{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving, PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.Smart
-- Copyright   : [2008..2011] Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Sean Lee
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Manuel M T Chakravarty <chak@cse.unsw.edu.au>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This modules defines the AST of the user-visible embedded language using more
-- convenient higher-order abstract syntax (instead of de Bruijn indices).
-- Moreover, it defines smart constructors to construct programs.

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Smart (

  -- * HOAS AST
  Acc(..), PreAcc(..), Exp(..), PreExp(..), Boundary(..), Stencil(..),

  -- * HOAS -> de Bruijn conversion
  convertAcc, convertAccFun1,

  -- * Smart constructors for literals

  -- * Smart constructors and destructors for tuples
  tup2, tup3, tup4, tup5, tup6, tup7, tup8, tup9,
  untup2, untup3, untup4, untup5, untup6, untup7, untup8, untup9,

  atup2, atup3, atup4, atup5, atup6, atup7, atup8, atup9,
  unatup2, unatup3, unatup4, unatup5, unatup6, unatup7, unatup8, unatup9,

  -- * Smart constructors for constants
  mkMinBound, mkMaxBound, mkPi,
  mkSin, mkCos, mkTan,
  mkAsin, mkAcos, mkAtan,
  mkAsinh, mkAcosh, mkAtanh,
  mkExpFloating, mkSqrt, mkLog,
  mkFPow, mkLogBase,
  mkTruncate, mkRound, mkFloor, mkCeiling,

  -- * Smart constructors for primitive functions
  mkAdd, mkSub, mkMul, mkNeg, mkAbs, mkSig, mkQuot, mkRem, mkIDiv, mkMod,
  mkBAnd, mkBOr, mkBXor, mkBNot, mkBShiftL, mkBShiftR, mkBRotateL, mkBRotateR,
  mkFDiv, mkRecip, mkLt, mkGt, mkLtEq, mkGtEq, mkEq, mkNEq, mkMax, mkMin,
  mkLAnd, mkLOr, mkLNot,

  -- * Smart constructors for type coercion functions
  mkBoolToInt, mkFromIntegral,

  -- * Auxiliary functions
  ($$), ($$$), ($$$$), ($$$$$)

) where

-- standard library
import Control.Applicative                      hiding (Const)
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad
import Data.HashTable                           as Hash
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap                    as IntMap
import Data.Typeable
import System.Mem.StableName
import System.IO.Unsafe                         (unsafePerformIO)
import Prelude                                  hiding (exp)

-- friends
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Debug
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar as Sugar
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Tuple              hiding (Tuple)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST                hiding (
  PreOpenAcc(..), OpenAcc(..), Acc, Stencil(..), PreOpenExp(..), OpenExp, PreExp, Exp)
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Tuple    as Tuple
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.AST      as AST
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty ()

#include "accelerate.h"

-- Configuration (mostly for debugging)
-- -------------

-- Recover the sharing of array computations?
recoverAccSharing :: Bool
recoverAccSharing = True

-- Are array computations floated out of expressions irrespective of whether they are shared or 
-- not?  'True' implies floating them out.  (Requires 'recoverAccSharing' to be 'True' as well.)
floatOutAccFromExp :: Bool
floatOutAccFromExp = recoverAccSharing && True

-- Recover the sharing of scalar expressions?
recoverExpSharing :: Bool
recoverExpSharing = True

-- Layouts
-- -------

-- A layout of an environment has an entry for each entry of the environment.
-- Each entry in the layout holds the deBruijn index that refers to the
-- corresponding entry in the environment.
data Layout env env' where
  EmptyLayout :: Layout env ()
  PushLayout  :: Typeable t
              => Layout env env' -> Idx env t -> Layout env (env', t)

-- Project the nth index out of an environment layout.
-- The first argument provides context information for error messages in the case of failure.
prjIdx :: forall t env env'. Typeable t => String -> Int -> Layout env env' -> Idx env t
prjIdx ctxt 0 (PushLayout _ (ix :: Idx env0 t0)) 
  = case gcast ix of
      Just ix' -> ix'
      Nothing  -> possiblyNestedErr ctxt $
                    "Couldn't match expected type `" ++ show (typeOf (undefined::t)) ++ 
                    "' with actual type `" ++ show (typeOf (undefined::t0)) ++ "'" ++
                    "\n  Type mismatch"
prjIdx ctxt n (PushLayout l _)  = prjIdx ctxt (n - 1) l
prjIdx ctxt _ EmptyLayout       = possiblyNestedErr ctxt "Environment doesn't contain index"

possiblyNestedErr :: String -> String -> a
possiblyNestedErr ctxt failreason
  = error $ "Fatal error in Smart.prjIdx:"
      ++ "\n  " ++ failreason ++ " at " ++ ctxt
      ++ "\n  Possible reason: nested data parallelism — array computation that depends on a"
      ++ "\n    scalar variable of type 'Exp a'"

-- Add an entry to a layout, incrementing all indices
incLayout :: Layout env env' -> Layout (env, t) env'
incLayout EmptyLayout         = EmptyLayout
incLayout (PushLayout lyt ix) = PushLayout (incLayout lyt) (SuccIdx ix)

-- Array computations
-- ------------------

-- The level of lambda-bound variables. The root has level 0; then it increases with each bound
-- variable — i.e., it is the same as the size of the environment at the defining occurence.
type Level = Int

-- |Array-valued collective computations without a recursive knot
-- Note [Pipe and sharing recovery]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- The 'Pipe' constructor is special.  It is the only form that contains functions over array
-- computations and these functions are fixed to be over vanilla 'Acc' types.  This enables us to
-- perform sharing recovery independently from the context for them.
data PreAcc acc exp as where  
    -- Needed for conversion to de Bruijn form
  Atag        :: Arrays as
              => Level                      -- environment size at defining occurrence
              -> PreAcc acc exp as

  Pipe        :: (Arrays as, Arrays bs, Arrays cs) 
              => (Acc as -> Acc bs)         -- see comment above on why 'Acc' and not 'acc'
              -> (Acc bs -> Acc cs) 
              -> acc as 
              -> PreAcc acc exp cs
  Acond       :: (Arrays as)
              => exp Bool
              -> acc as
              -> acc as
              -> PreAcc acc exp as

  Atuple      :: (Arrays arrs, IsTuple arrs)
              => Tuple.Atuple acc (TupleRepr arrs)
              -> PreAcc acc exp arrs

  Aprj        :: (Arrays arrs, IsTuple arrs, Arrays a)
              => TupleIdx (TupleRepr arrs) a
              ->        acc     arrs
              -> PreAcc acc exp a

  Use         :: Arrays arrs
              => arrs
              -> PreAcc acc exp arrs

  Unit        :: Elt e
              => exp e 
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Scalar e)
  Generate    :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => exp sh
              -> (Exp sh -> exp e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh e)
  Reshape     :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt e)
              => exp sh
              -> acc (Array sh' e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh e)
  Replicate   :: (Slice slix, Elt e,
                  Typeable (SliceShape slix), Typeable (FullShape slix))
                  -- the Typeable constraints shouldn't be necessary as they are implied by 
                  -- 'SliceIx slix' — unfortunately, the (old) type checker doesn't grok that
              => exp slix
              -> acc (Array (SliceShape slix)    e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array (FullShape slix) e)
  Index       :: (Slice slix, Elt e, 
                  Typeable (SliceShape slix), Typeable (FullShape slix))
                  -- the Typeable constraints shouldn't be necessary as they are implied by 
                  -- 'SliceIx slix' — unfortunately, the (old) type checker doesn't grok that
              => acc (Array (FullShape slix) e)
              -> exp slix
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array (SliceShape slix) e)
  Map         :: (Shape sh, Elt e, Elt e')
              => (Exp e -> exp e') 
              -> acc (Array sh e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh e')
  ZipWith     :: (Shape sh, Elt e1, Elt e2, Elt e3)
              => (Exp e1 -> Exp e2 -> exp e3) 
              -> acc (Array sh e1)
              -> acc (Array sh e2)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh e3)
  Fold        :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> exp e
              -> acc (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh e)
  Fold1       :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> acc (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh e)
  FoldSeg     :: (Shape sh, Elt e, Elt i, IsIntegral i)
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> exp e
              -> acc (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> acc (Segments i)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array (sh:.Int) e)
  Fold1Seg    :: (Shape sh, Elt e, Elt i, IsIntegral i)
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> acc (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> acc (Segments i)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array (sh:.Int) e)
  Scanl       :: Elt e
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> exp e
              -> acc (Vector e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Vector e)
  Scanl'      :: Elt e
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> exp e
              -> acc (Vector e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Vector e, Scalar e)
  Scanl1      :: Elt e
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> acc (Vector e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Vector e)
  Scanr       :: Elt e
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> exp e
              -> acc (Vector e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Vector e)
  Scanr'      :: Elt e
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> exp e
              -> acc (Vector e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Vector e, Scalar e)
  Scanr1      :: Elt e
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> acc (Vector e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Vector e)
  Permute     :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt e)
              => (Exp e -> Exp e -> exp e)
              -> acc (Array sh' e)
              -> (Exp sh -> exp sh')
              -> acc (Array sh e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh' e)
  Backpermute :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt e)
              => exp sh'
              -> (Exp sh' -> exp sh)
              -> acc (Array sh e)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh' e)
  Stencil     :: (Shape sh, Elt a, Elt b, Stencil sh a stencil)
              => (stencil -> exp b)
              -> Boundary a
              -> acc (Array sh a)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh b)
  Stencil2    :: (Shape sh, Elt a, Elt b, Elt c,
                 Stencil sh a stencil1, Stencil sh b stencil2)
              => (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> exp c)
              -> Boundary a
              -> acc (Array sh a)
              -> Boundary b
              -> acc (Array sh b)
              -> PreAcc acc exp (Array sh c)

-- |Array-valued collective computations
newtype Acc a = Acc (PreAcc Acc Exp a)

deriving instance Typeable1 Acc

-- |Conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn computation AST
-- -

-- |Convert a closed array expression to de Bruijn form while also incorporating sharing
-- information.
convertAcc :: Arrays arrs => Acc arrs -> AST.Acc arrs
convertAcc = convertOpenAcc 0 [] EmptyLayout

-- |Convert an open array expression to de Bruijn form while also incorporating sharing
-- information.
convertOpenAcc :: Arrays arrs => Level -> [Level] -> Layout aenv aenv -> Acc arrs -> AST.OpenAcc aenv arrs
convertOpenAcc lvl fvs alyt acc
  = let 
      (sharingAcc, initialEnv) = recoverSharingAcc floatOutAccFromExp lvl fvs acc
    convertSharingAcc alyt initialEnv sharingAcc

-- |Convert a unary function over array computations
convertAccFun1 :: forall a b. (Arrays a, Arrays b)
               => (Acc a -> Acc b) 
               -> AST.Afun (a -> b)
convertAccFun1 f = Alam (Abody openF)
    lvl   = 0
    a     = Atag lvl
    alyt  = EmptyLayout 
            (ZeroIdx :: Idx ((), a) a)
    openF = convertOpenAcc (lvl + 1) [lvl] alyt (f (Acc a))

-- |Convert an array expression with given array environment layout and sharing information into
-- de Bruijn form while recovering sharing at the same time (by introducing appropriate let
-- bindings).  The latter implements the third phase of sharing recovery.
-- The sharing environment 'env' keeps track of all currently bound sharing variables, keeping them
-- in reverse chronological order (outermost variable is at the end of the list).
convertSharingAcc :: forall a aenv. Arrays a
                  => Layout aenv aenv
                  -> [StableSharingAcc]
                  -> SharingAcc a
                  -> AST.OpenAcc aenv a
convertSharingAcc alyt env (AvarSharing sa)
  | Just i <- findIndex (matchStableAcc sa) env 
  = AST.OpenAcc $ AST.Avar (prjIdx (ctxt ++ "; i = " ++ show i) i alyt)
  | null env                                   
  = error $ "Cyclic definition of a value of type 'Acc' (sa = " ++ 
            show (hashStableNameHeight sa) ++ ")"
  | otherwise                                   
  = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "convertSharingAcc" err
    ctxt = "shared 'Acc' tree with stable name " ++ show (hashStableNameHeight sa)
    err  = "inconsistent valuation @ " ++ ctxt ++ ";\n  env = " ++ show env
convertSharingAcc alyt env (AletSharing sa@(StableSharingAcc _ boundAcc) bodyAcc)
  = AST.OpenAcc
  $ let alyt' = incLayout alyt `PushLayout` ZeroIdx
    AST.Alet (convertSharingAcc alyt env boundAcc) (convertSharingAcc alyt' (sa:env) bodyAcc)
convertSharingAcc alyt env (AccSharing _ preAcc)
  = AST.OpenAcc
  $ (case preAcc of
      Atag i
        -> AST.Avar (prjIdx ("de Bruijn conversion tag " ++ show i) i alyt)
      Pipe afun1 afun2 acc
        -> let boundAcc = convertAccFun1 afun1 `AST.Apply` convertSharingAcc alyt env acc
               bodyAcc  = convertAccFun1 afun2 `AST.Apply` AST.OpenAcc (AST.Avar AST.ZeroIdx)
           AST.Alet (AST.OpenAcc boundAcc) (AST.OpenAcc bodyAcc)
      Acond b acc1 acc2
        -> AST.Acond (convertExp alyt env b) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc1)
                     (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc2)
      Atuple arrs
        -> AST.Atuple (convertSharingAtuple alyt env arrs)
      Aprj ix a
        -> AST.Aprj ix (convertSharingAcc alyt env a)
      Use array
        -> AST.Use (fromArr array)
      Unit e
        -> AST.Unit (convertExp alyt env e)
      Generate sh f
        -> AST.Generate (convertExp alyt env sh) (convertFun1 alyt env f)
      Reshape e acc
        -> AST.Reshape (convertExp alyt env e) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Replicate ix acc
        -> mkReplicate (convertExp alyt env ix) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Index acc ix
        -> mkIndex (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc) (convertExp alyt env ix)
      Map f acc 
        -> AST.Map (convertFun1 alyt env f) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      ZipWith f acc1 acc2
        -> AST.ZipWith (convertFun2 alyt env f) 
                       (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc1)
                       (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc2)
      Fold f e acc
        -> AST.Fold (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertExp alyt env e) 
                    (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Fold1 f acc
        -> AST.Fold1 (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      FoldSeg f e acc1 acc2
        -> AST.FoldSeg (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertExp alyt env e) 
                       (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc1) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc2)
      Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2
        -> AST.Fold1Seg (convertFun2 alyt env f)
                        (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc1)
                        (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc2)
      Scanl f e acc
        -> AST.Scanl (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertExp alyt env e) 
                     (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Scanl' f e acc
        -> AST.Scanl' (convertFun2 alyt env f)
                      (convertExp alyt env e)
                      (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Scanl1 f acc
        -> AST.Scanl1 (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Scanr f e acc
        -> AST.Scanr (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertExp alyt env e)
                     (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Scanr' f e acc
        -> AST.Scanr' (convertFun2 alyt env f)
                      (convertExp alyt env e)
                      (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Scanr1 f acc
        -> AST.Scanr1 (convertFun2 alyt env f) (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Permute f dftAcc perm acc
        -> AST.Permute (convertFun2 alyt env f) 
                       (convertSharingAcc alyt env dftAcc)
                       (convertFun1 alyt env perm) 
                       (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Backpermute newDim perm acc
        -> AST.Backpermute (convertExp alyt env newDim)
                           (convertFun1 alyt env perm) 
                           (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Stencil stencil boundary acc
        -> AST.Stencil (convertStencilFun acc alyt env stencil) 
                       (convertBoundary boundary) 
                       (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc)
      Stencil2 stencil bndy1 acc1 bndy2 acc2
        -> AST.Stencil2 (convertStencilFun2 acc1 acc2 alyt env stencil) 
                        (convertBoundary bndy1) 
                        (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc1)
                        (convertBoundary bndy2) 
                        (convertSharingAcc alyt env acc2)
    :: AST.PreOpenAcc AST.OpenAcc aenv a)

