{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} import Data.Acid import Data.Acid.Centered import Control.Monad (when, void) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, removeDirectoryRecursive) -- state structures import IntCommon -- helpers delaySec :: Int -> IO () delaySec n = threadDelay $ n*1000*1000 cleanup :: FilePath -> IO () cleanup path = do sp <- doesDirectoryExist path when sp $ removeDirectoryRecursive path -- actually interesting stuff -- This example demonstrates in which way a timeout results in exceptions on a -- Slave that sends updates. -- The Slave afterwards also runs into a sync timeout as there is no Master. slave :: IO () slave = do acid <- enslaveStateFrom "state/Timeout/s1" "localhost" 3333 (IntState 0) putStrLn "Connected. Sending Update." void $ forkIO $ do res <- update acid (SetStateEven 23) putStrLn $ "Update result was " ++ show res delaySec 6 closeAcidState acid main :: IO () main = do cleanup "state/Timeout" --acid <- openMasterStateFrom "state/Timeout/m" "" 3333 (IntState 0) --closeAcidState acid slave