{-# OPTIONS_GHC -optc-DSLASH=47 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -optc-DCOLON=58 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -optc-DDOT=46 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -optc-DBUF_EXT_SIZ=4 #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
Module      : Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath
Description : file path toolbox
Copyright   : (c) Dong Han, 2017-2020
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : winterland1989@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

This module provides file path manipulations using <https://likle.github.io/cwalk/ cwalk>,
both unix and window style path is accepted. Default style is choosen during compile time,
but can be changed during runtime.

module Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath
 ( -- * Paths
    splitBaseName, changeBaseName
  , splitRoot, changeRoot
  , splitSegments
  , isAbsolute
  , isRelative
  , join
  , concat
  , normalize
  , intersection
  , absolute
  , relative
  -- * Extensions
  , splitExtension, changeExtension, dropExtension, takeExtension, hasExtension
  -- * Path Style
  , PathStyle(..)
  , pathStyle
  , getPathStyle, setPathStyle
  , pathSeparator, pathSeparators, isPathSeparator, isExtensionSeparator
  , searchPathSeparator, extensionSeparator, isSearchPathSeparator
  -- * Search path
  , getSearchPath
 ) where

import           Control.Monad      hiding (join)
import           Data.Word
import           Data.Bits
import qualified Data.List as List
import           GHC.Generics
import qualified Z.Data.CBytes      as CB
import           Z.Data.CBytes      (CBytes(CB), allocCBytesUnsafe, withCBytesUnsafe, withCBytesListUnsafe)
import           Z.Data.JSON        (JSON)
import qualified Z.Data.Text        as T
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Base as V
import qualified Z.Data.Vector      as V
import           Z.Foreign
import           Z.IO.Environment   (getEnv')
import           Z.IO.Exception
import Prelude hiding (concat)

-- \

-- /

-- "

-- :

-- ;

-- .

data PathStyle = WindowsStyle   -- ^ Use backslashes as a separator and volume for the root.
               | UnixStyle      -- ^ Use slashes as a separator and a slash for the root.
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
    deriving anyclass (T.Print, JSON)

enumToPathStyle_ :: CInt -> PathStyle
{-# INLINABLE enumToPathStyle_ #-}
enumToPathStyle_ (0) = WindowsStyle
{-# LINE 80 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
enumToPathStyle_ _ = UnixStyle

pathStyleToEnum_ :: PathStyle -> CInt
{-# INLINABLE pathStyleToEnum_ #-}
pathStyleToEnum_ WindowsStyle = (0)
{-# LINE 85 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
pathStyleToEnum_ _ = (1)
{-# LINE 86 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | Guesses the path style.
-- This function guesses the path style based on a submitted path-string.
-- The guessing will look at the root and the type of slashes contained in the path
-- and return the style which is more likely used in the path. The algorithm checks the following:
-- * If the root is longer than 1 character      -> WINDOWS
-- * If the first separator is a backslash       -> WINDOWS
-- * If the first separator is a slash           -> UNIX
-- * If the last segment starts with a dot       -> UNIX
-- * If the last segment contains a dot          -> WINDOWS
-- * If nothing was found to determine the style -> UNIX
pathStyle :: CBytes -> IO PathStyle
{-# INLINABLE pathStyle #-}
pathStyle p = enumToPathStyle_ <$> withCBytesUnsafe p cwk_path_guess_style

-- | Gets the path style currently using.
getPathStyle :: IO PathStyle
{-# INLINABLE getPathStyle #-}
getPathStyle = enumToPathStyle_ <$> cwk_path_get_style

-- | Configures which path style is used afterwards.
-- This function configures which path style is used.
-- call to this function is only required if a non-native behaviour is required.
-- The style defaults to 'WindowsStyle' on windows builds and to 'UnixStyle' otherwise.
setPathStyle :: PathStyle -> IO ()
{-# INLINABLE setPathStyle #-}
setPathStyle = cwk_path_set_style . pathStyleToEnum_