    :: forall aenv a. 
       Layout aenv aenv
    -> [StableSharingAcc]
    -> Tuple.Atuple SharingAcc a
    -> Tuple.Atuple (AST.OpenAcc aenv) a
convertSharingAtuple alyt aenv = cvt
    cvt :: Tuple.Atuple SharingAcc a' -> Tuple.Atuple (AST.OpenAcc aenv) a'
    cvt NilAtup         = NilAtup
    cvt (SnocAtup t a)  = cvt t `SnocAtup` convertSharingAcc alyt aenv a

-- |Convert a boundary condition
convertBoundary :: Elt e => Boundary e -> Boundary (EltRepr e)
convertBoundary Clamp        = Clamp
convertBoundary Mirror       = Mirror
convertBoundary Wrap         = Wrap
convertBoundary (Constant e) = Constant (fromElt e)

-- Embedded expressions of the surface language
-- --------------------------------------------

-- HOAS expressions mirror the constructors of `AST.OpenExp', but with the
-- `Tag' constructor instead of variables in the form of de Bruijn indices.
-- Moreover, HOAS expression use n-tuples and the type class 'Elt' to
-- constrain element types, whereas `AST.OpenExp' uses nested pairs and the 
-- GADT 'TupleType'.

-- |Scalar expressions to parametrise collective array operations, themselves parameterised over
-- the type of collective array operations.
data PreExp acc exp t where
    -- Needed for conversion to de Bruijn form
  Tag         :: Elt t
              => Level                          -> PreExp acc exp t
                 -- environment size at defining occurrence

    -- All the same constructors as 'AST.Exp'
  Const       :: Elt t 
              => t                              -> PreExp acc exp t
  Tuple       :: (Elt t, IsTuple t)             
              => Tuple.Tuple exp (TupleRepr t)  -> PreExp acc exp t
  Prj         :: (Elt t, IsTuple t, Elt e)             
              => TupleIdx (TupleRepr t) e       
              -> exp t                          -> PreExp acc exp e
  IndexNil    ::                                   PreExp acc exp Z
  IndexCons   :: (Slice sl, Elt a)              
              => exp sl -> exp a                -> PreExp acc exp (sl:.a)
  IndexHead   :: (Slice sl, Elt a)              
              => exp (sl:.a)                    -> PreExp acc exp a
  IndexTail   :: (Slice sl, Elt a)              
              => exp (sl:.a)                    -> PreExp acc exp sl
  IndexAny    :: Shape sh                       
              =>                                   PreExp acc exp (Any sh)
  Cond        :: Elt t
              => exp Bool -> exp t -> exp t     -> PreExp acc exp t
  PrimConst   :: Elt t                          
              => PrimConst t                    -> PreExp acc exp t
  PrimApp     :: (Elt a, Elt r)                 
              => PrimFun (a -> r) -> exp a      -> PreExp acc exp r
  IndexScalar :: (Shape sh, Elt t)              
              => acc (Array sh t) -> exp sh     -> PreExp acc exp t
  Shape       :: (Shape sh, Elt e)              
              => acc (Array sh e)               -> PreExp acc exp sh
  ShapeSize   :: Shape sh              
              => exp sh                         -> PreExp acc exp Int

-- |Scalar expressions for plain array computations.
newtype Exp t = Exp (PreExp Acc Exp t)

deriving instance Typeable1 Exp

-- |Conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn expression AST
-- -

-- |Convert an open expression with given environment layouts and sharing information into
-- de Bruijn form while recovering sharing at the same time (by introducing appropriate let
-- bindings).  The latter implements the third phase of sharing recovery.
-- The sharing environments 'env' and 'aenv' keep track of all currently bound sharing variables,
-- keeping them in reverse chronological order (outermost variable is at the end of the list).
convertSharingExp :: forall t env aenv
                   . Elt t
                  => Layout env  env      -- scalar environment
                  -> Layout aenv aenv     -- array environment
                  -> [StableSharingExp]   -- currently bound sharing variables of expressions
                  -> [StableSharingAcc]   -- currently bound sharing variables of array computations
                  -> SharingExp t         -- expression to be converted
                  -> AST.OpenExp env aenv t
convertSharingExp lyt alyt env aenv = cvt
    cvt :: Elt t' => SharingExp t' -> AST.OpenExp env aenv t'
    cvt (VarSharing se)
      | Just i <- findIndex (matchStableExp se) env
      = AST.Var (prjIdx (ctxt ++ "; i = " ++ show i) i lyt)
      | null env                                   
      = error $ "Cyclic definition of a value of type 'Exp' (sa = " ++ show (hashStableNameHeight se) ++ ")"
      | otherwise                                   
      = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "convertSharingExp" err
        ctxt = "shared 'Exp' tree with stable name " ++ show (hashStableNameHeight se)
        err  = "inconsistent valuation @ " ++ ctxt ++ ";\n  env = " ++ show env
    cvt (LetSharing se@(StableSharingExp _ boundExp) bodyExp)
      = let lyt' = incLayout lyt `PushLayout` ZeroIdx
        AST.Let (cvt boundExp) (convertSharingExp lyt' alyt (se:env) aenv bodyExp)
    cvt (ExpSharing _ pexp)
      = case pexp of
          Tag i           -> AST.Var (prjIdx ("de Bruijn conversion tag " ++ show i) i lyt)
          Const v         -> AST.Const (fromElt v)
          Tuple tup       -> AST.Tuple (convertTuple lyt alyt env aenv tup)
          Prj idx e       -> AST.Prj idx (cvt e)
          IndexNil        -> AST.IndexNil
          IndexCons ix i  -> AST.IndexCons (cvt ix) (cvt i)
          IndexHead i     -> AST.IndexHead (cvt i)
          IndexTail ix    -> AST.IndexTail (cvt ix)
          IndexAny        -> AST.IndexAny
          Cond e1 e2 e3   -> AST.Cond (cvt e1) (cvt e2) (cvt e3)
          PrimConst c     -> AST.PrimConst c
          PrimApp p e     -> AST.PrimApp p (cvt e)
          IndexScalar a e -> AST.IndexScalar (convertSharingAcc alyt aenv a) (cvt e)
          Shape a         -> AST.Shape (convertSharingAcc alyt aenv a)
          ShapeSize e     -> AST.ShapeSize (cvt e)
-- |Convert a tuple expression
convertTuple :: Layout env env 
             -> Layout aenv aenv 
             -> [StableSharingExp]                 -- currently bound scalar sharing-variables
             -> [StableSharingAcc]                 -- currently bound array sharing-variables
             -> Tuple.Tuple SharingExp t 
             -> Tuple.Tuple (AST.OpenExp env aenv) t
convertTuple _lyt _alyt _env _aenv NilTup           = NilTup
convertTuple lyt  alyt  env  aenv  (es `SnocTup` e) 
  = convertTuple lyt alyt env aenv es `SnocTup` convertSharingExp lyt alyt env aenv e

-- |Convert an expression closed wrt to scalar variables
convertExp :: Elt t
           => Layout aenv aenv      -- array environment
           -> [StableSharingAcc]    -- currently bound array sharing-variables
           -> RootExp t             -- expression to be converted
           -> AST.Exp aenv t
convertExp alyt aenv (EnvExp env exp) = convertSharingExp EmptyLayout alyt env aenv exp
convertExp _    _    _                = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "convertExp" "not an 'EnvExp'"

-- |Convert a unary functions
convertFun1 :: forall a b aenv. (Elt a, Elt b)
            => Layout aenv aenv 
            -> [StableSharingAcc]               -- currently bound array sharing-variables
            -> (Exp a -> RootExp b) 
            -> AST.Fun aenv (a -> b)
convertFun1 alyt aenv f = Lam (Body openF)
    a               = Exp $ undefined           -- the 'tag' was already embedded in Phase 1
    lyt             = EmptyLayout 
                      (ZeroIdx :: Idx ((), a) a)
    EnvExp env body = f a
    openF           = convertSharingExp lyt alyt env aenv body

-- |Convert a binary functions
convertFun2 :: forall a b c aenv. (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c) 
            => Layout aenv aenv 
            -> [StableSharingAcc]               -- currently bound array sharing-variables
            -> (Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c) 
            -> AST.Fun aenv (a -> b -> c)
convertFun2 alyt aenv f = Lam (Lam (Body openF))
    a               = Exp $ undefined
    b               = Exp $ undefined
    lyt             = EmptyLayout 
                      (SuccIdx ZeroIdx :: Idx (((), a), b) a)
                      (ZeroIdx         :: Idx (((), a), b) b)
    EnvExp env body = f a b
    openF           = convertSharingExp lyt alyt env aenv body

-- Convert a unary stencil function
convertStencilFun :: forall sh a stencil b aenv. (Elt a, Stencil sh a stencil, Elt b)
                  => SharingAcc (Array sh a)            -- just passed to fix the type variables
                  -> Layout aenv aenv 
                  -> [StableSharingAcc]                 -- currently bound array sharing-variables
                  -> (stencil -> RootExp b)
                  -> AST.Fun aenv (StencilRepr sh stencil -> b)
convertStencilFun _ alyt aenv stencilFun = Lam (Body openStencilFun)
    stencil = Exp $ undefined :: Exp (StencilRepr sh stencil)
    lyt     = EmptyLayout 
              (ZeroIdx :: Idx ((), StencilRepr sh stencil)
                              (StencilRepr sh stencil))

    EnvExp env body = stencilFun (stencilPrj (undefined::sh) (undefined::a) stencil)
    openStencilFun  = convertSharingExp lyt alyt env aenv body

-- Convert a binary stencil function
convertStencilFun2 :: forall sh a b stencil1 stencil2 c aenv. 
                      (Elt a, Stencil sh a stencil1,
                       Elt b, Stencil sh b stencil2,
                       Elt c)
                   => SharingAcc (Array sh a)           -- just passed to fix the type variables
                   -> SharingAcc (Array sh b)           -- just passed to fix the type variables
                   -> Layout aenv aenv 
                   -> [StableSharingAcc]                 -- currently bound array sharing-variables
                   -> (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> RootExp c)
                   -> AST.Fun aenv (StencilRepr sh stencil1 ->
                                    StencilRepr sh stencil2 -> c)
convertStencilFun2 _ _ alyt aenv stencilFun = Lam (Lam (Body openStencilFun))
    stencil1 = Exp $ undefined :: Exp (StencilRepr sh stencil1)
    stencil2 = Exp $ undefined :: Exp (StencilRepr sh stencil2)
    lyt     = EmptyLayout 
              (SuccIdx ZeroIdx :: Idx (((), StencilRepr sh stencil1),
                                            StencilRepr sh stencil2)
                                       (StencilRepr sh stencil1))
              (ZeroIdx         :: Idx (((), StencilRepr sh stencil1),
                                            StencilRepr sh stencil2)
                                       (StencilRepr sh stencil2))

    EnvExp env body = stencilFun (stencilPrj (undefined::sh) (undefined::a) stencil1)
                                 (stencilPrj (undefined::sh) (undefined::b) stencil2)
    openStencilFun  = convertSharingExp lyt alyt env aenv body

