{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | 
-- Sessions are used by Yogurt's standalone executable @yogurt@; see package @Yogurt-Standalone@ on hackage.
-- Every Yogurt file loaded by @yogurt@ should define a value of type 'Session'. For future compatibility, such a session is best defined using 'session' as starting value:
-- > import Network.Yogurt
-- >
-- > newmoon :: Session
-- > newmoon = session
-- >   { hostName   = "eclipse.cs.pdx.edu"
-- >   , portNumber = 7680
-- >   , mudProgram = \reload -> do
-- >       mkCommand "reload" reload
-- >   }
-- A module is free to define multiple sessions, in which case you will have to tell @yogurt@ which session to load.
module Network.Yogurt.Session (
    Session(..), Reload, session
  ) where

import Network.Yogurt.Mud
import Data.Generics (Typeable)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (elemIndices)

-- | Describes a MUD session.
data Session = Session
  { -- | The hostname to connect to.
    hostName    :: String
    -- | The port to connect to.
  , portNumber  :: Int
    -- | The initial program to run. The 'Reload' argument provides a way to
    --   reload the plugin without interrupting the MUD connection.
  , mudProgram  :: Reload -> Mud ()
  deriving Typeable

-- | When executed, reloads the session from disk without interrupting the MUD connection. If the reloaded
--   session contains no errors, all hooks are uninstalled before the reloaded program is executed. Timers
--   are /not/ stopped and previous variables will still be reachable if you hang on to their handles.
type Reload = Mud ()

-- | Starting value for sessions. The default 'mudProgram' is @return ()@. There are no default values for 'hostName' and 'portNumber'.
session :: Session
session = Session
  { hostName    = error "session hostName not set"
  , portNumber  = error "session portNumber not set"
  , mudProgram  = const (return ())