-- | Get the default character that separates directories.
pathSeparator :: IO Word8
{-# INLINABLE pathSeparator #-}
pathSeparator = do
    s <- getPathStyle
    case s of UnixStyle -> return (47)
{-# LINE 124 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
              _         -> return (92)
{-# LINE 125 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | Get characters that separates directories.
pathSeparators :: IO [Word8]
{-# INLINABLE pathSeparators #-}
pathSeparators = do
    s <- getPathStyle
    case s of UnixStyle -> return [(47)]
{-# LINE 132 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
              _         -> return [(47), (92)]
{-# LINE 133 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | Test if a character is a path separator.
isPathSeparator :: Word8 -> IO Bool
{-# INLINABLE isPathSeparator #-}
isPathSeparator w = do
    s <- getPathStyle
    case s of UnixStyle -> return (w == 47)
{-# LINE 140 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
              _         -> return (w == 92)
{-# LINE 141 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | The character that is used to separate the entries in the $PATH environment variable.
-- * Windows: searchPathSeparator is ASCII @;@
-- * Unix:    searchPathSeparator is ASCII @:@
searchPathSeparator :: IO Word8
{-# INLINABLE searchPathSeparator #-}
searchPathSeparator = do
    s <- getPathStyle
    case s of UnixStyle -> return (58)
{-# LINE 152 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
              _         -> return (59)
{-# LINE 153 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | Test if a character is a file separator.
isSearchPathSeparator :: Word8 -> IO Bool
{-# INLINABLE isSearchPathSeparator #-}
isSearchPathSeparator w = do
    w' <- searchPathSeparator
    return (w == w')

-- | File extension character
-- ExtSeparator is ASCII @.@
extensionSeparator :: Word8
{-# INLINABLE extensionSeparator #-}
extensionSeparator = 46
{-# LINE 167 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | Test if a character is a file extension separator.
isExtensionSeparator :: Word8 -> Bool
{-# INLINABLE isExtensionSeparator #-}
isExtensionSeparator = (== 46)
{-# LINE 172 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}

-- | Get the basename of a file path.
-- The basename is the last segment of a path. For instance, @logs@ is the basename of the path @\/var\/logs@.
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- |     Path                 |   Basename    |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | \/my\/path.txt           | path.txt      |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | \/my\/path.txt\/         | path.txt      |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | \/my\/path.txt\/\/\/\/   | path.txt      |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | file_name                | file_name     |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | ..                       | ..            |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | .                        | .             |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | \/                       | ""            |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
-- | C:\path\test.txt         | test.txt      |
-- +--------------------------+---------------+
splitBaseName :: CBytes
              -> IO (CBytes, CBytes)    -- ^ return (dir, basename)
{-# INLINABLE splitBaseName #-}
splitBaseName p = do
    (off, len) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        allocPrimUnsafe $ \ poff ->
        hs_cwk_path_get_basename pp poff
    if len == 0
    then return (p, CB.empty)
    else return ( CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p) 0 off)
                , CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p) off len))

-- | Changes the basename of a file path.
-- @
-- > changeBaseName  "foo\/bar.txt" "qux.png"
-- "foo\/qux.png"
-- @
changeBaseName :: CBytes
               -> CBytes   -- ^ new base name
               -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE changeBaseName #-}
changeBaseName p b = do
    let l = CB.length p + CB.length b + (4)
{-# LINE 223 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', _) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        withCBytesUnsafe b $ \ pb ->
            allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
                cwk_path_change_basename pp pb pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    return p'