-- Sharing recovery
-- ----------------

-- Sharing recovery proceeds in two phases:
-- /Phase One: build the occurence map/
-- This is a top-down traversal of the AST that computes a map from AST nodes to the number of
-- occurences of that AST node in the overall Accelerate program.  An occurrences count of two or
-- more indicates sharing.
-- IMPORTANT: To avoid unfolding the sharing, we do not descent into subtrees that we have
--   previously encountered.  Hence, the complexity is proprtional to the number of nodes in the
--   tree /with/ sharing.  Consequently, the occurence count is that in the tree with sharing
--   as well.
-- During computation of the occurences, the tree is annotated with stable names on every node
-- using 'AccSharing' constructors and all but the first occurence of shared subtrees are pruned
-- using 'AvarSharing' constructors (see 'SharingAcc' below).  This phase is impure as it is based
-- on stable names.
-- We use a hash table (instead of 'Data.Map') as computing stable names forces us to live in IO
-- anyway.  Once, the computation of occurence counts is complete, we freeze the hash table into
-- a 'Data.Map'.
-- (Implemented by 'makeOccMap'.)
-- /Phase Two: determine scopes and inject sharing information/
-- This is a bottom-up traversal that determines the scope for every binding to be introduced
-- to share a subterm.  It uses the occurence map to determine, for every shared subtree, the
-- lowest AST node at which the binding for that shared subtree can be placed (using a
-- 'AletSharing' constructor)— it's the meet of all the shared subtree occurences.
-- The second phase is also replacing the first occurence of each shared subtree with a
-- 'AvarSharing' node and floats the shared subtree up to its binding point.
--  (Implemented by 'determineScopes'.)
-- /Sharing recovery for expressions/
-- We recover sharing for each expression (including function bodies) independently of any other
-- expression — i.e., we cannot share scalar expressions across array computations.  Hence, during
-- Phase One, we mark all scalar expression nodes with a stable name and compute one occurence map
-- for every scalar expression (including functions) that occurs in an array computation.  These
-- occurence maps are added to the root of scalar expressions using 'RootExp'.
-- NB: We do not need to worry sharing recovery will try to float a shared subexpression past a
--     binder that occurs in that subexpression.  Why?  Otherwise, the binder would already occur
--     out of scope in the orignal source program.
-- /Lambda bound variables/
-- During sharing recovery, lambda bound variables appear in the form of 'Atag' and 'Tag' data
-- constructors.  The tag values are determined during Phase One of sharing recovery by computing
-- the /level/ of each variable at its binding occurence.  The level at the root of the AST is 0
-- and increases by one with each lambda on each path through the AST.

-- Stable names

-- Opaque stable name for AST nodes — used to key the occurence map.
data StableASTName c where
  StableASTName :: (Typeable1 c, Typeable t) => StableName (c t) -> StableASTName c

instance Show (StableASTName c) where
  show (StableASTName sn) = show $ hashStableName sn

instance Eq (StableASTName c) where
  StableASTName sn1 == StableASTName sn2
    | Just sn1' <- gcast sn1 = sn1' == sn2
    | otherwise              = False

makeStableAST :: c t -> IO (StableName (c t))
makeStableAST e = e `seq` makeStableName e

-- Stable name for an AST node including the height of the AST representing the array computation.
data StableNameHeight t = StableNameHeight (StableName t) Int

instance Eq (StableNameHeight t) where
  (StableNameHeight sn1 _) == (StableNameHeight sn2 _) = sn1 == sn2

higherSNH :: StableNameHeight t1 -> StableNameHeight t2 -> Bool
StableNameHeight _ h1 `higherSNH` StableNameHeight _ h2 = h1 > h2

hashStableNameHeight :: StableNameHeight t -> Int
hashStableNameHeight (StableNameHeight sn _) = hashStableName sn

-- Mutable occurence map

-- Hash table keyed on the stable names of array computations.
type ASTHashTable c v = Hash.HashTable (StableASTName c) v

-- Mutable hashtable version of the occurrence map, which associates each AST node with an
-- occurence count and the height of the AST.
type OccMapHash c = ASTHashTable c (Int, Int)

-- Create a new hash table keyed on AST nodes.
newASTHashTable :: IO (ASTHashTable c v)
newASTHashTable = Hash.new (==) hashStableAST
    hashStableAST (StableASTName sn) = fromIntegral (hashStableName sn)

-- Enter one AST node occurrence into an occurrence map.  Returns 'Just h' if this is a repeated
-- occurence and the height of the repeatedly occuring AST is 'h'.
-- If this is the first occurence, the 'height' *argument* must provide the height of the AST;
-- otherwise, the height will be *extracted* from the occurence map.  In the latter case, this
-- function yields the AST height.
enterOcc :: OccMapHash c -> StableASTName c -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
enterOcc occMap sa height
  = do
      entry <- Hash.lookup occMap sa
      case entry of
        Nothing           -> Hash.insert occMap sa (1    , height)  >> return Nothing
        Just (n, heightS) -> Hash.update occMap sa (n + 1, heightS) >> return (Just heightS)    

-- Immutable occurence map

-- Immutable version of the occurence map (storing the occurence count only, not the height).  We
-- use the 'StableName' hash to index an 'IntMap' and disambiguate 'StableName's with identical
-- hashes explicitly, storing them in a list in the 'IntMap'.
type OccMap c = IntMap.IntMap [(StableASTName c, Int)]

-- Turn a mutable into an immutable occurence map.
freezeOccMap :: OccMapHash c -> IO (OccMap c)
freezeOccMap oc
  = do
      kvs <- map dropHeight <$> Hash.toList oc
      return . IntMap.fromList . map (\kvs -> (key (head kvs), kvs)). groupBy sameKey $ kvs
    key (StableASTName sn, _) = hashStableName sn
    sameKey kv1 kv2           = key kv1 == key kv2
    dropHeight (k, (cnt, _))  = (k, cnt)

-- Look up the occurence map keyed by array computations using a stable name.  If a the key does
-- not exist in the map, return an occurence count of '1'.
lookupWithASTName :: OccMap c -> StableASTName c -> Int
lookupWithASTName oc sa@(StableASTName sn) 
  = fromMaybe 1 $ IntMap.lookup (hashStableName sn) oc >>= Prelude.lookup sa
-- Look up the occurence map keyed by array computations using a sharing array computation.  If an
-- the key does not exist in the map, return an occurence count of '1'.
lookupWithSharingAcc :: OccMap Acc -> StableSharingAcc -> Int
lookupWithSharingAcc oc (StableSharingAcc (StableNameHeight sn _) _) 
  = lookupWithASTName oc (StableASTName sn)

-- Look up the occurence map keyed by scalar expressions using a sharing expression.  If an
-- the key does not exist in the map, return an occurence count of '1'.
lookupWithSharingExp :: OccMap Exp -> StableSharingExp -> Int
lookupWithSharingExp oc (StableSharingExp (StableNameHeight sn _) _) 
  = lookupWithASTName oc (StableASTName sn)

-- Stable 'Acc' nodes

-- Stable name for 'Acc' nodes including the height of the AST.
type StableAccName arrs = StableNameHeight (Acc arrs)

-- Interleave sharing annotations into an array computation AST.  Subtrees can be marked as being
-- represented by variable (binding a shared subtree) using 'AvarSharing' and as being prefixed by
-- a let binding (for a shared subtree) using 'AletSharing'.
data SharingAcc arrs where
  AvarSharing :: Arrays arrs 
              => StableAccName arrs                                      -> SharingAcc arrs
  AletSharing :: StableSharingAcc -> SharingAcc arrs                     -> SharingAcc arrs
  AccSharing  :: Arrays arrs 
              => StableAccName arrs -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs -> SharingAcc arrs

-- Stable name for an array computation associated with its sharing-annotated version.
data StableSharingAcc where
  StableSharingAcc :: Arrays arrs => StableAccName arrs -> SharingAcc arrs -> StableSharingAcc

instance Show StableSharingAcc where
  show (StableSharingAcc sn _) = show $ hashStableNameHeight sn

instance Eq StableSharingAcc where
  StableSharingAcc sn1 _ == StableSharingAcc sn2 _
    | Just sn1' <- gcast sn1 = sn1' == sn2
    | otherwise              = False

higherSSA :: StableSharingAcc -> StableSharingAcc -> Bool
StableSharingAcc sn1 _ `higherSSA` StableSharingAcc sn2 _ = sn1 `higherSNH` sn2

-- Test whether the given stable names matches an array computation with sharing.
matchStableAcc :: Typeable arrs => StableAccName arrs -> StableSharingAcc -> Bool
matchStableAcc sn1 (StableSharingAcc sn2 _)
  | Just sn1' <- gcast sn1 = sn1' == sn2
  | otherwise              = False

-- Dummy entry for environments to be used for unused variables.
noStableAccName :: StableAccName arrs
noStableAccName = unsafePerformIO $ StableNameHeight <$> makeStableName undefined <*> pure 0

-- Stable 'Exp' nodes

-- Stable name for 'Exp' nodes including the height of the AST.
type StableExpName t = StableNameHeight (Exp t)

-- Interleave sharing annotations into a scalar expressions AST in the same manner as 'SharingAcc'
-- do for array computations.
data SharingExp t where
  VarSharing :: Elt t
             => StableExpName t                                   -> SharingExp t
  LetSharing :: StableSharingExp -> SharingExp t                  -> SharingExp t
  ExpSharing :: Elt t
             => StableExpName t -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t -> SharingExp t

-- Expressions rooted in 'Acc' computations.
-- * Between counting occurences and determining scopes, the root of every expression embedded in an
--   'Acc' is annotated by (1) the tags of free scalar variables and (2) an occurence map for that
--   one expression (excluding any subterms that are rooted in embedded 'Acc's.)
-- * After determining scopes, the root of every expression is annotated with a sorted environment of
--   the 'StableSharingExp's corresponding to its free expression-valued variables.
data RootExp t where
  OccMapExp :: [Int] -> OccMap Exp  -> SharingExp t -> RootExp t
  EnvExp    :: [StableSharingExp] -> SharingExp t -> RootExp t

-- Stable name for an expression associated with its sharing-annotated version.
data StableSharingExp where
  StableSharingExp :: Elt t => StableExpName t -> SharingExp t -> StableSharingExp

instance Show StableSharingExp where
  show (StableSharingExp sn _) = show $ hashStableNameHeight sn

instance Eq StableSharingExp where
  StableSharingExp sn1 _ == StableSharingExp sn2 _
    | Just sn1' <- gcast sn1 = sn1' == sn2
    | otherwise              = False

higherSSE :: StableSharingExp -> StableSharingExp -> Bool
StableSharingExp sn1 _ `higherSSE` StableSharingExp sn2 _ = sn1 `higherSNH` sn2

-- Test whether the given stable names matches an expression with sharing.
matchStableExp :: Typeable t => StableExpName t -> StableSharingExp -> Bool
matchStableExp sn1 (StableSharingExp sn2 _)
  | Just sn1' <- gcast sn1 = sn1' == sn2
  | otherwise              = False

-- Dummy entry for environments to be used for unused variables.
noStableExpName :: StableExpName t
noStableExpName = unsafePerformIO $ StableNameHeight <$> makeStableName undefined <*> pure 0

-- Compute the 'Acc' occurence map, marks all nodes (both 'Acc' and 'Exp' nodes) with stable names,
-- and drop repeated occurences of shared 'Acc' and 'Exp' subtrees (Phase One).
-- We compute a single 'Acc' occurence map for the whole AST, but one 'Exp' occurence map for each  
-- sub-expression rooted in an 'Acc' operation.  This is as we cannot float 'Exp' subtrees across
-- 'Acc' operations, but we can float 'Acc' subtrees out of 'Exp' expressions.
-- Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- We need to descent into function bodies to build the 'OccMap' with all occurences in the
-- function bodies.  Due to the side effects in the construction of the occurence map and, more
-- importantly, the dependence of the second phase on /global/ occurence information, we may not
-- delay the body traversals by putting them under a lambda.  Hence, we apply each function, to
-- traverse its body and use a /dummy abstraction/ of the result.
-- For example, given a function 'f', we traverse 'f (Tag 0)', which yields a transformed body 'e'.
-- As the result of the traversal of the overall function, we use 'const e'.  Hence, it is crucial
-- that the 'Tag' supplied during the initial traversal is already the one required by the HOAS to
-- de Bruijn conversion in 'convertSharingAcc' — any subsequent application of 'const e' will only
-- yield 'e' with the embedded 'Tag 0' of the original application.  During sharing recovery, we
-- float /all/ free variables ('Atag' and 'Tag') out to construct the initial environment for
-- producing de Bruijn indices, which replaces them by 'AvarSharing' or 'VarSharing' nodes.  Hence,
-- the tag values only serve the purpose of determining the ordering in that initial environment.
-- They are /not/ directly used to compute the de Brujin indices.
makeOccMap :: Typeable arrs => Level -> Acc arrs -> IO (SharingAcc arrs, OccMapHash Acc)
makeOccMap lvl rootAcc
  = do
      traceLine "makeOccMap" "Enter"
      occMap <- newASTHashTable
      (rootAcc', _) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap rootAcc
      traceLine "makeOccMap" "Exit"
      return (rootAcc', occMap)
    traverseAcc :: forall arrs. Typeable arrs 
                => Level -> OccMapHash Acc -> Acc arrs -> IO (SharingAcc arrs, Int)
    traverseAcc lvl occMap acc@(Acc pacc)
      = mfix $ \ ~(_, height) -> do 
        {   -- Compute stable name and enter it into the occurence map
        ; sn                        <- makeStableAST acc
        ; heightIfRepeatedOccurence <- enterOcc occMap (StableASTName sn) height
        ; traceLine (showPreAccOp pacc) $
            case heightIfRepeatedOccurence of
              Just height -> "REPEATED occurence (sn = " ++ show (hashStableName sn) ++ 
                             "; height = " ++ show height ++ ")"
              Nothing     -> "first occurence (sn = " ++ show (hashStableName sn) ++ ")"

