module FileIO(FHandle,open,write,flush,close,obtainPrefixLock,releasePrefixLock,PrefixLock) where import System.Win32(HANDLE, createFile, gENERIC_WRITE, fILE_SHARE_NONE, cREATE_ALWAYS, fILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, win32_WriteFile, flushFileBuffers, closeHandle) import Data.Word(Word8,Word32) import Foreign(Ptr) import System.IO type PrefixLock = (FilePath, Handle) data FHandle = FHandle HANDLE open :: FilePath -> IO FHandle open filename = fmap FHandle $ createFile filename gENERIC_WRITE fILE_SHARE_NONE Nothing cREATE_ALWAYS fILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL Nothing write :: FHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO Word32 write (FHandle handle) data' length = win32_WriteFile handle data' length Nothing flush :: FHandle -> IO () flush (FHandle handle) = flushFileBuffers handle close :: FHandle -> IO () close (FHandle handle) = closeHandle handle -- Windows opens files for exclusive writing by default openExclusively :: FilePath -> IO Handle openExclusively fp = openFile fp ReadWriteMode obtainPrefixLock :: FilePath -> IO PrefixLock obtainPrefixLock prefix = do createDirectoryIfMissing True prefix -- catchIO obtainLock onError catchIO obtainLock onError where fp = prefix ++ ".lock" obtainLock = do h <- openExclusively fp return (fp, h) onError e = do putStrLn "There may already be an instance of this application running, which could result in a loss of data." putStrLn ("Please make sure there is no other application attempting to access '" ++ prefix ++ "'") throw e releasePrefixLock :: PrefixLock -> IO () releasePrefixLock (fp, h) = do tryE $ hClose h tryE $ removeFile fp return ()