-- |Implementation of Multi-User Chat, according to XEP-0045.  This
-- API needs more thought and will change.
module Network.XMPP.MUC where

import Network.XMPP

-- |Return true if the stanza is from a JID whose \"username\@server\"
-- part matches the given string.
matchesBare :: String -> StanzaPredicate
matchesBare bare = attributeMatches "from" ((==bare).getBareJid)

-- |Join groupchat.
joinGroupchat :: String        -- ^Nickname to use
              -> String       -- ^JID of room
              -> Maybe String -- ^Room password
              -> XMPP ()
joinGroupchat nick room password = do
    sendStanza $ XML "presence"
                   [XML "x" [("xmlns","http://jabber.org/protocol/muc")]
    passNode = maybe [] (\pass -> [XML "password" [] [CData pass]]) password

-- |Leave groupchat.
leaveGroupchat :: String -> XMPP ()
leaveGroupchat room = sendStanza $ XML "presence"
                                     [("to",room),("type","unavailable")] []

-- |Return true if the stanza is a message of type \"groupchat\".
isGroupchatMessage :: StanzaPredicate
isGroupchatMessage = isMessage `conj` attributeMatches "type" (=="groupchat")

-- |Return true if the stanza is a private message in the named room.
isGroupchatPrivmsg :: String -> StanzaPredicate
isGroupchatPrivmsg room = matchesBare room `conj` attributeMatches "type" (=="chat")
                          `conj` attributeMatches "from" ((/="") . getResource)

-- |Send a groupchat message.
sendGroupchatMessage :: String  -- ^JID of chat room
                     -> String  -- ^Text of message
                     -> XMPP ()
sendGroupchatMessage room body =
    sendStanza $ XML "message"
                   [XML "body" [] [CData body]]

-- |Send a private message in a chat room.
sendGroupchatPrivateMessage :: String -- ^Nick of recipient
                            -> String -- ^JID of chat room
                            -> String -- ^Text of message
                            -> XMPP ()
sendGroupchatPrivateMessage nick room body =
    sendStanza $ XML "message"
                   [XML "body" [] [CData body]]

--- Subject

getMessageSubject :: XMLElem -> Maybe String
getMessageSubject =
    getCdata . maybe (XML [] [] []) id . xmlPath ["subject"]

--- Occupants

-- | Occupant data strucuture.
data Occupant
  = Occupant
    { occRole :: Role
    , occAffiliation :: Affiliation
    , occNick :: String
    , occJid :: Maybe String

data Role = RModerator | RParticipant | RNone | RVisitor
data Affiliation = AOwner | AAdmin | AMember | ANone

-- | Create occupant from stanza.
-- TODO: kick/ban/change status//change nick/etc parse
doOccupant :: XMLElem -> Occupant
doOccupant stanza =
    Occupant role aff nick jid
    items = xmlPath' ["x", "item"] [stanza]
    item | length items == 0 = XML [] [] []
         | otherwise         = head items
    role = case getAttr "role" item of
             Just "moderator"   -> RModerator
             Just "participant" -> RParticipant
             Just "visitor"     -> RVisitor
             _                  -> RNone
    aff = case getAttr "affiliation" item of
            Just "owner"  -> AOwner
            Just "admin"  -> AAdmin
            Just "member" -> AMember
            _             -> ANone
    nick = snd $ getJidRes stanza
    jid = getAttr "jid" item

-- | Handler for groupchat events (join/leave/kicks/bans/etc).
isGroupchatPresence :: StanzaPredicate
isGroupchatPresence stanza =
    (isPresence stanza) && (not $ null xs')
    xs = xmlPath' ["x"] [stanza]
    xs' = filter
            (attributeMatches "xmlns" (=="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"))