            -- Reconstruct the computation in shared form.
            -- In case of a repeated occurence, the height comes from the occurence map; otherwise,
            -- it is computed by the traversal function passed in 'newAcc'.  See also 'enterOcc'.
            -- NB: This function can only be used in the case alternatives below; outside of the
            --     case we cannot discharge the 'Arrays arrs' constraint.
        ; let reconstruct :: Arrays arrs 
                          => IO (PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs, Int)
                          -> IO (SharingAcc arrs, Int)
              reconstruct newAcc 
                = case heightIfRepeatedOccurence of 
                    Just height | recoverAccSharing 
                      -> return (AvarSharing (StableNameHeight sn height), height)
                    _ -> do
                         { (acc, height) <- newAcc
                         ; return (AccSharing (StableNameHeight sn height) acc, height)

        ; case pacc of
            Atag i                   -> reconstruct $ return (Atag i, 0)           -- height is 0!
            Pipe afun1 afun2 acc     -> reconstruct $ travA (Pipe afun1 afun2) acc
            Acond e acc1 acc2        -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (e'   , h1) <- enterExp lvl occMap e
                                          (acc1', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc1
                                          (acc2', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc2
                                          return (Acond e' acc1' acc2', h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 + 1)

            Atuple tup               -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (tup', h) <- travAtup tup
                                          return (Atuple tup', h)
            Aprj ix a                -> reconstruct $ travA (Aprj ix) a

            Use arr                  -> reconstruct $ return (Use arr, 1)
            Unit e                   -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (e', h) <- enterExp lvl occMap e
                                          return (Unit e', h + 1)
            Generate e f             -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (e', h1) <- enterExp lvl  occMap e
                                          (f', h2) <- traverseFun1 lvl occMap f
                                          return (Generate e' f', h1 `max` h2 + 1)
            Reshape e acc            -> reconstruct $ travEA Reshape e acc
            Replicate e acc          -> reconstruct $ travEA Replicate e acc
            Index acc e              -> reconstruct $ travEA (flip Index) e acc
            Map f acc                -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (f'  , h1) <- traverseFun1 lvl occMap f
                                          (acc', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl  occMap acc
                                          return (Map f' acc', h1 `max` h2 + 1)
            ZipWith f acc1 acc2      -> reconstruct $ travF2A2 ZipWith f acc1 acc2
            Fold f e acc             -> reconstruct $ travF2EA Fold f e acc
            Fold1 f acc              -> reconstruct $ travF2A Fold1 f acc
            FoldSeg f e acc1 acc2    -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (f'   , h1) <- traverseFun2 lvl occMap f
                                          (e'   , h2) <- enterExp lvl  occMap e
                                          (acc1', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc1
                                          (acc2', h4) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc2
                                          return (FoldSeg f' e' acc1' acc2',
                                                  h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 `max` h4 + 1)
            Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2     -> reconstruct $ travF2A2 Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2
            Scanl f e acc            -> reconstruct $ travF2EA Scanl f e acc
            Scanl' f e acc           -> reconstruct $ travF2EA Scanl' f e acc
            Scanl1 f acc             -> reconstruct $ travF2A Scanl1 f acc
            Scanr f e acc            -> reconstruct $ travF2EA Scanr f e acc
            Scanr' f e acc           -> reconstruct $ travF2EA Scanr' f e acc
            Scanr1 f acc             -> reconstruct $ travF2A Scanr1 f acc
            Permute c acc1 p acc2    -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (c'   , h1) <- traverseFun2 lvl occMap c
                                          (p'   , h2) <- traverseFun1 lvl occMap p
                                          (acc1', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl  occMap acc1
                                          (acc2', h4) <- traverseAcc lvl  occMap acc2
                                          return (Permute c' acc1' p' acc2',
                                                  h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 `max` h4 + 1)
            Backpermute e p acc      -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (e'  , h1) <- enterExp lvl  occMap e
                                          (p'  , h2) <- traverseFun1 lvl occMap p
                                          (acc', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc
                                          return (Backpermute e' p' acc', h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 + 1)
            Stencil s bnd acc        -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (s'  , h1) <- traverseStencil1 acc lvl occMap s
                                          (acc', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc
                                          return (Stencil s' bnd acc', h1 `max` h2 + 1)
            Stencil2 s bnd1 acc1 
                       bnd2 acc2     -> reconstruct $ do
                                          (s'   , h1) <- traverseStencil2 acc1 acc2 lvl occMap s
                                          (acc1', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc1
                                          (acc2', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc2
                                          return (Stencil2 s' bnd1 acc1' bnd2 acc2',
                                                  h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 + 1)
        travA :: Arrays arrs'
              => (SharingAcc arrs' -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
              -> Acc arrs' -> IO (PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs, Int)
        travA c acc
          = do
              (acc', h) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc
              return (c acc', h + 1)

        travEA :: (Typeable b, Arrays arrs')
               => (RootExp b -> SharingAcc arrs' -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
               -> Exp b -> Acc arrs' -> IO (PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs, Int)
        travEA c exp acc
          = do
              (exp', h1) <- enterExp lvl occMap exp
              (acc', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc
              return (c exp' acc', h1 `max` h2 + 1)

        travF2A :: (Elt b, Elt c, Typeable d, Arrays arrs')
                => ((Exp b -> Exp c -> RootExp d) -> SharingAcc arrs' 
                    -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
                -> (Exp b -> Exp c -> Exp d) -> Acc arrs' 
                -> IO (PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs, Int)
        travF2A c fun acc
          = do
              (fun', h1) <- traverseFun2 lvl occMap fun
              (acc', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc
              return (c fun' acc', h1 `max` h2 + 1)

        travF2EA :: (Elt b, Elt c, Typeable d, Typeable e, Arrays arrs')
                 => ((Exp b -> Exp c -> RootExp d) -> RootExp e
                       -> SharingAcc arrs' -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
                 -> (Exp b -> Exp c -> Exp d) -> Exp e -> Acc arrs' 
                 -> IO (PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs, Int)
        travF2EA c fun exp acc
          = do
              (fun', h1) <- traverseFun2 lvl occMap fun
              (exp', h2) <- enterExp lvl occMap exp
              (acc', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc
              return (c fun' exp' acc', h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 + 1)

        travF2A2 :: (Elt b, Elt c, Typeable d, Arrays arrs1, Arrays arrs2)
                 => ((Exp b -> Exp c -> RootExp d) -> SharingAcc arrs1
                       -> SharingAcc arrs2 -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
                 -> (Exp b -> Exp c -> Exp d) -> Acc arrs1 -> Acc arrs2 
                 -> IO (PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs, Int)
        travF2A2 c fun acc1 acc2
          = do
              (fun' , h1) <- traverseFun2 lvl occMap fun
              (acc1', h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc1
              (acc2', h3) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap acc2
              return (c fun' acc1' acc2', h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 + 1)

        travAtup :: Tuple.Atuple Acc a
                 -> IO (Tuple.Atuple SharingAcc a, Int)
        travAtup NilAtup          = return (NilAtup, 1)
        travAtup (SnocAtup tup a) = do
          (tup', h1) <- travAtup tup
          (a',   h2) <- traverseAcc lvl occMap a
          return (SnocAtup tup' a', h1 `max` h2 + 1)

    traverseFun1 :: (Elt b, Typeable c) 
                  => Level -> OccMapHash Acc -> (Exp b -> Exp c) -> IO (Exp b -> RootExp c, Int)
    traverseFun1 lvl occMap f
      = do
            -- see Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
          (body, h) <- enterFun (lvl + 1) [lvl] occMap $ f (Exp $ Tag lvl)
          return (const body, h + 1)

    traverseFun2 :: (Elt b, Elt c, Typeable d) 
                  => Level -> OccMapHash Acc -> (Exp b -> Exp c -> Exp d) 
                  -> IO (Exp b -> Exp c -> RootExp d, Int)
    traverseFun2 lvl occMap f
      = do
            -- see Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
          (body, h) <- enterFun (lvl + 2) [lvl, lvl + 1] occMap $ f (Exp $ Tag (lvl + 1)) (Exp $ Tag lvl)
          return (\_ _ -> body, h + 2)

    traverseStencil1 :: forall sh b c stencil. (Stencil sh b stencil, Typeable c) 
                     => Acc (Array sh b){-dummy-}
                     -> Level -> OccMapHash Acc -> (stencil -> Exp c) 
                     -> IO (stencil -> RootExp c, Int)
    traverseStencil1 _ lvl occMap stencilFun 
      = do
            -- see Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
          (body, h) <- enterFun (lvl + 1) [lvl] occMap $ 
                         stencilFun (stencilPrj (undefined::sh) (undefined::b) (Exp $ Tag lvl))
          return (const body, h + 1)
    traverseStencil2 :: forall sh b c d stencil1 stencil2. 
                        (Stencil sh b stencil1, Stencil sh c stencil2, Typeable d) 
                     => Acc (Array sh b){-dummy-}
                     -> Acc (Array sh c){-dummy-}
                     -> Level
                     -> OccMapHash Acc 
                     -> (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> Exp d) 
                     -> IO (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> RootExp d, Int)
    traverseStencil2 _ _ lvl occMap stencilFun 
      = do
            -- see Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
          (body, h) <- enterFun (lvl + 2) [lvl, lvl + 1] occMap $ 
                         stencilFun (stencilPrj (undefined::sh) (undefined::b) (Exp $ Tag (lvl + 1)))
                                    (stencilPrj (undefined::sh) (undefined::c) (Exp $ Tag lvl))
          return (\_ _ -> body, h + 2)

    -- Enter an 'Exp' subtree from an 'Acc' tree => need a local 'Exp' occurence map
    -- First argument is the level (of bound variables) and the second are the tags of newly
    -- introduced free scalar variables in this expression.
    enterFun :: forall a. Typeable a => Level -> [Int] -> OccMapHash Acc -> Exp a -> IO (RootExp a, Int)
    enterFun lvl fvs accOccMap exp
      = do
        { expOccMap       <- newASTHashTable
        ; (exp', h)       <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap exp
        ; frozenExpOccMap <- freezeOccMap expOccMap
        ; return (OccMapExp fvs frozenExpOccMap exp', h)

    -- 'enterFun' without any new free variables.
    enterExp :: forall a. Typeable a => Level -> OccMapHash Acc -> Exp a -> IO (RootExp a, Int)
    enterExp lvl = enterFun lvl []

    traverseExp :: forall a. Typeable a => Level -> OccMapHash Acc -> OccMapHash Exp -> Exp a -> IO (SharingExp a, Int)
    traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap exp@(Exp pexp)
      = mfix $ \ ~(_, height) -> do
        {   -- Compute stable name and enter it into the occurence map
        ; sn                        <- makeStableAST exp
        ; heightIfRepeatedOccurence <- enterOcc expOccMap (StableASTName sn) height

        ; traceLine (showPreExpOp pexp) $
            case heightIfRepeatedOccurence of
              Just height -> "REPEATED occurence (sn = " ++ show (hashStableName sn) ++ 
                             "; height = " ++ show height ++ ")"
              Nothing     -> "first occurence (sn = " ++ show (hashStableName sn) ++ ")"

            -- Reconstruct the computation in shared form.
            -- In case of a repeated occurence, the height comes from the occurence map; otherwise,
            -- it is computed by the traversal function passed in 'newExp'.  See also 'enterOcc'.
            -- NB: This function can only be used in the case alternatives below; outside of the
            --     case we cannot discharge the 'Elt a' constraint.
        ; let reconstruct :: Elt a
                          => IO (PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a, Int)
                          -> IO (SharingExp a, Int)
              reconstruct newExp
                = case heightIfRepeatedOccurence of 
                    Just height | recoverExpSharing
                      -> return (VarSharing (StableNameHeight sn height), height)
                    _ -> do
                         { (exp, height) <- newExp
                         ; return (ExpSharing (StableNameHeight sn height) exp, height) 

        ; case pexp of
            Tag i           -> reconstruct $ return (Tag i, 0)              -- height is 0!
            Const c         -> reconstruct $ return (Const c, 1)
            Tuple tup       -> reconstruct $ do
                                 (tup', h) <- travTup tup
                                 return (Tuple tup', h)
            Prj i e         -> reconstruct $ travE1 (Prj i) e
            IndexNil        -> reconstruct $ return (IndexNil, 1)
            IndexCons ix i  -> reconstruct $ travE2 IndexCons ix i
            IndexHead i     -> reconstruct $ travE1 IndexHead i
            IndexTail ix    -> reconstruct $ travE1 IndexTail ix
            IndexAny        -> reconstruct $ return (IndexAny, 1)
            Cond e1 e2 e3   -> reconstruct $ travE3 Cond e1 e2 e3
            PrimConst c     -> reconstruct $ return (PrimConst c, 1)
            PrimApp p e     -> reconstruct $ travE1 (PrimApp p) e
            IndexScalar a e -> reconstruct $ travAE IndexScalar a e
            Shape a         -> reconstruct $ travA Shape a
            ShapeSize e     -> reconstruct $ travE1 ShapeSize e
        travE1 :: Typeable b => (SharingExp b -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a) -> Exp b 
               -> IO (PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a, Int)
        travE1 c e
          = do
              (e', h) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e
              return (c e', h + 1)

        travE2 :: (Typeable b, Typeable c) 
               => (SharingExp b -> SharingExp c -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a) 
               -> Exp b -> Exp c 
               -> IO (PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a, Int)
        travE2 c e1 e2
          = do
              (e1', h1) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e1
              (e2', h2) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e2
              return (c e1' e2', h1 `max` h2 + 1)
        travE3 :: (Typeable b, Typeable c, Typeable d) 
               => (SharingExp b -> SharingExp c -> SharingExp d -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a) 
               -> Exp b -> Exp c -> Exp d
               -> IO (PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a, Int)
        travE3 c e1 e2 e3
          = do
              (e1', h1) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e1
              (e2', h2) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e2
              (e3', h3) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e3
              return (c e1' e2' e3', h1 `max` h2 `max` h3 + 1)

        travA :: Typeable b => (SharingAcc b -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a) -> Acc b
              -> IO (PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a, Int)
        travA c acc
          = do
              (acc', h) <- traverseAcc lvl accOccMap acc
              return (c acc', h + 1)

        travAE :: (Typeable b, Typeable c) 
               => (SharingAcc b -> SharingExp c -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a) 
               -> Acc b -> Exp c 
               -> IO (PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp a, Int)
        travAE c acc e
          = do
              (acc', h1) <- traverseAcc lvl accOccMap acc
              (e'  , h2) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e
              return (c acc' e', h1 `max` h2 + 1)

        travTup :: Tuple.Tuple Exp tup -> IO (Tuple.Tuple SharingExp tup, Int)
        travTup NilTup          = return (NilTup, 1)
        travTup (SnocTup tup e) = do 
                                    (tup', h1) <- travTup tup
                                    (e'  , h2) <- traverseExp lvl accOccMap expOccMap e
                                    return (SnocTup tup' e', h1 `max` h2 + 1)

