{-| Module : Z.IO.FileSystem.Watch Description : cross-platform recursive fs watcher Copyright : (c) Dong Han, 2017~2019 License : BSD Maintainer : winterland1989@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable This module provides fs watcher based on libuv's fs_event, we also maintain watch list if target OS doesn't support recursive watch(Linux's inotify). @ -- start watching threads, use returned close function to cleanup watching threads. (close, srcf) <- watchDir "fold_to_be_watch" -- dup a file event source src <- srcf -- print event to stdout runBIO $ src >|> sinkToIO printLineStd @ -} module Z.IO.FileSystem.Watch ( FileEvent(..) , watchDirs , watchDirsRecursively ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Data.IORef import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Word import GHC.Generics import Data.Primitive.PrimArray import Z.Data.Array import Z.Data.Array.Unaligned import Z.Data.CBytes (CBytes) import qualified Z.Data.CBytes as CBytes import Z.Data.JSON (EncodeJSON, FromValue, ToValue) import Z.Data.Text.ShowT (ShowT) import Z.Data.Vector (defaultChunkSize) import Z.Foreign import Z.IO.BIO import Z.IO.BIO.Concurrent import Z.IO.Exception import Z.IO.FileSystem import qualified Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath as P import Z.IO.UV.FFI import Z.IO.UV.Manager import Z.IO.LowResTimer -- | File event with path info. data FileEvent = FileAdd CBytes | FileRemove CBytes | FileModify CBytes deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq, Generic) deriving anyclass (ShowT, FromValue, ToValue, EncodeJSON) -- | Start watching a list of given directories. -- watchDirs :: [CBytes] -> IO (IO (), IO (Source FileEvent)) watchDirs dirs = do forM_ dirs $ \ dir -> do b <- isDir dir unless b (throwUVIfMinus_ (return UV_ENOTDIR)) watch_ 0 dirs -- | Start watching a list of given directories recursively. -- watchDirsRecursively :: [CBytes] -> IO (IO (), IO (Source FileEvent)) watchDirsRecursively dirs = do #if defined(linux_HOST_OS) -- inotify doesn't support recursive watch, so we manually maintain watch list subDirs <- forM dirs (\ dir -> scandirRecursively dir (\ _ t -> return (t == DirEntDir))) watch_ UV_FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE (List.concat (dirs:subDirs)) #else watch_ UV_FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE dirs #endif -- Internal function to start watching watch_ :: CUInt -> [CBytes] -> IO (IO (), IO (Source FileEvent)) watch_ flag dirs = do -- HashMap to store all watchers mRef <- newMVar HM.empty -- IORef store temp events to de-duplicated eRef <- newIORef Nothing -- there's only one place to pull the sink, that is cleanUpWatcher (sink, srcf) <- newBroadcastTChanNode 1 -- lock UVManager first (forM_ dirs $ \ dir -> do dir' <- P.normalize dir tid <- forkIO $ watchThread mRef eRef dir' sink modifyMVar_ mRef $ \ m -> return $! HM.insert dir' tid m) `onException` cleanUpWatcher mRef sink return (cleanUpWatcher mRef sink, srcf) where eventBufSiz = defaultChunkSize cleanUpWatcher mRef sink = do m <- takeMVar mRef forM_ m killThread void (pull sink) watchThread mRef eRef dir sink = do uvm <- getUVManager (bracket (do withUVManager uvm $ \ loop -> do hdl <- hs_uv_handle_alloc loop slot <- getUVSlot uvm (peekUVHandleData hdl) -- init uv struct throwUVIfMinus_ (uv_fs_event_init loop hdl) buf <- newPinnedPrimArray eventBufSiz :: IO (MutablePrimArray RealWorld Word8) check <- throwOOMIfNull $ hs_uv_check_alloc throwUVIfMinus_ (hs_uv_check_init check hdl) withMutablePrimArrayContents buf $ \ p -> do pokeBufferTable uvm slot (castPtr p) eventBufSiz -- init uv_check_t must come after poking buffer throwUVIfMinus_ $ hs_uv_fs_event_check_start check return (hdl, slot, buf, check)) (\ (hdl,_,_,check) -> hs_uv_handle_close hdl >> hs_uv_check_close check) (\ (hdl, slot, buf, _) -> do m <- getBlockMVar uvm slot withUVManager' uvm $ do _ <- tryTakeMVar m pokeBufferSizeTable uvm slot eventBufSiz CBytes.withCBytesUnsafe dir $ \ p -> throwUVIfMinus_ (hs_uv_fs_event_start hdl p flag) forever $ do _ <- takeMVar m `onException` (do _ <- withUVManager' uvm $ uv_fs_event_stop hdl void (tryTakeMVar m)) (PrimArray buf#) <- withUVManager' uvm $ do _ <- tryTakeMVar m r <- peekBufferSizeTable uvm slot pokeBufferSizeTable uvm slot eventBufSiz let eventSiz = eventBufSiz - r buf' <- newPrimArray eventSiz copyMutablePrimArray buf' 0 buf r eventSiz unsafeFreezePrimArray buf' forkIO $ processEvent dir mRef eRef sink =<< loopReadFileEvent buf# 0 []) ) `catch` -- when a directory is removed, either watcher is killed -- or hs_uv_fs_event_start return ENOENT (\ (_ :: NoSuchThing) -> return ()) loopReadFileEvent buf# i acc | i >= siz = return acc | otherwise = let !event = indexBA buf# i !path = indexBA buf# (i + 1) in loopReadFileEvent buf# (i + CBytes.length path + 2) ((event,path):acc) where siz = sizeofPrimArray (PrimArray buf# :: PrimArray Word8) processEvent pdir mRef eRef sink = mapM_ $ \ (e, path) -> do f <- pdir `P.join` path if (e .&. UV_RENAME) /= 0 then catch (do _s <- lstat f #if defined(linux_HOST_OS) when ((stMode _s .&. S_IFMT == S_IFDIR) && (flag .&. UV_FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE /= 0)) $ do modifyMVar_ mRef $ \ m -> do case HM.lookup f m of Just _ -> return m _ -> do ds <- scandirRecursively f (\ _ t -> return (t == DirEntDir)) foldM (\ m' d -> do tid <- forkIO $ watchThread mRef eRef d sink return $! HM.insert d tid m') m (f:ds) #endif pushDedup eRef sink (FileAdd f)) (\ (_ :: NoSuchThing) -> do modifyMVar_ mRef $ \ m -> do forM_ (HM.lookup f m) killThread return (HM.delete f m) pushDedup eRef sink (FileRemove f)) else pushDedup eRef sink (FileModify f) pushDedup eRef sink event = do registerLowResTimer_ 1 $ do me' <- atomicModifyIORef' eRef $ \ me -> case me of Just e -> (Nothing, Just e) _ -> (Nothing, Nothing) forM_ me' (push sink) me' <- atomicModifyIORef' eRef $ \ me -> case me of Just e -> if (e == event) then (me, Nothing) else (Just event, Just e) _ -> (Just event, Nothing) forM_ me' (push sink)