{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.CodeGen.Intrinsic -- Copyright : [2017] Trevor L. McDonell -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Trevor L. McDonell -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.CodeGen.Intrinsic ( ) where import LLVM.AST.Type.Name ( Label(..) ) import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.CodeGen.Intrinsic import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX.Target import Data.ByteString.Short ( ShortByteString ) import Data.HashMap.Strict ( HashMap ) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Prelude as P instance Intrinsic PTX where intrinsicForTarget _ = libdeviceIndex -- The list of functions implemented by libdevice. These are all more-or-less -- named consistently based on the standard mathematical functions they -- implement, with the "__nv_" prefix stripped. -- libdeviceIndex :: HashMap ShortByteString Label libdeviceIndex = let nv base = (base, Label $ "__nv_" <> base) in HashMap.fromList $ map nv [ "abs" , "acos" , "acosf" , "acosh" , "acoshf" , "asin" , "asinf" , "asinh" , "asinhf" , "atan" , "atan2" , "atan2f" , "atanf" , "atanh" , "atanhf" , "brev" , "brevll" , "byte_perm" , "cbrt" , "cbrtf" , "ceil" , "ceilf" , "clz" , "clzll" , "copysign" , "copysignf" , "cos" , "cosf" , "cosh" , "coshf" , "cospi" , "cospif" , "dadd_rd" , "dadd_rn" , "dadd_ru" , "dadd_rz" , "ddiv_rd" , "ddiv_rn" , "ddiv_ru" , "ddiv_rz" , "dmul_rd" , "dmul_rn" , "dmul_ru" , "dmul_rz" , "double2float_rd" , "double2float_rn" , "double2float_ru" , "double2float_rz" , "double2hiint" , "double2int_rd" , "double2int_rn" , "double2int_ru" , "double2int_rz" , "double2ll_rd" , "double2ll_rn" , "double2ll_ru" , "double2ll_rz" , "double2loint" , "double2uint_rd" , "double2uint_rn" , "double2uint_ru" , "double2uint_rz" , "double2ull_rd" , "double2ull_rn" , "double2ull_ru" , "double2ull_rz" , "double_as_longlong" , "drcp_rd" , "drcp_rn" , "drcp_ru" , "drcp_rz" , "dsqrt_rd" , "dsqrt_rn" , "dsqrt_ru" , "dsqrt_rz" , "erf" , "erfc" , "erfcf" , "erfcinv" , "erfcinvf" , "erfcx" , "erfcxf" , "erff" , "erfinv" , "erfinvf" , "exp" , "exp10" , "exp10f" , "exp2" , "exp2f" , "expf" , "expm1" , "expm1f" , "fabs" , "fabsf" , "fadd_rd" , "fadd_rn" , "fadd_ru" , "fadd_rz" , "fast_cosf" , "fast_exp10f" , "fast_expf" , "fast_fdividef" , "fast_log10f" , "fast_log2f" , "fast_logf" , "fast_powf" , "fast_sincosf" , "fast_sinf" , "fast_tanf" , "fdim" , "fdimf" , "fdiv_rd" , "fdiv_rn" , "fdiv_ru" , "fdiv_rz" , "ffs" , "ffsll" , "finitef" , "float2half_rn" , "float2int_rd" , "float2int_rn" , "float2int_ru" , "float2int_rz" , "float2ll_rd" , "float2ll_rn" , "float2ll_ru" , "float2ll_rz" , "float2uint_rd" , "float2uint_rn" , "float2uint_ru" , "float2uint_rz" , "float2ull_rd" , "float2ull_rn" , "float2ull_ru" , "float2ull_rz" , "float_as_int" , "floor" , "floorf" , "fma" , "fma_rd" , "fma_rn" , "fma_ru" , "fma_rz" , "fmaf" , "fmaf_rd" , "fmaf_rn" , "fmaf_ru" , "fmaf_rz" , "fmax" , "fmaxf" , "fmin" , "fminf" , "fmod" , "fmodf" , "fmul_rd" , "fmul_rn" , "fmul_ru" , "fmul_rz" , "frcp_rd" , "frcp_rn" , "frcp_ru" , "frcp_rz" , "frexp" , "frexpf" , "frsqrt_rn" , "fsqrt_rd" , "fsqrt_rn" , "fsqrt_ru" , "fsqrt_rz" , "fsub_rd" , "fsub_rn" , "fsub_ru" , "fsub_rz" , "hadd" , "half2float" , "hiloint2double" , "hypot" , "hypotf" , "ilogb" , "ilogbf" , "int2double_rn" , "int2float_rd" , "int2float_rn" , "int2float_ru" , "int2float_rz" , "int_as_float" , "isfinited" , "isinfd" , "isinff" , "isnand" , "isnanf" , "j0" , "j0f" , "j1" , "j1f" , "jn" , "jnf" , "ldexp" , "ldexpf" , "lgamma" , "lgammaf" , "ll2double_rd" , "ll2double_rn" , "ll2double_ru" , "ll2double_rz" , "ll2float_rd" , "ll2float_rn" , "ll2float_ru" , "ll2float_rz" , "llabs" , "llmax" , "llmin" , "llrint" , "llrintf" , "llround" , "llroundf" , "log" , "log10" , "log10f" , "log1p" , "log1pf" , "log2" , "log2f" , "logb" , "logbf" , "logf" , "longlong_as_double" , "max" , "min" , "modf" , "modff" , "mul24" , "mul64hi" , "mulhi" , "nan" , "nanf" , "nearbyint" , "nearbyintf" , "nextafter" , "nextafterf" , "normcdf" , "normcdff" , "normcdfinv" , "normcdfinvf" , "popc" , "popcll" , "pow" , "powf" , "powi" , "powif" , "rcbrt" , "rcbrtf" , "remainder" , "remainderf" , "remquo" , "remquof" , "rhadd" , "rint" , "rintf" , "round" , "roundf" , "rsqrt" , "rsqrtf" , "sad" , "saturatef" , "scalbn" , "scalbnf" , "signbitd" , "signbitf" , "sin" , "sincos" , "sincosf" , "sincospi" , "sincospif" , "sinf" , "sinh" , "sinhf" , "sinpi" , "sinpif" , "sqrt" , "sqrtf" , "tan" , "tanf" , "tanh" , "tanhf" , "tgamma" , "tgammaf" , "trunc" , "truncf" , "uhadd" , "uint2double_rn" , "uint2float_rd" , "uint2float_rn" , "uint2float_ru" , "uint2float_rz" , "ull2double_rd" , "ull2double_rn" , "ull2double_ru" , "ull2double_rz" , "ull2float_rd" , "ull2float_rn" , "ull2float_ru" , "ull2float_rz" , "ullmax" , "ullmin" , "umax" , "umin" , "umul24" , "umul64hi" , "umulhi" , "urhadd" , "usad" , "y0" , "y0f" , "y1" , "y1f" , "yn" , "ynf" ]