-- Type used to maintain how often each shared subterm, so far, occured during a bottom-up sweep.
--   Invariants: 
--   - If one shared term 's' is itself a subterm of another shared term 't', then 's' must occur
--     *after* 't' in the 'NodeCounts'.
--   - No shared term occurs twice.
--   - A term may have a final occurence count of only 1 iff it is either a free variable ('Atag'
--     or 'Tag') or an array computation listed out of an expression.
--   - All 'Exp' node counts precede all 'Acc' node counts as we don't share 'Exp' nodes across 'Acc'
--     nodes.
-- We determine the subterm property by using the tree height in 'StableNameHeight'.  Trees get
-- smaller towards the end of a 'NodeCounts' list.  The height of free variables ('Atag' or 'Tag')
-- is 0, whereas other leaves have height 1.  This guarantees that all free variables are at the end
-- of the 'NodeCounts' list.
-- To ensure the invariant is preserved over merging node counts from sibling subterms, the
-- function '(+++)' must be used.
type NodeCounts = [NodeCount]

data NodeCount = AccNodeCount StableSharingAcc Int
               | ExpNodeCount StableSharingExp Int
               deriving Show

-- Empty node counts
noNodeCounts :: NodeCounts
noNodeCounts = []

-- Singleton node counts for 'Acc'
accNodeCount :: StableSharingAcc -> Int -> NodeCounts
accNodeCount ssa n = [AccNodeCount ssa n]

-- Singleton node counts for 'Exp'
expNodeCount :: StableSharingExp -> Int -> NodeCounts
expNodeCount sse n = [ExpNodeCount sse n]

-- Combine node counts that belong to the same node.
-- * We assume that the node counts invariant —subterms follow their parents— holds for both
--   arguments and guarantee that it still holds for the result.
-- * In the same manner, we assume that all 'Exp' node counts precede 'Acc' node counts and
--   guarantee that this also hold for the result.
(+++) :: NodeCounts -> NodeCounts -> NodeCounts
us +++ vs = foldr insert us vs
    insert x               []                         = [x]
    insert x@(AccNodeCount sa1 count1) ys@(y@(AccNodeCount sa2 count2) : ys') 
      | sa1 == sa2          = AccNodeCount (sa1 `pickNoneAvar` sa2) (count1 + count2) : ys'
      | sa1 `higherSSA` sa2 = x : ys
      | otherwise           = y : insert x ys'
    insert x@(ExpNodeCount se1 count1) ys@(y@(ExpNodeCount se2 count2) : ys') 
      | se1 == se2          = ExpNodeCount (se1 `pickNoneVar` se2) (count1 + count2) : ys'
      | se1 `higherSSE` se2 = x : ys
      | otherwise           = y : insert x ys'
    insert x@(AccNodeCount _ _) (y@(ExpNodeCount _ _) : ys') 
      = y : insert x ys'
    insert x@(ExpNodeCount _ _) (y@(AccNodeCount _ _) : ys') 
      = x : insert y ys'

    (StableSharingAcc _ (AvarSharing _)) `pickNoneAvar` sa2  = sa2
    sa1                                  `pickNoneAvar` _sa2 = sa1

    (StableSharingExp _ (VarSharing _))  `pickNoneVar`  sa2  = sa2
    sa1                                  `pickNoneVar`  _sa2 = sa1
-- Build an initial environment for the tag values given in the first argument for traversing an
-- array expression.  The 'StableSharingAcc's for all tags /actually used/ in the expressions are
-- in the second argument. (Tags are not used if a bound variable has no usage occurence.)
-- Bail out if any tag occurs multiple times as this indicates that the sharing of an argument
-- variable was not preserved and we cannot build an appropriate initial environment (c.f., comments
-- at 'determineScopes'.
buildInitialEnvAcc :: [Level] -> [StableSharingAcc] -> [StableSharingAcc]
buildInitialEnvAcc tags sas = map (lookupSA sas) tags
    lookupSA sas tag1
      = case filter hasTag sas of
          []   -> noStableSharing    -- tag is not used in the analysed expression
          [sa] -> sa                 -- tag has a unique occurence
          sas2 -> INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "buildInitialEnvAcc" 
                    ("Encountered duplicate 'ATag's\n  " ++ concat (intersperse ", " (map showSA sas2)))
        hasTag (StableSharingAcc _ (AccSharing _ (Atag tag2))) = tag1 == tag2
        hasTag sa
          = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "buildInitialEnvAcc" 
            ("Encountered a node that is not a plain 'Atag'\n  " ++ showSA sa)
        noStableSharing :: StableSharingAcc
        noStableSharing = StableSharingAcc noStableAccName (undefined :: SharingAcc ())

    showSA (StableSharingAcc _ (AccSharing  sn acc)) = show (hashStableNameHeight sn) ++ ": " ++ 
                                                       showPreAccOp acc
    showSA (StableSharingAcc _ (AvarSharing sn))     = "AvarSharing " ++ show (hashStableNameHeight sn)
    showSA (StableSharingAcc _ (AletSharing sa _ ))  = "AletSharing " ++ show sa ++ "..."

-- Build an initial environment for the tag values given in the first argument for traversing a
-- scalar expression.  The 'StableSharingExp's for all tags /actually used/ in the expressions are
-- in the second argument. (Tags are not used if a bound variable has no usage occurence.)
-- Bail out if any tag occurs multiple times as this indicates that the sharing of an argument
-- variable was not preserved and we cannot build an appropriate initial environment (c.f., comments
-- at 'determineScopes'.
buildInitialEnvExp :: [Level] -> [StableSharingExp] -> [StableSharingExp]
buildInitialEnvExp tags ses = map (lookupSE ses) tags
    lookupSE ses tag1
      = case filter hasTag ses of
          []   -> noStableSharing    -- tag is not used in the analysed expression
          [se] -> se                 -- tag has a unique occurence
          ses2 -> INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "buildInitialEnvExp" 
                    ("Encountered a duplicate 'Tag'\n  " ++ concat (intersperse ", " (map showSE ses2)))
        hasTag (StableSharingExp _ (ExpSharing _ (Tag tag2))) = tag1 == tag2
        hasTag se 
          = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "buildInitialEnvExp" 
              ("Encountered a node that is not a plain 'Tag'\n  " ++ showSE se)

        noStableSharing :: StableSharingExp
        noStableSharing = StableSharingExp noStableExpName (undefined :: SharingExp ())
    showSE (StableSharingExp _ (ExpSharing sn exp)) = show (hashStableNameHeight sn) ++ ": " ++
                                                      showPreExpOp exp
    showSE (StableSharingExp _ (VarSharing sn))     = "VarSharing " ++ show (hashStableNameHeight sn)
    showSE (StableSharingExp _ (LetSharing se _ ))  = "LetSharing " ++ show se ++ "..."
-- Determine whether a 'NodeCount' is for an 'Atag' or 'Tag', which represent free variables.
isFreeVar :: NodeCount -> Bool
isFreeVar (AccNodeCount (StableSharingAcc _ (AccSharing _ (Atag _))) _) = True
isFreeVar (ExpNodeCount (StableSharingExp _ (ExpSharing _ (Tag  _))) _) = True
isFreeVar _                                                             = False

-- Determine the scopes of all variables representing shared subterms (Phase Two) in a bottom-up
-- sweep.  The first argument determines whether array computations are floated out of expressions
-- irrespective of whether they are shared or not — 'True' implies floating them out.
-- In addition to the AST with sharing information, yield the 'StableSharingAcc's for all free
-- variables of 'rootAcc', which are represented by 'Atag' leaves in the tree. They are in order of
-- the tag values — i.e., in the same order that they need to appear in an environment to use the
-- tag for indexing into that environment.
-- Precondition: there are only 'AvarSharing' and 'AccSharing' nodes in the argument.
determineScopes :: Typeable a 
                => Bool -> [Level] -> OccMap Acc -> SharingAcc a -> (SharingAcc a, [StableSharingAcc])
determineScopes floatOutAcc fvs accOccMap rootAcc 
  = let
      (sharingAcc, counts) = scopesAcc rootAcc
      unboundTrees         = filter (not . isFreeVar) counts
    if all isFreeVar counts
        (sharingAcc, buildInitialEnvAcc fvs [sa | AccNodeCount sa _ <- counts])
        INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "determineScopes" ("unbound shared subtrees" ++ show unboundTrees)
    scopesAcc :: forall arrs. SharingAcc arrs -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
    scopesAcc (AletSharing _ _)
      = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "determineScopes: scopesAcc" "unexpected 'AletSharing'"
    scopesAcc sharingAcc@(AvarSharing sn)
      = (sharingAcc, StableSharingAcc sn sharingAcc `accNodeCount` 1)
    scopesAcc (AccSharing sn pacc)
      = case pacc of
          Atag i                  -> reconstruct (Atag i) noNodeCounts
          Pipe afun1 afun2 acc    -> travA (Pipe afun1 afun2) acc
            -- we are not traversing 'afun1' & 'afun2' — see Note [Pipe and sharing recovery]
          Acond e acc1 acc2       -> let
                                       (e'   , accCount1) = scopesExpInit e
                                       (acc1', accCount2) = scopesAcc acc1
                                       (acc2', accCount3) = scopesAcc acc2
                                     reconstruct (Acond e' acc1' acc2')
                                                 (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3)

          Atuple tup              -> let (tup', accCount) = travAtup tup
                                     in  reconstruct (Atuple tup') accCount
          Aprj ix a               -> travA (Aprj ix) a

          Use arr                 -> reconstruct (Use arr) noNodeCounts
          Unit e                  -> let
                                       (e', accCount) = scopesExpInit e
                                     reconstruct (Unit e') accCount
          Generate sh f           -> let
                                       (sh', accCount1) = scopesExpInit sh
                                       (f' , accCount2) = scopesFun1 f
                                     reconstruct (Generate sh' f') (accCount1 +++ accCount2)
          Reshape sh acc          -> travEA Reshape sh acc
          Replicate n acc         -> travEA Replicate n acc
          Index acc i             -> travEA (flip Index) i acc
          Map f acc               -> let
                                       (f'  , accCount1) = scopesFun1 f
                                       (acc', accCount2) = scopesAcc  acc
                                     reconstruct (Map f' acc') (accCount1 +++ accCount2)
          ZipWith f acc1 acc2     -> travF2A2 ZipWith f acc1 acc2
          Fold f z acc            -> travF2EA Fold f z acc
          Fold1 f acc             -> travF2A Fold1 f acc
          FoldSeg f z acc1 acc2   -> let
                                       (f'   , accCount1)  = scopesFun2 f
                                       (z'   , accCount2)  = scopesExpInit  z
                                       (acc1', accCount3)  = scopesAcc  acc1
                                       (acc2', accCount4)  = scopesAcc  acc2
                                     reconstruct (FoldSeg f' z' acc1' acc2') 
                                       (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3 +++ accCount4)
          Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2    -> travF2A2 Fold1Seg f acc1 acc2
          Scanl f z acc           -> travF2EA Scanl f z acc
          Scanl' f z acc          -> travF2EA Scanl' f z acc
          Scanl1 f acc            -> travF2A Scanl1 f acc
          Scanr f z acc           -> travF2EA Scanr f z acc
          Scanr' f z acc          -> travF2EA Scanr' f z acc
          Scanr1 f acc            -> travF2A Scanr1 f acc
          Permute fc acc1 fp acc2 -> let
                                       (fc'  , accCount1) = scopesFun2 fc
                                       (acc1', accCount2) = scopesAcc  acc1
                                       (fp'  , accCount3) = scopesFun1 fp
                                       (acc2', accCount4) = scopesAcc  acc2
                                     reconstruct (Permute fc' acc1' fp' acc2')
                                       (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3 +++ accCount4)
          Backpermute sh fp acc   -> let
                                       (sh' , accCount1) = scopesExpInit  sh
                                       (fp' , accCount2) = scopesFun1 fp
                                       (acc', accCount3) = scopesAcc  acc
                                     reconstruct (Backpermute sh' fp' acc')
                                       (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3)
          Stencil st bnd acc      -> let
                                       (st' , accCount1) = scopesStencil1 acc st
                                       (acc', accCount2) = scopesAcc      acc
                                     reconstruct (Stencil st' bnd acc') (accCount1 +++ accCount2)
          Stencil2 st bnd1 acc1 bnd2 acc2 
                                  -> let
                                       (st'  , accCount1) = scopesStencil2 acc1 acc2 st
                                       (acc1', accCount2) = scopesAcc acc1
                                       (acc2', accCount3) = scopesAcc acc2
                                     reconstruct (Stencil2 st' bnd1 acc1' bnd2 acc2')
                                       (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3)
        travEA :: Arrays arrs 
               => (RootExp e -> SharingAcc arrs' -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
               -> RootExp e
               -> SharingAcc arrs' 
               -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
        travEA c e acc = reconstruct (c e' acc') (accCount1 +++ accCount2)
            (e'  , accCount1) = scopesExpInit e
            (acc', accCount2) = scopesAcc acc

