{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.HTML -- Copyright : [2010..2011] Sean Seefried -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Manuel M T Chakravarty -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.HTML ( -- * HTML printing function dumpHtmlAST ) where -- standard libraries #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) import Prelude hiding ( catch ) import System.IO.Error hiding ( catch ) #else import System.IO.Error #endif import Control.Exception import Data.String import Data.Monoid import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 import Text.Blaze.Html4.Transitional ( (!) ) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import qualified Text.Blaze.Html4.Transitional as H import qualified Text.Blaze.Html4.Transitional.Attributes as A -- friends import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST import Data.Array.Accelerate.Pretty.Traverse combineHtml :: String -> String -> [H.Html] -> H.Html combineHtml cssClass label nodes = do let inner = foldl (>>) (return ()) nodes H.div ! A.class_ ("node " `mappend` fromString cssClass `mappend` " expanded") $ do H.span ! A.class_ "selector" $ H.toMarkup label inner leafHtml :: String -> String -> H.Html leafHtml cssClass label = H.div ! A.class_ ("node " `mappend` fromString cssClass `mappend` " leaf") $ H.span $ H.toMarkup label htmlLabels :: Labels htmlLabels = Labels { accFormat = "array-node" , expFormat = "exp-node" , funFormat = "fun-node" , primFunFormat = "prim-fun-node" , tupleFormat = "tuple-node" , arrayFormat = "array-node" , boundaryFormat = "boundary-node" } -- combine :: Monad m => String -> String -> [m a] -> m a -- combine = undefined -- -- leafNode :: Monad m => String -> String -> m a -- leafNode = undefined htmlAST :: OpenAcc aenv a -> H.Html htmlAST acc = H.docTypeHtml $ H.head $ do H.meta ! A.httpEquiv "Content-Type" ! A.content "text/html; charset=UTF-8" H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript" ! A.src "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js" $ mempty H.link ! A.rel "stylesheet" ! A.href "accelerate.css" ! A.type_ "text/css" H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript" $ H.toMarkup $ T.unlines ["function collapse() {" ," var parent=$(this).parent();" ," var that = $(this);" ," parent.addClass(\"collapsed\").removeClass(\"expanded\");" ," parent.children().each(function (i) {" ," if ($(this).get(0) != that.get(0)) {" ," $(this).hide(100);" ," }" ," });" ," $(this).unbind();" ," $(this).click(expand);" ,"}" , "" , "function expand() {" , "var parent=$(this).parent();" , "parent.removeClass(\"collapsed\").addClass(\"expanded\");" , "parent.children().show(100);" , "$(this).show();" , "$(this).unbind();" , "$(this).click(collapse);" , "}" , "$(document).ready(function () {" , " $('.expanded>.selector').click(collapse);" , " $('.collapsed>.selector').click(expand);" , "});"] H.body $ do H.table ! A.border "0" $ H.tr $ do H.td ! A.class_ "acc-node" $ H.span "OpenAcc" H.td ! A.class_ "fun-node" $ H.span "OpenFun" H.td ! A.class_ "exp-node" $ H.span "OpenExp" H.td ! A.class_ "prim-fun-node" $ H.span "PrimFun" H.td ! A.class_ "tuple-node" $ H.span "Tuple" H.td ! A.class_ "boundary-node" $ H.span "Boundary" H.hr travAcc htmlLabels combineHtml leafHtml acc accelerateCSS :: String accelerateCSS = unlines [ "body {" , " font-family: Helvetica;" , " font-size: 10pt;" , "}" , ".node {" , " padding-left: 5px;" , "" , "}" , "" , ".expanded .node {" , " padding-left: 12px;" , "}" , "" , ".expanded .node.leaf {" , " padding-left: 23px;" , "}" , "" , ".acc-node>span { color: red; }" , ".exp-node>span { color: blue;}" , ".array-node>span { color: purple;}" , ".fun-node>span { color: orange;}" , ".prim-fun-node>span { color: magenta;}" , ".tuple-node>span { color: green;}" , ".boundary-node>span { color: darkcyan;} " , "" , ".selector, .leaf>span {" , " padding: 2px 7px 2px 5px; " , "}" , "" , ".selector:hover, .leaf>span:hover {" , " background: #FC9;" , " -webkit-border-radius: 10px;" , " -moz-border-radius: 10px;" , "}" , "" , ".leaf>span:hover {" , " cursor: default;" , "}" , "" , ".selector:hover {" , " cursor: pointer;" , "}" , "" , ".expanded .selector::before {" , " font-size: 8pt;" , " color: #999;" , " content: \"\\25bc\";" , "}" , "" , ".collapsed .selector::before {" , " font-size: 8pt;" , " color: #999;" , " content: \"\\25ba\";" , " position: relative;" , "" , "}" , "" , ".selector:hover::before {" , " color: orange;" , "}" ] dumpHtmlAST :: String -> OpenAcc aenv a -> IO () dumpHtmlAST basename acc = catch writeHtmlFile handler where writeHtmlFile = do let cssPath = "accelerate.css" let path = basename ++ ".html" -- writeFile cssPath accelerateCSS BS.writeFile path (renderHtml $ htmlAST acc) putStrLn ("HTML file successfully written to `" ++ path ++ "'\n" ++ "CSS file written to `" ++ cssPath ++ "'") handler :: IOError -> IO () handler e = case True of _ | isAlreadyInUseError e -> putStrLn "isAlreadyInUseError" | isDoesNotExistError e -> putStrLn "isDoesNotExistError" | isFullError e -> putStrLn "isFullError" | isEOFError e -> putStrLn "isEOFError" | isPermissionError e -> putStrLn "isPermissionError" | isIllegalOperation e -> putStrLn "isIllegalOperation" | isUserError e -> putStrLn "isUserError" | otherwise -> putStrLn "Unknown error"