{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

module Abt.Tutorial where

import Abt.Class
import Abt.Types
import Abt.Concrete.LocallyNameless

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Vinyl

-- | We'll start off with a monad in which to manipulate ABTs; we'll need some
-- state for fresh variable generation.
newtype M α
  = M
  { _M  State Int α
  } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | We'll run an ABT computation by starting the variable counter at @0@.
runM  M α  α
runM (M m) = evalState m 0

-- | Check out the source to see fresh variable generation.
instance MonadVar Var M where
  fresh = M $ do
    n  get
    let n' = n + 1
    put n'
    return $ Var Nothing n'

  named a = do
    v  fresh
    return $ v { _varName = Just a }

-- | Next, we'll define the operators for a tiny lambda calculus as a datatype
-- indexed by arities.
data Lang ns where
  Lam  Lang '[S Z]
  Ap  Lang '[Z,Z]

instance Show1 Lang where
  show1 = \case
    Lam  "lam"
    Ap  "ap"

instance HEq1 Lang where
  Lam === Lam = True
  Ap === Ap = True
  _ === _ = False

-- | A monad transformer for small step operational semantics.
newtype StepT m α
  = StepT
  { runStepT  MaybeT m α
  } deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, Alternative)

-- | To indicate that a term is in normal form.
   Applicative m
   StepT m α
stepsExhausted = StepT . MaybeT $ pure Nothing

instance MonadVar Var m  MonadVar Var (StepT m) where
  fresh = StepT . MaybeT $ Just <$> fresh
  named str = StepT . MaybeT $ Just <$> named str

-- | A single evaluation step.
   Tm0 Lang
   StepT M (Tm0 Lang)
step tm =
  out tm >>= \case
    Ap :$ m :& n :& RNil 
      out m >>= \case
        Lam :$ xe :& RNil  xe // n
        _  app <$> step m <*> pure n <|> app <$> pure m <*> step n
            app a b = Ap $$ a :& b :& RNil
    _  stepsExhausted

-- | The reflexive-transitive closure of a small-step operational semantics.
   Monad m
   (α  StepT m α)
   (α  m α)
star f a =
  runMaybeT (runStepT $ f a) >>=
    return a `maybe` star f

-- | Evaluate a term to normal form
eval  Tm0 Lang  Tm0 Lang
eval = runM . star step

-- | @λx.x@
identityTm  M (Tm0 Lang)
identityTm = do
  x  fresh
  return $ Lam $$ (x \\ var x) :& RNil

-- | @(λx.x)(λx.x)@
appTm  M (Tm0 Lang)
appTm = do
  tm  identityTm
  return $ Ap $$ tm :& tm :& RNil

-- | A demonstration of evaluating (and pretty-printing). Output:
-- @
-- ap[lam[\@2.\@2];lam[\@3.\@3]] ~>* lam[\@2.\@2]
-- @
main  IO ()
main = do
  let mm = runM $ appTm >>= toString
      mm' = runM $ appTm >>= toString . eval
  print $ mm ++ " ~>* " ++ mm'