        travF2A :: (Elt a, Elt b, Arrays arrs)
                => ((Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c) -> SharingAcc arrs' 
                    -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
                -> (Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c)
                -> SharingAcc arrs'
                -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
        travF2A c f acc = reconstruct (c f' acc') (accCount1 +++ accCount2)
            (f'  , accCount1) = scopesFun2 f
            (acc', accCount2) = scopesAcc  acc              

        travF2EA :: (Elt a, Elt b, Arrays arrs)
                 => ((Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c) -> RootExp e 
                     -> SharingAcc arrs' -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
                 -> (Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c)
                 -> RootExp e 
                 -> SharingAcc arrs'
                 -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
        travF2EA c f e acc = reconstruct (c f' e' acc') (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3)
            (f'  , accCount1) = scopesFun2 f
            (e'  , accCount2) = scopesExpInit  e
            (acc', accCount3) = scopesAcc  acc

        travF2A2 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Arrays arrs)
                 => ((Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c) -> SharingAcc arrs1 
                     -> SharingAcc arrs2 -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
                 -> (Exp a -> Exp b -> RootExp c)
                 -> SharingAcc arrs1 
                 -> SharingAcc arrs2 
                 -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
        travF2A2 c f acc1 acc2 = reconstruct (c f' acc1' acc2') 
                                             (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3)
            (f'   , accCount1) = scopesFun2 f
            (acc1', accCount2) = scopesAcc  acc1
            (acc2', accCount3) = scopesAcc  acc2

        travAtup ::  Tuple.Atuple SharingAcc a
                 -> (Tuple.Atuple SharingAcc a, NodeCounts)
        travAtup NilAtup          = (NilAtup, noNodeCounts)
        travAtup (SnocAtup tup a) = let (tup', accCountT) = travAtup tup
                                        (a',   accCountA) = scopesAcc a
                                    (SnocAtup tup' a', accCountT +++ accCountA)

        travA :: Arrays arrs 
              => (SharingAcc arrs' -> PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs) 
              -> SharingAcc arrs' 
              -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
        travA c acc = reconstruct (c acc') accCount
            (acc', accCount) = scopesAcc acc

          -- Occurence count of the currently processed node
        accOccCount = let StableNameHeight sn' _ = sn
                      lookupWithASTName accOccMap (StableASTName sn')
        -- Reconstruct the current tree node.
        -- * If the current node is being shared ('accOccCount > 1'), replace it by a 'AvarSharing'
        --   node and float the shared subtree out wrapped in a 'NodeCounts' value.
        -- * If the current node is not shared, reconstruct it in place.
        -- * Special case for free variables ('Atag'): Replace the tree by a sharing variable and
        --   float the 'Atag' out in a 'NodeCounts' value.  This is idependent of the number of
        --   occurences.
        -- In either case, any completed 'NodeCounts' are injected as bindings using 'AletSharing'
        -- node.
        reconstruct :: Arrays arrs 
                    => PreAcc SharingAcc RootExp arrs -> NodeCounts 
                    -> (SharingAcc arrs, NodeCounts)
        reconstruct newAcc@(Atag _) _subCount
              -- free variable => replace by a sharing variable regardless of the number of occ.s
          = let thisCount = StableSharingAcc sn (AccSharing sn newAcc) `accNodeCount` 1
            tracePure "FREE" (show thisCount) $
            (AvarSharing sn, thisCount)
        reconstruct newAcc subCount
              -- shared subtree => replace by a sharing variable (if 'recoverAccSharing' enabled)
          | accOccCount > 1 && recoverAccSharing
          = let allCount = (StableSharingAcc sn sharingAcc `accNodeCount` 1) +++ newCount
            tracePure ("SHARED" ++ completed) (show allCount) $
            (AvarSharing sn, allCount)
              -- neither shared nor free variable => leave it as it is
          | otherwise
          = tracePure ("Normal" ++ completed) (show newCount) $
            (sharingAcc, newCount)
              -- Determine the bindings that need to be attached to the current node...
            (newCount, bindHere) = filterCompleted subCount

              -- ...and wrap them in 'AletSharing' constructors
            lets       = foldl (flip (.)) id . map AletSharing $ bindHere
            sharingAcc = lets $ AccSharing sn newAcc

              -- trace support
            completed | null bindHere = ""
                      | otherwise     = "(" ++ show (length bindHere) ++ " lets)"

        -- Extract *leading* nodes that have a complete node count (i.e., their node count is equal
        -- to the number of occurences of that node in the overall expression).
        -- Nodes with a completed node count should be let bound at the currently processed node.
        -- NB: Only extract leading nodes (i.e., the longest run at the *front* of the list that is
        --     complete).  Otherwise, we would let-bind subterms before their parents, which leads
        --     scope errors.
        filterCompleted :: NodeCounts -> (NodeCounts, [StableSharingAcc])
        filterCompleted counts
          = let (completed, counts') = break notComplete counts
            in (counts', [sa | AccNodeCount sa _ <- completed])
            -- a node is not yet complete while the node count 'n' is below the overall number
            -- of occurences for that node in the whole program, with the exception that free
            -- variables are never complete
            notComplete nc@(AccNodeCount sa n) | not . isFreeVar $ nc = lookupWithSharingAcc accOccMap sa > n
            notComplete _                                             = True

    scopesExpInit :: RootExp t -> (RootExp t, NodeCounts)
    scopesExpInit (OccMapExp fvs expOccMap exp)
      = let
          (expWithScopes, nodeCounts) = scopesExp expOccMap exp
          (expCounts, accCounts)      = break isAccNodeCount nodeCounts
        (EnvExp (buildInitialEnvExp fvs [se | ExpNodeCount se _ <- expCounts]) expWithScopes, accCounts)
        isAccNodeCount (AccNodeCount {}) = True
        isAccNodeCount _                 = False
    scopesExpInit _ = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "scopesExpInit" "not an 'OccMapExp'"

    scopesExp :: forall t. OccMap Exp -> SharingExp t -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
    scopesExp _expOccMap (LetSharing _ _)
      = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "determineScopes: scopesExp" "unexpected 'LetSharing'"
    scopesExp _expOccMap sharingExp@(VarSharing sn)
      = (sharingExp, StableSharingExp sn sharingExp `expNodeCount` 1)
    scopesExp expOccMap  (ExpSharing sn pexp)
      = case pexp of
          Tag i           -> reconstruct (Tag i) noNodeCounts
          Const c         -> reconstruct (Const c) noNodeCounts
          Tuple tup       -> let (tup', accCount) = travTup tup 
                             reconstruct (Tuple tup') accCount
          Prj i e         -> travE1 (Prj i) e
          IndexNil        -> reconstruct IndexNil noNodeCounts
          IndexCons ix i  -> travE2 IndexCons ix i
          IndexHead i     -> travE1 IndexHead i
          IndexTail ix    -> travE1 IndexTail ix
          IndexAny        -> reconstruct IndexAny noNodeCounts
          Cond e1 e2 e3   -> travE3 Cond e1 e2 e3
          PrimConst c     -> reconstruct (PrimConst c) noNodeCounts
          PrimApp p e     -> travE1 (PrimApp p) e
          IndexScalar a e -> travAE IndexScalar a e
          Shape a         -> travA Shape a
          ShapeSize e     -> travE1 ShapeSize e
        travTup :: Tuple.Tuple SharingExp tup -> (Tuple.Tuple SharingExp tup, NodeCounts)
        travTup NilTup          = (NilTup, noNodeCounts)
        travTup (SnocTup tup e) = let
                                    (tup', accCountT) = travTup tup
                                    (e'  , accCountE) = scopesExp expOccMap e
                                  (SnocTup tup' e', accCountT +++ accCountE)

        travE1 :: (SharingExp a -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t) -> SharingExp a 
               -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        travE1 c e = reconstruct (c e') accCount
            (e', accCount) = scopesExp expOccMap e

        travE2 :: (SharingExp a -> SharingExp b -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t) 
               -> SharingExp a 
               -> SharingExp b 
               -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        travE2 c e1 e2 = reconstruct (c e1' e2') (accCount1 +++ accCount2)
            (e1', accCount1) = scopesExp expOccMap e1
            (e2', accCount2) = scopesExp expOccMap e2

        travE3 :: (SharingExp a -> SharingExp b -> SharingExp c -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t) 
               -> SharingExp a 
               -> SharingExp b 
               -> SharingExp c 
               -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        travE3 c e1 e2 e3 = reconstruct (c e1' e2' e3') (accCount1 +++ accCount2 +++ accCount3)
            (e1', accCount1) = scopesExp expOccMap e1
            (e2', accCount2) = scopesExp expOccMap e2
            (e3', accCount3) = scopesExp expOccMap e3

        travA :: (SharingAcc a -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t) -> SharingAcc a 
              -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        travA c acc = maybeFloatOutAcc c acc' accCount
            (acc', accCount)  = scopesAcc acc
        travAE :: (SharingAcc a -> SharingExp b -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t) 
               -> SharingAcc a 
               -> SharingExp b 
               -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        travAE c acc e = maybeFloatOutAcc (flip c e') acc' (accCountA +++ accCountE)
            (acc', accCountA) = scopesAcc acc
            (e'  , accCountE) = scopesExp expOccMap e
        maybeFloatOutAcc :: (SharingAcc a -> PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t) 
                         -> SharingAcc a 
                         -> NodeCounts
                         -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        maybeFloatOutAcc c acc@(AvarSharing _) accCount        -- nothing to float out
          = reconstruct (c acc) accCount
        maybeFloatOutAcc c acc                 accCount
          | floatOutAcc = reconstruct (c var) ((stableAcc `accNodeCount` 1) +++ accCount)
          | otherwise   = reconstruct (c acc) accCount
             (var, stableAcc) = abstract acc id

        abstract :: SharingAcc a -> (SharingAcc a -> SharingAcc a) 
                 -> (SharingAcc a, StableSharingAcc)
        abstract (AvarSharing _)       _    = INTERNAL_ERROR(error) "sharingAccToVar" "AvarSharing"
        abstract (AletSharing sa acc)  lets = abstract acc (lets . AletSharing sa)
        abstract acc@(AccSharing sn _) lets = (AvarSharing sn, StableSharingAcc sn (lets acc))

          -- Occurence count of the currently processed node
        expOccCount = let StableNameHeight sn' _ = sn
                      lookupWithASTName expOccMap (StableASTName sn')
        -- Reconstruct the current tree node.
        -- * If the current node is being shared ('expOccCount > 1'), replace it by a 'VarSharing'
        --   node and float the shared subtree out wrapped in a 'NodeCounts' value.
        -- * If the current node is not shared, reconstruct it in place.
        -- * Special case for free variables ('Tag'): Replace the tree by a sharing variable and
        --   float the 'Tag' out in a 'NodeCounts' value.  This is idependent of the number of
        --   occurences.
        -- In either case, any completed 'NodeCounts' are injected as bindings using 'LetSharing'
        -- node.
        reconstruct :: PreExp SharingAcc SharingExp t -> NodeCounts 
                    -> (SharingExp t, NodeCounts)
        reconstruct newExp@(Tag _) _subCount
              -- free variable => replace by a sharing variable regardless of the number of occ.s
          = let thisCount = StableSharingExp sn (ExpSharing sn newExp) `expNodeCount` 1
            tracePure "FREE" (show thisCount) $
            (VarSharing sn, thisCount)
        reconstruct newExp subCount
              -- shared subtree => replace by a sharing variable (if 'recoverExpSharing' enabled)
          | expOccCount > 1 && recoverExpSharing
          = let allCount = (StableSharingExp sn sharingExp `expNodeCount` 1) +++ newCount
            tracePure ("SHARED" ++ completed) (show allCount) $
            (VarSharing sn, allCount)
              -- neither shared nor free variable => leave it as it is
          | otherwise
          = tracePure ("Normal" ++ completed) (show newCount) $
            (sharingExp, newCount)
              -- Determine the bindings that need to be attached to the current node...
            (newCount, bindHere) = filterCompleted subCount
              -- ...and wrap them in 'LetSharing' constructors
            lets       = foldl (flip (.)) id . map LetSharing $ bindHere
            sharingExp = lets $ ExpSharing sn newExp
              -- trace support
            completed | null bindHere = ""
                      | otherwise     = " (" ++ show (length bindHere) ++ " lets)"

        -- Extract *leading* nodes that have a complete node count (i.e., their node count is equal
        -- to the number of occurences of that node in the overall expression).
        -- Nodes with a completed node count should be let bound at the currently processed node.
        -- NB: Only extract leading nodes (i.e., the longest run at the *front* of the list that is
        --     complete).  Otherwise, we would let-bind subterms before their parents, which leads
        --     scope errors.
        filterCompleted :: NodeCounts -> (NodeCounts, [StableSharingExp])
        filterCompleted counts
          = let (completed, counts') = break notComplete counts
            in (counts', [sa | ExpNodeCount sa _ <- completed])
            -- a node is not yet complete while the node count 'n' is below the overall number
            -- of occurences for that node in the whole program, with the exception that free
            -- variables are never complete
            notComplete nc@(ExpNodeCount sa n) | not . isFreeVar $ nc = lookupWithSharingExp expOccMap sa > n
            notComplete _                                             = True