-- | Determines the root of a path.
-- This function determines the root of a path by finding it’s length.
-- The root comes before the first segment of the path.
-- For example, @C:\\@ is the root of @C:\\folder\\file.txt@.
-- It always starts at the submitted path. If the path has no root, 'CB.empty' will be returned.
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | Style   | Path                     | Root                 |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/test\/                 | \/                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | test.txt                 | ""                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | C:\\test.txt             | ""                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \\folder\\               | ""                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | \/test.txt               | \/                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\test.txt               | \\                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\\test.txt             | C:\\                 |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\server\\folder\\data | \\\\server\\folder\\ |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\.\\folder\\data      | \\\\.\\              |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\?\\folder\\data      | \\\\?\\              |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:test.txt               | C:                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | ..\\hello\\world.txt     | ""                   |
-- +---------+--------------------------+----------------------+
splitRoot :: CBytes
          -> IO (CBytes, CBytes) -- ^ return (root, rest path)
{-# INLINABLE splitRoot #-}
splitRoot p = do
    off <- withCBytesUnsafe p hs_cwk_path_get_root
    if off == 0
    then return (CB.empty, p)
    else return ( CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p) 0 off)
                , CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p) off (CB.length p - off)))

-- | Changes the root of a file path.
-- @
-- > changeBaseName "C:\\\\test.txt" "D:\\\\"    -- windows style
-- "D:\\test.txt"
-- @
changeRoot :: CBytes
           -> CBytes   -- ^ new base name
           -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE changeRoot #-}
changeRoot p r = do
    let l = CB.length p + CB.length r + (4)
{-# LINE 287 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', _) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        withCBytesUnsafe r $ \ pr ->
            allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
                cwk_path_change_root pp pr pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    return p'

-- | Split file path into (root, segments, basename) tuple.
-- Root may be empty, segments are separated by 'pathSeparator' and never be empty if any.
splitSegments :: CBytes
              -> IO (CBytes, [CBytes]) -- ^ return (root, segments)
{-# INLINABLE splitSegments #-}
splitSegments p = do
    (root, CB seg) <- splitRoot =<< normalize p
    sty <- getPathStyle
    let segs =
            if V.null seg
            then []
            else case sty of
                UnixStyle ->
                    V.splitWith (== (47)) seg
{-# LINE 308 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
                _ ->
                    V.splitWith (\ w -> w == (47) || w == (92)) seg
{-# LINE 310 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    return (root, (map CB segs))

-- | Determine whether the path is absolute or not.
-- This function checks whether the path is an absolute (fully qualified) path or not.
-- A path is considered to be absolute if the root ends with a separator.
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | Style   | Path                     | Result    |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | \/test\/                 | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | test.txt                 | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | C:\\test.txt             | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | \\folder\\               | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \/test.txt               | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\test.txt               | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\\test.txt             | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\server\\folder\\data | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\.\\folder\\data      | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\?\\folder\\data      | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:test.txt               | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | ..\\hello\\world.txt     | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
isAbsolute :: CBytes -> IO Bool
{-# INLINABLE isAbsolute #-}
isAbsolute p = (/=0) <$> withCBytesUnsafe p cwk_path_is_absolute

-- | Determine whether the path is relative or not.
-- This function checks whether the path is a relative path or not.
-- A path is considered to be relative if the root does not end with a separator.
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | Style   | Path                     | Result    |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | \/test\/                 | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | test.txt                 | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | C:\\test.txt             | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | UNIX    | \\folder\\               | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \/test.txt               | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\test.txt               | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\\test.txt             | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\server\\folder\\data | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\.\\folder\\data      | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\?\\folder\\data      | False     |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:test.txt               | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
-- | WINDOWS | ..\\hello\\world.txt     | True      |
-- +---------+--------------------------+-----------+
isRelative :: CBytes -> IO Bool
{-# INLINABLE isRelative #-}
isRelative p = (/=0) <$> withCBytesUnsafe p cwk_path_is_relative

