{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {- ****************************************************************************** * A F R P * * * * Example: Test TG * * Purpose: Testing of the tailgating detector. * * Authors: Henrik Nilsson * * * * Copyright (c) Yale University, 2003 * * * ****************************************************************************** -} module Main where import Data.List (sortBy) import FRP.Yampa import FRP.Yampa.Utilities import FRP.Yampa.Internals -- Just for testing purposes. import TailgatingDetector -- Looks for interesting events in the video stream (cars entering, -- leaving, overtaking) in the interval [0, t]. testVideo :: Time -> [(Time, Event Video)] testVideo t_max = filter (isEvent . snd) $ takeWhile (\(t, _) -> t <= t_max) $ embed (localTime &&& (videoAndTrackers >>^ fst) >>> filterVideo) (deltaEncode smplPer (repeat ())) where filterVideo = second (edgeBy change []) where change v_prev v = if (map fst (sortBy comparePos v_prev)) /= (map fst (sortBy comparePos v)) then Just v else Nothing comparePos (_, (p1, _)) (_, (p2, _)) = compare p1 p2 ppTestVideo t = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (testVideo t) testTailgating t_max = filter (isEvent . snd) $ takeWhile (\(t, _) -> t <= t_max) $ embed (localTime &&& (mkCar3 (-1000) 40 95 30 200 30.9 &&& mkCar1 0 30 >>> tailgating)) (deltaEncode smplPer (repeat ())) testMCT :: Time -> [(Time, Event [(Id, Car)])] testMCT t_max = filter (isEvent . snd) $ takeWhile (\(t, _) -> t <= t_max) $ embed (localTime &&& (uavStatus >>> (highway &&& identity >>> mkVideoAndTrackers) &&& identity >>> arr (\((v, ect), s) -> (v, s, ect)) >>> mct) >>> filterMCTOutput) (deltaEncode smplPer (repeat ())) where filterMCTOutput = second (edgeBy change []) where change v_prev v = if (map fst (sortBy comparePos v_prev)) /= (map fst (sortBy comparePos v)) then Just v else Nothing comparePos (_, (p1, _)) (_, (p2, _)) = compare p1 p2 ppTestMCT t = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (testMCT t) testMTGD :: Time -> [(Time, (Event [(Id,Id)], [(Id, Car)]))] testMTGD t_max = filter (isEvent . fst . snd) $ takeWhile (\(t, _) -> t <= t_max) $ embed (localTime &&& (proc _ -> do s <- uavStatus -< () h <- highway -< () (v, ect) <- mkVideoAndTrackers -< (h, s) (ics, etgs) <- findTailgaters -< (v,s,ect) etgs <- mtgd -< ics returnA -< (etgs, ics))) (deltaEncode smplPer (repeat ())) ppTestMTGD t = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (testMTGD t) -- We could read the car specification from standard input. main = ppTestMTGD 2000