    -- The lambda bound variable is at this point already irrelevant; for details, see
    -- Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
    scopesFun1 :: Elt e1 => (Exp e1 -> RootExp e2) -> (Exp e1 -> RootExp e2, NodeCounts)
    scopesFun1 f = (const body, counts)
        (body, counts) = scopesExpInit (f undefined)

    -- The lambda bound variable is at this point already irrelevant; for details, see
    -- Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
    scopesFun2 :: (Elt e1, Elt e2) 
               => (Exp e1 -> Exp e2 -> RootExp e3) 
               -> (Exp e1 -> Exp e2 -> RootExp e3, NodeCounts)
    scopesFun2 f = (\_ _ -> body, counts)
        (body, counts) = scopesExpInit (f undefined undefined)

    -- The lambda bound variable is at this point already irrelevant; for details, see
    -- Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
    scopesStencil1 :: forall sh e1 e2 stencil. Stencil sh e1 stencil
                   => SharingAcc (Array sh e1){-dummy-}
                   -> (stencil -> RootExp e2) 
                   -> (stencil -> RootExp e2, NodeCounts)
    scopesStencil1 _ stencilFun = (const body, counts)
        (body, counts) = scopesExpInit (stencilFun undefined)
    -- The lambda bound variable is at this point already irrelevant; for details, see
    -- Note [Traversing functions and side effects]
    scopesStencil2 :: forall sh e1 e2 e3 stencil1 stencil2. 
                      (Stencil sh e1 stencil1, Stencil sh e2 stencil2)
                   => SharingAcc (Array sh e1){-dummy-}
                   -> SharingAcc (Array sh e2){-dummy-}
                   -> (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> RootExp e3) 
                   -> (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> RootExp e3, NodeCounts)
    scopesStencil2 _ _ stencilFun = (\_ _ -> body, counts)
        (body, counts) = scopesExpInit (stencilFun undefined undefined)          
-- |Recover sharing information and annotate the HOAS AST with variable and let binding
-- annotations.  The first argument determines whether array computations are floated out of
-- expressions irrespective of whether they are shared or not — 'True' implies floating them out.
-- Also returns the 'StableSharingAcc's of all 'Atag' leaves in environment order — they represent
-- the free variables of the AST.
-- NB: Strictly speaking, this function is not deterministic, as it uses stable pointers to
--     determine the sharing of subterms.  The stable pointer API does not guarantee its
--     completeness; i.e., it may miss some equalities, which implies that we may fail to discover
--     some sharing.  However, sharing does not affect the denotational meaning of an array
--     computation; hence, we do not compromise denotational correctness.
--     There is one caveat: We currently rely on the 'Atag' and 'Tag' leaves representing free
--       variables to be shared if any of them is used more than once.  If one is duplicated, the
--       environment for de Bruijn conversion will have a duplicate entry, and hence, be of the
--       wrong size, which is fatal. (The 'buildInitialEnv*' functions will already bail out.)
recoverSharingAcc :: Typeable a => Bool -> Level -> [Level] -> Acc a -> (SharingAcc a, [StableSharingAcc])
{-# NOINLINE recoverSharingAcc #-}
recoverSharingAcc floatOutAcc lvl fvs acc 
  = let (acc', occMap) =
          unsafePerformIO $ do        -- to enable stable pointers; it's safe as explained above
            { (acc', occMap) <- makeOccMap lvl acc
            ; occMapList <- Hash.toList occMap
            ; traceChunk "OccMap" $
                show occMapList
            ; frozenOccMap <- freezeOccMap occMap
            ; return (acc', frozenOccMap)
    determineScopes floatOutAcc fvs occMap acc'

-- Pretty printing
-- ---------------

instance Arrays arrs => Show (Acc arrs) where
  show = show . convertAcc
instance Elt a => Show (Exp a) where
  show = show . convertExp EmptyLayout [] . EnvExp undefined . toSharingExp
      toSharingExp :: Exp b -> SharingExp b
      toSharingExp (Exp pexp)
        = case pexp of
            Tag i           -> ExpSharing undefined $ Tag i
            Const v         -> ExpSharing undefined $ Const v
            Tuple tup       -> ExpSharing undefined $ Tuple (toSharingTup tup)
            Prj idx e       -> ExpSharing undefined $ Prj idx (toSharingExp e)
            IndexNil        -> ExpSharing undefined $ IndexNil
            IndexCons ix i  -> ExpSharing undefined $ IndexCons (toSharingExp ix) (toSharingExp i)
            IndexHead ix    -> ExpSharing undefined $ IndexHead (toSharingExp ix)
            IndexTail ix    -> ExpSharing undefined $ IndexTail (toSharingExp ix)
            IndexAny        -> ExpSharing undefined $ IndexAny
            Cond e1 e2 e3   -> ExpSharing undefined $ Cond (toSharingExp e1) (toSharingExp e2)
                                                           (toSharingExp e3)
            PrimConst c     -> ExpSharing undefined $ PrimConst c
            PrimApp p e     -> ExpSharing undefined $ PrimApp p (toSharingExp e)
            IndexScalar a e -> ExpSharing undefined $ IndexScalar (fst $ recoverSharingAcc False 0 [] a)
                                                                  (toSharingExp e)
            Shape a         -> ExpSharing undefined $ Shape (fst $ recoverSharingAcc False 0 [] a)
            ShapeSize e     -> ExpSharing undefined $ ShapeSize (toSharingExp e)

      toSharingTup :: Tuple.Tuple Exp tup -> Tuple.Tuple SharingExp tup
      toSharingTup NilTup          = NilTup
      toSharingTup (SnocTup tup e) = SnocTup (toSharingTup tup) (toSharingExp e)

-- for debugging
showPreAccOp :: forall acc exp arrs. PreAcc acc exp arrs -> String
showPreAccOp (Atag i)             = "Atag " ++ show i
showPreAccOp (Pipe _ _ _)         = "Pipe"
showPreAccOp (Acond _ _ _)        = "Acond"
showPreAccOp (Atuple _)           = "Atuple"
showPreAccOp (Aprj _ _)           = "Aprj"
showPreAccOp (Use a)              = "Use " ++ showArrays a
showPreAccOp (Unit _)             = "Unit"
showPreAccOp (Generate _ _)       = "Generate"
showPreAccOp (Reshape _ _)        = "Reshape"
showPreAccOp (Replicate _ _)      = "Replicate"
showPreAccOp (Index _ _)          = "Index"
showPreAccOp (Map _ _)            = "Map"
showPreAccOp (ZipWith _ _ _)      = "ZipWith"
showPreAccOp (Fold _ _ _)         = "Fold"
showPreAccOp (Fold1 _ _)          = "Fold1"
showPreAccOp (FoldSeg _ _ _ _)    = "FoldSeg"
showPreAccOp (Fold1Seg _ _ _)     = "Fold1Seg"
showPreAccOp (Scanl _ _ _)        = "Scanl"
showPreAccOp (Scanl' _ _ _)       = "Scanl'"
showPreAccOp (Scanl1 _ _)         = "Scanl1"
showPreAccOp (Scanr _ _ _)        = "Scanr"
showPreAccOp (Scanr' _ _ _)       = "Scanr'"
showPreAccOp (Scanr1 _ _)         = "Scanr1"
showPreAccOp (Permute _ _ _ _)    = "Permute"
showPreAccOp (Backpermute _ _ _)  = "Backpermute"
showPreAccOp (Stencil _ _ _)      = "Stencil"
showPreAccOp (Stencil2 _ _ _ _ _) = "Stencil2"

showArrays :: forall arrs. Arrays arrs => arrs -> String
showArrays = display . collect (arrays (undefined::arrs)) . fromArr
    collect :: ArraysR a -> a -> [String]
    collect ArraysRunit         _        = []
    collect ArraysRarray        arr      = [showShortendArr arr]
    collect (ArraysRpair r1 r2) (a1, a2) = collect r1 a1 ++ collect r2 a2
    display []  = []
    display [x] = x
    display xs  = "(" ++ concat (intersperse ", " xs) ++ ")"

showShortendArr :: Elt e => Array sh e -> String
showShortendArr arr 
  = show (take cutoff l) ++ if length l > cutoff then ".." else ""
    l      = Sugar.toList arr
    cutoff = 5

_showSharingAccOp :: SharingAcc arrs -> String
_showSharingAccOp (AvarSharing sn)    = "AVAR " ++ show (hashStableNameHeight sn)
_showSharingAccOp (AletSharing _ acc) = "ALET " ++ _showSharingAccOp acc
_showSharingAccOp (AccSharing _ acc)  = showPreAccOp acc

-- for debugging
showPreExpOp :: PreExp acc exp t -> String
showPreExpOp (Tag _)           = "Tag"
showPreExpOp (Const c)         = "Const " ++ show c
showPreExpOp (Tuple _)         = "Tuple"
showPreExpOp (Prj _ _)         = "Prj"
showPreExpOp IndexNil          = "IndexNil"
showPreExpOp (IndexCons _ _)   = "IndexCons"
showPreExpOp (IndexHead _)     = "IndexHead"
showPreExpOp (IndexTail _)     = "IndexTail"
showPreExpOp IndexAny          = "IndexAny"
showPreExpOp (Cond _ _ _)      = "Cons"
showPreExpOp (PrimConst _)     = "PrimConst"
showPreExpOp (PrimApp _ _)     = "PrimApp"
showPreExpOp (IndexScalar _ _) = "IndexScalar"
showPreExpOp (Shape _)         = "Shape"
showPreExpOp (ShapeSize _)     = "ShapeSize"

-- Smart constructors to construct representation AST forms
-- --------------------------------------------------------

mkIndex :: forall slix e aenv. (Slice slix, Elt e)
        => AST.OpenAcc                aenv (Array (FullShape slix) e)
        -> AST.Exp                    aenv slix
        -> AST.PreOpenAcc AST.OpenAcc aenv (Array (SliceShape slix) e)
mkIndex arr e
  = AST.Index (sliceIndex slix) arr e
    slix = undefined :: slix

mkReplicate :: forall slix e aenv. (Slice slix, Elt e)
        => AST.Exp                    aenv slix
        -> AST.OpenAcc                aenv (Array (SliceShape slix) e)
        -> AST.PreOpenAcc AST.OpenAcc aenv (Array (FullShape slix) e)
mkReplicate e arr
  = AST.Replicate (sliceIndex slix) e arr
    slix = undefined :: slix

-- Smart constructors and destructors for array tuples

atup2 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b) => (Acc a, Acc b) -> Acc (a, b)
atup2 (x1, x2) = Acc $ Atuple (NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2)

atup3 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c) -> Acc (a, b, c)
atup3 (x1, x2, x3) = Acc $ Atuple (NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3)

atup4 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d)
     => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d) -> Acc (a, b, c, d)
atup4 (x1, x2, x3, x4)
  = Acc $ Atuple (NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3 `SnocAtup` x4)

atup5 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e)
     => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e) -> Acc (a, b, c, d, e)
atup5 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
  = Acc $ Atuple $
      NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3 `SnocAtup` x4 `SnocAtup` x5

atup6 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f)
     => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f) -> Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f)
atup6 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
  = Acc $ Atuple $
      NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3
              `SnocAtup` x4 `SnocAtup` x5 `SnocAtup` x6

atup7 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f, Arrays g)
     => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f, Acc g)
     -> Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
atup7 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
  = Acc $ Atuple $
      NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3
              `SnocAtup` x4 `SnocAtup` x5 `SnocAtup` x6 `SnocAtup` x7

atup8 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f, Arrays g, Arrays h)
     => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f, Acc g, Acc h)
     -> Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
atup8 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)
  = Acc $ Atuple $
      NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3 `SnocAtup` x4
              `SnocAtup` x5 `SnocAtup` x6 `SnocAtup` x7 `SnocAtup` x8

atup9 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f, Arrays g, Arrays h, Arrays i)
     => (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f, Acc g, Acc h, Acc i)
     -> Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
atup9 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
  = Acc $ Atuple $
      NilAtup `SnocAtup` x1 `SnocAtup` x2 `SnocAtup` x3 `SnocAtup` x4
              `SnocAtup` x5 `SnocAtup` x6 `SnocAtup` x7 `SnocAtup` x8 `SnocAtup` x9

unatup2 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b) => Acc (a, b) -> (Acc a, Acc b)
unatup2 e = (Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e, Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e)

unatup3 :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c) => Acc (a, b, c) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c)
unatup3 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

    :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d)
    => Acc (a, b, c, d) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d)
unatup4 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

    :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e)
    => Acc (a, b, c, d, e) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e)
unatup5 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

    :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f)
    => Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f)
unatup6 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

    :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f, Arrays g)
    => Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f, Acc g)
unatup7 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

    :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f, Arrays g, Arrays h)
    => Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f, Acc g, Acc h)
unatup8 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

    :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c, Arrays d, Arrays e, Arrays f, Arrays g, Arrays h, Arrays i)
    => Acc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (Acc a, Acc b, Acc c, Acc d, Acc e, Acc f, Acc g, Acc h, Acc i)
unatup9 e =
  ( Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e
  , Acc $ ZeroTupIdx `Aprj` e )

-- Smart constructors for stencil reification
-- ------------------------------------------

-- Stencil reification
-- In the AST representation, we turn the stencil type from nested tuples of Accelerate expressions
-- into an Accelerate expression whose type is a tuple nested in the same manner.  This enables us
-- to represent the stencil function as a unary function (which also only needs one de Bruijn
-- index). The various positions in the stencil are accessed via tuple indices (i.e., projections).