-- | Joins two paths together.
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | Style   | Path A                | Path B                    | Result                               |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | UNIX    | hello\/there          | ..\/world                 | hello\/world                         |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/first               | \/second                  | \/first\/second                      |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | UNIX    | hello                 | ..                        | .                                    |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | UNIX    | hello\/there          | ..                        | hello                                |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | UNIX    | hello                 | there                     | hello\/there                         |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | this\\                | C:\\..\\..\\is\\a\\test\\ | is\\a\\test                          |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\\this\\path        | C:\\is\\a\\test\\         | C:\\this\\path\\C:\\is\\a\\test      |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\\this\\path        | C:\\..\\is\\a\\test\\     | C:\\this\\path\\is\\a\\test          |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | \\\\s1\\unc\\path     | \\\\s2\\unc\\pa           | \\\\s1\\unc\\pa\\s2\\unc\\path       |
-- +---------+-----------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------+
join :: CBytes -> CBytes -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE join #-}
join p p2 = do
    let l = CB.length p + CB.length p2 + (4)
{-# LINE 414 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', _) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        withCBytesUnsafe p2 $ \ pp2 ->
            allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
                cwk_path_join pp pp2 pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    return p'

-- | Joins multiple paths together.
-- This function generates a new path by joining multiple paths together.
-- It will remove double separators, and unlike 'absolute',
-- it permits the use of multiple relative paths to combine.
concat :: [CBytes] -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE concat #-}
concat ps = do
    (p', _) <- withCBytesListUnsafe ps $ \ pp l -> do
        let l' = sum (List.map (\ p -> CB.length p + (4)) ps)
{-# LINE 430 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
        allocCBytesUnsafe l' $ \ pbuf ->
            hs_cwk_path_join_multiple pp l pbuf (fromIntegral l')
    return p'

-- | Creates a normalized version of the path.
-- The following will be true for the normalized path:
-- * "..\/" will be resolved.
-- * ".\/" will be removed.
-- * double separators will be fixed with a single separator.
-- * separator suffixes will be removed.
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | Input                                            | Output            |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | \/var                                            | \/var             |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | \/var\/logs\/test\/..\/..\/                      | \/var             |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | \/var\/logs\/test\/..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/      | \/                |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | rel\/..\/..\/                                    | ..                |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | \/var\/\/\/\/logs\/\/test\/                      | \/var\/logs\/test |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | \/var\/.\/.\/.\/.\/                              | \/var             |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
-- | \/var\/.\/logs\/.\/\/test\/..\/\/..\/\/\/\/\/\/  | \/var             |
-- +--------------------------------------------------+-------------------+
normalize :: CBytes -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE normalize #-}
normalize p = do
    let l = CB.length p + (4)
{-# LINE 464 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', _) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
            cwk_path_normalize pp pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    return p'

-- | Finds common portions in two paths.
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | Style   | Base                      | Other                     | Result               |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/test\/abc\/..\/foo\/bar | \/test\/foo\/har          | \/test\/abc\/..\/foo |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/test\/foo\/har          | \/test\/abc\/..\/foo\/bar | \/test\/foo          |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/test\/abc.txt           | test\/abc.txt             | ""                   |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/                        | ""                        | ""                   |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/this\/\/\/is\/a\/\/test | \/this\/\/is\/a\/\/\/file | \/this\/\/\/is\/a    |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/this\/is\/a\/test       | \/this\/is\/a\/           | \/this\/is\/a        |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/this\/is\/a\/test       | \/this\/is\/a             | \/this\/is\/a        |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/this\/is\/a\/test       | \/this\/is\/a\/string     | \/this\/is\/a        |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\/abc\/test.txt         | C:\/                      | C:\/                 |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\/abc\/test.txt         | C:\/def\/test.txt         | C:\/                 |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\/test\/abc.txt         | D:\/test\/abc.txt         | ""                   |
-- +---------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+
intersection :: CBytes      -- ^ The base path which will be compared with the other path.
             -> CBytes      -- ^ The other path which will compared with the base path.
             -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE intersection #-}
intersection p1 p2 = do
    len <- withCBytesUnsafe p1 $ \ pp1 ->
        withCBytesUnsafe p2 $ \ pp2 ->
            cwk_path_get_intersection pp1 pp2
    if len == 0
    then return CB.empty
    else return (CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p1) 0 (fromIntegral len)))

