn d of
                  Nothing -> retry                                            -- `debug` "waithFor retry Nothing"
                  Just x ->
                    case filter x  of
                        False -> retry                                          -- `debug` "waitFor false filter retry"
                        True  -> return x                                     --  `debug` "waitfor return"

-- | start the timeout and return the flag to be monitored by 'waitUntilSTM'
getTimeoutFlag :: (MonadIO m)
        => Integer                                  --  ^ wait time in secods
        -> Workflow m (TVar Bool)        --  ^ the returned flag in the workflow monad
getTimeoutFlag  t=do
     tnow<- step $ liftIO getTimeSeconds
     flag tnow t
     flag tnow delta= WF(\s -> do
                          (s', tv) <- case timeout s of
                                 Nothing -> do
                                                    tv <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
                                                    return (s{timeout= Just tv}, tv)
                                 Just tv -> return (s, tv)
                          liftIO  $ do
                             let t  =  tnow +  delta
                             forkIO $  do waitUntil t ; atomically $ writeTVar tv True
                          return (s', tv))

getTimeSeconds :: IO Integer
getTimeSeconds=  do
      TOD n _  <-  getClockTime
      return n

{- | wait until a certain clock time,  in the STM monad.
   This permits to compose timeouts with locks waiting for data.

   *example: wait for any respoinse from a Queue  if no response is given in 5 minutes, it is returned True.

            flag <- getTimeoutFlag $  5 * 60
            ap <- step  .  atomically $  readQueueSTM docQueue  `orElse`  waitUntilSTM flag  >> return True
            case ap of
                    False -> 'logWF' "False or timeout" >> correctWF doc
                    True -> do

waitUntilSTM ::  TVar Bool  -> STM()
waitUntilSTM tv = do

        b <- readTVar tv
        if b == False then retry else return ()

waitUntil:: Integer -> IO()
waitUntil t=  do
        tnow <- getTimeSeconds
        let delay | t-tnow < 0= 0
                      | t-tnow > (fromIntegral  maxInt) = maxInt
                      | otherwise  = fromIntegral $  t - tnow
        threadDelay $ delay  * 1000000
        if t - tnow <= 0 then   return () else waitUntil t

data Queue= Queue {name :: String, imp :: [IDynamic], out ::  [IDynamic]}  deriving (Typeable)

instance Serialize Queue where
   showp (Queue name imp out)= do
       sin<- showp imp
       sout <- showp out
       return $  "Queue " ++ show name ++ " " ++ sin ++ " " ++ sout

   readp = do
            symbol  "Queue"
            name <- readp
            sin <-    readp
            sout <- readp
            return  $ Queue name sin sout

instance IResource Queue where
   keyResource (Queue name _ _)= "Queue#" ++ name
   serialize x= runW $ showp x
   deserialize str = runR readp str
   defPath _= workflowsPath

-- | delete elements from the Queue stack and return them in the IO monad
      :: (IResource a , Typeable a)
      => String         -- ^ Queue name
      -> IO a              -- ^ the returned elems
readQueue   = atomically  .  readQueueSTM

-- | delete elements from the Queue stack an return them.  in the STM monad
readQueueSTM :: (IResource a , Typeable a) => String -> STM  a
readQueueSTM queue = do
    let qempty= Queue queue [] []
    let empty= toIDyn qempty
    reference empty                          -- make sure that the queue has been created
    d <- withSTMResources  [qempty]   doit     -- otherwise, it will not retry
    releaseTVars [empty]
    return $  fromIDyn d
    doit [ Nothing] =  Retry
    doit [Just(Queue _ [] [])] =  Retry
    doit [Just(Queue _ imp [])]  =  doit [Just (Queue queue [] $ reverse imp)]

    doit [Just (Queue _ imp  list)] =
                resources   { toAdd= [ Queue queue imp (tail list)]
                                 , toReturn=  head list  }

unreadQueue :: (IResource a , Typeable a) => String -> a -> IO ()
unreadQueue queue x= atomically  $ unreadQueueSTM  queue x

unreadQueueSTM :: (IResource a , Typeable a) => String -> a -> STM ()
unreadQueueSTM queue x=
       withSTMResources [Queue queue undefined undefined] $ \[r]-> resources{ toAdd= doit r}
            doit Nothing =  [Queue queue [] [ toIDyn x] ]
            doit (Just(Queue  _  imp out)) =   [Queue queue  imp ( toIDyn x : out) ]

-- | insert an element on top of the Queue Stack
writeQueue :: (IResource a, Typeable a) => String -> a -> IO ()
writeQueue queue v = atomically $ writeQueueSTM queue  v

-- | Like writeQueue, but in the STM monad
writeQueueSTM :: (IResource a, Typeable a) => String -> a -> STM ()
writeQueueSTM queue  v=
       withSTMResources [Queue queue undefined undefined] $ \[r]-> resources{ toAdd= doit r}
            doit Nothing =  [Queue queue [toIDyn v]  []]
            doit (Just(Queue  _  imp out)) =   [Queue queue  ( toIDyn v : imp) out]

isEmptyQueue = atomically . isEmptyQueueSTM

isEmptyQueueSTM :: String -> STM Bool
isEmptyQueueSTM queue= do
   withDSTMResources [toIDyn $ Queue queue undefined undefined] doit
   doit [ r]= resources{toReturn= ret} where

              ret=case r of
                        Nothing  -> True
                        Just  x -> case fromIDyn x of
                                           Queue _ [] [] -> True
                                           _    ->  False