class (Elt (StencilRepr sh stencil), AST.Stencil sh a (StencilRepr sh stencil)) 
  => Stencil sh a stencil where
  type StencilRepr sh stencil :: *
  stencilPrj :: sh{-dummy-} -> a{-dummy-} -> Exp (StencilRepr sh stencil) -> stencil

-- DIM1
instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e) where
  type StencilRepr DIM1 (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e) 
    = (e, e, e)
  stencilPrj _ _ s = (Exp $ Prj tix2 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix1 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix0 s)
instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e) where
  type StencilRepr DIM1 (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e)
    = (e, e, e, e, e)
  stencilPrj _ _ s = (Exp $ Prj tix4 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix3 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix2 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix1 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix0 s)
instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e) where
  type StencilRepr DIM1 (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e) 
    = (e, e, e, e, e, e, e)
  stencilPrj _ _ s = (Exp $ Prj tix6 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix5 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix4 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix3 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix2 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix1 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix0 s)
instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e)
  type StencilRepr DIM1 (Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e, Exp e)
    = (e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e)
  stencilPrj _ _ s = (Exp $ Prj tix8 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix7 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix6 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix5 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix4 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix3 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix2 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix1 s, 
                      Exp $ Prj tix0 s)

-- DIM(n+1)
instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2, 
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row0) => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row2, row1, row0) where
  type StencilRepr (sh:.Int:.Int) (row2, row1, row0) 
    = (StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row2, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row1, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row0)
  stencilPrj _ a s = (stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix2 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix1 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix0 s))
instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row4,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row5) => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5) where
  type StencilRepr (sh:.Int:.Int) (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5) 
    = (StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row1, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row2, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row3,
       StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row4, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row5)
  stencilPrj _ a s = (stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix4 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix3 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix2 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix1 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix0 s))
instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row4,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row5,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row6,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row7) 
  => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7) where
  type StencilRepr (sh:.Int:.Int) (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7) 
    = (StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row1, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row2, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row3,
       StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row4, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row5, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row6,
       StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row7)
  stencilPrj _ a s = (stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix6 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix5 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix4 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix3 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix2 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix1 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix0 s))
instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row4,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row5,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row6,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row7,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row8,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row9) 
  => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8, row9) where
  type StencilRepr (sh:.Int:.Int) (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8, row9) 
    = (StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row1, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row2, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row3,
       StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row4, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row5, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row6,
       StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row7, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row8, StencilRepr (sh:.Int) row9)
  stencilPrj _ a s = (stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix8 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix7 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix6 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix5 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix4 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix3 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix2 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix1 s), 
                      stencilPrj (undefined::(sh:.Int)) a (Exp $ Prj tix0 s))
-- Auxiliary tuple index constants
tix0 :: Elt s => TupleIdx (t, s) s
tix0 = ZeroTupIdx
tix1 :: Elt s => TupleIdx ((t, s), s1) s
tix1 = SuccTupIdx tix0
tix2 :: Elt s => TupleIdx (((t, s), s1), s2) s
tix2 = SuccTupIdx tix1
tix3 :: Elt s => TupleIdx ((((t, s), s1), s2), s3) s
tix3 = SuccTupIdx tix2
tix4 :: Elt s => TupleIdx (((((t, s), s1), s2), s3), s4) s
tix4 = SuccTupIdx tix3
tix5 :: Elt s => TupleIdx ((((((t, s), s1), s2), s3), s4), s5) s
tix5 = SuccTupIdx tix4
tix6 :: Elt s => TupleIdx (((((((t, s), s1), s2), s3), s4), s5), s6) s
tix6 = SuccTupIdx tix5
tix7 :: Elt s => TupleIdx ((((((((t, s), s1), s2), s3), s4), s5), s6), s7) s
tix7 = SuccTupIdx tix6
tix8 :: Elt s => TupleIdx (((((((((t, s), s1), s2), s3), s4), s5), s6), s7), s8) s
tix8 = SuccTupIdx tix7

-- Smart constructor for literals

-- |Constant scalar expression
constant :: Elt t => t -> Exp t
constant = Exp . Const

-- Smart constructor and destructors for scalar tuples
tup2 :: (Elt a, Elt b) => (Exp a, Exp b) -> Exp (a, b)
tup2 (x1, x2) = Exp $ Tuple (NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2)

tup3 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c) => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c) -> Exp (a, b, c)
tup3 (x1, x2, x3) = Exp $ Tuple (NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3)

tup4 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d) 
     => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d) -> Exp (a, b, c, d)
tup4 (x1, x2, x3, x4) 
  = Exp $ Tuple (NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3 `SnocTup` x4)

tup5 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e) 
     => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e) -> Exp (a, b, c, d, e)
tup5 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
  = Exp $ Tuple $
      NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3 `SnocTup` x4 `SnocTup` x5

tup6 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f)
     => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f) -> Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f)
tup6 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
  = Exp $ Tuple $
      NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3 `SnocTup` x4 `SnocTup` x5 `SnocTup` x6

tup7 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f, Elt g)
     => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f, Exp g)
     -> Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
tup7 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
  = Exp $ Tuple $
      NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3
             `SnocTup` x4 `SnocTup` x5 `SnocTup` x6 `SnocTup` x7

tup8 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f, Elt g, Elt h)
     => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f, Exp g, Exp h)
     -> Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
tup8 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)
  = Exp $ Tuple $
      NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3 `SnocTup` x4
             `SnocTup` x5 `SnocTup` x6 `SnocTup` x7 `SnocTup` x8

tup9 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f, Elt g, Elt h, Elt i)
     => (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f, Exp g, Exp h, Exp i)
     -> Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
tup9 (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
  = Exp $ Tuple $
      NilTup `SnocTup` x1 `SnocTup` x2 `SnocTup` x3 `SnocTup` x4
             `SnocTup` x5 `SnocTup` x6 `SnocTup` x7 `SnocTup` x8 `SnocTup` x9

untup2 :: (Elt a, Elt b) => Exp (a, b) -> (Exp a, Exp b)
untup2 e = (Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e, Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup3 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c) => Exp (a, b, c) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c)
untup3 e = (Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup4 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d) 
       => Exp (a, b, c, d) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d)
untup4 e = (Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup5 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e) 
       => Exp (a, b, c, d, e) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e)
untup5 e = (Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e, 
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup6 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f)
       => Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f)
untup6 e = (Exp $ 
              SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e,
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup7 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f, Elt g)
       => Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f, Exp g)
untup7 e = (Exp $ 
                  (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ 
              SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e,
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup8 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f, Elt g, Elt h)
       => Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f, Exp g, Exp h)
untup8 e = (Exp $ 
                    (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ 
                  (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ 
              SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e,
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

untup9 :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Elt d, Elt e, Elt f, Elt g, Elt h, Elt i)
       => Exp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> (Exp a, Exp b, Exp c, Exp d, Exp e, Exp f, Exp g, Exp h, Exp i)
untup9 e = (Exp $ 
                      (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ 
                    (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ 
                  (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ 
              SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx))) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx)) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx (SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx) `Prj` e,
            Exp $ SuccTupIdx ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e,
            Exp $ ZeroTupIdx `Prj` e)

-- Smart constructor for constants

mkMinBound :: (Elt t, IsBounded t) => Exp t
mkMinBound = Exp $ PrimConst (PrimMinBound boundedType)

mkMaxBound :: (Elt t, IsBounded t) => Exp t
mkMaxBound = Exp $ PrimConst (PrimMaxBound boundedType)

mkPi :: (Elt r, IsFloating r) => Exp r
mkPi = Exp $ PrimConst (PrimPi floatingType)

-- Smart constructors for primitive applications

-- Operators from Floating

mkSin :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkSin x = Exp $ PrimSin floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkCos :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkCos x = Exp $ PrimCos floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkTan :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkTan x = Exp $ PrimTan floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkAsin :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAsin x = Exp $ PrimAsin floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkAcos :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAcos x = Exp $ PrimAcos floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkAtan :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAtan x = Exp $ PrimAtan floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkAsinh :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAsinh x = Exp $ PrimAsinh floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkAcosh :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAcosh x = Exp $ PrimAcosh floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkAtanh :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAtanh x = Exp $ PrimAtanh floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkExpFloating :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkExpFloating x = Exp $ PrimExpFloating floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkSqrt :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkSqrt x = Exp $ PrimSqrt floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkLog :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkLog x = Exp $ PrimLog floatingType `PrimApp` x

mkFPow :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkFPow x y = Exp $ PrimFPow floatingType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkLogBase :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkLogBase x y = Exp $ PrimLogBase floatingType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

-- Operators from Num

mkAdd :: (Elt t, IsNum t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkAdd x y = Exp $ PrimAdd numType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkSub :: (Elt t, IsNum t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkSub x y = Exp $ PrimSub numType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkMul :: (Elt t, IsNum t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkMul x y = Exp $ PrimMul numType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkNeg :: (Elt t, IsNum t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkNeg x = Exp $ PrimNeg numType `PrimApp` x

mkAbs :: (Elt t, IsNum t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkAbs x = Exp $ PrimAbs numType `PrimApp` x

mkSig :: (Elt t, IsNum t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkSig x = Exp $ PrimSig numType `PrimApp` x

-- Operators from Integral & Bits

mkQuot :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkQuot x y = Exp $ PrimQuot integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkRem :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkRem x y = Exp $ PrimRem integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkIDiv :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkIDiv x y = Exp $ PrimIDiv integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkMod :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkMod x y = Exp $ PrimMod integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkBAnd :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkBAnd x y = Exp $ PrimBAnd integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkBOr :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkBOr x y = Exp $ PrimBOr integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkBXor :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkBXor x y = Exp $ PrimBXor integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkBNot :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkBNot x = Exp $ PrimBNot integralType `PrimApp` x

mkBShiftL :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp Int -> Exp t
mkBShiftL x i = Exp $ PrimBShiftL integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, i)

mkBShiftR :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp Int -> Exp t
mkBShiftR x i = Exp $ PrimBShiftR integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, i)

mkBRotateL :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp Int -> Exp t
mkBRotateL x i = Exp $ PrimBRotateL integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, i)

mkBRotateR :: (Elt t, IsIntegral t) => Exp t -> Exp Int -> Exp t
mkBRotateR x i = Exp $ PrimBRotateR integralType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, i)

-- Operators from Fractional

mkFDiv :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkFDiv x y = Exp $ PrimFDiv floatingType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkRecip :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t
mkRecip x = Exp $ PrimRecip floatingType `PrimApp` x

-- Operators from RealFrac

mkTruncate :: (Elt a, Elt b, IsFloating a, IsIntegral b) => Exp a -> Exp b
mkTruncate x = Exp $ PrimTruncate floatingType integralType `PrimApp` x

mkRound :: (Elt a, Elt b, IsFloating a, IsIntegral b) => Exp a -> Exp b
mkRound x = Exp $ PrimRound floatingType integralType `PrimApp` x

mkFloor :: (Elt a, Elt b, IsFloating a, IsIntegral b) => Exp a -> Exp b
mkFloor x = Exp $ PrimFloor floatingType integralType `PrimApp` x

mkCeiling :: (Elt a, Elt b, IsFloating a, IsIntegral b) => Exp a -> Exp b
mkCeiling x = Exp $ PrimCeiling floatingType integralType `PrimApp` x

-- Operators from RealFloat

mkAtan2 :: (Elt t, IsFloating t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkAtan2 x y = Exp $ PrimAtan2 floatingType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

-- FIXME: add missing operations from Floating, RealFrac & RealFloat

-- Relational and equality operators

mkLt :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp Bool
mkLt x y = Exp $ PrimLt scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkGt :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp Bool
mkGt x y = Exp $ PrimGt scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkLtEq :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp Bool
mkLtEq x y = Exp $ PrimLtEq scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkGtEq :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp Bool
mkGtEq x y = Exp $ PrimGtEq scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkEq :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp Bool
mkEq x y = Exp $ PrimEq scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkNEq :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp Bool
mkNEq x y = Exp $ PrimNEq scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkMax :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkMax x y = Exp $ PrimMax scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkMin :: (Elt t, IsScalar t) => Exp t -> Exp t -> Exp t
mkMin x y = Exp $ PrimMin scalarType `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

-- Logical operators

mkLAnd :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
mkLAnd x y = Exp $ PrimLAnd `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkLOr :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
mkLOr x y = Exp $ PrimLOr `PrimApp` tup2 (x, y)

mkLNot :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
mkLNot x = Exp $ PrimLNot `PrimApp` x

-- FIXME: Character conversions

-- FIXME: Numeric conversions

mkFromIntegral :: (Elt a, Elt b, IsIntegral a, IsNum b) => Exp a -> Exp b
mkFromIntegral x = Exp $ PrimFromIntegral integralType numType `PrimApp` x

-- FIXME: Other conversions

mkBoolToInt :: Exp Bool -> Exp Int
mkBoolToInt b = Exp $ PrimBoolToInt `PrimApp` b

-- Auxiliary functions
-- --------------------

infixr 0 $$
($$) :: (b -> a) -> (c -> d -> b) -> c -> d -> a
(f $$ g) x y = f (g x y)

infixr 0 $$$
($$$) :: (b -> a) -> (c -> d -> e -> b) -> c -> d -> e -> a
(f $$$ g) x y z = f (g x y z)

infixr 0 $$$$
($$$$) :: (b -> a) -> (c -> d -> e -> f -> b) -> c -> d -> e -> f -> a
(f $$$$ g) x y z u = f (g x y z u)

infixr 0 $$$$$
($$$$$) :: (b -> a) -> (c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> b) -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g-> a
(f $$$$$ g) x y z u v = f (g x y z u v)