{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Concurrent.Deque.Tests 
   -- * Tests for simple FIFOs.
   test_fifo_filldrain, test_fifo_HalfToHalf, test_fifo,

   -- * Tests for Work-stealing queues.
   test_ws_triv1, test_ws_triv2, test_wsqueue,

   -- * All deque tests, aggregated.

import Data.Concurrent.Deque.Class as C
import qualified Data.Concurrent.Deque.Reference as R

import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import System.Mem.StableName
import Text.Printf
import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO)
import GHC.Conc
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent (yield, forkOS)

import System.Environment
import Test.HUnit

-- Test a plain FIFO queue:

-- | This test serially fills up a queue and then drains it.
test_fifo_filldrain :: DequeClass d => d Int -> IO ()
test_fifo_filldrain q = 
  do -- q <- newQ
     putStrLn "\nTest FIFO queue: sequential fill and then drain"
     putStrLn "==============================================="
     let n = 1000
     putStrLn$ "Done creating queue.  Pushing elements:"
     forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do 
       pushL q i
       when (i < 200) $ printf " %d" i
     putStrLn "\nDone filling queue with elements.  Now popping..."
     sumR <- newIORef 0
     forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
       (x,_) <- spinPop q 
       when (i < 200) $ printf " %d" x
       modifyIORef sumR (+x)
     s <- readIORef sumR
     let expected = sum [1..n] :: Int
     printf "\nSum of popped vals: %d should be %d\n" s expected
     when (s /= expected) (assertFailure "Incorrect sum!")
--     return s
     return ()

-- myfork = forkIO
myfork = forkOS

-- | This one splits the 'numCapabilities' threads into producers and
-- consumers.  Each thread performs its designated operation as fast
-- as possible.  The 'Int' argument 'total' designates how many total
-- items should be communicated (irrespective of 'numCapabilities').
test_fifo_HalfToHalf :: DequeClass d => Int -> d Int -> IO ()
test_fifo_HalfToHalf total q = 
  do -- q <- newQ
     putStrLn$ "\nTest FIFO queue: producer/consumer Half-To-Half"
     putStrLn "==============================================="
     mv <- newEmptyMVar          
     x <- nullQ q
     putStrLn$ "Check that queue is initially null: "++show x
     let producers = max 1 (numCapabilities `quot` 2)
	 consumers = producers
	 perthread = total `quot` producers

     printf "Forking %d producer threads, each producing %d elements.\n" producers perthread
     forM_ [0..producers-1] $ \ id -> 
 	myfork $ 
          forM_ (take perthread [id * producers .. ]) $ \ i -> do 
	     pushL q i
             when (i - id*producers < 10) $ printf " [%d] pushed %d \n" id i

     printf "Forking %d consumer threads.\n" consumers

     forM_ [0..consumers-1] $ \ id -> 
 	myfork $ do 

          let fn (!sum,!maxiters) i = do
	       (x,iters) <- spinPop q 
	       when (i - id*producers < 10) $ printf " [%d] popped %d \n" id i
	       return (sum+x, max maxiters iters)
          pr <- foldM fn (0,0) (take perthread [id * producers .. ])
	  putMVar mv pr

     printf "Reading sums from MVar...\n" 
     ls <- mapM (\_ -> takeMVar mv) [1..consumers]
     let finalSum = Prelude.sum (map fst ls)
     putStrLn$ "Consumers DONE.  Maximum retries for each consumer thread: "++ show (map snd ls)
     putStrLn$ "Final sum: "++ show finalSum
     putStrLn$ "Checking that queue is finally null..."
     b <- nullQ q
     if b then putStrLn$ "Sum matched expected, test passed."
          else assertFailure "Queue was not empty!!"

-- | This creates an HUnit test list to perform all the tests above.
test_fifo :: DequeClass d => (forall elt. IO (d elt)) -> Test
test_fifo newq = TestList 
    TestLabel "test_fifo_filldrain"  (TestCase$ assert $ newq >>= test_fifo_filldrain)
    -- Do half a million elements by default:
  , TestLabel "test_fifo_HalfToHalf" (TestCase$ assert $ newq >>= test_fifo_HalfToHalf (500 * 1000))
--  , TestLabel "test the tests" (TestCase$ assert $ assertFailure "This SHOULD fail.")

-- Test a Work-stealing queue:

-- | Trivial test: push then pop.
test_ws_triv1 :: PopL d => d [Char] -> IO ()
test_ws_triv1 q = do
  pushL q "hi" 
  Just x <- tryPopL q 
  assertEqual "test_ws_triv1" x "hi"

-- | Trivial test: push left, pop left and right.
test_ws_triv2 :: PopL d => d [Char] -> IO ()
test_ws_triv2 q = do
  pushL q "one" 
  pushL q "two" 
  pushL q "three" 
  pushL q "four" 
  ls <- sequence [tryPopR q, tryPopR q, 
		  tryPopL q, tryPopL q,
		  tryPopL q, tryPopR q ]
  assertEqual "test_ws_triv2" ls 
    [Just "one",Just "two",Just "four",Just "three",Nothing,Nothing]

-- | Aggregate tests for work stealing queues.
test_wsqueue :: (PopL d) => (forall elt. IO (d elt)) -> Test
test_wsqueue newq = TestList
   TestLabel "test_ws_triv1"  (TestCase$ assert $ newq >>= test_ws_triv1)
 , TestLabel "test_ws_triv2"  (TestCase$ assert $ newq >>= test_ws_triv2)

-- Combine all tests -- for a deques supporting all capabilities.

test_all :: (PopL d) => (forall elt. IO (d elt)) -> Test
test_all newq = 
   [ test_fifo    newq
   , test_wsqueue newq

-- Helpers

spinPop q = loop 1
  warnevery  = 5000
  errorafter = 1 * 1000 * 1000
  loop n = do
     when (n == warnevery)
	  (putStrLn$ "Warning: Failed to pop "++ show warnevery ++ 
	             " times consecutively.  That shouldn't happen in this benchmark.")
--     when (n == errorafter) (error "This can't be right.  A queue consumer spun 1M times.")
     x <- tryPopR q 
     case x of 
       Nothing -> do putStr "."
		     loop (n+1)
       Just x  -> return (x, n)