-- | Generates an absolute path based on a base.
-- This function generates an absolute path based on a base path and another path.
-- It is guaranteed to return an absolute path.
-- If the second submitted path is absolute, it will override the base path.
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | Base                 | Path                 | Result                |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | \/hello\/there       | ..\/..\/..\/..\/..\/ | \/                    |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | \/hello\/\/..\/there | test\/\/thing        | \/there\/test\/thing  |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | hello\/there         | \/test               | \/test                |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | hello\/there         | test                 | \/hello\/there\/test  |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | \/hello\/there       | \/test               | \/test                |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
-- | \/hello\/there       | ..                   | \/hello               |
-- +----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+
absolute :: CBytes  -- ^ The absolute base path on which the relative path will be applied.
         -> CBytes  -- ^ The relative path which will be applied on the base path.
         -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE absolute #-}
absolute p p2 = do
    let l = CB.length p + CB.length p2 + (4)
{-# LINE 537 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', _) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        withCBytesUnsafe p2 $ \ pp2 ->
            allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
                cwk_path_get_absolute pp pp2 pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    return p'

-- | Generates a relative path based on a base.
-- This function generates a relative path based on a base path and another path.
-- It determines how to get to the submitted path, starting from the base directory.
-- Note the two arguments must be both absolute or both relative, otherwise an 'InvalidArgument'
-- will be thrown.
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | Style   | Base                     | Path                     | Result          |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/..\/..\/               | \/..\/..\/               | .               |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/same             | \/path\/not_same\/ho\/.. | ..\/not_same    |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/not_same\/ho\/.. | \/path\/same             | ..\/same        |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/same             | \/path\/same\/ho\/..     | .               |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/same\/ho\/..     | \/path\/same             | .               |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/same             | \/path\/same             | .               |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/long\/one        | \/path\/long\/one\/two   | two             |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/path\/long\/one\/two   | \/path\/long\/one        | ..              |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | .\/this\/is\/path_one    | .\/this\/is\/path_two    | ..\/path_two    |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | UNIX    | \/this\/is\/path_one     | \/this\/is\/path_two     | ..\/path_two    |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
-- | WINDOWS | C:\/path\/same           | D:\/path\/same           | ""              |
-- +---------+--------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+
relative :: HasCallStack
         => CBytes  -- ^ The base path from which the relative path will start.
         -> CBytes  -- ^ The target path where the relative path will point to.
         -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE relative #-}
relative p p2 = do
    let l = (CB.length p `unsafeShiftL` 1) + CB.length p2 + (4)
{-# LINE 584 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', r) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        withCBytesUnsafe p2 $ \ pp2 ->
            allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
                cwk_path_get_relative pp pp2 pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    when (r == 0) $
        throwIO (InvalidArgument (IOEInfo "EINVAL" "file path types are different" callStack))
    return p'

-- | Split the extension of a file path.
-- This function extracts the extension portion of a file path.
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
-- | Path                       | Result                             |
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
-- | \/my\/path.txt             | (\/my\/path, .txt)                 |
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
-- | \/my\/path                 | (\/my\/path, "")                   |
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
-- | \/my\/.ext                 | (\/my\/, .ext)                     |
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
-- | \/my\/path.                | (\/my\/path, .)                    |
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
-- | \/my\/path.abc.txt.tests   | (\/my\/path.abc.txt, .tests)       |
-- +----------------------------+------------------------------------+
splitExtension :: CBytes              -- ^ file path
               -> IO (CBytes, CBytes) -- ^ return (file, ext)
{-# INLINABLE splitExtension #-}
splitExtension p = do
    (len ,off) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        allocPrimUnsafe $ \ plen ->
            hs_cwk_path_get_extension pp plen
    if off == -1
    then return (p, CB.empty)
    else return ( CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p) 0 off)
                , CB (V.PrimVector (CB.rawPrimArray p) off len))

-- | Remove the last extension and its correspondence \".\" of a file path.
-- +----------------------------+--------------------+
-- | Path                       | Result             |
-- +----------------------------+--------------------+
-- | \/my\/path.txt             | \/my\/path         |
-- +----------------------------+--------------------+
-- | \/my\/path                 | \/my\/path         |
-- +----------------------------+------- ------------+
-- | \/my\/.ext                 | \/my\/             |
-- +----------------------------+--------------------+
-- | \/my\/path.                | \/my\/path         |
-- +----------------------------+--------------------+
-- | \/my\/path.abc.txt.tests   | \/my\/path.abc.txt |
-- +----------------------------+--------------------+
dropExtension :: CBytes -- ^ file path
              -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE dropExtension #-}
dropExtension p = fst <$> splitExtension p

-- | Get the extension of a file from a file path, returns @\"\"@ for no
--   extension, @.ext@ otherwise.
-- +----------------------------+------------+
-- | Path                       | Result     |
-- +----------------------------+------------+
-- | \/my\/path.txt             | .txt       |
-- +----------------------------+------------+
-- | \/my\/path                 | ""         |
-- +----------------------------+------------+
-- | \/my\/.path                | .path      |
-- +----------------------------+------------+
-- | \/my\/path.                | .          |
-- +----------------------------+------------+
-- | \/my\/path.abc.txt.tests   | .tests     |
-- +----------------------------+------------+
takeExtension :: CBytes -- ^ file path
              -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE takeExtension #-}
takeExtension p = snd <$> splitExtension p

-- | Test if a file from a file path has an extension.
hasExtension :: CBytes -- ^ file path
             -> IO Bool
{-# INLINABLE hasExtension #-}
hasExtension p = do
    withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ p' ->
        cwk_path_has_extension p'

-- | Changes the extension of a file path.
-- This function changes the extension of a file name.
-- The function will append an extension if the basename does not have an extension,
-- or use the extension as a basename if the path does not have a basename.
-- Note:
-- * This function does not normalize the resulting path. You can use 'normalize' to do so.
-- * If the new_extension parameter starts with a dot,
--   the first dot will be ignored when the new extension is appended.
-- @
-- > changeExtension  "foo\/bar.txt" "png"
-- "foo\/bar.png"
-- @
changeExtension :: CBytes  -- ^ The path which will be used to make the change.
                -> CBytes  -- ^ The extension which will be placed within the new path.
                -> IO CBytes
{-# INLINABLE changeExtension #-}
changeExtension p p2 = do
    let l = CB.length p + CB.length p2 + (4)
{-# LINE 696 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}
    (p', _) <- withCBytesUnsafe p $ \ pp ->
        withCBytesUnsafe p2 $ \ pp2 ->
            allocCBytesUnsafe l $ \ pbuf ->
                cwk_path_change_extension pp pp2 pbuf (fromIntegral l)
    return p'


-- | Get a list of paths in the @$PATH@ variable.
getSearchPath :: IO [CBytes]
{-# INLINABLE getSearchPath #-}
getSearchPath = do
    s <- getEnv' "PATH"
    sp <- searchPathSeparator
    return (splitSearchPath s sp)
    splitSearchPath (CB bs) sp = go bs sp
    go bs sp = case V.break (== sp) bs of
        (p, rest)
            | V.null rest -> []
            | otherwise -> g p : go (V.drop 1 rest) sp
    g bs = if V.null bs then CB.singleton (46) else CB bs
{-# LINE 718 "Z/IO/FileSystem/FilePath.hsc" #-}


foreign import ccall unsafe hs_cwk_path_get_basename :: BA# Word8 -> MBA# Int -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_change_basename :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
-- foreign import ccall unsafe hs_cwk_path_get_dirname :: BA## Word8 -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_cwk_path_get_root :: BA# Word8 -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_change_root :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_is_absolute :: BA# Word8 -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_is_relative :: BA# Word8 -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_join :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_cwk_path_join_multiple :: BAArray# Word8 -> Int -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_normalize :: BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_get_intersection :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_get_absolute :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_get_relative :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_cwk_path_get_extension :: BA# Word8 -> MBA# CSize -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_has_extension :: BA# Word8 -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_change_extension :: BA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> MBA# Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_guess_style :: BA# Word8 -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_get_style :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe cwk_path_set_style :: CInt -> IO ()